The kikes are encouraging us to hate Muslims

I'm not saying we shouldn't hate Muslims. I think it's well deserved. But watch this video and remember who stands to gain from certain situations. This is too big of a (((coincidence)))

Other urls found in this thread:

Sure they are, but knowing that means nothing because the kikes have already used Saudi Arabia to convince Muslims to hate us. Our only choice it to choose Europe, rather than play their game.
We lose if we take a side other than our own.

Or maybe flooding your countries with hostile desert dwellers is just a bad idea and this is the end result.

Fuck off, MIDF. No one will ever like you smelly kebab eating goat-fuckers.

Like I said, I agree that Muslims are a shit and REMOVE is likely the best course of action. I just think we should examine why the enemy of our enemy is encouraging this line of thought.

Juden please. OPs stuff is entry level stuff. It's Europe that's always lead the UN Humanitarian and War Crimes charges against Israel. And thus the bad Goyim of Europe need to be reducated or wiped out.

Muslims are animals. Would you punish a tiger for killing a gazelle? They just do what they do. Its the same reason why you don't invite a tiger into your house.
Jews are using muslims as their terror weapon because if all the jews got rifles their paltry 12 million strong army mostly of women, children and the elderly would be soundly defeated by christians.
So their weapon is subterfuge.

Mecca and Tel Aviv have to go.

I can hate mudslimes and kikes at the same time midf. You're both semites that need to be destroyed. Go fuck a dancing boy or a goat you faggot.

so Europe being lefty faggots like usual?

I think this is one of the only cases where we have a mutual interest if muslims died


We hate both.


Nice try Ephraim.

fuck off

How about we send them both back to the ME and let them fight it out?

no u fuck off

I noticed this on 4cuck.

Jews posting dead muslims and dead muslim children. Real classy.

We certainly have to stay focused on kikes. The catalog needs a Rothschild thread.

fuck off kike

Its part of the Yinon plan for greater Israel. The key is to remove, quarantine, and not invade. Though how we're going to get the public to not bay for blood over all of the attacks that will have happened by then eludes me as I can't see any scenario in which the populous actually becomes redpilled on kikes. The brainwashing is just too deep at this point.

Kek, shills are already sperging out.



And the reason that's happening is to create a conflict between us and them so the jews are safe and have our military support.

The jewish problem can't be solved with deportation. They're either going to have to be contained or shoah'd.


the better question is
why aren't muslims naming the jew?

That "letter" is fake. I really wish you faggots would quit posting it.



Dubs of Truth

Then redpill me, Shlomo.

You kikes claim all inconvenient truths to be 'fake'. And yet here we are again, not a singular piece of evidence to reinforce your claims.

Honestly, years of decadence at the top have really rotted your Jewish brains away.

why not both? if everyone deports them to Israel, aren't they contained?

What we are noticing, OP, is that people are realizing that it's the Jews that are the ones pushing Muslims into other countries.

When it happens, both will get the same treatment because everyone is sick of both of them.

They die by their own hubris as they have historically.

so… the plan is for anoda shoah?
This time featuring the Muslims?
So after the fact all of western civilization can be dealt with like Germany has been?
Islam and christianity, kill each other. Is that the plan?

All semitics are our enemies make no mistake, All evil and degeneracy we witness today is thanks to the devil worshippers from ancient near east. All abrahamic religions practice internationalism and world domination. Its that a coincidence? Monotheism and Universalism Destroyed European culture for Centuries

Problem is the only enemy for the white man is himself. Were it to come to a total race war it wouldn't even be a competition, we would flatten everything in our path. The asians might delay us slightly, but we would definitely waste them in the end.

Unlike most of the documents the kikes claim are fake, "The Three World Wars Letter" actually is.

Only if we turn Israel into a giant concentration camp that's heavily regulated, which is extremely unrealistic. Ideally, we'd deposit them somewhere like Birobidjan.


God damn it, get the fuck out of here, you devil worshiping pieces of shit.

Kikes deny the divinity of Christ – Blapsheme Christ – Seek to destroy the new testament..

Muslims are proxy warriors, carrying out Lucifer's bloodlust.

Just get the fuck out.


So tired of this Muslim shilling.

If kikes wanted us to hate muslims, they wouldn't be pushing the insane notion we should accept these sand niggers via media.





The day they wake up to the dune coons is the day they wake up to the heebs.

Good thread op.

Daily reminder to everyone

Divide and conquer is their most powerful tactic.

(((their))) biggest fear is an entire world united against (((them))).

Lots of Muhammads around here, the MIDF is out in full force to slide the recent machete stabbings and rapes.

For those who are retarded enough to fall for the MIDF just remember that we've been fighting jews for more than 3 thousand years and muslims for almost 2 thousand years.
They've always been our mortal enemies and the aggression never stopped.
The only difference is their tactics; the jew infiltrates and subverts while the muslim murders and destroys. Their objective is the same: extermination.
Don't underestimate the muslim mind, they are cunning enemies and that's how they've survived. And don't mistake them for animals because of their barbarism, animals don't want genocide but muslims do.

For those claiming that the kikes want us to hate muslims you just need to look at how the jewish press is hiding everything muslims do.

There is no "focus" in this war, they both need to hang for all our sakes and never underestimate your enemy.

This isn't posted anywhere near as often as it should be. It's an excerpt from an interview with Gen. Otto Ernst Remer, who played a decisive role in stopping the assassination plot against Hitler dramatized in "Valkyrie", translated by James K. Warner, who gave George Lincoln Rockwell his first swastika banner.

If only we could force it into the hands of more WNs and muslims…

Issue, the new mudskips "muh turrierists" are backed by kikes and thus not fighting/killing kikes.

The old "muh turrierists" have been somewhat replaced.

I would not mind some kind of co-op with the old slimes to remove kike, but if they think there going to be getting off from anything the old guard mudskips have done… There wrong.

First the kike puppet slimes, then the kikes, then the old guard slimes.

Move on to other (niggers, other) at home not picked off in first campaign.

Fucked up the quote:

Holla Forums is full or historically illiterate retards who go full "muh current century" when you point out the thousand year struggle with islam Europe has suffered

they seem to think history didn't start until 1948…

This, and also it's not only about radicalizing the West against Islam, the opposite is also happening. Both sides are being dragged into a bloody war, in which the only winners will once again be the jews.

He knew in 1871 how political movement in 1930's Germany will be called?

Actually most of the kike-controlled media is playing down the Muslim angle.

Explain that, dipshit.

So? Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Even if the hebes are jewing everyone it does not change the fact that nationalism is on the rise and the white man grows sick of all the non whites who have invaded his lands

But there's no need for them to be ignorant, they should be proud of our race and civilization for always being under siege by everyone and surviving.
And we shouldn't consider allying with muslims to beat the jew because the muslim will kill hundreds of us for each jew he kills and in the end he'll backstab us the same way the jew does.

We need to survive for the sake of the world because we are the only ones who can save it, like we've been doing.

This is not D&C, this is the ultimate western unifier: the jew and the muslim have always been beaten back, we will do it again and hopefully we'll deal with the problem forever.

Well shit, Holla Forums has become a microcosm of Europe. It rejects Christianity (see user sperging out over anything Christ-related, no more catholic general etc.), basks in enlightened materialism for a while (see kekworship, the memes jack) and now Islam shows up to fill the spiritual void.

Nevermind the Jews fervent hatred of Christ. A warped imitation of religion with centuries of animosity towards the West will make far better allies in our fight against Israel!

So much for that red pill eh user?

There's literally no problem with this

No, it can't be Holla Forums, it has to be shills and MIDF.

Holla Forumsack atheists, pagans and christians are united against our age old enemies. After we're free of them we can return to our petty squabbles.

Please let me believe in this, there are so many things that I can't believe in anymore and a destroyed Holla Forums and moral right can't be one of them.

I will willingly shill against ANY religion, be it christ cuckery, jew shit, or anything else. I do not and will not advocate ANY forum of religion.

The only things I will promote are self improvement though fitness of mind (Self thought, trade schools, non pozed means) and fitness of body to formulate a better center. I understand that could leave a spiritual void for some too weak of will to find spirituality within them self, free of the taint of others perceptions.

I'll never stand with any religion, even those who say there against it, but I still practice my own forum of soul searching and reflection to fill that void.

Christcuck or fadorafag, we are bound together here for the greater good.
We could also learn to give leeway to those who are a cristcuck/fadorafag simply to prevent in fighting.

Fuck you Amhed!
Deport Jews and Muslims.

Fuck you filthy scum!

this might be the first time, it's not the kikes.

Wow, back the the Muslims are allies again?

And more Adolf, Kikes, larping. Never ends. Same old losing shit for 50years.

The kikes only want you to hate muslims, who reside in their *own countries* and want you to love muslims who reside in *your country*

It's the worst of both parts.

Let's put on our tinfoil hats for a a moment. Been thinking this as well. Some people here have theorized that the blm chimpouts will result in Marshall law which plays into the hands of Obama and Clinton. Similarly more terror attacks in Europe allow the powers that be to employ more security and crack down on suspicious activity (read political opposition). The German media already wrote the police will be prosecuting people who said that the Munich shooter was a refugee or motivated by Islam. They want this chaos.

How does it work. Well I think that the Munich shooter was in connection with a few people he thought were fellow shooting enthusiasts but turned out to be CIA Mossad or BND. These people edged him to do what he did and got information about the when an where. Same with blm same with Isis etc. you got these inside people probably high ranking who can orchestrate the whole thing.

Of course it should be said it is easier to make blm and Muslims do this because they are more inclined to commit murder anyway.



that shit is a pressure valve bro. nothing gets done about it and never will.

if both left and right were pro-israel it would look suspicious as fuck…

best to make the left the anti's because the right is too smart and not weak.

Actually, they odds are pretty high. In both cases, there was some kind of public celebration taking place, so it was normal to expect that some journalist would be around. The only surprising coincidence is the same journalist being in both places, but now think of the fuckton Islamic attacks in recent years where none of this happened. In fact, I would be surprised if no coincidence worth mentioning (not even on Holla Forums!) had happened.

Also, the idea of a massive overarching conspiracy leaving such a glaring lose end is patently absurd. So they can "hire" separate sucide terrorists but they somehow can't afford to hire two different journalists to simply do their job?

Are you fuckers legit autists or are you just memeing? That's for me the real puzzle.

muslims christians and jews belong to each other.



Reminder to have all our women land the killing blow on mudslimes. Preferably with a pork coated bullet or knife.

If a Muslim is killed by a woman, he is sent to hell.

And OP is right, they are trying to build action against the Middle East. The past two decades, hell, fourty years or so has all been about this. We can hate them and want them out of our lands, but we shouldn't be eager to fight them.

Fuck off mudslimes

Both Jews and Muslims should be hated. Hate will drive us to expel them from this planet forever.


The kikes are encouraging everyone to hate kikes, just by existing!

Kek, this, fucking kikes


Not bad, thanks for sharing the debunk.
Even if the Mazzini plan is a myth, I still think that the antipathy that the West and the Moslem worlds have for each other is largely exacerbated by the Ashkenazi Jews. There is no reason that Moslems are suddenly reverting back to barbarism - because the kikes have backed and financed wars to destabilize their stronger nations.

choose one

This entire "MIDF" meme and the Judaic faggots infesting this board have absolutely ruined any semblance of sane discourse. I'm actually astonished at how bad Holla Forums has gotten, Kikebart commenters (hell, even commenters in the Express or the Daily Fail for that matter) often have a better, harder grasp of reality than you kosher idiots. I feel like I'm on the fucking Jewish Commentary sometimes here

Keep surrendering your brains and your ability to think critically and keep spamming "DEUS VULT", though, that's really helping you, isn't it?

If Holla Forums was still worth half a squirt of piss (back when older anons with a strong grasp on deep state affairs posted here) you would at the very least realising that screaming over and over about Islam (without any racial component) is not only kosher but very much encouraged. You are being emotionally and mentally manipulated and used and pushed around like cattle, how in fuck's name can you not see this?

Why do you think that dipshit French minister was trying to reinstate the draft and call for more wars in the Middle East? Who do you think benefits from the power vacuum after Europe's youth has spent her life blood against submental sand niggers? Why have all compromised or phony nationalist outfits like the EDL been permitted to rant about Islam while forced to bend knee to Israel? Who opened the floodgates to muds coming here in the first place and who controls the bounds of acceptable discourse to date?


God damn Trumpelwitz really did a number on this place.

Nice copypasta Mohamed. Inshallah.

Screaming over and over about Islam is literally illegal in every western country outside of the untied states

Kek, this so mouch


Can you actually make any kind of contribution yourself or can you only suck other anons cocks?

Oyy veyy

No time to discuss with jews, stay mad shlomo

Oh guess you can post memespeak too

I live with in a town with muslims everywhere. Nobody is forcing them to act like sauvage and disguting pig and yet they are.
This "jews control the muslims and that's why we hate them" shit needs to die.

Oyy veyy

They never stopped

Jews promoted inmigration and racemixing, whatbyou are seeing is obvious consequences

Who cares about personal responsibility we can't even control ourselves right my fellow mus-erah I mean white nationalists

Bullshit, then why asians and others are not causing any problems?

I don't know if you guys have been on cuckchan Holla Forums recently but there is a constant presence of at least 4 or 5 kike shills who spam every thread that is anti-israel or anti-semitic with pics of dead muslim children and try to equate being anti-jew with being pro-muslim.

It's their latest tactic.

silence infidel us pakis are the TRUE Asians the BBC even says so!

you can actually hate all forms of Abrahamism because of what they have done to the west

Well jews, because its ovbious that muslims are savages, that is why You kikes bringed them to europe in the first place


Kek, i want to see kikes doing that

Also its spelled obvious not "ovbious"

Nice false dichitomy david

Nice spelling skills Ahmed.

Kek, a busy day on telaviv bumping this thread, well played faggots

No one has encouraged me to hate mudslimes except for mudslimes.


That's been your entire argument ITT. Good thing the MIDF is so fucking stupid.

are you even trying shlomo?

Why did you scream cap your own post? Damn MIDF is retarded


Exactly. It's not even that taboo anymore to say Islam is problematic but you wont hear anything about how shitskins are terrible regardless of their religion. And not one mention of the Jews that have been orchestrating out genocide for thousands of years. You could kick every filthy mudslime rat out of Europe but the Jews will keep the genocide rolling along. Muslims are just one head of the Jewish Hydra.

Not a huge fan of muzzies but I don't hate them. I'm more concerned about the Jews who let them in.


JIDF please, that's exactly what OP said you'd do.

Of course the kikes want us to wage war on the mudslimes and die for Israel.

Sadly, the (((alt-right))) are taking us all in this direction.

It's called a Hegelian dialectic. They've become increasingly proficient at it.

The (((alt-right))) are now waging a full scale psy-war on mudslimes and slowly allowing the jews to take over their platform.

It will backfire on them. Once the people are comfortable combating an entire religion, which one do you think is next?

No that is not the next logical step at all. It's just a continuation of the bullshit environmental explanation for behavior. Most people think if the shitskins "assimilate" they will be just like white Europeans.

Not really the next step, just a restoration of where we were in 2001 and we all know how that ended.

Hell even with people I've explained very clearly all the things Jews are responsible for, they respond with "Most Jews don't even practice religion"

I'm getting really tired of these threads.

Wew lad, just googled hegelian dialectic, dense shit