Anyone else think this girl is hot...

anyone else think this girl is hot. i mean i know shes 13 and trashy and annoying as shit but she has a very attractive face.

Other urls found in this thread: Bregoli&rlz=1C1CHZL_enAU728AU728&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwies4_9seDSAhXLi5QKHe1qBs4Q_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=974&gws_rd=cr&ei=JFXNWNbHEsqh0gSfw5GwCw

Shes 13?

i'm saying, she doesn't look 13 at all. if i saw her, didn't know her age, and she had a normal fucking voice and acted like a normal person, i'd try to flirt with her without even thinking twice. dangerous shit

For a 13 year old, she's got some big tits.

What the fuck do they feed girls in America?

tiddie? Where? Bregoli&rlz=1C1CHZL_enAU728AU728&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwies4_9seDSAhXLi5QKHe1qBs4Q_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=974&gws_rd=cr&ei=JFXNWNbHEsqh0gSfw5GwCw


She looks like your typical north american street hooker

Yes, most people do.
No one cares.
That's a good thing.

Thats the point. Shes 13


Go to her twitter and watch the video down the page…

There needs to be a law called," cmon judge, ez mistake."
If the youth in question appeares to be over age of consent, and it was cinsensual, reduced sentence.
I mean, cmon.


You're not getting off that easy pedo scum


GMOs. They give steriods and growth hormones to our livestock over here. I'm sure alot of it gets into our food. That's why 12 year olds are rocking D cups and we're all fat as fuck.

Disgraceful whore.

I'm not denying GMOs have an effect on people, but there has always been "that one girl" who had huge tits at the age of 13 in high school

i wonder what the oldest guy she's fucked is

She's a coal burner.
Get in the oven, traitor.

yeah. ONE girl. not 90% of girls.

look at the way she talks and dresses. of course shes a coal burner. shes a whore

Cmon man, honest mistake

She's just a trashy whore, user. She isn't fed anything special, her mother just let her get implants.

THIS. Most middle school girls look like high school girls now and most high school girls look like they're in their 20s here in the US.

How about this as well - Rebecca Black was 13 when she made the 'Friday' song.
To me she looks like 19 in the music video. Although I don't find her attractive, just saying.
It doesn't look to me like somebody who would be attracted to her sexually would be a pedo or hebo.

I'd "cash her ousside" if you know what I mean :^)

Im sure she's fucking him.

She needs an attitude adjustment. How her parents can show their face in public after raising such an ill-mannered trollop is beyond me.

Who is she?!

ahh my fam, shii stop playa hatin boi, stop hatin on young rich niggas gettin monei u dopey ass white boi, shii yo time is up crackas now it's our time, people of colors times mang, nuttin wrong wit sellin crack on da side nigga.

Jesus she looks like she's in her late 30's.

Might fuck if drunk.

get a load of this guy


Good luck getting banned. She is still 13 and it's illegal if it's confirmed it's her.

hair different color tho?

so can we get a nigger in jaill tonight?

So tired of seeing these typical hood girls always acting the same way can't speak proper English dress,act,and take pictures like a whore yet don;t want to be treated like a whore. Have limited vocabulary so they curse ever sentence or two can't think of better words to express themselves and no class.I hate hood culture wish it dies turn so many girls into trash.

She just has big tits, nothing special. She'll be fat and disgusting by the time she's even legal, with a couple napplets in tow.

ya, hood culture turns black people into trash as well. that's why america is going downhill

Hell no. White trash bitch. She won't age well. It's sad to think she peaked at 13

Okay, open your mouth. Here it cums . . .