In a 1989 cartoon, R. Crumb draws himself getting cucked by Trump

R. Crumb draws himself as a scrawny, whiney lib who enlists the help of two plus-size strong feminist womyn to bring DONALD TRUMP to lib "justice." But the joke is on Crumb when Trump charms his way out of things and makes off with both women to boot. From 1989.

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Nice find.

Here's a comic from 1990 predicting Trump building a wall after rising to power in a campaign involving hats

Top cuck.

What is it with comics and Trump?

R. Crumb is a brilliant satirist. Love his work.

It's worth noting that these comics were both written by socialists/anarchists. Donald Trump worked hard for years to portray himself as the face of New York billionaires for years, the worst enemy of those demographics. When you factor in that a lot of socialist/anarchists are the artistic type, of course their gonna make comics with "literal Hitler Donald Trump taking power"

Kek. That's actually pretty damn good.

Whoever that was was a dumbass.
The strong still beat the week in the fucking wild life.