When was this website good and when did it become irredeemable?

When was this website good and when did it become irredeemable?

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The moment when people realised they could make a shit ton of money of their videos. AKA when it stopped being about "broadcasting yourself".

The coup de grace was when jewggle swallowed Youtube, it was all but over.

It was good the first 2 years it existed when it consisted of original content recorded with cameras with crappy quality.

Then some people decided "Hey, i'm a lazy sack of shit who likes to play video games" and decided to start posing let's plays. Not too long after, companies came in with their own channels (I am looking at you FineBros and BuzzFeed) and basically turned Youtube into a monopoly with small channels never standing a chance against channels with dedicated teams of video editors and lawyers.


Back when its rating system resembled YTMND's 5 star one
When Google bought it

I finally had to stop when they decided you needed to "upgrade" to a Google+ account to continue responding to video comments.

There's certainly nothing redeemable about the site anymore. Competitors like Vimeo provide higher quality browser re-encodes and don't fuck around with your resolution should you decide to upload something that isn't some utterly retarded format like 360p. The expectation would normally be that the market leader has the ability to undercut its competitors with better service due to their higher reservoir of bandwidth, but for some reason Google just doesn't seem to care anymore.

Just think... Back in the day you might upload a standard 320x240 SNES video in XviD. Fast forward 10 years later and today you might upload a 320x240 SNES video in x264 at a larger file size (more bandwidth), and somehow it'll end up looking worse because of their fucking "HD" obsession and prejudice against low-resolution 4:3 formats.

Youtube is a hundred times bigger and they're somehow providing worse service for this niche than they did 10 years ago.

That's stupid, you think only google should make money from the videos people upload?

Youtube's problem is they have to encode everything you upload, you can't just upload a video it has to be transcoded.

Aside from shekels, what was the purpose of selling out to google?

Shekels. The creators were never really interested in Youtube as anything more than a business opportunity. Originally they envisioned it to be some sort of online dating site because that was hot at the time.

became irredeemable when google bought them and now there is nothing but ads. And then they have a subscription option "YoutubeRed" which is a fuckin joke. I'd rather press the skip button after 5 seconds than give them my hard earned money. fuck them

What is this, 2005?

Youtube's problem is that a larger file video encoded with a superior codec somehow gets transcoded to something that looks worse than 10 years ago because their quality parameters have been reduced rather than increased. I'm not making this up, I've done the experiments.

I don't think I've ever seen a single ad on youtube.

because until then, you could customize your channel look however you wanted.

pict related, notable exemple.
Exploring youtube was giving the same feeling has exploring the web in general.

Wow I actually forgot you could do all that.

Just what is a good alternative to Jewtube these days?

good old newgrounds
webm thread
if only

There isn't going to be one until copyright maximalists die in a fire. Grab yer pitchforks.

Keep in mind that's part of why MySpace died to Facebook, all the nigs, white trash and dumb teenage girls made their MySpace pages look like eye cancer.

vid.me but they still have "hate speech" issues.


You're missing the point though.

When people realized they could make money from their videos instead of people doing it just for fun, they're doing it just for money.

I mean look at the amount of people bitching about being unable to make yt videos because they don't get money from them.

It's still good, you're not cool for hating popular things kids

so it filters the permavirgin losers? Sold.

The only reason Google runs Youtube is to make money, this isn't communism.

No fucking shit. But as a result of letting users make money off their videos, they opened pandoras box. I mean look at what happened to prank channels.

SO stupid goy, it was always owned by google

It was never good. Nothing that's related to web 2.0 is good.

it was actually pretty great until they sold to google.

and if they didn't let users make money from their videos there wouldn't be a Youtube because it wouldn't make money and it wouldn't be worth it to keep running it. It would go in the bin with all the other failed Google products until someone else filled the market gap.

Isn't YT running a deficit anyway?

Google doesn't know what the fuck to do with their platform, as evidenced by the constant pointless layout and feature changes.

They were independent for about a year before Google bought them.

It'd be nice if we had a decent alternative where you could just upload videos, subscribe to people, and no Pajeet-tier layout.

I miss the days when Google didn't really fuck with the way the site worked (I started using it around 2007-2009).

It was a simple idea that blew up, and when things blow up, people think that's good, but it's actually the worst thing to happen.

Is there not a Stylish theme or Greasemonkey userscript to make it look entirely old-school?

If you upload uncompressed video, or loseless video, how does it handle it?

Is YTMND still 'good'?

The same, it's unreal how they can take such a big shit on a lossless upload.


When google bought it.

YTMND has remained virtually unchanged for the past decade, one of few communities online that has remained completely untainted by feminism or any other bullshit.

God bless YTMND

This is


i remember when biggest websites was just html and shit websites like Twitter, Jewtube, Newgrounds etc.even fuckbook was a little bit nice in the 2010 plataformed to NSA+2.0-less inter 2012-2013 so my browser is now dropped out CPU 100% when I browse those shit

I'd love there is some HTML version or HTML alternatives popular like jewtube, or a mirror for low resources Jewtube comment section with the reply shit or something, at least Jewtube mobile version is something....

The god tier days of YouTube were 2007-2009

No fucking vidya faggots
No censorship
No copyright bullshit
Fully customizable channels ( 1.0 & 2.0 )
Messaging ( """deleted"'" in 2015)
Multiple accounts on one email ( or vice versa )
Non-retarded video page layout, info was on the right.
That beautiful yellow sub box
144p default

I used zippcast until the owner stole everyone's money. Why haven't any good clone alternatives popped up?

Oh and deleted accounts were recoverable.

I forget how I did it but Google had a hidden link to unfuck hijacked or deleted channels. Removing this feature was stupid.

YouTube was made because you couldn't just post videos on the web the same way you post images.
Now you can. Therefore YouTube is obsolete.
The only reason people use it is money.

I had a account back then, actually 2 and both got banned. They definitely had copyright bullshit back then.

And it wasn't that good either. I was back then trying to find good tutorials on youtube but most of them were shit, that was the only reason why I started a youtube channel. Started with general tutorials but then moved to tutorials on how to pirate and crack games. Most of those videos were fake or totally retarded.

Vimeo is objectively better (higher transcode quality, less retarded resolution restrictions), don't know enough about vid.me.


It seems that Vid.me actually re-encodes at an even lower quality than Youtube.

I don't know why someone won't just make a site that let's you upload whatever the fuck you want without altering it as long as it conforms to a certain maximum data density.

Although it is nice that vid.me doesn't require you to upload in 720p to retain 60fps. Shame you can't see what's going on in a video to take advantage of that.


What if a site were created that allows you to search through videos and create channels, but the people who make videos self-host them?

Tutorials with retards who type shit on notepad, with shitty music blaring in the background still plague youtube to this day. Also kids who talk too low, because they're afraid that their mom might hear them or something.

Nobody would use it because self-hosting is too much trouble.

Federated hosting with global search could work.

Youtube tutorials (and video tutorials in general) need to die a swift death. There's no fucking reason for that shit.

Hey, video tutorial fuckheads: just type an article up and throw in some screenshots or photos. Ain't no one got time for your godawful boring unedited stream-of-consciousness video bullshit.


What'd you just say?

What has that got to do with money making? I'd use their service more if I didn't have to jump through fucking hoops to make a video look acceptable. At the end of the day a high quality low-resolution video is more bandwidth friendly than a high quality 720p video that had to be blown up to be viewable because they compress the fuck out of the low-resolution video.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Exactly the same kind of report. It's financial.

Other way around. 2004 on the chart reflects actual losses incurred in 2003. They were just reported in 2004.

Basically, the financial report for a particular year doesn't come out until the actual year has ended (i.e. it is reported the following year).

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
is the refugee the man or the woman?


those eyes lol

Possibly the wrong spot to actually throw up questions like this (us LARPfags having a LARP general and what have you) but is this the right spot to prop up with questions about Dutch larps too?
Or did I just break and unspoken rule of not dragging LARP stuff out of our general?



Well, the creator doesn't have a transparency but it does have this.

I want Shillerites to leave


So anybody got any ideas for a technique we could devise while we're getting swole with Olibu?

You can't search for videos the same way with images. It has that as well at least. A lot of webm threads I still check YouTube for the highest resolution version of a video I may want to save.

it was always hyped garbage. the options to upload videos on the web was basically google video and a few more, and then after a year or so this youtube bullshit came out. google video was basically just a plain page with a video and comments. youtube was full web 2.0 trash. to this day, watching videos on youtube is *still* shit. in any case, what I want is something like Freenet where I can just upload my shit byte for byte and have it content-addressable, no fuckheads have any say about what I'm allowed to upload, and it is viewed without ads

but then there wouldn't be any value proposition to the service goy

nope. got banned for saying nigger and shit even back then. youtube was always cucked.
also relevant

The latest word is that YouTube's algorithms have changed to favor big media companies that can produce content every day. Of course this is not a matter of concern for people who don't do videos for money, but trying to make money seems to have become the rule rather than the exception.

I absolutely agree with you. I really can't be bothered sitting through a tutorial video, I just keep searching until a find a written one.

It was the only way to get access to enough storage.
And not because of the money, but because Google had the datacenters.



around 2009-2010. I don't remember exactly when it happened but as soon as google started changing things for the sake of change and to see how inefficient and fucked they could make youtube while still keeping it's userbase, that's when I remember first thinking "Why the fuck am I still here putting up with this shit?"

Newgrounds is dead.


this. Even people barely touch/talk about Tribler.

I have no idea how to reply to your comment. All I know the site is better and more content is uploaded, however shockwave is still a cancerous format.

'hate speech' is a politically charged term used to push censorship you fucking retard

I remember when TMZ would only report a few stories each week, and every story would pertain to developing legal news in the entertainment business. Suddenly it became a gossip site and grating television show.

I'm pretty sure a larger company buying out TMZ is responsible, but I'm not wading back into that cesspool to find out.

Video tutorials have their place, and can be done well.

yeah, sometimes seeing the work being done is easier than reading a technical writing about how to do the work

It died in 2011 when Fr3d sold out to Nickelodeon, Google killed customizable channels, then shoves Google+ down our throat, gaming became the most viewed content and ads were enabled for non-partnered channels

also all the fag babies joined like that little homo with the gay voice

when 99% of the content was random autists with shit cameras and dbz amvs dubbed with a drowning pool soundtrack.

t. permavirgin loser shitposting from his mother's basement

It depends on the video and the channel, adblockers aside. If you go to a channel that's under the radar even if it is still relatively popular you may never see an ad. If that channel somehow contains content a company's lawyer would consider copyright, that channel may have to include ads to keep the video up.

not like they don't backup all your shit anyway

More a case of Adblock doing its job for me. I never even knew that Google had implemented ads for the longest time. Didn't find out until I saw others talking about it.

How the hell is youtubes comment system even more fucked than before? I keep getting random comments in my inbox that aren't even replies to anything I posted.


Yeah, I know, but sometimes I want to contact a person who uploaded a video and It'll be the only means available to do so.

You forgot the part where
which creates a market for giant channels pawning drivel.

Ah those was the good ol' days. I mean yeah a majority of users fucking nuked their pages with the FUGLY bling background and gifs and ear cancer max volume song that played in the background.

Hell it was my introductory to know and play around with HTML on a page.

This! I mean I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later but when it happen the shit hit like a non-stop tidal wave.

The Jewness never hit this hard once the black cloud of Viacom started to loom over. I mean the anti-bully/sjw tier bullshit is another form of cancer in which it's going to kill it but the looming nonsense of the Viacom shit is what held major concerns and accelerated a cancer that couldn't be stopped.

.. filled with fake information / browsing history and _NO_ random shit because that is easy to filter out.

If you comment in a thread you are "subscribed" to it. There's a dropdown option somewhere that lets you unsubscribe.



i am going to watch the simpsons on youtube
here is a program of youtube clips on the tv that weren't that funny on youtube the first time.


Before Google sellout

Youtube really went down the tubes with Google+. Salty oldfags will complain about let's plays and what have you now but they weren't complaining then which speaks volumes.

Let's plays went out of style since then, but there is a reason they were in style in the first place. See AVGN. Of course they have to be done right, and not some retarded shit like PewDiePie, but still let's plays had their place and for the time were extremely popular because it was new and original content that people enjoyed.

Quite frankly Youtube could survive if they got rid of just a few things: Google+ requirement, YoutubeRed, algorithms that prefer big companies over the little person. But Youtube won't even try until they are on the edge of irrelevancy because they are google and fuck you they do what they want.

2009 was a full internet tipping point
it was the transition year where the normal faggots began to outnumber enthusiasts, it was the point where girls(READ:THOTS) could like computers and not be considered weird. The fake nerd culture was in full swing, apple is huge, homos are becoming accepted more and more, the big bang theory is popular, etc..

the year moot showed his true colors and cucked for tumblr the first time

2009 was hugely eventful but for anyone around 4chan it was the first sign of true unrecoverable death.

today, this site is filled with faggots due to the shift in 09 we have pony faggots not being trolled out of existence, we have furfags with one of the top boards, we have cuckpol, we have Holla Forums and not /g/ with 0 similarities between the two, Holla Forums basically just being a reddit link aggregator and dont forget the worst fact of all

the VAST majority of users on Holla Forums ARE leddit faggots and/or underage

the internet stopped being for adults and nerdy kids in 2009
now its for kids and manchildren

People didn't like furfags because they would always shove it in everyone's face. Same reason why many people dislike Holla Forumsacks today.

He's retarded. Ignore him.

When they implemented pre-video ads, it was then that the site stop being about entertainment and creativity to people flooding YT just to making money. I will never stop missing the golden age of YTP and Machinimas.

shut up newfag the extent of furries "back in the day" was a single thread every week that got flooded with gore 100% of the time
furries were globally known around the whole internet to be hated by everyone and not welcome.
people use to be against sexual deviants, but that slowly shifted.

daily reminder the people who started nearly all the porn threads were purple haired thots trying to make men into cucks and it worked. all porn distributers are feminists.
same goes for trap threads, we went from NO TRAPS EVER, to trap threads being accepted, to now where the people who browsed those threads want to "transition" its hard to believe but 4chan use to be great if you ignored the CP that still got regularly posted LONG after the fbi came

YT were also hemorrhaging money like crazy before they did this. If they weren't bought out by Google, they would have no lasted longer than 2007.

I still have some youtube videos that I ripped off their site years ago using a flash downloader that will probably never be seen again. They're not only deleted and banned, but get auto-deleted by the servers the second anybody tries to re-upload them. For me it was copyright that killed youtube. If there's no permanence on your platform what's the fucking point? Might as well just upload temporary .webm's on image boards instead.

Well that was definitely a quick transition.

t. goon

Reminds me of this.

Here's some more classic youtube.

That's a cute growl.

I can't think of any single point when Youtube became irredeemable shit. It's just been dying a slow painful death.

ChiCity called them out back in 2009. It was obvious then that Youtube had major problems, but thanks to the rise of retarded normalfags who care more about social media and trends, nothing ever got fixed and it was only made worse.

thank God. Got any good ones though?


Youtube has always had shit changes since it was started. I got on youtube like 2005-06 and i can still remember people getting pissed about channel design changes, sub box changes, pm shit and other stuff back then too. It's always been popular to say youtube is getting worse. Which it is imo but there isn't really much of an alternative now since people don't want to do it for fun, they want it to be their job.

Exactly this.

No DRM, no DMCA, just content; original or not.

Something that I believe the chans, to an extent, still embody.

Youtube was shit from day 1. Worst discussioncommenting system I've ever seen on any website, even before the Google+ transition. Worst interface for playback that required everything to go through Flash and didn't support direct playback via Real/QT/WMV/etc, and also refuses to put convenient download links. Worst interface for uploading that doesn't support access through FTP/WebDAV/etc, instead requiring you to use their wonky API at best, and forcing constant recodes.

But the worst part about Youtube? The content and community. Literally everything anyone cared about on Youtube for many years was stolen from another site, whether commercial piracy, competing sites like Newgrounds and YTMND, or fora with creative users like 4chan and SA.

Even today, Youtube is in the same bucket of parasitic worms as Reddit and Tumblr, with 99.999% of consumption from content it stole elsewhere, and the remaining 0.0001% struggling to escape from Youtube and set up shop elsewhere the instant they achieve any success whatsoever.

The only reason I did, do, and will ever use Youtube is because of the massive volume of stolen material that (with all the hacks and software I have, maintained through the constant labor of hacker communities, configured to attack Google's bullshit) is conveniently accessible at a moment's notice.


Be thankful I didn't use the Holla Forums one holding up ED, /gg/ and /baphomet/ as the saviors of civilization.

tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

I tried, user, but I just couldn't be thankful that you only offer options of how you could have done worse.



Just choose the videos you like and ignore those you don't like. Fuckin socialists niggers.

It's a sad state of affairs. Mobile devices did bring OC amateur porn though.

Here I am, hoping they put Moot in charge of Youtube so he can run it into the ground faster.

Exactly. It's almost like the faggotry was always among us all the time, but we were too stupid to recognize these cancerous faggots from what they are. Also,
That's precious.

Oh, the cringy memories it brings from 2015! Does anyone has screencaps from that stupid creepy daycare thread that was all the rage on Reddit until it spilled over /baphomet/ and they actually had a faggot going to peek around the daycare at night? The people roleplaying about conspiracies and shit were funny as hell.

It's especially bad now that everything was redesigned to look the same on mobile and desktop, so it ends up not making any sense on either

What exactly was bad about CoD4? Only complaint I can think of is that they should have started naming it something else due to it really not being related to the previous games (but it's not like they were the first company to do this), otherwise it was more new content than the games they've released since then. Also, it isn't Valve's fault that tons of people started repeating "the cake is a lie".

It was good before google (when 5 star vid ratings still existed and we could have nice highly customized user channels). It became irredeemable after google raped it.

We need a p2p video service, otherwise it is always going to fall into the hands of copyright holders and shitty marketing companies paying to force their memes.

How exactly does that make it bad? Those small channels still exist, can still be found by using filters in your searches, and there's more content than ever on youtube. The only way anyone could see what you're talking about as bad, is if you're trying to make shekels from youtube.

For regular users who aren't in it for the jew golds, youtube really started going to shit when they started censoring everything and fucking up our channels and making it incredibly hard to make an account on youtube and the NSA pozzed everything.


I haven't seen an ad in YEARS. Why aren't you using uBlock Origin right now? Why weren't you using AdBlockPlus when it was the best one years ago?

I had multiple youtube accounts to avoid censorship and they all each had a very heavily customized, very cool channel. I could write LOTS on the channel and put links. I had tons of redpill links on race and lots of stuff I wrote. You can't do that anymore.

rip youtube.com/user/NeedsMoreDiversity

(tfw visiting the link right now, it has a very non-standard layout compared to all the other youtube channels, but it's still missing almost everything it had before


You can embed their vids here on Holla Forums.

e.g. vid.me/gO72

You can embed that. (looks like bo for Holla Forums turned off vid embeds)

They have more customizable channels, less censorship, and are a pretty much perfect replacement for youtube.

I've already made a channel on there and plan on migrating ALL of my videos on youtube to them. I'm going to keep my youtube accounts and channels but I'm going to start using vid.me as my primary site, uploading everything there first, and youtube as a secondary back-up.

Not true. LPs prey on the weaknesses in every Youtuber's psyche: Tons of views, zero effort, you don't even have to be good at video games! They're the reality TV of Youtube.

Where once I could tick off numerous channels doing original animation, skits, and anime/game/etc reviews/analysis (with actual visuals and a prepared script, not just somebody gazing at a webcam and gabbling into the mic), now each channel I liked has turned one by one mostly or entirely into an LP channel.

I do not believe that's the reason myspace died at all. Also myspace was always a far superior site and I still haven't made a cancerbook account to this day and I was stunned how it grew into the massive cancer it is today, thinking for sure it would never be adopted because it was too dumbed down, limited, etc... but then billions of women and mudraces got connected to the internet and it wasn't just intelligent white men anymore... and now all kinds of cancer have become the norm.

Are you sure they aren't just getting buried under the noise and they're actually transforming into the cancer you're describing? Maybe they still exist but you just have to dig through the shit more?

Hey you, there's this great site called "youtube" and a search engine called "google" you'll love! Jewish just like you! No "permavirgin losers"! While you're at it check out Facebook and Skype! You seem to have stumbled somewhere that really doesn't suit you, go find some shitty normalfag forum to post on about how you fuck your GF every day.


Me the customized youtube.


I still remember when Google bought it for 6 billion or whatever. I said "what a waste of money, I like Google Video more, six billion basically for a domain name". I was pretty wrong there, Youtube absolutely dominates other services, the name was worth the money.

David Bowie definitely stuffed his crotch for that movie. If you watch A Man Who Fell To Earth you see his dick in it, and he certainly isnt hung.

Vid.me's freedom is appreciated. What isn't is the fact that they transcode video to an even worse piss quality than Youtube. It's really intolerable for the kind of low-resolution video game videos I like hosted, you can't make out what the fuck is going on at all.

seriously, just look at this

That's Holla Forums and that's from 2016.

At least they didn't almost an-hero with the po po at the daycare, like with pizzagate.

Holla Forums gets more ridiculous each year.

Day 1 - 2015
After all the drama like Keemstar, the SJWs making the site too strict/worse, terrible site code/lag, YouTube Red, and other negative events, YouTube just got worse and worse. It might be a terrible site, but I still can find almost every video I need on it, unlike Dailymotion/Vimeo/anything like that. It's shit, but it's still the best SFW video site there is.

For example, let's compare the activity of Dailymotion and YouTube:

dailymotion.com/video/x53om5b_we-are-number-one_fun (This is just an edit, and the most viewed video related to We Are Number One.)

youtube.com/watch?v=PfYnvDL0Qcw (This is the original.)

and on Vimeo, you can't even find "We Are Number One". Note that We Are Number One is a HUGE meme that had spread across many sites, even Pornhub.

I found a somewhat suitable alternative: vidme. But the mods are SJWs and still have practically the same ToS (although slightly better) as YouTube, it's far less functioning, and it has a much smaller user scale. It's just so lazy gamers can still make money off of YouTube.

I found out about it in 2006 when you could watch full anime episodes and full movies on it. Then the copyright faggotry started and some years later they introduced this ad faggotry


also this

always used it as a file transfer protocol server

it works breddy gud