
Is it just me or have we gone backwards for average keyboard build quality. I remember when out of the box you had very durable keyboards that felt good to use. Some had odd layouts but you got use to them yet I don't recall the average keyboard back then being as shit as they are today.

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Why make good keyboards when you can sell shitty cheap ones.

I'm currently using an IBM model M, but the F and B keys double print. I'm sure I just need to take it apart and clean the contacts, but I'm too lazy.

China and the loss of American manufacturing.

see: the history of keyboards and why mechanical keyboards are making a resurgence. Buckling springs were old school and mechanical just upped the ante.


You talking about that kickstarter from Keyboardio? That is shit. What I want is something like the Unicomp but even though they are trying hard to imitate the IBM model M they just don't have the build quality and for the price you can go get a high quality gaming keyboard.

Been using this a solid 10 years now. I've been a bit concerned since they discontinued it about what exactly I'm going to end up replacing it with when it ever craps out on me.

They still make good ones, even better ones, but they also make cheap ones now. Apparently, the majority doesn't mind having the cheaper ones, because they're more than good enough.

I just replaced a cheap keyboard, which I'd been using for over 8 years. It wasn't even broken or anything, I just wanted another layout. New one is same price range ($20), but feels heavy and more durable and types just as nice. It's also able to handle more simultaneous key presses, although that was rarely a real issue, even while I playing plenty of games and use it as a virtual (music)keyboard too.

In general, things just aren't built to last anymore. They don't make 'em like they used to. There's been an explosion of high-quality keyboards for hobbyists, but the standard has been watered down so much island-style chiclets are now the only option on notebooks.

When they break just make a cool necklace

I have one of these and it's pretty comfy. Have to run it with a PS/2 to USB adapter though which results in ghosting every now and again.

This is why I always by a backup or two of anything I like. Good shit always gets discontinued for something worse.

We've gone backwards in quality at just about everything in technology these days, all in the name making things look "Sleek" and "Cool". You can blame Steve Jobs and Google for this bullshit meme.


No, it's not that. At least it's not only that. It is mainly a matter of cost.

Old PCs came with good keyboards because people paid through the nose for them! Adjusting for inflation, the original IBM 5150 cost $8000. A mechanical keyboard was a small part of the total price, and it helped give the impression of a good value. But, as computers got popular, manufacturers had to compete in price, and of course some corners were cut.

Nowadays, you get a whole computer for $250 or whatever. Obviously there's no room for a fancy mechanical keyboard in this budget, be glad they'll throw in a $5 generic ching chong. Want something better? Pay for it!

Us unix users amirite?

Don't forget price slashing over time. The rise of companies like Packard Bell and eMachines helped bring down PC costs for the masses, all with numerous corners cut.

Now there are PCs with shitty emmc storage that's barely enough to hold Windows.

When I was a kid my dad had a Model M. Before I could even read I would pretend to type on that shit, sounded and felt so cool

don't know if he threw it out or sold it at a garage sale, but when we got our first windows PC (a gay macintosh ripoff 486 compaq that looked kinda like this pic) we just used the keyboard that came with it. never saw the old one again

enjoy your carpal tunnel

m8 that's literally for retards. Are u deformed?

No thanks to ergonomic keyboards

How are you suppose to code on that monstrosity? That is not like any ergonomic keyboard I have seen.

unlike regular ergonomic keyboards, it is 100% adjustable. You can adjust the height of the keys, the distance between your hands and the distance from your body, so you can use it literally however you want, whatever suits you best

Professional BW players were using 8 dollar keyboards, your overpriced toy isn't needed

Most professional gamers prefer higher build quality just for durability, a professional CS:GO player can destroy a $8 keyboard within a year with normal use.

Oh so you're a professional gamer now are you?

yeah, they'd destory it and get another 8 dollar keyboard

During a tournament match? How fast do you think one can swap keyboards without losing the match for the team?

Obviously they'd get a new keyboard at the start you retard

You don't get the problem $8 keyboards are not reliable under heavy use while mechanical keyboards practically last forever even when punished. I could bludgeon you over the head with IBM model M and it would probably work fine afterwords. So you either buy many $8 keyboards or one mechanical keyboard that could outlive you.

If I wanted to buy a high quality keyboard for less than $200 with no gimmicks, which one should I get?

Nvmd found one

Does anyone have experience in making custom keyboards?
How hard would it be to re-create something like Space-cadet keyboard? (pic related)
How complicated would it be to make Linux to use all those extra modifier keys?

i actually kind of like that at&t keyboard layout

It is just you. Mechanical keyboards with cherry switches have a very high build quality that is most definitely comparable to the keyboards of old. Back then keyboards were $100 and today the good mechanical keyboards are also $100. I don't know if they'll last 30 years like the clunky Model M, but there's a good chance that they'll last a decade.

That was 6 years ago. Today they are all using mechanical keyboards with very few exceptions. Also, don't forget that they got a new $8 keyboard every other month. You can get a high quality mechanical keyboard for that kind of money.

Can anyone identify this?
Sorry for the quality, but I was in a hurry
I found it in my uni, near some IBM boxes (maybe servers?), tucked away under some stairs

I own a model M and a unicomp, I would argue the unicomp is built better. Study as FUCK.

Not hard at all. Buy the keys and caps, make the PCB, hook it up to a teensy

An IBM original of this

Yes, it's not especially hard and there's plenty of documentation out there.

XKB supports 5 modifier layers, apart from shift; by default those are control, meta, super, num lock, and hyper which is typically unused (Emacs supports it). So you could probably eck something out

Should I try to ask to get it for free?
They don't use it anymore

see pic, I grabbed this recently and it was marketed for kids. has white alps in it, kinda like mx blues but the reset feels different. seems pretty decent, shame the keycaps aren't double shot I read the little animal prints fade.

if it's a pre atx keyboard it wont work through normal means. example, my model F has a DIN connection but it wont work even with an adapter to ps2, it's just wired differently.
if you have the space I'd say ask for it anyhow, no harm if it sits for awhile.

That keyboard is proprietary to the AT&T 6300, not a bad keyboard but your stuck using it with the 6300 without some homemade adapter.

That mouse is actually really awesome
We need more like it that will do basic keyboard functions

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Are we getting invaded by /sci/ trolls? The results are socioeconomic: 100% social science.

fucker I'm in north wales too, where you at

How do you even get to pick? What service are you in. I would personally say Afghan becausr as sketchy as the people are, its beautiful. If you are not combat arms though basically your deployment will consist of sitting on a base and never seeing the country at all.

beards have been a thing for millenniums


Can anyone identify this?
it kinda looks like rubber dome
but all the screws on the bottom make me doubt

also how much would a IBM model F be worth ?

looks like a model M terminal keyboard. can't be used on a PC, only IBM Terminals.

nice, where's the battlestation thread?

There are no model M terminal keyboards, you're thinking of the model F.

Nice joke, it's especially funny because every thread you don't like just so happens to be cancer
If only everyone had Godly taste like yours

Of course we've gone backwards in quality for keyboards. We've gone backwards in quality for everything.

A small microcosm example would be consoles. I'll start with the Sega Genesis as that is what I am most familiar with.

Now let's move to a newer generation console: the Xbox360.

Shit today is garbage. People might like to think otherwise, and I am sure there is quality out there somewhere, but the vast majority of electronics today are built cheaply and designed to fail.

Are mechanicals worth it?
I have this retarded idea to take an old keyboard I have lying in the attic, and somehow make it into a buckling spring keyboard. I don't care if it can't fit in the case, looks retarded, or doesn't work, I just wanna feel how a mechanical keyboard feels like

That seems like something you'd see in some |337 h4xx0r movie. Retarded but cool.

Source on the vid?

It depends on what kind of mechanical keyboard it is, and how it feels to you. Any keyboard you get, no matter what kind, will be a little awkward to use at first if you've been using the same one for years. Generally bucking springs are regarded to be the best, but not high in supply. What you'll find a lot of are the Cherry color of the week™ switches, which don't have the same tactile feel.

If you can find an old bucking spring for a good deal, like at a thrift shop or something, then I definitely recommend picking it up as soon as you see it. I got mine for a dollar at a state recycling center, and with a shitload of cleaning fucker was filthy, it looked like the last guy used it as a bathroom mat it was great. I'm still using it now, and I wouldn't sell it for anything.

You can buy brand new buckling spring keyboards at They made them from the original designs.

I knew about Unicomp. They're the only guys that still do bucking spring though, and mentioned being poor which is why I suggested holding out for a used model.
It's a great way for deleting your saves on older games that had that functionality when playing them today.

Anybody here tried the XMIT Hall Effect Mechanical Keyboard?
I was considering getting it on Massdrop, but I wanted to wait and hear peoples reactions.

Don't buy cherry brown unless you want to take a formal typing posture with elevated wrists. I've had mine for 5 years and still make errors.

That's copy protection, not DRM. DRM involves identities and chains of trust.


I'm not the guy who posted the webm, but here's the sauce:

Brand new surprisingly you can still get them new run about $400, and used run around $200+ depending on wear.

Definitely. No rubber dome can come close to the feel of even a shitty mechanical board. I would advise avoiding Cherry switches if you can though, as even their chink clone switches tend to feel better, especially the linear ones.

I own a Unicomp and an 86' Model M and while the M is one of the sturdier keyboards I've owned, the Unicomp isn't bad in terms of build quality. It's got better build quality than any modern mechanical keyboard I've used. Obviously it's not going to beat much that was manufactured before the late 90's, but it's still pretty sturdy. Anyway I wouldn't expect anyone on this board to abuse a keyboard to the point of un-usability outside of food or dirt in the board anyway, so it doesn't make a ton of difference as long as it stands up to everyday use.

I have a Unicomp as well. Their keyboards are probably the best value for your money in mechanical keyboards today, and they're the only ones using buckling springs instead of cherry switches. I also have a kinesis advantage (cherry browns) but actually think I prefer the Unicomp. If only they made an ergonomic buckling spring keyboard.

But don't get one if noise is a concern.