Bipolar Disorder II

For the last year or so I've been suspecting I'm bipolar. I get mood swings really fast. Usually I tend to wake up really depressed and go to sleep hype. My grades have suffered as a consequence. I don't want to see some psychiatrist and be put on pointless dangerous meds. Wat do?

Sometimes it can go the opposite way though.

Stop being a Faggot who self diagnosis is a good start

I have the symptoms. What's the goddamn problem? I didn't choose to be the 1 in 40 who gets this crap.

op has angsty teen syndrome (ATS)

I AM OP and THAT WAS ME TOO you moron.

Please I don't want to wake up like this tomorrow.

I AM OP and THAT WAS ME TOO you moron.
this sentence was brought to you by the retards association of america

Fuck you thanks for nothing.

op has autism

You missed a newline when making fun of my post by the way, goes to show that you couldn't even get that right.


Are you a shitskin?
Sounds like you're a shitskin

No I'm bipolar II thank you.

I suspect I have Schizotypal personality disorder

im a psycopath who gets off to dead animals

you are a teen.

I don't see my peers have these extreme mood changes. Not this bad.

Anytime you're angry
Anytime you're manic
Anytime you're sad

fucking mile-any-alls
not everything is some psychological issue.

check your fucking diet, when you eat, what you eat

drinking lots o'caffiene? taurine? guarana? etc
eating spicy or oily foods at night?
not eating in the morning? only eating at night?

chances are you eat like shit and your body is causing these "mood swings"

Bipolar I&2 give you mood swings which are on the time scale of weeks, not a single day.
