gb2 Holla Forums

Use Rosie O'Donnell to block the entrance.


Send in the Gay Community?

gold headed indian snek niggers!!!

Siler, cut power to the gate!


Send them in and close the gate afterwards


oh no it's the fucking tokra
what do they want this time

What have we here…S…G…One.

Permission to mount loli sir

mun nee way



why does all the planets have same air pressure?

The gates were not randomly scattered around the cosmos. Most of them were intentionally planted on planets that could support human life, either by the Ancients (likely for the purpose of future colonization) or the Goa'uld (for the purpose of exploitation of resources through human slave labor).
There were a handful of planets made unreachable by various environmental changes.

Real answer being: the same reason why all planets in star trek, star wars, farscape, andromeda and all other sci fi series have the same air pressure. Writers don't want to bother with realistic bullshit

Also, the gates' event horizons are somehow capable of distinguishing other objects from mere ambient pressure. Not just air pressure, even gates that open underwater or in space don't let anything other than objects through.

So, basically like the X universe?

I just finished watching all seventeen seasons of Stargate last night.

SGU was all right, it's a shame it never really got finished

handily enough it did not work inside a star

Why is she wearing a diaper?

we could activate the omega 13 device?!


i loved sgu only one i watched
i saw it on the tv when i was stilla normie

Aliens all spoke english, whasup with that.

hallowed are the ori

When Hannor Mir fell from the sky, and learned to fly on the way down, THAT was a miracle.

Ready the bio-weapon!

You wish to procure weapons to defend yourselves against your enemies…


Stargate makes you fat

he was thin during all of SG1, only got fat after it ended.
Stargate keeps you fit

How the fuck does MacGyver's car break down? He should be able to fix it with a rock and some bird shit.

perhaps those weren't available at the time

there's clearly a rock in the background. As for the bird shit he could easily improvise it with his own shit - he is Macyver after all.

You mean all the transgenders?

its unscheduled, not unauthorized, fagget