That's a nice laptop you've got there, mind if we take a look?


Other urls found in this thread:

Not at all. Let me tell you about Gentoo.

Of course not. Let me explain my xmonad keybinding scheme...

No problemo. I hope you enjoy my dvorak-left keyboard layout.

Sure, let me just login for you
there you go sir!

When did casual violations of human rights become the norm in the western world?

The second amendment exists to protect ourselves if the government becomes too powerful, and back then, communism was spreading and was a major problem. I am going to guess that someone is behind all this or the government is scared.

I'll ignore the Amerocentrism for a bit, but
this, you've well and truly missed the boat on. The United States is a corrupt undemocratic surveillance police state by any objective measure. If there was ever a time to use the second amendment, it's now.

This kind of stuff actually works.
A friend of mine asked to use my laptop. Using dwm with bindings to the win key. He just returned it to me, saying "I surrender"

If that was true then people would have started actually doing something after Snowden leaked how much the NSA was spying on you guys. Instead you just have people threatening to kill others if their shitty candidate who openly supports the government fucking you doesn't win the election because that's what really matters (and they belittle everyone who suggests choosing a candidate that doesn't fuck you because muh 2 party system and we need to get fucked by this candidate and not the other candidate). All the muh 2nd amendment protects the other amendments crowd really cares about is their toys and nothing else.

someone should take one of those led keyboards and set it up as an enigma machine.

or, set it up so that the keyboard layout changes every keypress.

and then use it to code in something esoteric.

as your daily driver machine.

Shit does work. Handed my i3 laptop to a friend and explained how you opened a program. Nope'd the fuck away from it.

Would you rather they have no toys at all?

Less breads and circuses? Yeah. Then they might get off their asses and do something about their shitheap of a government.

hahahahaha user are you using that linux thing again? it looks so weird why don't you just use windows 10?


Yeah good thing we stopped communists to protect our FreedomsĀ©. Certainly you'll use those guns any day now.

It's a work laptop. Showing it to you without approval would constitute a HIPAA leak, so I'm not legally allowed to unlock it for you without approval. You'll have to either get approval from my management or get a search warrant for me to be able to unlock it for you.

In the fucking 1700s?
American education at work.

The bottom pic is a shoop by the way, thats not RMS

Ok sure. It's running TempleOS. Here's a game I made, like the old Qbasic and C64 ones...

You forgot to insult them as CIA niggers.


No shit really?


well before the western world pretended to give rights

Tell them to get a warrant. If they have one or come back with one, I'll decrypt. I have nothing to hide. If they lock me up and then get a warrant, I'll still decrypt and then sue. Pretty sure that the cops need reasonable suspicion. I don't do anything except browse image boards, watch (legal) porn, be a child on IRC, and do hobbyist programming. I hope big brother likes my OC Pepes and Wojaks.

throw laptop in face

Let us all drop the pretenses. Everyone in the entire world couldn't give two shits about being legitimately free and having a government that actually respects them. Americans are just easy pickings because they were the first these tactics were tried on, based on how easily manipulated they are see the civil war.

I dare you to name one country that actually cares about it's people. It must not:
- Surveil it's people
- Have a bloated or inefficient legal system which the government refuses to fix, regardless of how often people call for it to be fixed
- Disregard it's country's constitution or similar precedent.
- Allow the rich, powerful, and/or connected to be unaccountable for any action which is deemed illegal for the regular people.
- Allow police officers to get away with harassing, killing, or otherwise causing problems for the population at large

I could probably go on, but I doubt even with this lean list of prerequisites anyone will be able to name any country whatsoever.

Oh, and I dare you to name one country actually doing anything about their problems. No, one or two protests don't count. No, an idiotic vote to leave the European Union which isn't even legally binding and who have lawmakers to this day looking for a way to invalidate it doesn't count.

There's no follow through anywhere in the world because the entire world is completely okay with the governments of the world having the power they have. Just so long as it's not used on you, your immediate circle of friends and family, or anyone you see on a regular basis.

Sorry, sir, but do you know about something called the fourth amendment?

Guess who gets to determine whether something's reasonable or not


What about music and/or movies? Where did you buy it?

What laptop? Oh. This thing? Nah, it's actually a bomb disguised as a laptop.

Deepest Darkest Africa.

The courts.

Not at all officer!
Here you go!

Ya got a warrant, fuckface?

Communism didn't exist in even as an idea 1783.

Ah yes, not wanting to be trapped in a failed superstate alienating its own people is idiotic.

>>>Holla Forums

am i being detained x100


At least in britbongistan they wouldn't be asking, they would be mugging you.

etc, etc

If you think the referendum changed literally anything you're brain damaged. The moment the votes are overturned these faggots will bellyache for two seconds and then throw their arms up and give up. Guaranteed.

Yes, Iceland is fucking fantastic!
>>No, fuck you Snowden, wait until summer IE, never you little bitch.

Surely, just because they jail the bad bankers they are terrific to live in!

I don't live there, so to present ironclad proof they suck balls is extremely difficult.

Reasonable = having a search warrant.
In the US cops require a search warrant to look at your shit, unless it's something non-intrusive like a frisk (with probable cause)


May God have mercy on your soul, officer. I will pray for your redemption from eternal damnation.

Look mommy, I'm doing it! I'm trolling!


How do I make turning on my laptop and logging in as convoluted and headache inducing as possible?

GUI login screen.

It is pretty cool isn't it?

How would the cops react if you got a whole van full of people to do this then put it on Youtube?

Here you go

I just puked a little into my mouth. What the fuck have I just witnessed?

OpenBSD, encrypted disk and older macbook pro & firmware password.

Probably one of those windowsblinds winXP themes

If you have one of those (pic) laptops, make the password all emojis, then tell them the password but with vague descriptions of the emojis, like "the happy one"

Yes, I do mind. Anything else Mr. Policeman?

You can search the car if you want.

You dumbfuck. It's idiotic because it's useless. Nobody is saying there are no reasons for wanting to leave.

You are so stupid you make enemies of the people arguing on your side.

Stupid fatass.

yeah, im sure therell be no further resistance against a foreign governing body with no grip on reality, neglects basic concepts of politics like enfranchisement, and is slowly but surely alienating every major fucking nation thats currently a part of it.

the only way for the EU to secure its long term rule is for it to gain an army and have the political means to use it, nobody wants to be ruled by an entity like the EU, least of all a country as liberally minded as britain.

Sure thing.
Cheap chink batteries save the day again.

I know you're trying to be all cool and aloof with your sarcastic remarks, but you hit the nail on the head there. The people will cry for 10 seconds and give up when it doesn't immediately affect them. Maybe after it starts affecting them, but by then it's too late.

pick one and only one

The magic of X11


Sure you can, i can not remember the password though. If you figure it out i would be very grateful.

nah m8, people are willing to tolerate a lot of shit while they go about their daily lives, but when it actually affects them they wont take it lightly. where i live EU regulation killed the biggest industry in the city, and weve got more than enough migrants as it is, theres a lot of fucking resentment towards the EU here. if i recall correctly, we had the highest percentage of leave voters of any county in the UK. sooner or later resentment causes a political backlash, and the one thing the conservative party really doesnt want is a grassroots conservative party actually gaining some real ground, because that would likely kill off their party.

So this is how Holla Forums dies, not with a bang, but with low effort template thread shitposting that attracts brainless memeslinging faggots.

We all know that RMS is into some weird shit in the bed



Kind of like what happened to the GOP in America?

American Cops don't really care (or pretend not to), something about our culture of not wanting our liberties trampled or something or other. Btw, those look like German police, right? UK police would have also been an acceptable answer.

Do they have these systems in their cars? Man europe is a shit hole.


I guess the cop just heard wrong.

I was exaggerating, but there is an Israeli company Cellebrite which makes a device to siphon the contents of goyim iPhones (I believe they even use an exploit), and this has been used in the US to scan iMessages for potential drug deals.

I can think of one :^)

basically yeah, you neglect the will of the people long enough and either youre gonna have serious civil unrest, or somebodys gonna come along and capitalise on it and leave you out in the cold.

its worth keeping in mind here that the conservative party in the UK is on thin ice. they gained power in coalition with the liberal party in 2010 when it became apparent to everyone that labour couldnt run a fucking economy without racking up massive amounts of debt and pissing away all our resources (gordon brown sold off our fucking gold assets when gold was at its lowest price for fucking decades, iirc), but since then theyve introduced a number of highly unpopular policies that risk financially crippling some of the poorest in society by way of needless fucking taxes and reduced government handouts. couple that with their pro-EU stance and rampant disregard for civil liberties, the lefts disdain for them, and british conservatives largely seeing them as labour-lite, and theyre in a rather uncertain place. thus far they only maintain power because of labours current weakness and the lib dems complete annihilation last election, but UKIP threaten that by following popular will on the EU and espousing old thatcherite conservatism, something rather popular with UK conservatives.

is there a way to keep an extra (internal) drive hidden short of physical on/off switches?

Thatcher was a saint and breathed about 20 years of life into the corpse you call a country. You were really fucked since the Napoleonic Wars, but that's a story for another time.

I'm fucking blind now

i dont disagree, but here legacy has been one of misery on all sides tbh, everything since thatcher has been royally fucked


Thatcher kept the Falklands under British rule. She was wise in many ways but she was a singular personality. Her failure was to be betrayed like Julius Ceaser by a bunch of cucks. She needed to have a movement to sustain her views, which were correct in every respect. The more you learn about her the more you go, "holy shit lads, the Iron Lady would have been great if she gave free helicopter rides." What surprises me is that she is viewed extremely negatively today, when she was extremely popular during her time. This goes to show just how effective twenty years of BBC brainwashing can be, backed by leftist indoctrination in the Universities. This is probably, if you think about it, is the readon also that London is 50% Muslim and the most popular baby name in the UK for the last decade has been some variation of Mohhamed. This is only possible when the people are indoctrinated to abandon their own self-interest. I severly doubt one can blame Paki rape gangs on Thatcher shutting down coal mines, despite what the controlled media in the UK would tell you.

If there is any one nation that fits Holla Forums's idea of a dystopian police state, its the UK. Its so absolutely fucked. The national past-time is to get wasted at the local pup to avoid confronting reality. I've never in all my years met harder drinkers than the Brits. They drink harder than the Irish used to.

Yeah but it's worth noting that we almost lost that war (Yes we almost lost to Argentina, and our military is even worse today but tbf so is Argentinas) and that right before the war Thatcher was going to cut the navy, had she managed to do so before the war, we would probably have actually lost. Immediately after the war the navy was cut anyway even though they just demonstrated their usefulness.

Anyway she was shit in all the ways that mattered. Maybe the economy got better I don't know shit about that. But on what really matters (social issues) she was just another liberal and she was pro-EU right up until the last minute when it was too late anyway.

Sure sir!

dont get me wrong, i do like thatcher, but she failed to keep her party behind her, and left the conservatives with no chance of winning for 20 years. her seemingly minor failings in leadership lead to the rise of new labour, and this new conservative party that abandons everything that thatcher held dear and instead tries to hang on her coat tails to garner popular vote while simultaneously pushing policies thatcher would abhor. thatcher would have perhaps done better if she had spent her time performing minor changes to the state and major changes to her party, so at least that way the UK would have a party that actually held to liberal policy and ideals in any real way.

Making sudden moves in front of cops... you best hope you're not in America boy.

absolutely officer

Go back to >>>/reddit/

Wherever you go, we will follow.

You sure seem to know a lot about reddit. Maybe you should go back there.

It was under the guise of logging in.
Also I'm not a retarded minority that runs away from cops or doesn't just fucking raise my hands

Sure thing officer, have fun (working your way around dwm).