Why haven'y you started dating Mongolians?

Why haven'y you started dating Mongolians?



My access to female mongolians is extremely limited

Because Finns aren't white, silly

but I have

sounds nice tbqh lulz

let me guess, the only Asian women you see are from anim.

Asians women, are turbo cunts, they're also beyond shallow.

Take that back, Finnish women are not shallow.

Asians aren't to be trusted. They just want monies and white dick and they don't care who they suck off to get it.

God damn I just want a bro that's also my gf that watches animu and plays vidya with me

become the gay community and get a bro easy


Asian women are extremely shallow and retarded.


just get a swedish /cuteboy/. they look feminine enough.



the meme with asians are dumb. they are sluts, but the awkward hapas are qts.

Wait she's not finnish nvm

wow user. thank you.

your comment actually cured me of my depression.

Enjoy your AIDS faggot

she is finnish wtf how not?

GayJ Styles lets settle this in the ring

only niggers, spics, druggies, whores, americann gays, and slavs have aids boio.

Okay, but euroqueers will be getting stoned to death under suria law pretty soon.


ye but that will be in a decade. op can still get his virgin swedish trap.
nearly all traps

The only ones I like are the Asian/Mongolian and Finnish "gf"s. Of those two, I like the Finnish one most. She seems more reserved. The Asian one seems too puppy-ish. The White is your typical hoodrat drama queen, and will bring that into your home. The trap is sex obsessed, but the simple-mindedness if okay (not to mention they are men, so it is homosexual).

I cannot date any of the four, as I would either be miscegenating (in marriage, not pre-marriage), or a gay. If I had to choose one to date or marry, it would be the trap, but I would hate every minute of it.

There is a White option or two.

pic related

Asian sounds nice too




You could just die alone. It's the newest thing these days.

How do I find a Finnish gf in the states? also why are they so depressed? wtf

They are all whores, allanackbardians got this, this is why they are having kids and you cant.

You don't deserve a Mongolian


Can I get an arab gf?

Asian doesn't necessarily mean chinks/gooks. Nips are all right.

more like all women

I have you know that the Taiwanese are a very kind and caring people.

they're the britbong of Asian.
all ugly with bad teeth.

pick one. they may not look like in the cartoons but they're still pretty cute

White people are going away. We have no race left in us. We are decadent.
We must ally with the Asians and create an imperium or perish. Imagine it! The creativity and empathy of the West, mixed with the insect-like work ethic of the Asians. Western individuality, but tempered by Asian collectivism.
It would be an empire to span the ages.

Traditional Japanese women are really fucking soulless, but they're opening to western guys, and those usually have some emotion. They're really shy, though.

i would rather have a kid with Shaniqua

Halfies are inferior and have no souls


You would you fucking kike

but noticing racial and cultural differences is racism, ergo colourblindness really is justified
why do i bother anymore?

user, the finn is the mongol. That's the joke.

Shallow or weird, they are superior. Race-mixing should not occur though.

ugh. user, please.

I heard of that meme, but I…
Oh, I get it now

Then again, you did write "-like".

Oh look, another thread encouraging white men not to breed ( at least not with white women ) … how shocking. Ho hum, sage goes in all fields.

Low effort bait.

finns have the best meme culture hands down

traps are gross don't glorify them

who even makes this?

Underrated comment, unnoticed passive-aggressiveness

Valhalla is a place where Donner, Elliot Rodger, and other aryans wait… you do not belong there


Have you taken the yellow pill yet, white boys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The yellow pill was founded in 1999 by Su Yellowpirr, who presents and narrates the attached video.

Forget red and blue pills, yellow pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the yellow pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal

What if I never use the yellow pill, but simply admire it?

kennedi check em

University cringe?

not yet user

I already have