Oh shit.
Oh shit
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Data mining IRL.
Yeah fucking right. Maybe after the novelty wears off and interest dies in it.
repost from leftypol >>>Holla Forums1120213
yes, all workers in supermarkets are fired in the next decade or two. I was predicting something like this, but it is still shocking to see them announce it so soon. They'll automate every single thing. Shelf stocking, truck driving, checkout, surveillance, and so on. And they'll skim a ton of extra profit off the top by selling full dossiers of shopping customers to any advertisers or government agencies willing to pay.
Things they can get from you with this system:
The list fucking goes on.
This is a good idea but holy fuck can they datamine the shit out of you, other than that it is a good idea but could perhaps be better to just use a scanner at the door to link the items on you to your account
This here is shit, but drop the fucking "Automation kills jobs" argument. It's a shit argument that literally boils down to "stop making things better". You know how many jobs automation has killed? Might as well just get rid of all our technology currently to create jobs from the things computers have been doing for us.
The tracking is fucking garbage, though, and you'd have to be a retard to jump on this bandwagon, though. What I'm afraid of is that it becomes normalized to the point that you can't get food without being tracked.
Automation is going to kill so many jobs soon that we are going to leap into Fully Automated Luxury Communism. That sounds good to me.
Automation kills jobs, that's a fact.
Holla Forums isn't against automation, their argument is that it'll either lead to Communism or to Cyberpunk Feudalism depending on how society interacts with it.
why don't you go back there?
that's just shilling. you're gonna get the thread blocked even though it's a relevant topic.
Holla Forums isn't about politics.
Technology is behind all politics.
shut the fuck up.
not an argument
That is such a fucking retarded theory with almost nothing backing it up. And whats worse is that Holla Forumss board owner himself is a retard who believes this
Then again, what can I expect from a board that worships Max Stirner even though he was a nihilist who hated the right and left and is the definition of special-snowflake pretentious pseudo-intellectual?
Automation kills jobs, but only ostensibly, as it produces as many as it kills. It's not like we have significantly less that needs to be done since automation has come along, it's that the technical skill of what needs to be done has increased. Automation is a dream for a company that does managed services and system administration.
I don't think we'll ever be post-scarcity to the point that nobody needs to work because we don't know how much shit there is that needs to be done. The vast majority of the shit that needs to be done is shit that humanity hasn't even realized needs to be done yet, or it's a higher-level issue associated with the solution to a lower-level issue.
It's probably not going to lead to either communism or cyberpunk. It's going to lead to everybody in the middle and lower classes living about exactly the same while average quality of life increases for everybody else. The upper class goes up and everybody else stays the same.
It's going to be neither a tenchno nightmare nor some utopia. Everything is going to stay roughly the same for most when it could easily just get better for absolutely everybody.
What you're saying is that the potential floor for employment will be raised since now everyone needs degrees in engineering to repair robots? You think that is going to solve anyone's problems? The main problem today is that its harder to get a job than its ever been before
Go read a book you stupid faggot
Automation created capitalism out of feudalism. What makes you think automation will stop changing society?
That's not going to happen. You don't need a degree to fix a car now, you don't need a degree to fix a computer, you don't need a degree to program. There are schematics for these things, and anybody moderately skilled can learn the specifics, even if they aren't skilled enough to invent the things they fix. Nobody is mass-producing consumer machines that take an engineering degree to repair, even when they took PhDs to invent.
You don't have to talk out of your ass. The statistics clearly don't support your ass-pull claims.
Well let's see. Machine learning is going to destroy jobs both high and low, and eventually there will be almost nothing productive left for human beings to do. Capitalism won't survive this. What do you want to name the resulting society?
Nice Obama govt. statistics, faggot. The labor force participation rate is at a decades low. Most of the new jobs added by Obama's economy are lower-paying and lower-hours. In the next ten years, self-driving cars are going to destroy over four million jobs, just in the USA. Now tell me, what jobs will this CREATE? Don't say car mechanic-- we already have those.
communism implies a "stateless" society where production is split between communes. Its not going to happen
Another thing to defend against
There are many forms of communism just like there are many forms of communism you dumb faggot
You'll need postdoctorate degree, beause of education degree inflation. It'll be the new high school diploma equivalent.
Corporations and the state can barely prevent you from cracking your iphone. If they try this shit, that's when a revolution will happen.
Try extracting fossil fuel from the land you own
I'm sure the revolution will go great when no foreign power has any interest in backing you and you have no means of outside communication and have to fight drones.
If there ever is a revolution in the future they will isolate, demonize and show you getting turned to dust on TV just like you see with the muslims when helicopter with thermals shoots the shit out of people on a mountain. Except this time it can all be automated.
Viral Youtube vid related to tech take over, nothing anybody here doesn't know but not bad to share.
ur a hero
Take ur meds XD XD XD
why doesn't this piece of shit board have video embed?
It wont work unless we implament a en.wikipedia.org
or else everyone's going to fucking be poor and no one will be able to buy shit.
It's a 1 minute video ffs.
I have seen this in a tesco. Still better, than worrying what are they added to my basket based on cameraview. What if i have a twin in a large crowd in the same cloth? Mess.
Right? wtf was the point of automating shit?!
you still have to go to youtube to view it anyways so why not save the hassle?
isnt shit already automated?
robo-antebellum plantations
you, youyouyouyou
you you you
You are great
to remove the job it automated.
i'm not a commie, nor am i a Luddite.
but, this is not like the machines of old, entire civis will fin in to a box the size of a desktop tower
comparing this automation to any other is fallacious. the middle class will be destroyed.
techno feudalism sounds right, welfare for the eaters. judge dred?
Middle class won't be destroyed, like i said
Automation would create a near utopia, and it would crash the country if UBI isn't implemented. the country's economy would skyrocket.
welfare is doing that already.
welfare isn't doing anything.
welfare is a trap.
if you are on welfare, you can't work. if you work you lose your welfare.
If you dont work you are poor and have to live on welfare.
getting a job doesn't mean you will be able to support yourself or your family so losing welfare is worse since it's guaranteed and you never know when you'll be laid off or fired.
UBI isn't exactly a welfare, its money given to every citizen of a country no matter if they are super rich or super poor or in between. every citizen will get it.
Enough to pay for food/shelter/living expense.
the UBI would be Tax free, so any income you generate outside of the UBI is added to your income and you pay taxes on the money you make. Imagine the amount of people who would go out and buy things, the tax generated off that and the economy stimulant would be huge for business.
The united states was close to implementing a UBI inthe 1980's.
It was favored by both parties almost everyone unanimously voted for it.
it never became law because they couldn't decide what name to call the bill so it was forgotten.
Alaska right now has a form of UBI called the Alaskan permanent fund. every citizen of alaska gets 1000$ per year or month..
2015 $2,072.00
2016 $1,022.00 (dividend was estimated to be $2,052 however Governor Walker's vetoed reduced by approximately half)
Everybody is focused on the automation argument, but I don't see anyone talking about how this is more propaganda for a cashless society.
The PKK and the IRA disprove this meme.
But does Amazon's system use RFID? They seem to be indicating that the system is actually just using machine vision to detect when someone takes items. That would be cheaper in the long run, eliminating the cost of RFID chips on everything.
yes its rfid, otherwise it couldn't detect what item is being purchased. RFID cost less than .001 to produce.
I can't imagine it done with RFID chips. Imagine the added cost to the lifecycle of a simple food item. I could imagine them using sensors on the shelves to tell when an item is removed from it and using that as a final confirmation of the purchase along with the computer vision data.
Would be interesting trying to fool the system.
Never mind my comment if what
is true (sauce pls). Real nice if they can make them that cheap.
Its nice but also scary.
"An RFID chip can be used to track the location of unsuspecting individuals who have bought products that include RFID tags in their package. Having miniature cheap RFID chips, such as those developed by Hitachi, implanted inside anything we buy might make many people feel very uncomfortable. However, big businesses believe that consumers’ fears are dwarfed by the benefits of RFID chips, which include reduced theft, digital real time inventory, and better information on consumer shopping habits."
They will probably have an adequate technician on-hand tbh. Your shit wouldn't fly for more than a day or a week at best.
i don't trust for a second any consumer using these stores. you can bet your ass they'll be doing some astroturfing campaigns with their own employees shopping there in an attempt to induce normies to shop there too.
If you actually read the shit you'd know that employees already have access to the store and that the "coming soon" is for public use.
quality post m8.
I can hear the B&L jingle already. I've been waiting for this bullshit to happen.
You could downloaded that shit then converted it into webm for the board.
Their channel is something else
This feels wrong for all the wrong reasons.
So what's stopping a country like Britbongistan from doing something similar with all the CCTV cameras they have everywhere?
The more automated it gets the more fucked we are. Now I visit /k/ too, I know drones aren't the end all and guns go a long way. Still fighting a force which may have no humans attached which collects its own munitions, flies overhead to find you, bombs you and repeats is terrifying.
This industry would also be very prevalent because as everyone goes unemployed it would become more valuable.
Look at how Egypt prevented their revolution, look at how North Korea squashes protests.
Hypothetically if a country town of 10,000 people protest and revolt, however the government has a squadron of autonomous drones and is happy to use them do you really think the town has a chance? Once a full revolution starts and people in the millitary defect the situation is utterly different though sure. However a revolution even then would never give power back to the masses.
Human nature will be the biggest issue with this sort of thing. I've seen retards put frozen food in the bread aisle, or open a multipack to take out one item when they're not supposed to be sold separately. If you go in the store with your whiny toddler and he picks up a handful of sweets and chucks them everywhere how will the computer react? If you drape a cloak over the thing you want to take and grab it under the cloak how will the computer count that? How will you return an item? What if a customer loses their phone? What if a customer is spoofing someone else's code, or is using someone else's phone? What if the computer decides you picked up two of something when you didn't?
Automation is great at doing stuff where humans aren't involved. Add the ability for someone to fuck up and they will fuck up in ways you'll never imagine. And that's what'll save us from the botnet.
Doubt it. We're gonna hit rock bottom with jobs vanishing away from automatization + chinese and indian outsourcing. After a high enough employment or poverty percentage, I fear countries such as America will face either civil war or vote for a terrible socialist authoritarian.
People don't care about that. We're already being spied everywhere but people don't give a shit.
When they will get pissed: algorithm accidentally makes them pay for a pack of chips they didn't take, there's no staff to process their refund.
Those machines still needs the electrical grid to function. One EMP destroys whatever automated dystopian future being thought up.
yeah dude all the jobs are just going to vanish and there won't be anything for anyone to do because we won't be smart enough to think of new things that require human labor
hurr durr durr hurr ima Holla Forumsposter i'm so smrt
It was retarded for the mod to ban you for this, but I'll answer you (I assume it was you, failing that I atleast answer the question).
The standard of living in first world countries has improved significantly since Karl Marx's time in almost every aspect. However there are still many people living in abject poverty or homelessness in first world countries. Ergo while people are better off in aggregate, there haven't been many improvements for the poorest individuals in society. This is made worse by the way our society views and uses resources. During the housing crisis there were more empty homes in America than there were homeless people, yet those people remained homeless and those houses remained empty. Every actor in society is motivated by the acquisition of wealth, even if this is to the detriment of society as a whole, or in the case of the unused houses, makes no sense. Their own values might mitigate this to a certain extent (obviously people won't just murder everyone and destroy things for money) but in many cases capitalism puts making society better and increasing your material wealth at odds with one another. In a Communist society there would be no reason to withhold a house or other item from someone who needs it because they are unable to pay. As the society as a whole to meet the individuals in societies needs, rather than individuals in the society working for themselves.
On top of this, your idea of a "decent standard of living" must vary from mine, a large proportion of the population in many first world countries lives below, at or only slightly above the poverty line. They probably eat crap food, work long hours and live in poor conditions. Hell I know that in my country there are huge amounts of low-income families living in damp, mouldy houses that results in the kids developing Asthma and other issues. Meanwhile I'm working on a multi-million dollar appartment block for wealthy people that has lots of useless shit like remote-controlled curtains. Resources are funneled into meeting the desires of the wealthy rather than the needs of the poor.
Last thing I'll go on about is that capitalism creates false economic growth/demand by creating and manipulating trends and consumer culture and implementing planned obsolesence. Useless sheep go out and buy a new phone a year or two after they got their last one just for a few more features. Is the creation of these phones, and this expendeture making society better? No, its growth, creation and expenditure just to make money. The people spending time creating these goods are basically doing nothing useful, but the behaviour is encouraged because it is profitable. In a similar fashion planned obsolesence is encouraged, because it forces consumers to buy things more frequently, even if it results in huge amount of waste and pollution. Under communism goods would me constructed to be as hardy as possible, because there is no reason to waste resources by making them fragile, there is also no need to make useless goods to satisfy decadent consumerism, a good video on planned obsolescence can be found here: youtube.com
I can continue if you're still here but I don't want to write a wall of text that no one is interested in.
wtf m8
okay, how about Hezbollah. Israel is scared shitless of them.
I really hate all the planned obsolescence shit, and the stupid "features" of modern computers, like these shitty widescreen display and chicklet keyboards. And of course the IME botnet. I was a lot happier with Amiga 500 and older 8-bit computers, before all the Windows and Unix shit got to become the only OS available anymore. The web is a fucking joke too, all driven consumerism and changes for the sake of trends. Everything that needs to be done like online banking was once possible on a 14.4K moderm with Lynx browser. You're just moving numbers around in account, it's not rocket science. The fucking modern computer industry is a fucking joke and I hate it with all my guts!
Jesus fucking christ socialists are retarded. Do you want the entire world to be wholly dependent on a small globalist corporate elite? Do you want to be at their mercy? Do you think that just because they are giving you free stuff that they have your best interests in mind? Do you want future generations to become increasingly lazy and incapable of taking care of themselves?
Hah, naive amazon.
No, but seriously, what about security? They certainty can't just
mount autonomous stun turrets in the store, right?
How many of those poor people are physically or mentally impaired?
The funny part is that these commiefuckers are the ones making it.
I'd wager the majority of them aren't. And even if they all were, debilitated people born into wealthier families are taken care of, if we're to follow your logic should we just throw them all onto the streets? Is society better off meeting the desires of the rich, who in many cases don't actually contribute anything of use to society and just manipulate money, workers and capital, than the needs of the poor and disadvantaged?
One thing I hope Amazon, Uber, Google, etc. realize about their automation attempts is that they are drastically reducing the economy of scales for their industries, and are also reducing their ability to distinguish themselves in the marketplace. In my opinion, this is a very good thing for the world as a whole, but not so good for their investors in long run.
Take for example driverless cars and their relationship to truck driving. If running a shipping company no longer requires human truckers, loaders/unloaders, and all the management associated with those people, then what does the shipping company actually _do_ at that point? Own the equipment? Then any yahoo with a driverless truck could essentially act as their own mini-shipping company.
When Uber no longer has drivers, how are they different than someone renting out their driverless car? Because they have an app? Whoop-dee-doo; it will be a month before 65535 European/Indian/Chinese/etc. companies come out with their own software that does the same thing, and subsequently license it out for commercial use.
Once Amazon is not the only automated store in town, how are they going to differentiate themselves from other automated stores? Branding won't help them against similarly popular brands like Wal-mart.
How would I steal my food?
Just walk in and eat.
Come to think of it, what happens if you walk in there with an empty bag of chips in your bag, take a full one and put the empty one back there?
Most long-term truckers do this. But what's the point in hiring a contract truck from an individual? How many independent car rental joints are there?
If you walk in that store, you are walking into one of the most intensely surveilled places on earth. They'll be able to catch most thieves by sending their data over to the police and getting them to just go straight to the thief's home.
UBI isn't socialist, it's capitalists trying to put a bandaid on a cancer patient. Hence why you hear the Google CEOs, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and all of those types saying we'll need UBI. Socialists don't want to depend on them for money, they want to seize the means of production and eventually get rid of money altogether.
Won't help with flash mobs.
They're already trying to drive us into a cashless society.
Amazingly, you're able to use money even if it isn't made of little pieces of paper!
There isn't really a point to chose one over the other. Likely, the decision will be driven by some online market place that aggregates these services, and automatically selects specific vendors based on truck location and availability. i.e. the process would be totally transparent to the person having their items shipped (hypothetically).
This. It's like Social Security on steroids. SS was implemented because the U.S. was headed toward a communist revolution (or, at least, massive wealth redistribution) during the Great Depression. SS, and the WPA and CCC relived just enough suffering to keep people from becoming radicalized. It is "socialist"? Sure, but it saved American capitalism from communism.
That's a funny way to spell "plague."
Winning contract, assigning trucks, and dealing with customers are all work you stupid faggot
Yes, they absolutely are work. A form of work that will get significantly easier over the next 10 years.
Amazon also gets to spend billions on marketing while Joe Schmuck is stuck doing small town deliveries
Ultimately, that won't stop thousands Mr. Schmucks from offering what is essentially the same service. Marketing will definitely help, but it can't change the reality that there are other vendors who can be easily used as substitutes.
Mate those trucks are worth over 100k each, + whatever automation costs, + insurance
There aren't thousands of joe schmucks who can afford that
They are pricey; but so are sports bars and breweries. Still, there are several entrepreneurs that manage to get funding through loans/investments. If the optimal size of shipping firms were to drop to similar levels, you would see the same sort of businessmen entering the field.
Someone get it. If a job gets automated for cheap and big corporations can hire robots to do their shit for $0.50/hour, so can small companies who don't have to deal with diseconomies of scale. Smaller initial costs to start a business and smaller labor costs means businesses are less risky. Now the guy who used to work full time can run a microbusiness and make a decent living.
Automation throughout the history of humanity has done nothing but increase the amount of value per unit time of labor. The demolishing of service industry labor demand does not change this.
Whatever you say, comrade.
That's the exciting part. We can already leverage blockchain technology to create proof of work for contracts. Combine that with automated marketplaces and you've saved a ton of overhead. The cost of running a business is plummeting and everyone acts like the sky is falling. The socialists would rather LARP as factory workers and farmers instead of embracing something actually converging on their mythical true communism.
This retard is hilarious
You know what the annoying part is? When market capitalism reaches this level of success, communists are going to take credit because
Gee, thanks Amazon, now I know exactly how it works.
Also what happens to people that don't own smartphones in 5 years? Will they simply have to starve to death?
This, it's fucking unnerving.
The point flew right over your head like it was a cuckoo's nest.
The danger of a cashless society isn't necessarily how the currency is handled physically. There's been dozens, if not hundreds, of various kinds of actual currency, from shiny rocks when we just got done smacking sticks together and started building actual dwellings, to the tagged-and-bagged cash we have now.
The danger of a cashless society is how the upper system of money is handled. Have you even seen the derivative market? For Christ's sake, a significant portion of our trading is handled by proprietary algorithms that toss numbers around ever split second to make a fraction of a cent of profit with each tick, which ends up adding to massive numbers. I doubt the people that set these things up see money as even a form of currency any more, it becomes more like some kind of abominable RTS resource that they squeeze out of every possible transaction, when there was nothing there to begin with.
Now, imagine this nightmare inserted at every level. From corporate stock variations to consumer goods. Now it's not only the central exchange that's taking place over a wire, every transaction becomes electronic, meaning it's basically centrally controlled by the bank-corporate-government triad, if it isn't enough how it is right now. They're the ones with the hardware and bandwidth handling this, aren't they? This isn't communism, this isn't capitalism, it becomes a whole other beast entirely that I don't really think we even have a name for yet.
Patents will you tard. They will protect them long enough to kill off walmarts, targets and other big box stores.
Economies of scale. The trucking company can buy larger amounts of consumables (fuel, tires, and other parts) and the trucks themselves at reduced costs, and would be able to beat the guy with a single truck on price. Just look at what has happened to farming, sure anyone can buy the machinery, but big agribusiness has killed the family farmer. Or how wallmart kills all the small businesses when they move in to a town.
"Redistribution" is largely a liberal capitalist thing, because after a socialist revolution, redistribution is no longer needed. There were no taxes in the USSR, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Rojava, and so on. It's capitalism that uses taxation to try and fix its own problems.
Flashmobs are a meme, but normal regular mobs are a problem for normal stores, so there's no difference there.
A few big contracts > lots of small contracts
Can someone explain why I wouldn't want a company to know what I eat?
Data mining consumers almost always seems to come down to refining the pool of advertisements to target them with, if I ignore/block advertisements anyway this shouldn't effect me, in the event I do see ads I'd rather see relevant ads anyway. I just don't see the harm in this, why should I hide this information? Everything else mentioned there is already public information, anyone can see what I look like by just looking at me, people in earshot can know what I'm talking about on the phone.
It just seems like these companies want to sell you products and as a consumer you're interested in buying some products, if they know you better and stop recommending you things you don't want or need then what's the problem?
People seem to be really against harvesting and trading this kind of data but I never see any reasons for the concern. The closest I can think of is people having qualms with them selling the data for profit.
Some of us don't enjoy being spied on everywhere we go or being treated like lab rats in a maze.
With that they just get your purchase habits. They don't get info on the items you look at but don't buy, the paths you take through areas that might interest you, or all the other information they could possibly collect.
You do realize that their computer vision that they use to track who is purchasing what can also be used to track anyone who doesn't scan in at the entrance throughout the store and would be able to alert loss prevention the moment most people intent on stealing shit walks in. You aren't stealing from just anywhere, you're stealing from Amazon's George Orwell inspired Nineteen Eighty-Store.
It looks like you might scan in using a QR code, though I don't know if they are static or generated for the occasion (it's probably the second for security reasons). However, in the even that it's the first Amazon could always help you out by tattooing it on the back of your left hand or on your forehead.
10/10 argument, I have been defeated.
The local Mercedes factory came here (among other reasons) because the local workforce cheaper than buying and maintaining robots and we provide enough good quality and we speak German. Seriously.
Most people didn't explicitly pay taxes in the USSR because it is already included in the amount of goods they received back. The amount of products and services the average american could purchase with days worth of work was much higher than what someone in the USSR could reasonably expect to be awarded in a day, so effectively the tax rate was much higher.
You think China is going to give a shit about American patents? I guarantee you will see similar stores in China within a year or two.
Assume that large shipping firms get an amazing deal on trucks and associated parts due to purchasing at a bulk rate. That doesn't change how they would be competing against people who decide to rent out their own driverless truck. No matter what, the fact that no one will have to manage human drivers will decrease the barriers of entry into the market by a massive amount. So, the highest price they can successfully charge will be limited by the lowest price that mini-shipping companies will offer.
Ah yes, not content with running sweatshop labor in their shipping warehouses around the holidays, Amazon is now committed to bringing the next wave of job destruction to the service industry.
ROFL which propaganda outlet have you been listening to?
What could go wrong?
So getting spied on a daily basis, no trust for the neighborhood and acting like a good goy is a Luxury? Where stating a wrong opinion can get you send to the Gulag? Yeah no fuck off with that shit you faggot.
Because when you allow a system to exist for pooling personal information you also incentivize evil people to want to get ahold of it. It's the same reason you should care about government spying, even if you have nothing to hide. The current administration may not want to do anything bad with the info, but the people in charge are always changing.
A good example is being denied a job because your "health factor" is seen as a bad investment for the employer. Company knows what you eat, sells that information around, employer gets it and doesn't want to hire you because of the health insurance risk.
Luxury communism
For them, it's paradise.
Yep, if they would know any better then they would stop being a commie in the first place but they don't. I can not wait to see their faces if they are forced to live in paranoia as they can get busted from any other "working class" for accumulation a small fortune. Own a fork that with some gold lining? You better watch your ass that nobody notices it, if they do you get landed in prison for like 5 or 10 years at "best" then you gotta work your ass off over a damn fork so much for Luxury communism eh? Maybe you can get landed in a automated prison instead when the technologies allow for it then you probably wouldn't have to deal with the savagery nature of the prison wards.
No instead they need to cling on their wreck that communism is, thinking this is the only form of alternatives against capitalism which is just as brutal but in a more subtle and manipulated manner or even spinning their own brawn of communism, in the end only certain types of oligarch and politicians can be favored by communism and the "everyone is equal" under that system is nothing but parodying itself if everyone was truly equal under that system then even people like Lenin or Stalin himself would have been sent into the prison, what are you thinking when Stalin is in his death bed and nobody dares to enter his room because they could get sent into prison for that?
The companies, governments and plenty of others types are trying to find every possible form of data mining technique to make sure that the average idiot and all his personal information are revealed, nothing will be private and they don't give a damn thing about privacy if that means that they can get 10 cents more out of it and deluding themselves they will become millionaire with that then they will do it. Once a cashless society has been established unimaginable things will become true, the average idiot deludes as always himself that there is nothing bad with that when he has de facto no privacy anymore.
The NSA revelation which got quite a nice amount of attention was as usually ignored by the average idiot, the mass data leaks? A shot screaming in twadder and that's all what those average idiot will do they don't even bother changing their operating system because it is too hard for them despite nowadays information is highly accessible and there all forms of tutorials available and more.
Yeah, I'm sure all the people here in poverty can buy way more great stuff than the Russians could.
If this store really does depend heavily on machine learning, Walmart and others simply will not be able to compete. I guarantee you Walmart has no expertise at all in the field of machine learning, and they are way behind in data sets. Only companies with the AI and the data will be able to jump on this, and the ones left behind will be forced to rent the system from the tech companies.
We'll sleepwalk into whatever techno-utopia/dystopia (no difference) is planned for us. Nobody cares
I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting you, but for sure most burgers and europoors in poverty can buy a lot more, a LOT more, than the vast majority of Soviet citizens could.
There were people in poverty in the USSR as well.
>Lebedev, the journalist who went to live among vagrants, says in a recent interview in Moscow News that there are ``hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the USSR. This is a rough but plausible estimate, but may be on the conservative side, given the fact there are 4.5 million officially registered alcoholics, more than 5 million mentally ill people, and, according to a secret MVD report obtained by Agence France-Presse several years ago, at least 500,000 ``parasites.
That's not even what enrages me, it's that
What if I wear a hat?
I imagine Walmart and most of the large superstore chains have some expertise in data mining. I know Target has a famous anecdotal example - it knew a woman was pregnant before she did just based on her shopping preferences. (Whether that's true or not, I can't really remember.) I don't think it's near the level of sophistication that Amazon is at, mostly because of the limitations of what they can mine from customers, but there are methods through which they can track repeat customers. Customer loyalty programs are probably hotbeds for data on top of being a way to fleece non-frequent shoppers.
The system supposedly works by tracking you with cameras throughout the store and you scan your phone at the entrance so they know who you are. How do you plan on stealing shit from a store with that level of automated surveillance without getting detected? Walking through the front door without scanning in would immediately raise a red flag before you even got to anything you could steal.
I'm terrified.
Is /innawoods/ our only option left?
so what's stopping me from walking in unregistered and taking whatever i want
It can be easily explained. Data mining categorizes groups of nearest classes of shoppers and predics the probability of them buying a certain product. Since she was pregnant, the changes in her body and chemicals forced her to seek out for producs that will be needed to provide nutrition to her unborn children. The algorithm noticed she kept buying stuff the pregrant women use to buy and started recommending other pregnancy related items.
It's simple like that. She bought A,B,C. System noticed people who buy A,B,C buy D. System recommends D. You're giving the so-called artifical intelligence too much credit.
When Holla Forums used to be good.
Gaiz, gaiz, I got an idea. It's (wait for it) stores (this is so radical) but (so cool) without employees.
I bet you a thousand IPO shares nobody's ever thought of or tried this ever in all of history.
Do you have proof that this system can do all those things?
But they are. Take Africa. The US alone has poured billions of dollars into that place, either forcibly with our tax money or charitably from our rich. This is undoubtedly the largest charity operation in history. What do the Africans do with it? The same as with their natural resources: squander and waste it, fuck like rabbits, then beg for more money because now there even more people to feed.
Communist envy. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, the overwhelming majority of those who do this are the rich spoiled children of rich parents. Then their parents die and they blow all their money back into the economy.
The rich are the secondary reason that drove America to be the greatest nation that has ever existed. Unlike Europe, there are no social restrictions to being wealthy. As someone who has known and visited people from France (which is very likely the most Communist nation in Europe), if you are under 40, your opinion is considered juvenile and not worthy of any consideration. This kind of social oppression exists in every walk of life there. Here in the US? Nobody gives a fuck. You didn't commit a felony? Didn't get involved with drugs or have a poisonous attitude? You're cool.
This is right before the USSR collapsed. Not to mention
There's no homeless in Cuba or Vietnam.
Those are totally rigid and mechanical, and can't account for variable sizes or changing stock. As well, it's a massive pain in the ass to go to an automat, because you have to pay individually for every single thing you want to buy.
This is an imperialist strategy to keep them dependent. It's the carrot and the stick. They kill any African leaders who try to make Africa independent like Thomas Sankara did, and they reward corruption with "charity."
Those are trivial issues that have been dealt with decades ago, I suspect the only reason most retail sector employment still exists to the extent it does is purely from a cruel love of personal oppression. The sly joy many customers get, even unconsciously, from being asses to helpless slaves is something anybody who's ever worked retail knows all too well.
Yeah, because in Cuba if you are homeless you are sent to prison.
In order to demonstrate this concept i'm going to take it to an extreme.
Let's say we're in the near future and genetics has far better research put into it, to the point where experts can tell from your DNA that you have certain predispositions towards liking and disliking certain things. They know your risk factors for addictions, health issues, etc. They also know how you respond to certain stimulus.
If you combine that with the already-implemented systems of online tracking (which will probably get better) and ad serving, this would allow EXTREMELY customized ads - to the point that:
1) Almost every single product and service you are shown, you either consciously or subconsciously want it
2) Every single ad you're shown is tailored so that it provokes the reaction from you most likely to get you to buy it
3) These ads are basically everywhere you go that you can be personally identified - your computers and phone, bus stops with facial recognition cameras, taxis, etc.
If the idea of being played like a fiddle to be a mindless consumer doesn't disgust you, maybe this will:
Consider that some people have predispositions towards addictions. Imagine if cigarette, alcohol, and MMO companies had databases full of people who are genetically predisposed to addiction, along with the best way to appeal to them.
More like politics is behind all technology.
What next? We're going to pay these people to stand around in the street? Oh wait. At least we still warehouse the worst of them in giant prisons. Can't wait to see what happens when that goes out of style
The sound of dystopia is a shitty indie backing track
My predication is warehouses full of people with government supplied VR sets, bed, food and waste tubes. VR will keep them from breeding or revolting.
They would feel bad doing that though. I have no doubt that the normal human habitat will resemble something like a zoo, where the precise scientific formula for what keeps a person ticking is applied to them, and the people in charge of this will feel like they are doing these people a favor. No doubt the talented individuals will be identified and "graduated" from the zoo, never to return. My mind is kind of inclined to start thinking that of course forced interacial insemination will be a thing but it is not good for the internal organs to start thinking too deeply about these things.
Really, you know why checkouts and lines are a real problem? Because you Americans have really few but ultra big markets, while the rest of the world is just fine with smaller stores, so they end up distributed and therefore, less people on the markets, which implies less checkouts.
Of course, the jews got greedy, and now technology is enabling them to get greedier.
And you know why I hate this "solution" instead of the one I said above? Because it's not robust. Few checkout lines are a technology that's been available for a long time, it's called "just make a lot of smaller markets neraby so people end up getting more distributed among them", and there isn't a need to have computer vision shit. Of course, it cuts money for (((them))). No botnet, no tracking, and all the benefits, and it was produced organically.
With some commie shit, it can even be enforced by the state (but it's bad).
I believe the reason that your cities developed like that, instead of like this, is because you have real huge availability of cars, maybe? Or that your culture embraces commute time? Or that your cities are way more spread out, maybe, but that'd be because your houses are big, and our houses are big, too.
Enjoy your inflation. Consumption can only grow as much as people there is, plus you're injecting huge amounts of money into the economy, which means eventually they'll be worth nothing.
What if the ads stop looking and feeling like ads? If they are more subtle? Have you stopped to think about that? It'd seem more like mind control than advertising.
No, it's from a psychological endpoint. Do you imagine yourself entering in a store and nobody being there but the customers? I do not.
maybe it will be like a hotel where every house will have a giant food storage attached to it that is automatically restocked and you get charged money any time you dare to eat anything from it
maybe it will track you so it will know what you will never eat, and if you type the name of a food into a search engine and spend some time reading about it, it will mysteriously appear in your personal food store
Stop giving Paul Krugman ideas, user.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I copied something over from a profile. It basically said something like "if we were after just sex, we'd hire a professional". After I copied just that, matches started to happen like crazy. It also helps not using any erotic pictures. We use one of us in disney with our heads croppes out.
Our third and last experience was with a girl that was bi. She had sex with girls before, but she never did with a couple. She's super cool about it and was very worried and respectful to our relationship.
Think about it, your gf probably had this fetish before you. So there are single girls that'll take the opportunity if they are faced with it and the couple seem nice and loving instead of sex freaks.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Was in the death valley area nine days in June. Not as hot as I thought, constant wind was helpful.
Overall I did fine, I was active in morning and evening, siesta afternoon, slept in a sleeping bag tarp burrito with a hole around the mouth and a piece of silk in between.
Mostly ate nuts, matzo, honey, cheese and dried spiced meat. All I could think about was wanting to take a couple goats with me for kefir. Had I brought miso paste, ghee, fish sauce, pomegranate molasses and some spices I'd be making stews. With black onion paste and tomato paste curries.
Ate small and once a day.
Foraging was absolute shit outside of springs. Decent forage for a goat though.
Only saw one rattle snake. But in an old kangaroo rat burrow. Never bit. Sleep on flat clear plain.
Water. I had about 1½ to two water bottle equivalents a day. I was being liberal with it. You can filter the springs if they run or ask someone to leave a tank at a drop off I'm pretty sure.
Bring warm socks, something to cover your face at night so your nose and throat aren't so damn dry in the morning and shake shoes vigorously before putting them on because scorpions.
Oh and rain can happen suddenly. Usually light but sometimes a huge deluge can run down a Arroyo
how old are you, my man? photo looks pretty recent
It would hurt a lot if I let go of my hand even though I am a big guy for me?
I almost forgot Holla Forums was infested with leftists until I saw this thread
Ignorance is bliss
Hail our corporate masters
Let me phrase it in more accessible terms for you. Do you want (((them))) following you around everywhere to sell you even more cheap chink products?
cameras from above and below. if you wear a mask you are a terrorist
well no, it wouldn't, because the thing would be full of false positives/negatives. then again retards arrest people for piracy traffic coming from some IP address so I wouldn't be surprised if they just feed the data directly to law enforcement dispatch
of course because only the B I G F O U R are capable of making convincing snakeoil AI
Yes, it would, because the system is dependent on not being full of false positives and negatives like you claim just for the payment system to work. If it was full of false positives and negatives like you claim then people would regularly not be charged or be charged for purchasing things that aren't theirs. The system is portrayed as working by following people's movements around the store with cameras and computer vision software and having the identity they scanned in with tied with their person on the camera. In the event of someone being tracked who doesn't have an identity tied to them they don't even have to try to arrest the person. A sales associate can simply approach them with a portable scanner and ask them to rescan due to a glitch or a failed scan in, and if the person doesn't have an account the can be directed to a desk where they can be assisted with setting up an account (no sane shoplifter will refuse both options since there are no negative consequences for them in either).
Drop the labels, because you fuckers are clearly too polarized to see past them.
Automation can lead to a world where a) everyone is fucked because of the lack of jobs, wages get very low and "working" becomes basically slavery, or b) money is abolished to solve this problem and we live in some kind of system that has never been seen before.
I'm glad that I'm not that far from local farmer even though I live in a big city
You are on to something. The inevitable consequence is that we will have to abolish capitalism, and somehow the richest companies did it to themselves.
They are going to make themselves poor. So let's hope they're doing it for the fun of it. No workers == no buyers.
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. The only people who should be afraid of this technology are criminals, and that's a good thing.
where is the livestream of your toilet? you are not hiding something are you?
I don't see wtf it is that we need to do? Eat, drink, shit? The rest is fake... oh and piss too, else it's going to hurt.
For a second there I actually thought you were posting lyrics from this song:
Automation may kill low-skill jobs, but that may not be a bad thing. How many farmers raise crops by Oxen Plow today? They certainly couldn't produce enough food to support advanced civilization if the choice was made to enforce it as the only legal means of crop production. What automation actually does is force a culture to adopt to new ways of life. I imagine most of you here on Holla Forums really applaud all the advances that led to you being able to shitpost here today. Turn the clock back to the oxen plow and only the oxen plow and among the many, many other things that would soon collapse would be you're precious tech world. Advances in automation will reward those who prepare themselves with the skills to take advantage of automation, for example robotics engineers. The rest will be left out in the cold.
You're such a fucking pawn. Good riddance when you're neighbor reports you one day to the Ministry of Love, neighbor.
fucking kek
we already have that in australia.
Top joke, sad situation.
niggers will have a field day with this.
They'll be some jobs left atleast, unless it's gonna be a robot beating tyron with the long stick of justice
Whites will hack it too tho, this shit is a nightmare unless there's full surveillance state.
this shit needs to not happen.
Notice all the shit they were buying too, enough for a meal at best, not bagging, not large shopping carts
This is agenda 21 type shit after they force you into a huge city with this type of surveillance infrastructure.
No need for more than a meal's worth of groceries when we can shut your shit off at any second goy.
wait so there are sensors on the cheesecake that tell the phone you picked it up? wont that be cumbersome and expensive to implement? yeah this is going to take off like wildfire!!!
more likely sensors on the shelf