Do you guys ever come here and wonder what the hell you're doing with your life?
Do you guys ever come here and wonder what the hell you're doing with your life?
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No, you normal/pol/faggot, and it is a sign you should go.
This is our place and where we want to be.
This place stands on the side of anarchy and freedom.
You are only here because the prevailing circumstances have oppressed you.
When that time ends you will leave this place.
But the true anons will remain here, as they always have, and always will.
Well said.
To end up here, is to know exactly where you are.
But I like it here.
No, I'm here because it's fun.
Everyone leaves eventually.
Not when they're an heroing every other day.
It seems some gay normie shills have decided to raid.
I've been here longer than you have nigger
Wow he said the word nigger. You fit in so well dude.
I end up here with my cock in hand stroking it to some tight teens and the occasional nigger dick
Stop wasting your time here, just go right to the source
This is my life now.
15 secs ago i did
what a pretentious little prick you are, user
you speak only for yourself here, so we is best avoided
anarchy and freedom doesn't equate with pedophilia, poverty and a love of hitler. the true anons don't exist outside of your anxious and ill-informed little mind.
in short, you overflow with shit. you're a lonely and powerless nobody who will die a lonely, powerless and despised nobody unless you wake up to the fact that this site is part of your problems.
go get a life, kid.
The meaning of life is to have children
Nope. I'm here to waste time until I die, I'm quite aware of the fact.
that's my goal. pass my genetic information to the next and then maybe reincarnate somewhere down my line.
like 8ch specifically or places like this in general?
After spending time on normiebook and leddit I always found myself happier being on here and halfchan. I got b& from halfchin so here I am.
Also, my life is pretty legit so I'm not tripping too hard.
When I realize that I'm not smiling or having fun in general, I leave.
Every single day.