I'm posting on behalf of a Korean user who's stuck in that hellhole. Media outside of SK is dead silent, nobody from the outside knows what the fuck is going on. It's total mayhem.
I don't have the post, but according to gookanon many korean websites that require a paid membership has boards where DoM record snuff films of them murdering their sons and aborted fetuses. He also allegedly stated that men are being murdered on the street, but there's complete media blackout on such events occurring.
Here's their official website, I don't think they've uploaded snuff pictures here: megalian.com note the logo.
Unfortunately I and I would assume most anons here don't speak gook, so I don't know how much we can find from digging into it. Still, I wonder (((who))) could be behind it :^)
SJW group "Daughters of Megalian" gone full terrorist in SK; allegedly murdering their children
Other urls found in this thread:
South Korea needs to quickly surrender to North Korea. It is the only way.
Clearly the lesser Korea
Not surprising. They took the white man's old religion - Christianity - it's no surprise that they're taking the new one, too.
Asians are a slave race. Never forget.
Juche is better than annilation. When you think about it NK is better off because they are protected by modernity
Protected from modernity I mean
In particular, Koreans have Jew-tier resentment against Japan.
REMOVE KIMCHI remove kimchi you are worst traitor. you are the capitalist idiot you are the starcraft smell. return to manchuria. to our manchu cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo…ahahahahaha ,united nation we will never forgeve you. UN rascal FUck but fuck asshole k-pop stink america taiwan jap..south korea genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead capitalist..ahahahahahaUSA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget korea war.china we kill xi jinping ,china return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot kimchi and nip smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KIMCHI FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. north korea=kill south korea…you will ww2/dennis rodman prefer north korea, dennis rodman play for pyongyang . slam dunk rodman choson. we are rich and have gold guns now hahahha ha because of dennis… you are ppoor stink zerg… you live in a hanok hahahaha, you live in a officetel. rodman play ball numbr one #1 in north korea …fuck the nipponese ,..FUCKk ashol south korea no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. kim il sung aliv and real strong wizard kill all the capitalist farm aminal with god magic now we the supreme people rule .ape of the zoo presidant obongo fukc the gorila and lay egg this egg hatch and south korea wa's born.
stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. north korea geattst countre
It has been proven once again.
Japan > Korea
Irrelevant country complex. Look at residual Romanian bugurt at being the peons of Germans and Hungarians. But there's something more fundamentally wrong with Asians.
Oy remember the 6 million comfort womyn
Not even, it's propaganda–the Korean national identity didn't exist until the Japanese occupation and is only kept around today because SKorea's corporations need the SKorean military to deter NKorea from overwhelming the (comparatively) free SKorean economy.
This is what happens when you don't fuck your women.
holy fucking shit
Also, after the Korean War the SKorean government led a campaign to exterminate the half-breed offspring of Western troops and Korean prostitutes. They're pretty hardcore.
Gook lives don't matter
this is like Aum Shinrikyo but more degenerate and less cool.
Meanwhile North Korea is an utopian Ethnostate free from western degeneracy.
In South Korea what happens is men don't marry women that aren't virgins. Women slutted around thinking the culture would change like free love in the west. It didn't. Now there is a horde of single women that have nothing to do with their life but radical activism. They resent men
I swear I've seen this in every gook thread ever.
In B4 some shill peddles anti-Best Korean propaganda
Mother of fuck! What the hell is going on over there?! Shit like this terrifies me because you'd think shit this bad would quickly circulate over to the West, but international media networks have mastered the art of blackouts. We can lose an entire state in the US to ISIS or tacos and all we'd be told is that everything is fine.
I heard about the SJW infestation in SK stemming from their president, but I didn't think it had reached death cult-levels of batshit insanity.
It's not just memes that (south) Koreans are honorary kikes.
And anyone who speaks Korean won't help anyway because you're a racist asshole. :)
Panic intesifies.
Fucking women, they are just monsters if there are not alpha males near putting them in their place.
Holy shit, this is too much. I can't even save those images to my feminism folder. It is too repulsing and vomitive. What is wrong with these cunts?
Are you implying North Korea isn't an anti-degenerate, utopian ethnostate?
Don't worry, the moments some guy fights back and slaps a woman it'll be on every front page complaining about the misogyny of korean men.
Nah, I don't understand what you are talking about, just seen that exact same message many times.
Like poetry.
I have posted this before, but it was weeks ago and only in 2 threads or so on the same day.
Yeah, we dont care about you, gook. Japan is the best thing in Asia. Japan should exterminate you. The other option is Best Korea also exterminating you.
What the fuck is wrong with Koreans?
Why is Japan the only Asian nation worth a flying fuck?
That's fucking horrifying. Doesn't SK have a feminist driven media censorship program where radical ham planets and hairy walruses get to pick what media is legal to watch and distribute? I remember during the uncucked days of /gg/ when some user talked about it.
Fucking weird and terrifying I'll tell you w'hat.
Kill yourself.
The situation might be a bit like Germoney but unlike Aryans the Koreans let themselves be raped without a brutal fight. Basically the nation got divided in two halves for no good reason, the other one isolationist and the other just complete jewed cultural marxist hell hole.
Unlike Japan they don't even have a sense of nationalism as the people are spread in two countries told to hate each other.
My personal theory is radiation.
Think about all the wierd shit and behaviors in Japan and Eastern Europe and wonder what they have in common.
nuclear annihilation when
Don't worry about it.
Japan is being made great again as we speak.
Soon you'll be a colony again and all these SJWs will comfort Jap conquerors.
There are nuclear artillery cannons pointed at Seoul this very moment. Just think of the possibilities user!
Are you saying that being irradiated made the Nips the only sane people in Asia?
One of the most interesting OPs I've seen on here in a while, good work user.
that's like from the famous rat experiment
Why are people always surprised by feminists being pro child murder? Let's not forget Lindsay Ellis from channel awesome intentionally got pregnant for she can have a abortion for a feminist film project in college. Which she never brother to finish in the first place.
I don't want to boss around, but we should start thinking about doing some shit as fuck as possible.
First, we need to recollect every single of these Korean fucked up news, with sources and archives, of coruse. Then some operation or shit to spread them.
Wre are in an age where the tables are turning and SJW bullshit doesn't have the upper hand. This could not just help Koreans, but the West as well, since this could help us push an anti-SJW mentality. Because this is exactly the kind of shit we all fear, and now we are proven right.
"But where do I dig? I'm not Korean and I can't even read it!"
True, the language barrier is a pain in the ass, and a lot of shit can only be known if you are there. I also have no fucking idea, I'm a fucking worthless and useless piece of shit. But I know a guy with a lot of information and news, "gook user". Dig his tweets, he gives sources as well.
메갈리아 seems to be gook for Megalian. Trying to dig around on twitter for anything, can't translate for shit though
how do we send kim over the edge? I was thinking a p2p dos on the nork IP's that they download torrents over but I don't have the IP's
At least sane in terms of properly ordering an advanced first world civilization.
Not saying that their culture is in any way sane but then again ours isn't either at this point.
You do realize the leader of south korea is a japanese feminist dictator right. I suspect she is trying to d&c the koreans to wipe them out. Its funny how led by the nose the korean women are though.
Merchants of Holla Forums is a group that tries to counter Holla Forums facts by smearing it with red herring and non arguments. Like those Holohoax infographics you sometimes encounter.
hold on user.
maybe…we should let them be an example.
For the future generations
So superior Japanese are doing what Germany is doing. Trying to melt the chain that keep them down and turn them into leashes for the subhumans.
Truly the superior people.
I'm having difficulty reading these Korean pages as the Googletranslate for it is complete shit and everything comes out as gibberish
Make a master list of all public figures who support the radfem. Because they should not go unpunished when they fall.
Where does it say that she's Japanese?
She's just the daughter of a former dictator.
We need to send news about the South Korea situation to prominent anti-SJWs on YouTube, from Sargon inb4 le Sarcuck of Mossad to Black Pigeon Speaks. We need as many people on this. Fact that this is the first time I heard about anything like this going down is a red flag we have a major blind spot.
Shes also bought and owned by the (((un))). So more like trying to stir shit to look like a hero when she ends it. She has not weighed in on the monster she made.
it's fake you stupid shit
Shes jap because her father was a jap. Look at his page. Born in osaka.
the fucks a megalian?
So a foreign born nation wrecker who is also too retarded to contemplate the consequences of her actions.
Gook Merkel?
Running into the same problem here. Trying to find some damning pic evidence but nothing new. If there really is a media blackout though, they won't be posted on social media. Any gook imageboards that people know of?
What's fake?
If you say so user……
south korean internet defense force?
Sangmo-ri, Seonsan County, Gumi-myeon, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Japanese Korea
(present-day Seonsan-eup, Sangmo-dong, Gumi, North Gyeongsang, South Korea)
You sure about that?
the story is fake. you are getting trolled.
She's not.
Gooks are just so butthurt about the Japs conquering them that they blame everything bad on Japs instead of no the real perpetrators, the kikes.
I suppose he was born in the Japanese Empire because Korea was part of Japan at the time but he wasn't born in Japan.
how do you know the story is fake?
MIDF, Please leave.
I wrote it.
can you verify that?
prove it.
Park Chung-hee
That proabably reads like "Osaka" if you squint your eyes really hard and hate japan for some unrelated reason I guess.
Yuk Young-soo
Oh boy look at all these japanese names and japanese locations.
Seriously though, why this disinfo
Alright, Kim, so care to explain why you made an ordinary post here and didn't start off by saying it was fake in the first place? Trying to boost your post count so we wouldn't (1) you out?
we won't believe it even when it's proven
such is the life of the awakened
You are right, I must have clicked on the wrong link. One of their presidents was jap, but not her father.
Even he seemed to be an ethnic Korean.
the megalians are already here in this very thread
Indeed. And 7 fucking kids, ow my head.
What's there to be scared about? SJWs don't pull this level of retardation in the US for a reason. They'd get smacked the fuck down
Did we meme this?
Thats why they are encouraging women to serve in the army, so they get training to pull this stuff.
If they werent so disgusting, they would be good rape meat.
If anything, we memed this from the posts about "a future where feminists win" or "a future where Hillary wins".
or just general hope for happenings
What worries me is that they want to pull this level of batshit crazy.
How did we get to a point where so many of our own people hate civilization?
Too bad for western feminists, western women who are spoiled brats and the ones who go into the military ane 2 groups without overlap.
The fuck is that logo about?
It's supposed to be an "equal sign" but it doubles as belittling men's penis size.
Gives some Roman / Fascist impression.
Not just jews, but the fact men are shackled and held back from being great. And the chinese.
I have a plan
NK will be great again.
I guess mocking South Korean men's dick sizes?
Are they racist towards their own race?
But holy fuck will it be great to experience the great collapse of this shitty western world full of lies. Hopefully along with race war and resurgence of ethnic nationalism.
This is happening in SOUTH Korea.
North Korea would just all have them executed.
Better idea, withdraw all american and un support and defence from south, and let north korea take them over and show them what a true "patriarchy" can do.
they are all ugly slants
"South Korea" is an enemy nation, philo-semitic and parasitical.
Whatever is bad for "South Korea" is good for us. ZOG in all forms and at all levels – especially subservient populations who remain ignorant – are to be destroyed.
Both Koreas are worst Korea.
Gas the Gooks Asian war now!!!!!
The people look so natural. Yeah, life maybe a little shitty without conveniences, but such a simple and natural life…
I hate kikes. I want to kill them all.
Anyway seriously, who's behind these threads? Some westerner or South Korean hating his own nation? Or, a North Korean behind a proxy (no, can't be).
South korea is an experiment state. Of feminism wins, they will push for the radfem tactics pulled to be openly practiced in the west.
South Korea vs North Korea fighting would be fucking hilarious. Two badly trained military forces going against each other would be hilarious as fuck.
Especially if my fantasy of Japan taking the entire of Korea again.
If the people fall for the experiment they don't deserve to live.
Goldberg always had some kind of focus with posting about South Korea on Holla Forums
Without American support the Sorks would get steamrolled. It'd be a bloodbath.
Well never mind then.
I would like to see how this situation plays out once all the men leave. I hope the US can take them in, anything else is better than more blacks and Muslims.
Oy gevalt, don't downplay the 6 billion comfort whoreswomen. 6 trillion comfort whireswomen were viciously paidRAPED by the nip bastids! We must be given another apology and more restitution for the 6 gorillian comfortwhoreswomen who lost their virginities during WW2.
And Japan would rekt both at once
1 is shit because they relied on the usa for defense for far too long. The other has nukes and balistics that could reach the south. North kore could feasably take the south.
Cannot argue with that, but the ones who are fighting back are undeservedly doomed.
North Korea chose independence and strength through perseverance over dependence and weakness through decadence
Yeah but they're still fucking commies.
It still hasn't in the west. No way am I marrying until after DOTR
It would be hilarious but no, they are not badly trained. Both countries have a long mandatory conscription and years of intimidation propaganda. If it went to conventional warfare they'd be in living hell.
If they don't win, they didn't fight back hard and/or well enough. That means they didn't deserve to win.
There is no room for qualitative discrepancies in this world of struggle. There is will to power or there is death and obscurity.
I'm pretty sure the average hungry Nork is happier than the average Sork. maybe even happier than me…
They're actually not commies. They're a Korean version of National Socialist (Juche)
I allways wonder how NK is actually.
Even though you can go there as tourist you cant explore by yourself at all and it's only the route your guide takes you that you are permitted to see so… are the cities and areas you can see paradises for those Nooks that brown-nose the gubmint hard enough while rest is 3rd world shithole of poverty and hunger?
No way to know for sure.
So kll em.
Problem solved.
Quit being such pussies, Christ.
Then explain why the Kim family are the absolute monarchs of the state?
I doubt that Hitler would have set up a dynasty.
Just explore the whole country on Google Earth man.
Hitler didn't have children. He did outline plans of succession within the NSDAP and the Germany leadership.
That's what they get for following American death cult. First the death of Europe under the American occupation then the death of SK.
North Korea is basically the Jewish Utopia but not run by Jews.
I always saw noth korea and china to be similar, only the former is vilified because they are not participants in the corruption for the un.
So go against the un then?
At one point I had some BBC articles saved that purported to show abandoned street children with smuggled pictures. The only problem was the images were poor fabrications (pixels etc). So I'm left wondering, not that I expect it to be nice but the pictures were blatant fabrications
There is nothing jewish about North Korea.
If he won would he have had kids with Eva?
And plans of succession are hardly a dynasty.
To a degree, yes. Because of their small size and shortage of arable land, North Korea struggles to produce enough of its own food. This wouldn't be a problem if they were allowed to trade with the international community, as they have a very well developed industrial sector and plenty of mineral resources. It is how it is though, and people in the countryside work in impoverished conditions. They periodically have famines in which people starve and die. There is not much the government can do though, as they spend an absolutely massive portion of their GDP on defense. When food runs short, the government keeps its soldiers well fed. In fact, North Korea has the most powerful military per capita in the entire world.
Its not a dystopian hellhole, though. Its much closer to a feudal European society, in terms of living conditions in the countryside.
The capital city is quite nice.
How would I know the intimate personal details of the Fuhrer?
That's likely. When tourists go there the same (((actors))) are everywhere they go. Exact same people eating in a restaurant, walking in the streets, swimming in the spa. Lights in the city flashing up right when the bus brings them to Pyongyang.
I expect that a lot is fear-mongering but the country is still a 3rd world shithole. South Korea is a first world shithole, North Korea a third world shithole. What a shit race.
HINT: The family aren't really in control. See those generals with writing pads around him all the time, scribbling notes as he talks, THEY are in control.
This is Lena Dunham in 10 years.
1) Tiny group of insiders with total control over country
2) Vast majority of north koreans kept on edge of poverty
3) State atheism
4) Mandatory allegiance to leadership
5) Figurehead leader with no real power
6) Pretend prosperity for the public viewing
Pretty darn jewish to me. Thats what they have in store for us if you haven't noticed. The Jews just can't stand the PRK because they don't have their giant noses deep in the country, but they do like using the PRK as an excuse for militarizing the west and enriching themselves…even though North Korea is still stuck in the 1950s.
Yes. The US shouldn't be acting like a Nazi regime spreading their rules everywhere to begin with. That also means we should be at war with New York and the District of Columbia.
That last pic reeks of what I said. No cars to be seen in a city full of massive buildings.
You forgot Malaysia and Singapore but Japan is definitely the best
Singapore has a dictator problem too. Otherwise is not bad from what I heard.
Oh, forgot to say malasyains are an asian muslims majority.
Look closer. There are tons of automobiles in the city. Maybe you didn't realize the scale of the picture, but all of the buildings are quite large.
Obviously there are not nearly as many automobiles because North Korea cannot import tons of cheap fuel. They have public transit and most people walk
please no, gooks are just as bad as spics and nogs
Such a fucking treacherous, and two faced group of people
Damn, I didn't know that SK was on "just terrorize my country up fam" levels of SJW self hate cuckoldry.
I guess we're not alone in being jewed, I wonder how (((their))) influence got there.
un and american influence, and the women being whores for forigner dick.
All tourists are sheltered in a hotel that is on an engineered island surrounded by water. it essentially is to keep you from wandering off to the outskirts of Pyongyang and finding out how fake the whole place really is.
Look at their last parade….BIPLANES. They still use fucking biplanes!
Better yet, here's the Yak-9 planes still in their Air Force. The Russians quit using them in the late 1940s.
Jewish communism refined into the purest form.
Kim Jong Un looks like that Asian kid in highschool that always fucked up the grading curve because he always got 99-100 on his tests.
It's interesting how all this happens while their women are supposedly still submissive to male power and they have Kpop which is basically an industry for qt sluts who can "sing" for all the neet-tier betas that are common in 1st world asian countries like Japan.
Everything about just exudes fakeness to me for some reason.
The Philippines is redeeming itself with that new President they have
Hong Kong is still decent
Singapore and Malaysia are good as well
If they check their server logs, they will see a ton of HTTP referrals for this very thread, and then they'll know that we're talking about them.
Also, If you're not using archive.is, at least make sure to use a link anonyizer (for example "anonym2") that still displays the real link within the anonymized URL; not a URL shortener, as URL shorteners are often used by cheese pizza spamers and to hide malicious links, and therefore should never be trusted.
I've had to post this fucking message 3 times this week, This is a filthy dumb newfag scum tier mistake. Even in 2006, we knew this shit, and it was enforced on the raiding boards.
Did you go to a fucking nigger school?
No such thing user.
South Korea, where the girls are girls and the boys are girls too.
This, the fucking newfags need to stop fucking shit up
Unless, maybe it's shills purposely trying to expose our website to more people, if any of the Koreans who know English from that website snooped around on here I imagined they'd get triggered into back into the fucking Korean War.
This also
If you guys think nu-males are bad, SK fagboys would put them to shame
I imagine that if we continue on the current path all of our men would end up looking like that since feminine aesthetics are more pleasing to the eyes.
Top Kek, even koreans use the "6 gorillion defence"
i've heard north korea is openly anti semitic
this is one of the reasons why the USA demonizes NK so much
if we got to actually hear the things NK says about the USA we would be hearing a lot of anti semitism
They are wrong,
Jews do not infantry. Only command.
they usually depict Americans with big hooked noses
Fuck! We really need a translator, I would even be willing to pay one but that would become expensive very fast with all the archiving. We should try to find any south korean boards or bilingual forums and find an user down to do it for free.
Kim should really start liftan, i just cant take him seriously not because he's young but because he's pretty darn pudgy.
That first pic…I thought it said "UNLAID"
as if that's how SJW view the function of abortion.
today i cried while listening bridge over troubled water for 7 hours
Thread theme
i wonder what the women of north korea think of this shit
i doubt they believe it. they must quietly think "oh, the propaganda ministry has gone too far this time"
Stop fucking up your sage newfag
I was a teacher in Korea for 3 years. I rather liked the country, so I try to keep up with happenings over there.
This is pretty much fake. SK is incredibly conservative. Are there man haters in SK? Yes. Just like their are women haters. Both groups are very fringe.
I think OP is a shill that is stirring the pot (for who knows what reason).Yell, none of the other anons in this thread are finding ANYTHING that backs this shit up.
You can be a bro with people and still be a wreck
behold: the monument to plastic surgery. a tower of south korean jawbones
to them you are an ugly European funny how that works
You also have nothing to back up your claims.
t. gook
read the end of the first pic in OP for why i chose that as thread theme the Thread theme
are you implying she'd ever lose weight?
im just sayin man to them you're just an american dog that deserves to die
t. burger
I think mine fits better
Your sage isn't working
i think its spelled pottery
I wonder how much pussy those 2 white guys livin in NK get
So, I'm the liar? OP doesn't either.
Oh, do you mean the link to the feminist site? Please. I can make big post on any chan, screencap it, and do the same for whatever nazis site I want.
Let me spoon fed you. Like I said earlier, no one has been able to find anything backing up these extreme claims. and down, it's "I can't find anything to corroborate".
Even better, the OP has a pic that claims a lynching occurred. In fucking GANGNAM of all places. There is no way in hell that ever happened, and a simple google search shows the same.
This is fake. It is not a happening. Social media over there is years ahead of America's. If it was true, they wouldn't be able to hide.
They get no Korean pussy at all. iirc, they are married off to foreign women that have been abducted in order to preserve Korean racial purity
tbh probably none
Singapore needs an Authoritarian regime to limit the feral kebabs. Also it's a city-state so their Prime-Minister is more like a mayor.
btw these are all actors
i found the one white guy
ayyy some from the countryside
Every society infected by jewish rule is a clusterfuck of competing power groups who constantly push and pull the nation, creating friction in every area of public life.
Sounds like the West. And we don't even have scarce farmland to blame it on.
There is no society more culturally atheistic than the jewish-infected West.
Leadership like AIPAC and the ADL?
There is no greater example of a figurehead with no real power than the prime ministers and presidents of Europe and North America, who all take their orders from which clique of jews is either paying them or in possession of their gay pedophile tapes.
Like the crumbling nations of the West where whole cities, outside of immaculate downtown corporate developments and a handful of premier suburbs, are collapsed shit holes full of Africans living off drug money, credit, and welfare? Or Midwestern farmers who can' only work their land for the benefit of Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland because they are so encumbered with debt? Or the podunk morons who join Uncle Schmuley's military to fight for EXPLICITLY jewish interests because they can't get a job anywhere else?
It's always funny listening to conservative faggots who come from the most kiked out nations to have ever existed at any point in history and yet remain in total denial over it.
Welp, here goes my plans to leap to NK with some "top-secret" information from the local barracks.
I trust op more than you because you won't provide a source when asked.
more rural pics
not as nice as the capitol, but looks comfy tbh
The solution to this scourge is to suppress all social benefits, insurance etc for women who have divorced or aborted for futile reason (such as killing her baby because it was male). Also have them fired from whatever job they had, registered in a registry like the "sex offender" registry in the US.
And then let them die of hunger.
Rural norks do a lot of gardening
The old pic is back from when their farms were actually quite prosperous and their economy surpassed that of the south
I wish their architecture where not so sterile and communistic.
You again, fuck off back to SA you fedora nigger shit goon.
OP is a huge faggot.
Here it goes.
nothing personal
The war never ended.
The fact that Germans are committing national suicide and that Hungarian women generally go for their neighbors makes me not hate them so much.
This is really unbelievable.
Someone should make a documentary or something. How can it even get so bad, we really need to spread the word on this. Can someone tweet Trump?
Like damn, i cant even believe this.
Is there some other SK user here?
Or do they have some chan they congregate to so we could ask around?
Just kill the looney clams.
Problem solved.
I'm not even willing to click that link.
At least they don't allow shit like this here. Or maybe its happening and we're not hearing about it.
And now my 7yr. old has this on repeat. lel
They are probably hiding their communist riches to protect sanity of visiting victims of capitalism.
I think they need to use a government id to shitpost, so I doubt they have some kind of place to congregate that isn't being strictly monitored.
Heres some OC.
what if his name is Sage?
Hello Kim. Big fan. Did you personally make this pasta?
please remove south korean filth
These people are terrifying
Could i2p help them? And if the first download will get them flagged. Can't they get someone to send them some usb key with the latest working version on it?
Some user once said that South Korea is a testing ground for social models, which eventually get syndicated all over the west. How true it that?
Why don't the Korean men stop being scared and say "Okay, we've had enough of this shit. Of living in fear. Of being aborted, lynched, murdered, and harassed by crazy feminist cunts."? Why not fight back? All these idiots have is fear. Once that's gone, it's over. We all know women are inferior when it comes to combat.
Try to do the same thing in front of a mosque full of refugees, you hypocrite cunt
It's as if they're living on another planet.
damn it, it doesn't post the picture
Underrated post
She likes to insert things in her vagina and masquerades that thing as "performance"
I hate it when i have better ass, hips and thighs than most women do… [spoiler]no homo[/(spoiler]
get put
Please tell me anyone saved gookanon's threads. I've had his thread that was a year ago either here or /gghq/ but that was on 8archive before it got nuked.
You're both getting nuked after mecca and israel.
Are you basing that on fact or basing it simply on the fact they make cartoons and vidya you like? Ask yourself this, see if you can come up with a real answer.
Why are you shilling for these gooks so hard? How much are you being paid to post propaganda?
Mighty suspicious. Gook.
It's sadly common in normal schools too. (((Common core)))
Nation-building was a mistake. Koreans can't handle modern civilization. Japan should have let them stay in the mud.
which one? gookposter did a number on us with all the k-smart plastic surgery shots he posted from the KpopCunts. If you are talking about the threads where some SK user talks about how Marxist-Feminist owns SK then i dont have it.
its not, its just America's puppet and subsequently appealing to you moefag, its just being biased
The only thing that hack Freud was correct about was "penis envy".
I don't get why people signal against Japan here, I mean they're pretty innovated in terms of robotics and generally keep to themselves.
Holy shit. This thread is supposed to be about the fucking psycho feminists from SK, and commies from NK have to come in and shit it up with their propaganda. Stay on topic.
The Second Korean War, with the North as the victor, cannot come soon enough.
>>>Holla Forums
Yes true they are but imagine a Japan with no internationalCunt pulling the strings, that would be the real JponzAi
Yes, these threads. There was also info on how cultist the SK Christian church is and many more. I'm so stupid, I should've saved it on archive.is.
Nobody can respect you, jawshaver.
No there aren't people who starve to death in the US. Go back to Holla Forums, commie. Reported and filtered.
Kill yourself gook.
we're too busy making a living to give a shit about barren wombs
Kill yourself gook.
the only ones that actually gives a fuck about what 메갈리아 does are korean weeb MGTOWs
Strasserist, please.
You are spamming and derailing a thread to shill for a third world nation. You are the asian version of a zimbabwe shill.
if you wanna know in detail about 메갈리아
good fucking luck, I've done enough spoonfeeding for you pale negroes as it is
happy digging you thin skinned kikepets
i can't read that you fucking sork
What's the matter gook, your boss won't let you go to the enemy's websites? :^)
google translate you fucking norkshitter
it's better than nothing and I got better things to do than translating for japanophiles and norkshitters
niprunes don't seem to deter you from pirating their porn and cartoons and yet you're intimidated at the first sight of gookrunes?
We should give them {{{brackets}}} shaped like tits.
People like suggesting new brackets but in every case the regular ones work just as well if not better. Same shit
Every fucking time
Top lel
Is that real?
so, they only show the closeup when men touch the box/boobs but not the women.
what is the point of this? just more men are evil propaganda?
what are they saying?
I posted that on cuckchan /vg/ years ago
the good doctor hoped this would deter women from putting a scalpel on their face so recklessly but sadly it did not deter these women
What the fuck, that's disgusting. So you live in South Korea?
the future in now, race wars, gender wars, sex wars, class wars, info wars….
the happening is real and it's here. let's do this!
It's a brutal commie craphole. It's a matter of anarcho-tyranny vs regular tyranny.
Any group of dole bludgers can march across a square in formation like that after less than two months of training, by the way.
For what it's worth, my limited exposure to South Korea painted a picture of a very, very weird place indeed. Korean women craving white dick is partly a myth, you have a subsection of young women who want black or white cock for a bit of fun, but at the same time they're very obsessed with racial and genetic purity over there. Don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this openly but they match couples based on blood type and genetic screening, basically they're running a eugenics program on the quiet. They don't talk about it to foreigners.
It's a very strange place, and it very much feels like a false frontage behind which something horrifying and lovecraftian is hiding, watching you. There's the side of South Korea you're allowed to see, and the much larger side that's kept very well-hidden from prying Western eyes.
I can fully believe this is happening and they keep it out of the press and social media, they're truly astonishing at that kind of manipulation.
I go back and forth between south korea and canada every year.
I wish my boss would stop being a jew and let me ride on a business class instead of cheap ass economy class.
It ain't so great living in ANY asian countries at the moment.
Japanese hate their own ultra-conformist society but won't do anything about it other than being hikkikomori
Chinese hate on Chinese communist party while being behind bazillion proxies
Koreans hate on every Korean leader like always and yet pick the wrong leader as always
You think you whites are cucked?
We're just as cucked, but by our own kind.
You fuck off Christfaggot. You have a containment board now. You and your desert cult are no longer tolerated on Holla Forums.
I tried looking for the Magelian shit - there's no wikipedia article.
keep your head down lest you meet the headsman's axe
you go to their own respective wikis
I linked you to one of them
good luck
Has anyone translated much of it yet? If not, I'll translate a lot of it. I've got a bit of free time.,
I sure as hell ain't doing it
good luck finding a willing gook
I know there's a "gookanon" lurking on Holla Forums-related boards he's legit btw but he's not redpilled enough to browse Holla Forums
the guy is in lolberg stage
Our 250 years are up.
Well, I didn't really think there was actually something to it. I thought it was literally Best Korean bullshit. This is a bit interesting.
Do you Korean nationalists living in South even want to reunite? North Korea is poor and shitty but you would spread your cultural marxism manifested in to a less pozzed country…
That's definitely a part of it.
I'm thankfully about 3,500 miles away from the place.
I had a Korean friend I used to practice speaking Japanese with (he worked there for years), I hope he's OK if this is all true.
Any comment on the veracity of the OP post's allegations?
This is the logical conclusion of women's rights.
I got banned for "spam" ie sharing relevant pictures of Best Korea while worst koreans shave their jawbones and murder their infants on camera. Did you report me, you slant eyed piece of shit?
Nips might be ultra conformist but at least they don't murder their babies like gooks or eat their fucking babies like chinks
Gook, those are people who fucked up and burned their money and their education.
You've offered nothing of substance to respond to, what do you expect? Your inferiority complex has gone to your head, Tinky-Winky, and made you retarded. You primates can't even defend yourselves from your nigger-tier cousins in the north, and want to talk shit on us? WEW.
remind me what thats about? sounds familiar…
It's the natural life-span of every empire ever. Roughly speaking.
not unless NK goes full China and picks itself back up
if we unite now then it's gonna be Germany all over again but hundred times worse
OP is a faggot
1a27ed is legit, listen to your fellow aryan
they're asian equivalent of your trigglypuffs
kek got one
Golden ages exist at the interface of barbarism and civilization; the latter breeds a fatal effeteness in the men which is exploited by women and external hordes.
Considering that Singapore is more orderly than any western democratic nation, I don't think we have any room to judge.
It's like an asian woman with 5 DUIs trying to tell a white man how to drive a car.
The Table of Contents Translation:
1. 개요
1.1. 로고
1.1.1. 로고의 의미에 대한 메갈리아 측의 주장
1.1.2. 로고의 실상
2. 탄생 배경
2.1. 메갈리아 측의 주장
2.2. 진실
3. 시스템
4. 성향
5. 비판
6. 사건사고
7. 용어
8. 파생
8.1. 페이스북 메갈리아(메갈리아4)
8.1.1. 가계정/명의도용
8.1.2. 기타
8.2. 메갈위키
8.3. 기타 저장소
8.4. 워마드(WOMAD)
8.5. 세이브메갈
8.6. 파생사이트
9. 다른 커뮤니티의 반응 및 관계
9.1. 위키
9.1.1. 나무위키
9.1.2. 디시위키
9.1.3. 그 외 위키
9.2. 여성시대
9.3. 무한도전 갤러리
9.4. 엑소 팬덤과의 관계
9.5. 기타 커뮤니티
10. 분석
11. 언론, 대중의 반응과 미래
12. 하지만 이제는 소수의 아군만 있을 뿐, 국민 대다수를 적으로 만들다.
13. 관련 문서
1. Overview
1.1. Logo
1.1.1. Medan Gaul about the meaning of the logo side's claim to
1.1.2. Logo of
2. Background
2.1 the birth. The claim of the Gallic side
2.2 in Medan. The truth is
3. System
4. Inclination
5. Criticism of the
6. Accidents
7. The term
8. Derived
8.1. Facebook Medan Gaul (Gallia 4)
8.1.1. Impersonation account/
8.1.2. Others
8.3 wiki go.
8.4 other store. Whoa Hamad (WOMAD)
8.5. Save MERVILLE
8.6 go. Derived site
9. The reaction of the other communities and relationships
9.1. Wiki
9.1.1. Tree-top tall
9.1.2. D demonstration key
9.2 other wikis. Women's era,
9.3. Infinite challenge Gallery
9.4. The relationship between Bush and
9.5 Exo fan. Other community
10. Analysis
11. The press, the public reaction to the future
12. But now a handful of friendlies only, whilst the majority of the people.
13.-related article is a stub.
didn't some nasa group post a report about this recently?
Found some stuff, about it. is this what the 250 year thing means?
is all of humanity going to sink into a dark ages style slump or will it just be the west and asia?
This shit is terrifying on many levels. That a country like this is now on the brink of falling off the cliff. I knew SK had some feminist problems but I didn't think it was this bad.
Holy shit.
wow I never knew the translation software was THAT bad
What did it get wrong?
you're scared over nothing
they got NONE of the support like your SJWs get
as soon as the current president finishes her term they won't even have the guts to pull this kind of shit
When I said our 250 years are up, I was specifically thinking of John Glubb:
But I'm sure there are others who have noticed the same.
Either way, our civilization is dying. Our only hope is for a Julius Caesar figure to come around and forge a new empire out of the old. That could give us another 250 years.
Some people have speculated that Trump might be our Julius Caesar. I think he's too old to fill that role, but I hope they're right.
It just means a new superpower will take the place of the US. It could be Russian, China, Israel. Well, probably not, but it could be anybody.
It could also be that the USA is destroyed/divided into new nations and one of those becomes the next great super power.
If NASA focusses on this shit instead of going into stars, yes, it doesn't look too good for the amerikikes.
They have a Twitter account.
We've already been through this. Trump is the Gracchi.
Our SJWs in North America literally run our establishment. The only reason why they haven't caused a civil war is that we aren't stuck together like rabbits and that most of the population doesn't actually like them.
Your pics says pretty clearly it was independent group using tools NASA developed for something different. NASA had no part in it but that clickbait bullshit site you got that from wanted to use NASA's name to sell their article.
Yet studies reveal all races consider Europeans the most beautiful, Mr. Itsa Rerative. You are a swarthy flat faced clone among countless millions.
If empires or great nations only last 250 years than why are the Chinese, Russians, and British still around?
It could mean that our current establishment is thrown down and the country is reinvigorated. That might mean forfeiting some of eco-colonial posessions, but we'll take them back.
China must be stopped.
The British are just about finished, as is the rest of Europe when the great Caliphate of Europistan is put in place.
Translation of 1. Overview
1. Overview
Korea is one of the worst community site, the Universal Declaration of human rights article 2.
For all those who race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, without discrimination of any kind, such as this, all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Declaration are entitled to. Further, an individual country or a territory belonging to the sovereign State, territories, non-autonomous areas, or other constraints on sovereignty was received, regardless of the political, legal, or that country or territory on the basis of discrimination when it comes to international status.
This article has been tagged on nearly all of the links are deleted or tampered with, which is often attached to the side if you want to refer to the materials in the archive access.
Veneer storage, women age, weeks worked a gallon, station a gallon as the worst community to produce the emotion disgust.
However, since the decline for Gallic divisive Merle ¥ community interest, came back to the site just jerk, extreme caution in soybean lines
August 6, 2015, DC inside Gallery of independent sites with MERs-es. [3] on the Internet: the justification of women stand up in disgust, and the origin of the name has to do with this. But if you look at the site are coming from this post to deny that justification can be found easily. Korea's men were the Gauls hate writing Megan's archives ' origin of the Gauls ' predecessor in Medan Mer Gallery (gallery) and retrieved the daughters of Gaul that Gallic fictional country appearing in the novel. The daughters of Gaul that retrieved the novel a classic men's and women's roles have turned to each other the world and wrote a novel. [4] this name since the opening of the Mer Gallery Facebook page will, initially prevalent through the ' daughters of the Gauls ' representations in Medan, called sexist comments and written together with Merle was revised in Galicia.
The discussion of the daughters of Gaul (in English) retrieved name is Egalia's Daughters. That is supposed to be the Gallic in English Megalia in Medan Medan Gaul, Megalian (Galicia) in English notation, Korean notation appear in Medan Gaul. Also within the site and golly golly ' not ' Medley ' ' written by the current mix is the name of the Gaul, the Gauls ' Tome ' the site members ' not ' call by the name of golly in Medan.
Grammatically, Megan Gaul did not say the site can estimate user Galliani. [5] quoted from ' the abbreviated Mer Gallery Maison gallons ', or ' megalopolis '. The old site was opened before the DC inside Gallery and for the classification of the MER ' Medan Gaul was tentatively called "the store is used.
Medan Gaul is actually a megalomaniac, acronym for excessive gweonryeogyog called out drip stands for megalomania. In addition to this ' megalopolis Barney m e g a ' word megalopolis, megalodon, megaphone-like ' jumbo ', ' giant ' is a word used to mean the name of the site wrote this in itself already foresee a PM in Medan.
Operations team manages the Board and blocking, unblocking seems to be doing the work. In addition, several women's groups and events within the site to contact the bulletin published register or links, or or is. If you look at the users ' requirements in the early announcements, etc., were several compliance matters, but it is currently stated, it is estimated that there are no restrictions. However, no regulations, as set forth by hyeomeuro Molly the sanction deception.
On the site and use the services of CloudFlare and site operations are supported by sponsors. In the early days, Google AdSense was being reported was cut in one day. The reason for the Google Adsense policies, such as the male sex discrimination. On September 13, ad 2015 Bay ad. There are no ads on October 17, September 20-23 days is estimated to cut the ads gone writing appears to be what I wrote., November 24, 2015 Criteo has appeared intermittently put ads disappeared. Ad site. Medan Gaul Criteo is the Ad ID 270708.
Medan Gaul is a hidden camera/blasphemy/RAPs and mock? Mirroring is thanking us… hidden camera/commit blasphemy was already deceased.
South koreans being degenerate in their country can't be banned from a website they're not posting on. Nork propaganda spammers can be banned. Stop spamming you fucking shill.
I didn't know George W browsed Holla Forums. :^)
almost everything
here, I got nothing better to do while I wait for downloading a game
1. Overview
1.1 Logo
1.1.1 what the logo represents according to Megalia
1.1.2. what the logo actually represents
2. How it was formed
2.1 according to Megalia
2.2 the truth
6.Events & Happenings
7. Jargons
8. Derivatives
8.1 Facebook Megalia (Megalia4)
8.1.1 Throwaway accounts/Impersonations
8.1.2 Miscellaneous
8.2 Megal wiki
8.3. Other Repositories
8.4 WOMAD (woman + nomad)
8.5 SaveMegal (their mirror site)
8.6 Derived communities
9. Receptions and relations to other communities
9.1 Wiki
9.1.1 NamuWiki
9.1.2 DCWiki (encyclopedia dramatica, gook edition)
9.1.3 other wikis
9.2 Women's Era
9.3 "Infinite Challenge" (most popular korean variety show) gallery
9.4 Relations with EXO (kpop boypussies) fandom
9.5 other communities
10. Analysis
11. Reaction of the lugenpresse and the normies, and its future
12. But now they only have scant few sympathizers, turns the most of the nation against them
13. related documents
It is 250 years of national greatness.
You can stick around longer as a shadow of your former selves, but your time in the sun is limited. "Great Briton" is no longer an empire; it's just an island.
holy shit, who knew that feminism was some kind of daedric cult that worships the chthonic beings of subterreanean abysses
we always hear about the roman empire failing, aren't romans just today's italians?
Are Londoners British?
Requesting that post about SK internet requiring SS number to log in to use
I think the Internet surveillance is the scariest part of the worst corean dystopia.
what studies? I keep hearing that and then when I ask for proof all I get is that jew owned dating site info-graphic.
what studies are we talking about?
not anymore
we got something much more sinister
called iPin
Phone number provided by korean telecom companies are now mandatory
those throwaway phones you see in america are banned here
them smartphones are just fancy ass hi-tech shackles
want to know why Whites are so beautiful?
This is what happens when a nation of autists goes full kike. NEVER GO FULL KIKE. Especially if you are a member of a soulless insectile race of autists controlled by a neoconfuianoid hive-mind mentality.
Thanks for that.
Do any of those lead to abortion gore or snuff movies?
How did things get that shitty? East Asian countries are not exactly known for the freedumbs but Japan doesn't seem nearly as bad as Korea or China.
It's far more likely that they're mentally ill, dumbass.
ok, thats nice….
but a blog post is not a study with any kind of provable methodology.
I want scientific data with sources and from credible non-compromised researchers.
is that really too much to ask?
Read this.
Gang-ja rescued 14-year-old girls from a brothel in Miari, Korean man bugs complained that a cheap brothel disappeared.
And this (Heavily biased horseshit.)
Link to their site(it's all in gook)
Holy shit, the butthurt emanating from their atrophied vaginas is glorious.
you would have to venture into the den of the beast to do that
even we have trouble going in there as they're banning every 40+ women (our moms) accounts on sight
and our sisters are hella protective of their own credentials after we exploited them for our MMO shenanigans
Japanese surveillance of imageboards are fucking top notch
Jim is on ke-shicho's (警視庁) payroll
We're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't be possible.
so did romans just die off? they had to go somewhere… right?
this is what happens when you play along the jew meta hard to survive
I can't wait for Trump to break the jew meta so we don't have to play it along anymore
I noticed that the screencap in the OP post was from Holla Forums. Turns out 'Gookanon' is/was a regular in the Gamergate threads there.
Here's what they gave me, pics related.
Also an archive of all their threads, if anyone feels like picking out all of his posts for more information:
yea I know certain websites are very jewed in Japan but it's not the whole system made against the people.
One more.
that would be like considering those 1/20th Cherokee 19/20th Hwite man as a "Cherokee"
into their own people's stomach
1.1 logo
초록색 월계수 잎으로 된 원 속에 특유의 손 모양을 한 흰색 손이 그려져 있는 모양을 하고 있다.
1.1.1. what the logo means according to Magelian
"메갈리아의 '딸'들은 당신의 변화를 응원합니다." 라는 문구도 눈에 띈다.
메갈리아 측에서는 이 손모양은 위의 이미지에서 볼 수 있듯이 '같다'를 의미하는 등호(=)를 나타내며, 남성과 여성의 인권은 평등해야 한다는 양성평등을 의미하는 것이라고 주장하고 있다.
1.1.2. what the logo actually represents
사실 이 로고의 진짜 의미는 한국 남성의 성기 크기가 6.9cm라고 비하하기 위함이다. 사용 예, 아카이브
한국 남성의 성기 크기는 발기 전 9.6cm, 발기 시에는 12.6cm로 아시아 평균 수치다. 발기 시 크기가 9.6으로 잘못 알려져 있는데, 이건 아주 오래 전부터 일본 혐한들이 한국을 엿먹이기 위해 퍼뜨린 루머다. 성관계를 가져본 여성이라면 한국 남성의 성기 크기가 9.6cm보다 훨씬 크다는 걸 알 것이다.
6.9, 손환철 교수 문서를 보자. 6.9cm니 뭐니 하는 소리는 완전히 왜곡된 루머를 근거로 하는, 그저 메갈들의 울부짖음이다.
이렇게 메갈리아가 애를 씀에도 불구하고, 정작 대부분의 한국 남자들은 현실감이 없는 이 주장에 발끈은 커녕 관심도 안둔다. 오히려 평균보다 훨씬 크다고 자부하고 좋아할 뿐.
1.1 Logo
In the midst of the Green Laurel leaf won with a distinctive hand-drawn appearance and the shape of the white hands.
"Medley of the Gauls ' daughter ' and cheer your changes. " phrase stands out.
1.1.1. What the Logo Means according to Megalia
Medan Gaul side, as you can see from the image above, this hand shape is like a ' means ' with an equal sign (=), and the human rights of men and women should be equal, gender equality would mean.
1.1.2. what the logo actually represents
In fact, the true meaning of the logo is called the size of the South Korean men's genitals to non-c m to 6.9. For a usage example, the size of the erect male genitalia before South Korea archives 6.0 c c m m, impotence is the average Asia. 12.6 Erection: known as, it's very size 9.6 long before Japan upsets South Korea to be a fear of spread their rumors. If you are Korean women had sexual intercourse the male genitals is larger than the size of the c m knew that 9.6.
Let's take a look at the article 6.9, hand-hwan Chul. 4.3 c m NEA's sound is completely distorted based on rumors, just howling of the megalopolis.
So Megan Gaul is to rewrite, though, ironically, most of the men are far from this reality to the claims do not interest the Huff. Rather like a much greater than average, and more confident as well.
I see, so all that stuff is most likely kept behind a wall that only members can see.
And due to the iPin thing, only actual South Korean women would likely be granted access, would that be an accurate assumption?
even we don't feed our people irradiated foods
food is hella important for us gooks
our "how do you do" is literally "did you eat"
I didn't include the images.
IF your actually Korean, what would you say the general attitude of the populace is towards his shit?
and they would have to post on the attendance thread DAILY to show that they're still active
inactive accounts are considered espionage accounts
you mean
you are what you eat?
indifferent and derisive
most comments in the news articles are just taking piss shots at the journalists for shitty clickbait attempts
…. is… is this real?
This cant be real… this is far to fucked up, even for crazed sjw feminists….
please tell me this is a fucking joke
the logo
no, that's a h'wite saying
Well shit. That's honestly some Jim Jones/Heaven's Gate updated-for-the-internet-age levels of cultism.
They must be heavily, heavily indoctrinated if they're literally forced to report in every day like that for a set amount of time.
that's how it is for every korean normie web communities
What the duck is all this about genitals? It sounds morbidly interesting but is indexipherable in English
fuck off schlomo, I studied at Ewha where there's a very strong / confirmed connection between them and the birth of this megalia site shit
also considering you were a teacher the chances are you hardly speak korean anyway
No, Korea and China as well I believe have a set phrase that's their equivalent of 'how are you?', but it literally translates as 'have you eaten?'
kill me
The amount of effort is uniquely low. Australian?
Why am I not, in any way, surprised?
Fugg DDDD:
Be proud that you can see us whitey as the Tyrone's :^)
Can't find the dead fetuses.
and that small asian dick is a (((meme))) too
Superior Jomon genes.
Wow what the fuck
I have bad news for you user. They are going to move towards castrating you. Literally.
Btw is your dick really less than 3" long? Mine is 5" flaccid
No, I don't actually think black dick is bigger than ours. Asian dick however is a bit smaller because you are shorter as people overall. That's how I see it. Anyway, I'm off…
This might have something to do with it.
Would Korean user be kind enough to translate these thread titles?
Can we get more proof of this? The terrorism part, really. All I could find about this was an english website talking about the Megalians.
The only propagandist is you, parroting mainstream jewish propaganda about Best Korea, the only ethnostate on the planet. Do you honestly think you're clever for being a little cattlecuck who believes what he is told?
that abnormally low SK men's penis stat is our flaccid stat
we're world average when fully erect
it's because we're the most neotenic race
I could post a study disproving your uneducated gook accusations, but it's not worth derailing the thread for.
You know… if this is all legit.. I'm actually now convinced the end of the world is in fact nigh, Revelation was right, and the end is coming far sooner than we think
The weakest of us who have sinned the utmost, are those being taken/tainted by the darkness, driven mad, to do unspeakable things, commit horrors the likes of which the world has not known in ages, and not just in one nation, not just in a war, but everyone, around the globe these horrors go unchecked. Committed by the lowest of us, the sinners, the whores, the idol worshipers, the adulterers, those who lived their lives until they were taken as hedonistic and base animals rather than enlightened humans in an age of wonders.
Those in media, those in entertainment, have all sold their souls long ago to the great darkness, so naturally they wouldnt report on it or if they do they'll say its the greatest thing ever. They themselves likely equally as controlled by those same influences, only in a different way. Conspiring to lie, to deceive, to call good evil and evil good, to convince others to join their dark ways. To deceive, manipulate, and twist all within their reach
Hell, even the trap loving weirdos that spew hate and venom at others for no reason, even they're being driven mad these days.. going further and further, their "kinks" becoming "normal" and parading round in the streets in their fursuits and bondage gear…. attacking or harassing those who dont accept them
Those of us that remain, that are pure enough to have remained clean of these taints… we're all thats left really… the rest of the world has gone mad. Meanwhile, the forces of darkness, of corruption, are all around us, in every level of our politics, our entertainment, our socities… and we have no way to stop them. Even in the US our best hope in Trump may still come crashing down, look at the shit Hillary is doing and not only is she not in prison, shes a nominee for fucking president for christ sake!
I dont know anymore bros… what if this really is the end? This is not normal, this is biblical level shit going on all around the world. hell I didnt even mention the hell going on with our Euro bros
I just… I'm going to go lay down now. If this OP is true.. I think we really are living in the end of times
Right now I don't even care. I'm just really glad they exist at all otherwise I would have killed myself long ago.
M8, everybody knows you're all losers.
Yea we're probably all going to doe very soon
I would go into more detail. Tomorrow maybe. But the Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. Just wait until Israel destroys that Muslim mosque and starts building the Third Temple. That is where the antichrist will proclaim himself to be god.
(disturbing pics included!!!) unleashing all the saved circumcised dickpics
found the most disturbing circumcised dickpic out of all the ones saved so far
all we need to do is spam circumcised dickpics to disgusting dickheads
(disturb warning) uploaded circumcised dickpics to Ilbe (korean right-wing reddit) and got banned for 100days lololololol
circumcised dickpics (extreme disturb warning)
data warning) circumcised dickpics
Ilbefags shocked at circumcised dickpics apply stronger doses lol
spammin' circumcised dickpics
what part of
did you not read?
and as usual, nothing to contribute. random blog posts and shifty jew-owned infographics. thats all I've ever seen we you fucks make the claim that everyone wants to fuck [incert race here].
that gookanon fell for clickbaits
sure, the denture-rattlers are shocked but they're shocked at anything we do nowadays
they hate our guts and they don't hide it
Yeah this thread turned into North vs Korea, and is not staying on topic. Being slid hard.
It seems we are fucked because we got no gooks, that are from SK. Anyone have any ideas? If we can document it, it could go global.
it's shitposting, user. let it go
tit for tat for unrestrained nip/nork posting
Nice try but i'm
So another nork propagandist.
Thanks again.
That said, given that you're in Canada and not Korea, I don't know if I can entirely trust your insight…
Friendly reminder that Jesus jewed the jew better than anyone in history and the best evidence for Christianity is the hundreds of major tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people since they day they killed Christ. Christ only asks that you truly believe in Him as they refused to do so.
And commies means bad, right, burger?.
I think you're an actual kike
North Korea is on the same political tier as Israel, just with an actual military instead of an army of merchants
I go there every year for a year
I got korean parents, korean relatives, and korean friends, and have access to korean media and web, and my very own iPin
and you doubt my credibility?
okay son
We all know what's more likely.
What in particular do you want me to look for to document / translate?
I know that the university associated with the creation of Megalian, through student associations such as Club Noue and the Lesbian Society often translates (((western))) feminist literature.
You took a wrong turn, kike.
>>>Holla Forums
Time for you gook lovers to suckstart a shotgun.
kicking japanese out of korea was a mistake
both north and south are insane
Yeah, no.
I'm just fucking with you. I translated your name, and it came out as a place in Manitoba.
These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
it's Gook Kim Lee
you h'wites named me back in cuckchan before gamergate
people have been murdering babies for 1000's of years.
hatred between genders has also been a thing since ancient times (mostly women hating on men, but both sides are fucked when it come to logic)
every hundred years they say "the end times are finally upon us" it's just an ancient meme that all cultures have.
our species would survive for millions of years colonizing the galaxy, or we could be extinct in a little less than 500 years. it all depends on humans haveing a common goal and being able to just leave eachother alone when we don't agree 100 percent on anything.
No. Evil Zionist regime. Don't signal against NatSoc.
Although honestly, right now the UN just Jews LARPing as a World Government.
Sending very sternly worded letters daily.
Man, Goofle Translate is even worse at Korean than it is Japanese.
Yeah, the Japanese are just perfect human beings, aren't they? Completely devoid of insanity.
Jim is controlled by the Nipponese right wing which basically has the same views as Holla Forums right?
So would that mean that Jim is in the pocket of Trump when it comes to Holla Forums?
Y'all weebs need to be gassed, japs and gooks are two side of the same coin, your chinktoon memes are cute at times but you let that cloud your vision and mistakenly thinks japs are anything better.
It's nearly unintelligible, except for the interesting things in pic related.
you have legions of weebs doing the job for you translating japrunes to anglo-tongue
at least china back in the day had fucking bicycles
these guys don't even HAVE bicycles
Nippon right wing REVILES the likes of Holla Forums
Their stance on nip Holla Forums is like how you folks view skinhead "nazis"
After killing Jesus the Jews have been rightfully persecuted in nearly every country at some time (this continues to this day). Israel/Judea has been plagued by earthquakes. They have been in a near constant state of war against Christianity (less so in the past 50 years) and Islam (more so in the past 50 years). Their entire religion was subverted by one man who said that Jews are not special and that they are the same as goyim.
The control kikes exercise over the populace is not absolute and will eventually come to a bloody end.
As someone already told you, fuck off to leftypol pissant.
most of japan hates that anime obsessed subculture bs too.
nobody likes socially awkward geeks, in any country. some people can watch tv shows and not become totally obsessed by them.
meant for
They hbe automobiles, public buses, and a subway
Why don't you choke to death on kim chi and your women's bloody menstrual pads you castrated gook
If the price of literally controlling the globe is the equivalent of living in the rough part of San Francisco, then sign me up.
shit posting smug anime, does not make one a web, just like shit posting hitler pics does not make you redpilled or natsoc.
Fun fact: every Nork pushbike in circulation is made in a concentration camp, by people forced to live on a diet of rats, insects, dust and their fellow inmates.
That may be, but sadly the most cancerous part of a community is the loudest. Just look at undertale/homestuck.
The Japanese mainstream right are ethnic nationalists.
What's the big difference?
Oy vey the six million concentration camps. My gook grandmother was fermented into soy sauce when she was only 6
Literally the worst country in the entire Asian continent, Park Chung-hee is the only good thing that nation of madmen ever produced.
Pic related, what every whore involved deserves ( and probably wants ).
Your right, but at least these planes fly, unlike those two money sinks we made.
Any videos of this shit? How the fuck are these people allowed to just walk around. Is your govt, law enforcement that fucked?
Maybe she'll get cancer.
From what i've heard the media and govt. are very jewed.
Clearly, they want to kill off Korean men because they're beta gook fucbois, and would much rather be impregnated by superior Japanese men.
We're pretty much all ethnic nationalists.
That's the only majority opinion really.
Besides gassing the kikes of course.
What exactly am I watching here?
Every time i see some carfag i get the almost uncontrollable desire to pretend to be the "otakuRacer86" stereotype to their face.
There is nothing in the world they hate the most.
Wtf's going on?
I did what I could to make it edible and spreadable by reading it outloud.
Hope it helps somehow.
I'm praying for you, South Korea user
i love how you guys are calling me a gook when all im saying is
>THESE SHELTERED LITTLE KIDS THAT HAVE BEEN TAUGHT FROM BIRTH THAT WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND WANT TO KILL THEM< probably don't think the hottest white chick you know is even the slightest bit attractive because they were raised around that shit it's conditioning
you are just a pasty face among millions
me included ;^)
When Britain has big events they still fly Spitfires, it's a celebration, not combat! (most of NK's airforce is far more modern and dates from years as recent as 1968)
There was a thread on /gamergatehq/ ages ago (like nearly a year), but that boards slow as fuck and full of eceleb epeen sucking generals now, so it might still be there. It was headed "A warning from South Korea - THIS IS YOUR FUTURE"
The West leads, Japan follows, SK slavishly copies Japan, the nation that they know is and always will be superior to them. And the West is only just now starting to turn the tide. But this time, we're starting on solving a problem that Japan doesn't really even have, so I don't know how, or if, it will spread.
At least kikes can't pretend to be you. If you tell them to fuck off and stop pulling the strings they can't start going "Oy ve-you, My name's Isaac Sh…mith, I'm as white as you are"
Nips just don't have babies, which is apparently a problem, but there's way too many of them and they're building robots. They need a population reduction, a die-off of the elderly and to gain more food and energy independence, then they'll be alright. As long as they don't get any more cucked than they are. Jewish control there is "by proxy" through America, and if America was to remove bagel in future…
LOL Filipinos are Asia's niggers. They think retarded ghetto gang culture is a thing to emulate, and make half their money by trying to outdo the Nigerians in internet scamming. The president's gonna have to shoah two thirds of the population.
undertale and homestuck were born to be tumbler tier cancer. (Just like Stephen universe)
So what do you suggest then? Don't do anything because it will always be compared to some shitty fan base?
Can't enjoy anything about Star Trek because Trekkies are disgusting.
Can't enjoy anything about Star Wars because that's for Cucks and SJW's
Can't enjoy anything about sonic the hedgehog because of mentally ill furry's
Can't enjoy anything about comic books because it's rife with feminist propaganda and race mixing politics
Can't enjoy anything about Japanese animation or games because weeaboo's exist
Everything on this planet has some cringe worthy fan community, it's just sometimes the mainstream jew media will scoop it repackage it with their corrupt agenda up and make it seem legitimate/trendy and cool to rip a few shekels out of some autistic man/woman child's pockets. (Comic books are basically this right now)
Why let those asshole's take everything and make it there's? Why do "we" have to keep moving onto to the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing until eventually everything appealing to us is pozzed beyond recognition?
Have some fricking backbone for once, instead of calling somebody a name and resorting to ad hominem attacks like the divide and conquer shills want, if they posted something stupid attack their arguments! Not the stupid meme picture.
Of course we could just let them gobble up everything until all symbolism is totally corrupted beyond recognition. Or maybe we could actually just stand up for ourselves and say "not today" you greedy disgusting fucks!
Of course it a lot easier just to give up, and do (((their))) bidding for them.
Take the culture back, take the memes back!
this is clearly comedic in nature
Anyway as far as the OP goes, it was inevitable. They are a people without a real history or culture, what they have is either rediscoverred for them by the Japanese and taught to them or Chinese in origin, with an economic and political system given to them by the Europeans. They have never created anything worth building a conservative base around. They have only ever succeeded after being occupied by foreign powers to make their decisions for them.
Norks too are bad, they just have a governmental glue to hold society together. Make no mistake though, regardless of sanctions a country should be able to sustain itself with its own internal production which they fail abysmally at. They have some of the biggest mineral reserves of some heavy metals but mines run under 30% efficiency due to lack of electricity, they have plenty of water and soil, and fertilizer makes it incredibly easy to grow anywhere these days but they still lack food.
Guy dresses up as "an average guy"(nuanced–like John Smith) and gives a speech against Megalian–then a crowd of those feminazis start attacking him
so the Koreans have their own version of cuck porn? But instead of Blacks it involves Japanese or whites? (I'm assuming that's what the military looking guys in the back are about)
It's not just Christianity…
so are they wearing those masks to hide their faces?
Japan is best girl.
No one doubts that user. South Korea is almost as kike infested as America.
Anyway, i always ask myself, how retarded do you have to be to be this sort of feminist ?
In another words: How fucking dumb do you have to be to not realize that this sort of retardation will simply destroy the bargaining process between the genders and then once is a mere contest of strength again, men will just win everything ?
On a related note: like White people in White countries, Koreans have also been slated for racial displacement.
In regards to mixed marriages:
This is the kind of stuff Soros funds.
So if they're aborting their male babies, how are they getting impregnated in the first place? Am I supposed to believe someone with this level of hatred for men is willing to be raped (since all intercourse is rape) and impregnated by man just to get an abortion out of spite? I wanna call bullshit on this, but seeing as how women aren't exactly logical creatures, I suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility.
The white guys are unrelated, their movie is not porn.
The fit Asian dudes are Imperial Japanese dudes fucking Korean/Chinese whores.
I saw one of these movies once, the Jap soldier comes in, murders the husband, nails the wife and she can't help but totally love it.
Woah. Didn't think I'd ever see something like that in a Far Eastern country.
I notice that most of those women were wearing the surgical masks people are so fond of over there to prevent coughs and colds spreading, seems like the perfect way to hide your identity in a crowd…
Asia would be much better off with Japan's rule. Now the hooked nose multicultural-mocha-color meta is proposing that the region gangs up on China so that their niglets can be sent to tell off slants (from Japan to Malaysia to Myanmar etc). If Japan attacks China under this meta, it will encroach US in Japan. Nihon should protect its far-flung islands, but it shouldn't seek active confrontation with China in disputes they have a right and good case like South China Sea.
I don't give a shit about the South China Sea as long as China doesn't meddle in Nippo territory. I'm completely fine to establish a living-on-the-edge strategy on the Chinese, because PLAN navy will expand and bust the balls of the nigger mestizos from US. And Japan is perfectly capable to defend its distant islands with a powerful PLAN overlooking, even new fresh radars were installed recently.
This shit is bad, but who gives a fuck about SK.
Stop sliding with this gook shit.
Nice read user. Cheers!
Ironic coming from someone trying slide a chilling vision of the future that potentially awaits us.
For your consideration:
Welcome to Hillary's America, user.
True, yet we already know this.
If this is a confirmation for you then good.
Yeah. They're hypocrites (big surprise). The police which have been defending this groups actions put out a statement urging men not to wear masks because it scares women archive.is/YwhQg.
Also this video–tl;dr guy posts his convo with his mum talking about what he wants for dinner and this megalian found his number and started harassing him for it
This should be preserved.
Those leaves represent the horns of Saturn. That's why the UN uses them as well. Cult of Saturn/Moloch.
So, how far-reaching is this shit? Could you put a number on how many crazy bitches do/support this shit?
Also, about the SS number and iPin thing, how powerful are those? Is it like those people in Germany getting arrested and fucking SWATed for posting anti-immigration stuff on image boards?
south korean young men need to start gangs and form rape squads where they target megalian gatherings and rape as many of the women as they can. they should use their mandatory military training to reign in their women if its that bad.
wrong thread buddy
lol i got dubs, means truth
say anything illegal like praising the norks for example, on a normie website.
depending on severity it could mean a ban from the site to a visit from 국정원(NIS) with him ending up "drinking stew through the nose" (코렁탕)
since we're still technically at war, merely at a ceasefire, human rights can mostly be taken a backseat if they need to.
but if the said dissident has ties to uppity foreigners (like the UN) then things get much trickier.
they dig up any bad thing he has done in the past and then arrest the guy, with warrant and everything.
if he goes full Dorner then Military Police gets involved.
as far as I know no civilian went full Dorner.
but couple of conscripts in army did pull a Dorner, all promptly dead in the end and media rebuking the military as always and then memoryhole'd to oblivion to the next clickbait.
If not for the building I would say it looks nice.
thankfully we can still shit on these feminazis with zero repercussions
we ain't there yet like you folks
but some unseen forces definitely tried to kickstart our home to turn it into your hellhole
Norks are North Koreans, right?
Is there any deep web?
This to:
Also, other check.
Korea is garbage, as soon as US gets the fuck out… will jostle for it again. Polluting Takeshima with your filthy will be ceased.
You have to recognize your masters.
Come and get it then you cucks.
Your own people dont want to reform the constitution set by your american masters.
Youre our deep web
The fact that your average gook cant into english is good enough obfuscation
you are pathethic you dumb fucks. fucking losers falling for this bullshit.
Yet another check.
Damn, so if they knew English, you'd be fucked?
Ehhh then we'll probably resort to things like i2p and freenet
subject of a lot of importance
Saad Maan
That's adorable, user. Makes me feel all cozy inside.
I want to hug your head
I was wondering how long it would take for this thread to derail into Nips and Gooks arguing with each other. Happens every time. Kek.
I wonder if we dug deep enough, would Soros be funding this? It seems like a Soros-y thing to do. Even the OY GEVALT SHUT IT DOWN shilling patterns in this thread have his ancient stench about them.
soros. sure sure. keep digging, you will surely find a treasure. grow the fuck up you wankers.
Megalia DOES have ties to your radfems btw
I would start there
Japan can take it very easily.
Then whats stopping you, apeman?
That american leash too tight for you?
You would need to see if Daughters of Megalia is somehow related to FEMEN
They seem to be playing by similar playbooks, though Megalia is like a blood-soaked hypergook version
I knew it! FEMEN would be the place to begin looking for connections.
Then checking out if it there were any foreign influences in the founding and/or in-country propagation of Megalia
Ok, if we're talking muslims and jews here ok, but what the fuck do you want? Atheism is another religion, Paganism is retarded, and Christianity is cucked. Literally any choice you make you're still a faggot.
Somebody in the thread already mentioned a connection between Megalian and Ewha Womans University.
Seems like a good place to start looking. I can tell you from experience that radfem weeaboos and koreaboos love going on a year's exchange to universities like this and spreading the disease.
Nah, atheism isn't a religion.
tips fedora
Can't believe I'm saying this about whatshisface comics but these are very, very far off.
I'd take a dozen gooks over what actually flooding into the country.
These suck.
Yeah, okay. That's the face of violent crime in my country. Sure.
I don't even know what this is talking about since the American people never had proper control over the corporations which produce goods within the states.
Unless they mean to stop buying Japanese products, which is retarded. I'm keeping my Nip games.
I'd rather live next door to a cat-eater than a sodomite.
Fucking Koreans
Crazy idea: how about no nonwhites of any kind flood into our countries?
continue sucking gook cock.
Fuuuuuuck we always knew they were involved with this shit one way or another
Now if only that user posted proofs of him studying there
did the other major empires also collapse because of jews?
Oh my goodness. The chink called the other chink an ape! Wonderful!
That is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen.
They were practically apes
All hairy and short as fuck
Until we moved into their islands and de-aped them
Don't know why you japanophiles keep sucking "jomon" cock
They lost to us "yayoi"
Might makes right
Definitely not gook
Maybe give the image a good read before posting you knee jerk fuck. MOP used to actively push out debunking rebuttals to many infographics on Holla Forums, and the stupid fuck that made that specific image gave them free ammunition.
more sacrifices for moloch?
Clearly A Wyatt Mann has never actually tried fried eel.
Third one got a good laugh out of me though.
You couldn't make this shit up. Trying to find a list of public donors/supporters, if it exists.
The shill cannot slide the thread if you disable his posts.
According to the history on the official site, the whole thing first began with a Methodist missionary woman helping a frostbitten slave girl or something. She started teaching women out of her place and helped to found the first all-women's hospital
which is a notion I scratch my head at
but then after that it's nothing but Korean names.
Until we get to 2011:
Here is a global headquarters involved and finally a foreign element again.
However, "Solvey" is not a name of a person but a multinational chemical conglomerate.
Here's the linkedin: linkedin.com
The sr vp is one Werner Cooreman, but the name doesn't ring a bell. linkedin.com
The only other noteworthy thing I found on Solvey from a short search was an Amazon book selling about the company's history, summed up:
Nips are not even comparable with chink savages. Like gooks, they should have all been removed to make way for Japanese lebensraum.
Wait, Clinton and Merkel had engagements with Ewha?
Funny, since Clinton has openly professed a bizarre admiration for Mother Caliphate
I was looking into foundational ties. Perhaps the whole thing got crooked via these types at some other point.
I remember seeing that girl get run over twice – the first time was pretty brutal. Her name is Yueyue, if I remember correctly.
The US is in complete disarray, their country is filled with shitskins and, more they are starting to have to make overtures for these people (as much as they praise le integrated contributor shitskin ─ raped by but still cucks for, cause no civilization ─ they hate them to have control). Their abroad occupation won't endure this next decades, when it's over you will receive a good spanking.
It's because anime and samurai movies
That's about as much as most anyone on this site knows regarding Japan, which is still more than most people in general know.
You're welcome to try.
If theres anything that will unite the two koreas together its a japanese invasion.
Just like nationalist china and communist china vs nips back in the day.
I was already looking into that. Solvay's current CEO is 'Jean-Pierre Clamadieu', but Clamadieu barely seems to qualify as a name. Wondering if it's a substitution for something more semetic in origin?
Also get a load of pic related.
that's actually a somewhat amusing fetish, unlike the usual "I want to be impregnated by superior Blacks semen!" you see over here. But Japan doesn't have the same problem with the Anglo-Saxon guilt. Or even a racial guilt complex at all.
You'll never see them fetishizing other Asians impregnating their women either. It's true that monster impregnation is a fetish, that only really happened because of the stupid censorship laws. If the damn UN had just let them draw uncensored genitals none of that would've happened.
While still degenerate, it's not as bad as actual race mixing propaganda/cuck porn. Especially when most of the time is looked at as a cautionary tale or a form of punishment. (No sane woman wants to be raped and impregnated by a beast)
this is what all sex is about in gook society
Glad you betrayed repaid her and your ancestors' hard work with Marxist indoctrination. Good way to piss off the God that helped you learn how to do anything more than beg for food.
Boy, for a Korea-founded, Korea-centered and Korea-centric university they really, really like them some globalism.
Typical university, though.
What infuriates me most is that fake Christianity, that utterly, grossly flimsy attempt to appeal to the God-fearing crowds.
I know God, woman, and He is not happy with what such universities is producing en mass
Just found this:
>Sang Chung, former Prime Minister of South Korea-designate and former President of Ewha Woman’s University in South Korea
And a load of other shady people setting up another (((privately-funded women's university))) in Bangladesh.
prove it
cute girl
send your gf to me
Good find… keep digging…
Uniting Korea… there's a thing that will never happen, Americans made your blood into the retarded joke of the world. And Japan doesn't need to invade to bend it, there's other forms of pressure in the current year.
you see stuff like this is what we really need to be paying attention to, the UN basically wants a feminist totalitarian police state that's basically no "fun allowed" incarnate.
While they also want to make sure you know thought crimes are punished by severe sentences while actual crimes like you know rape and murder go mostly unpunished,
And lo and behold, once this image was posted the thread when the full slide mode.
You know it's funny you mosad shills this shit is going to bite you in the ass it the zombie half jews come home to roost and spread the cancer back to you.
Might take a decade or three, but it's coming.
I really need some sleep.
Needless to say, I'll be coming back to this.
you are just being a useful idiot. their agenda is used for population control. spreading feminist ideology to asia and africa is not a bad thing.
I don't keep .gif files around only .webm (they take up much less space and have sound support).
borrow one from him
yeah but the problem though, is there not only spreading it in Africa and Asia, there spreading it here and all over the Western world. They've genetically modified it to be virulent and hard to kill. Especially with a generation that's been raised with earlier versions of the infection.
There would be no problem if they could keep it contained. but they can't, so they'll make us pay ransom for any kind of respite. Make a disease then pretend you have the cure, its a classic trick
And hows that working out for you, nip?
A thread being slid means multiple irrelevany threads being made and bumbed by shills. That is forum sliding. What you goys are thinking of is derailed. It is definitely not getting slid based on how much it is getting bumbed.
can't do that, nowhere to share files (unless the vol thread is still up).
8f3e37 seems to be trying especially hard for good old-fashioned derailment.
just laughing at you loser falling for a troll from 4chan
just laughing at you loser falling for a troll from 4chan
none of us enjoy a human species ending scenario or living in a 1984 style dystopia.
You might enjoy that, or at least you get paid to pretend you do.
I'll never understand Jewish nihilism
how will it end the species? you mean gooks and niggers?
Are you just a new recruit? Or do they really leave you guys this sloppy?
You know damn well it's not about that.
If you really wanted population control you would do it much more "humane" way.
But that's never really been your style right?
Are you a polytheist since you believe in every other god's *nonexistence*? No. No belief is present in you in that regard.
Same thing for atheists, accept there is no belief at all. It is not a difference of viewpoint.
Primitive man was an atheist.
there's nothing to shill, you provided zero evidence on it being real.
They are juche. Please get your facts straight!
So you're saying "Believe as I say, not as I do"
Then you are a primitive man.
The white man is beyond your idiocy. Perhaps you'd find better company with the chinks?
it's not the only way.
oh you mean the crazy baby killers?
Or the Anita presidential orders the government keeps jewing people with?
Doesn't one basically inform the other for you?
Hues know more english than Japanese. Look how fucking advanced!
oh, a gamercuck, still seeing shills in everything cuck?
but it's the way that's been chosen, no country is an island. By the time you realize it's too late to turn back, the infection will be too far gone.
Just filter him dude, he's useless to the thread.
Do not respond, do not encourage.
I knew saying Anita would trigger you.
That's why I did it, stop making yourself so easy to spot!
Can't believe you get paid for this,
you sound mentally ill tbh
sure you did. or you got used to compare everything to your little gamercuck shit. you played too much anime games cuck.
using disease as an analogy I think works better, because that's what it is a disease.
If that's the kind of stuff you enjoy then I would say you're mentally ill.
keep getting angry shill, your delicious tears feed me.
What does an atheist believe in?
Beyond the idiocy of not believing nonsense, but still enslaved by old, Jewish lies meant to suck shekels from you at the collection plate?
In the land where they believe in thousands of silly gods? I'd rather go to South Kor– well, maybe some other shithole.
there is nothing wrong with eliminating gooks & niggers.
He believes he is God.
I mean the entirety of recorded history disagrees with you, but whatever. I'm sure YOU are just too smart for that. Why don't you move to one of the great atheist civilizations? Or is it that you are a parasite who cannot create by himself?
well if that was the case your little plan hasn't been working, 2 billion Africans, nearly 3 billion Asians, seems like the only people you can slow down breeding are Caucasians…. How odd
The best evidence for Christianity is that Jews still exist. Any race that dysfunctional, self-destructive, and small-numbered should have been eradicated centuries ago unless God keeps them around as a novelty item to marvel at. How have the Jews lasted longer than the Hittites?
are you retarded? it's first used in caucasian countries because gooks copy everything from there.
if there was actual evidence supporting Christianity everybody would be Christian
Which one?
That Bible isn't evidence.
lol how cute. Can't shill hard enough, can you, Shekelstein?
apparently they don't copy it fast enough because you've been doing this for a very long time.
And once it's spread everywhere, what's the plan after that?
race mixing. one race.
read kabbalah.
The only one. Don't act like you're unaware buddy.
Atheists always make themselves look stupid, without fail
I think there is a resurgence of anti-Anglo sentiment because at this point in time, Asia has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Asia is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Anglos are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Asia to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Anglos will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Asia will not survive.
Old Testament or New? I'd prefer the Old, where I can be an asshole and people still worship.
Give me one date.
Anglos? US is a country of mutts and the people in power now are all mutts, with very few exceptions.
they're subhumans, no big differences between them and niggers.
Well Atheists are invariably cucks, so neither. It's not like atheists to read what they hate so much anyway.
You just want one date from all of recorded history? Any date? That is seriously what you're asking for?
Alrighty then. December 26, 1991
yes everyone had already guessed that. of Course except for the (((chosen ones))) right? They get to stay pure, and be the master of all of us mixed up goyem.
it's like talking to some demented machine with with you fucks, you can't even comprehend what's wrong with that plan. Because you're too arrogant or too inhuman to see its flaws.
Shit like this is probably why there's just dead silence out in space. The matter how or where life develops something parasitic always seems to develop along with it.
Nothing can ever get off the Little mud balls they were born on because they always end up destroying themselves.
One race! what utter bullshit, from the same mines the thought poisoning your own air, water and food supplies was also a good idea right?
and awesomeness that is nuclear waste, what a wonderful Jewish invention!
All your plans end up the same, with everything and everyone dead. Even you
Because that's the real plan, and you've always needed some excuse for your nihilism.
Japan is built upon a myth that Japanese are "special", "unique", even "genetically separate" from the rest of us! Of course, it's not true! Japanese are an ethnic hodgepodge: part Korean, part Chinese, part South East Asian. Don't you know that Hafu lives matter?!
you think you can escape it? :^)
That's the thing. They know whites are superior to the lesser races, and so they promote race-mixing among whites first and foremost. Because they know any race would gladly take the chance to join the ranks of the white man, or to see him out of the competition.
The only difference now is that they're realizing that other races are trying to emulate what made whites great, and that comes with the nationalism. So they need to spread their ideology even further, and they're crumbling due to an inability to keep it consistent.
You're Jesus' little bull-prepper, aren't you? Or was it the priest that you sucked off? maybe the rabbi, after he sucked blood out of your dick? Also, wtf was that? "Both" would've been a more acceptable admission of defeat.
nigger, what the fuck is this? One date from your pseudo Talmud, christcuck.
can you please just take this crap to Christ/pol/ ?
You don't entertain the special needs kids when they get delusions of grandeur.
You asked for a single date from recorded history.
You got one, faggot.
An atheist needs an audience or else people won't know how not-religious he is. And what would be the point then?
Shh, I'm entertaining the bait fisherman.
And this is coming from a guy who thinks he's headed to paradise for worshiping a filthy, fucking Jew. Sure…
C'mon, now; surely you can make one up or something.
funny thing about this vid
japanese psychologists and philosophers have came up with the idea that when you put the average nip on the spotlight they become quite two-faced
they have their real views on a subject and then they have their 'socially acceptable views' on a subject
and generally if you single them out in a crowd and identify them and ask them for their opinion they will give you their 'socially acceptable view' over their real views on the subject
That's not 'cause they're Japanese. It's because their totalitarian "education" makes any independence of mind and honesty of opinion unacceptable. Just like professors. They can fucking kill you just for your opinions. And many of them go out of their ways to try and catch you lying to them.
See I don't recall ever saying that I was Christian, or even religious. Also good job outing yourself, the "filthy fucking Jew" line is a nice attempt to make yourself look like a Holla Forumsack by baring surface similarities to an actual hatred of Jews. I mean by calling Jesus a kike it shows you don't even actually understand what the modern Jew is, you just identify them based on the terms.
You didn't ask for a biblical date, and you're moving the goalposts because you realize that "all of recorded history" is a longer time than you expected.
I'd wager it would be quite the same for a lot of whites as well. Ask a white man what he thinks of black people and he'll give you some equality spiel, but I'm fairly certain if you asked in private you'd find that a lot more people hate multi-culturalism and niggers than is commonly thought.
The thing with asking these questions is that it's been used in the past to attack people who don't follow the status quo, so nobody goes against it.
That can happen anywhere.
Take a look around, you're living in a totalitarian regime where if you express "unconventional" or wrong opinions according to the public eye, you'll be harassed and might get a visit from the Human Resources Department (or the police if you're living in Europe).
Why are Korean men crying instead of fighting.
totally agree with you all
Yes. That's Constantinople.
In a healthy society, such behaviour can be positive as it promotes social cohesion by getting large groups to feel more united, despite what they may think under their breath they all come together for a common good they realize is in the interest of the larger whole. Of course on very serious and personal issues it's negative, but on issues affecting the entire nation and its people it can be positive to put aside personal bias.
But this is not a healthy society.
Apparently the last Worst Koreans with a functional pair of balls left off to the Americas to become Roof Koreans.
There's actual evidence supporting racial differences in intelligence and…?
They fled to Byzantium or stayed in the West and miscegenation with germanics and celts occurred in the west
in the east they mixed with greeks and armenians before the turks and arabs started slaughtering/enslaving/raping them all
and this isn't a common narrative brought together through social cohesion
its an artificial narrative pushed onto the people via the mass media and entertainment industry
Yeah, fuck off, Wu.
This is important too.
Narratives can exist and be a force for good, but they must be organic. Nothing about our current society is organic. It's manufactured by foreigners, kikes, and kike-alikes.
The saving grace of our society is that the people are growing increasingly aware of this fact, and they do not approve of it. However civil war is all but inevitable due to the fact that the lefts underlings will not be swayed by anything other than force.
Aromanians are the only true Romans left. Yet their entire culture revolves around shepherdism, cheese and silly dances.
Already got you with the "bait fisherman" line long ago, pal. By failing to address it, you exposed your shilling for another Jewish lie.
But then using that tactic after I called you out. Man, you're one of the lower grade shills, aren't ya?
Every. Fucking. Time…
Dude, you literally called the Bible "all of recorded history" a while ago (which is silly enough) and then gave me a date outside of the Bible's scope, then told ME that I was moving the goalpost after I asked for a date from within the scope of your silly, Jewish manuscripts…
And then you give a date from outside, then call it a date within "all of recorded history."
This shilling is just sad now.
god that is horrid. I get the fucked up feeling that this is going to be where we're headed with this postmodernism bullshit and the simmering anti-male, anti-anyone-who-isnt-black, anti-police sentiment in the country.
Except punctuated by random street murders and shootings as the religion of peace and the people who didn't do anything gift us with more isolated incidents.
증거가 여깄어
Whilst I was there we had to attend this mandatory presentation by this radfem Frenchy, so I can confirm that the guest (((speakers))) is a frequent thing in addition to the dissemination of (((culture))) by bringing in foreign students from western women's universities. And like I said above, I'm aware that they translate western feminist literature and news. People know that the students are treated like princesses though so I don't think anyone takes these people seriously–they're definitely connected though. I've got other stories about the university staff jewing the students but I'll save it unless someone requests moar.
Actually I think you'll find you did that.
To which you responded with
Do not lie on an anonymous imageboard. There's simply no point to it.
We're already there.
The gooks are just getting a bit more into it than us.
Why not healthy? US is a country of psychopaths and sociopaths.
Looking for a fight with any civilization that is a perceived threat. That reflects on the picks and choices and propping up for the electoral run and political vacancies in the US Congress and Executive. Doesn't the FBI crack down on every chink that starts to get popular in the campaign trail? Apparently, only muds are allowed to receive funding from mudplaces.
I bet they wished the Norks would invade. Males wouldn't even fight back to end this feminist horror show
they arent the only ones left there are no pure Romans living today
just their descendants across Europe
they must arise from the natural unaltered zeitgeist of a people not the interactions and developments caused by foreign influence
Couldn't agree more. I kinda love how the more intelligent people out there are beginning to just keep bright opinions they hold to themselves when around idiots, but expressing them when around those who aren't just glued to their TV.
Did not. and
demonstrates the opposite of what you say I did.
So, you've dwindled into just "you're a liar, and you're also a liar." Proving you wrong isn't lying, bub. It's just proving that you've been lied to.
I said "all of recorded history", you said "the bible". I said, "the bible isn't all of recorded history", you seemed to claim it is.
Pilpul at it's finest kiddo.
For being super-radical feminists they sure do seem to be dick obsessed.
testosterone is the aggro and the sex hormone
when they become more aggressive they also become hornier
cue more of a tendency to become whores/fanny licking dykes
Now we're just arguing how we used words. I didn't claim the bible is all of recorded history. I meant a date within the Bible. A month-day-year date from within it. But you've demonstrated you won't do that.
Fuck, I'm tired.
That gook earlier said that the media never report on the Megalian shit honestly, but he said he tried to contact Breitbart about it. Wonder why they wouldn't try to respond, if they're doing this type of shit.
Which is why they're so damned unhappy as they are.
you think feminists like circumcised dicks because they like the idea of mutilating/subjugating a mans penis?
if we felt the same about clitorises we'd be deranged kebabs
fucking double standards
Yeah at this point I'm feeling like I'm being a major autist so I'm gonna let it go.
Possible. That's probably quite accurate.
Kikes just permeate everything don't they? I don't know how Hitler or Dr. David Duke managed to not want to execute every single one of them publicly.
Here's some music.
Reminder that Mogi is a literal whore who loved eating Papa's cummies.
See, I told you on voat that the chans care about this stuff, korean bro. Your voice and your plight, and the testing grounds for the jews wont go unnoticed.
Except they do in just about every way indirect way like in hentai, anime, video games, and even their women are ridiculously easy to get. Asian women literally act like they hate Asian men.
Honestly, if they actually directly celebrated their subtle cuckoldry it would mean their entire culture would become too self destructive and demoralizing.
It's really no different from what is going on in the west except in different ways. The future is fucked bro and I hope you stocked up and have plenty of ammo.
AWM spent many years in Los Angeles. He knows about gooks.
This entire thread is cancer.
You are cancer, faggot
can you give some examples?
when I was an internet newfag (on dial up) I remember checking out a bunch of hentai, "cool devices" is the only thing I can think of with any kind of interracial or cuck themes. Bondage was the main theme of that series.
only things I remember is that pink haired white looking guy making some japanese chick his sex slave, and that one about the detective and his adopted daughter. (it was by the same guy that did Kite).
Haven't watched anything hentai since 2005, so things may have changed.
only question is… what can we do to help? besides try to keep our own internet as free from thought police style censorship, as possible.
The Trump presidency might keep things going for a few years, but how do we secure our Internet freedom long-term?
Knock yourself out.
Honestly, the pig guys might as well be white guys at this point.
Meant to tag this right
Yeah but doesn't that still fall under the monster fetishism thing?
I mean yeah they don't have tentacles or anything, but their orcs and this is a fantasy setting.
Also, That looks more like a Caucasian woman (most of the time when it's a female knight it's always some white chick) so… Still not really getting the sense that they like seeing their race cuckolded.
So Soros and the tavistock machine has set its sights on Korea and unleashed it's latest weapon on it eh?
I can only imagine what hard-core radical feminism will turn into in the hands of Asians.
They can get behind something so single-mindedly…. This is gonna make the worst tumbler loonies look like sane reasonable individuals.
what exactly am I projecting?
I don't see any of those orcs rapping, wearing bling, eating chicken (or watermelon), talking about how Whitey is keeping them down and they need money for "dem programs"
Just seems like the usual RPG humanoid monster enemies raving some European style warrior woman, not seeing much cuckolding going on….
Please tell me what I'm missing.
That makes it even worse because all the men in this are fucking asian like Lute. They all even look like Lute. And fuck yeah the princess is blonde with blue eyes. The inferiority complex runs so deep that they would rather put white pussy on the apex of their pedestal than the pussy of their own women. They are cucked even in desires which they learn harshly they fall very short from achieving. The other women in this are all basic bitches but mostly basic asian bitches by the looks who enjoy getting raped.
You aren't projecting you dolt but the artist who made this clearly is.
also, how is this any different from the Bestiality fetish comics?
Yeah this is going to be some 7th sealbreaker 2: genocidal boogaloo type shit no matter what happens.
This. Asians are natural extremists. Just look at how much worse Asian communism was is compared to Euro communism. (((They))) unleashed a monstrosity the moment they changed their culture away from stubborn traditionalism.
Because in bestiality fetish comics they don't humanize animals, unless they are furries but that is entirely different category.
These aren't just pigs but pig men. An entire group of men who the artist's humans look down upon but are lustfully fucking their women and ruining their society.
Specifically, a different race of men I might add.
That can still impregnate their women despite being white pigus.
Dear God, what have we created this time?
Okay I just thumbed through it, it's a porno so there has to be sex involved. Rape is always one of the big fetishes and pans of course it centers on that.
The white woman fought against her rapists, the more docile Japanese women gave in pretty quick, but without more to go on that could have just been them knowing they better be nice to their captors instead of taunting them (make sense if you want to survive)
And in the end the woman was rescued by a strong male character.
This also reads back into what I was saying earlier about this shit always being a cautionary tale or some type of punishment, basically don't try to be a strong warrior woman and you probably won't get raped by monster.
It's a pretty simple message to me, and once again the cuckold artists around here always talk up the superiority of alien/foreign male impregnating the female, and the inferiority of the race being raped.
The artist just seemed to play up what simplistic savages they were and how little culture they actually had, they were nothing but thugs and the only way they can keep their numbers opt is by raping. If a couple of the kingdoms could get their shit together they could probably annihilate these monstrosities.
Once again, what am I missing?
Look man you are seeing it from your point of view instead of what they artist decided to show us which tells us more about the artist which tells us more about the fantasies of your typical asian man.
It's part of a 3 part series too. I suggest you look at 1 and 3 because all you have looked at is 2. The ending is Asia man getting cucked hard.
Women NEED men. They need someone to slap them in the face when they start getting crazy and stupid. Thats the cause of feminism in the west, cucked men. But not everybody is cucked, so the feminists can't go full insanity without being beaten to hell.
In Shit Korea however, there are no men. Literally none.
Funnily enough, this is a perfect failsafe. If the jews inherit the earth, there will be no men left, and women will castrate them all.
Nature truly is a wonderful. I wish people would recognize that just because we're aware enough to appreciate it, we are not exempt from it.
tbh korean and chinese men are pretty cucked overall
i despise feminist dyke bitches but i still interact with them when i need to
i dont hole myself up in my apartment/home and retreat from the world
While reviewing the media, that's the view I'm supposed to have. I could also put my self in the shoes of the characters but that's incredibly depressing (having empathy sucks)
You seem to act like you have some deep knowledge of the author's intent here, unless you can read the liner notes and get whatever inferences you're talking about directly from the author it seems kind of foolhardy to make those kind of assumptions (without more information)
okay, I'll take your word for that.
Is that this author's typical shtick? (Monster rape, cucking, NTR) If so that's whatever. not really representative of the genre as a whole I would say, or of the audience.
Might even be a woman, I remember hearing that fatal pulse was an author with a similar genre hard-core abuse of women and extreme rape, turned out it was a female author (the artist anyway, dialogue writer might be a male)
Neither do most gook men. But they are still very faggy and effeminate, which turns women off.
Not even Jomon genes can save East Asia. Neoteny might had offered advantages but in the post-modern world it's a curse.
I guess you are just not creative person and can't grasp that an artist always puts a little part of himself in his work. All of it in the end is the product of his perspective, not yours. That stem from unconscious desires which in the end stem from real world experiences because let's be honest, humans aren't that creative.
women keep thinking (((science))) will somehow fix that problem.
They think clonidine or in vitro fertilization will/has made men unnecessary when it comes to reproduction.
And in some ways it's kind of true, it's really made both genders unnecessary for reproduction. Technically no one has needed to have sex sense the 1970s to bring children into this world thanks to the invention of test tube babies.
And they keep hoping against hope that parthenogenesis will completely eliminate the need for sperm or cloning or whatever Frankenstein nonsense they keep trying to cook up.
And then somehow they think they're going to get rid of most men and only keep the most cocked slaves around. And that also 95% of the female population will turn hard-core lesbian or celibate.
I could see a good thirtysomething plus percent of the females on earth turning gay and being fine with that, and then another 20% being forcibly coerced. But you'd still have half of the female population still craving male attention and sexuality.
I guess then that's how they get the idea to turn men into nothing but a servile race that either does menial labor or ends up as sex slaves.
Which is really crazy when you hear feminist talk about that, because that's what they always claim men have done to women or whatever. It's like they have no self-awareness at all. (Men would love being sex slaves of course because men can't be raped, lol!!!!)
I can't even imagine how much it's going to suck being a young boy growing up in the next 25 years, the current levels of feminism affected my childhood I can only imagine what it will be like later on.
Fuck, like I have been saying. Their art work in context with their person just highlights that some women like it rough.
How do you bring this up but not come around to seeing what I'm talking about that it's the ARTIST WHO IS PROJECTING.
You and I both know you have plenty of time between shit posting to check out the rest and you probably will.
by creative do you mean delusional? I'm sorry I don't mean to insult you are anything but there comes a point where you can dig any answer you want out of any creative work, doesn't make you correct about anything.
It's exactly what feminists do about pretty much everything, everything is male gaze, everything is patriarchy, everything is racist, everything is sexist (and you have to point it all out).
Are you sure you're not doing the same thing? Are you sure is not just boilerplate Japanese porn? Because that's pretty much what I'm getting. it has all the same themes that have been around since the 80s and nothing different.
And yet you accuse me of not having some crystal ball you seem to be in possession of. Give me something to go on besides your "opinion" if this is the reoccurring theme of the artists work, then you're probably right. If not I'm not sure what else to say.
Also H-manga and as mainstream as the animated titles I would assume, are there any (similar) animated examples you can cite? (More than one)
The yayoi gooks fucked up really badly by genociding original Japanese. This could have been prevented. Hopefully CRISPR will bring them back and make anime real.
that's where you're wrong friend-o, I'm far too busy/lazy for that.
I can't even get to the backlog of media I've already accumulated. And I probably never will (especially if all the happening stuff comes true, no electricity to play games or watch anime,)
Like I said 2005 was the last time I was current on anything.
No, by creative I mean you realize that artists put a little of their soul and their passions into their work in order to make anything good.
An artist wouldn't want to make anything their heart or their mind isn't into to some degree otherwise it would turn out to be shitty because it would be half-assed.
Just like there is a reason why all fucking furrie porn looks autistic and you can tell that the people who are into this shit like the artist who made it. The artist is projecting. They are just fucked and we can all openly recognize this. I don't get why all of the sudden you want to be an autist about this, acting as if artists are just machines that just print works like a printer. Works that would essentially be meaningless works in relation to themselves and therefor half-assed.
unless they're a bpa addled pseudo-dyke
awaken their emishi souls
No, by creative I mean you realize that artists put a little of their soul and their passions into their work in order to make anything good.
An artist wouldn't want to make anything their heart or their mind isn't into to some degree otherwise it would turn out to be shitty because it would be half-assed.
Just like there is a reason why all fucking furrie porn looks autistic and you can tell that the people who are into this shit like the artist who made it. The artist is projecting. They are just fucked and we can all openly recognize this. I don't get why all of the sudden you want to be an autist about this, acting as if artists are just machines that just print works like a printer. Works that would essentially be meaningless works in relation to themselves and therefor half-assed.
As always, Koreans can't seem to do anything in moderation. Everything they do seems to be taken to fanatic levels. I've read that before the AFC you used to be able to get a stable working life, and rok society functioned well enough. Afterwards, everything became hypercompetitive and there is no cultural method of restraining things like educational demand on children and so forth.
No wonder they all want to overstay their VISA in Australia.
I suspect the subconcious acceptance of the fact is behind the neurosis. Queen Victoria was right, "unsexing" women just makes them hideous things, lesser men.
Well I'm too lazy to check if you are that lazy.
you know I'd actually like to talk a lot more about this because I find this kind of interesting, and I'd like to go over a few of your ideas on viewpoints. but this really isn't the place for it and I don't want to derail the thread any further. (if you want to make a thread on /a/ or some other board that would be cool)
that seems pretty subjective to me, I'v seen artists slap things together that actually worked out pretty well versus things that they've poured hours into tediously working on, it all depends on contributing factors
I'm going to have to disagree with that, yes it's true that a large amount of the furry "community" is horrendously cringe worthy and autistic and many of the artists make terrible artwork ( Chris-Chan tier and not much better)
I've seen some pretty excellent artwork that is right up there with some of the best Japanese/European artists, once again subjective at least when it comes to style but you can't really argue with artistic proficiency ( especially when it comes to something like Internet porn) and consistency
disagreeing with you isn't autism, we just don't see things from the same viewpoint, that's it.
not everyone will agree with you about everything, you shouldn't expect that and you shouldn't hope for that.
you have way too much faith in the word "artist" just because someone is a competent artist doesn't mean they do it for anything other than money, it can be a job like anything else. I've known some pretty excellent artists that have done professional work but have no real interest in the profession other than making rent. they have a skill, people will pay for that end of story
once again some weirdo like Chris-Chan can spend hours toiling over his terrible drawings and putting his heart and soul or whatever he has into them and they still won't look any better because he has no talent.
while somebody like Keiji Inafune can whip out something decent in just two minutes. heart and soul doesn't matter worth a crap if you have no actual talent. raw talent will only take you so far if you don't have a good grasp of the fundamentals, fundamentals are useful only in the hands of somebody with a creative spark.
a skilled artist can show you whatever viewpoint you want to see, it doesn't necessarily have to be theirs. if art was as cut and dried as you seem to believe that it would be incredibly boring and rather predictive.
anyway, we can agree to disagree. I see one thing you see another. that's cool when I have time I might check out some more of your links, and with enough evidence I'll come around to your line of thinking (on that particular artist) I just don't have the time right now, to form a coherent opinion of it. (need to take a break and get some sleep)
they believe physical strength doesn't matter anymore because of technological innovation, they believe that any deficiencies they may have can be evened out with power, influence, money or some other thing they believe will make physical strength irrelevant.
the vast majority of these women are either coming from a place of vengeance because of their inferiority complex or dismissal because of their superiority complex. neither viewpoint is ever very well thought out. if they always believe themselves to be so much smarter than men.
none of them ever stop to think that if they need an entire movement protecting them how can they be so much better than those subhuman males that have always kept them down "somehow" and through no fault of their own of course.
Western countries are probably haven't compared to the hellholes that are used to living in, especially once they get a taste of life outside that bubble of insanity that Asian countries typically are.
from the kikepedia about ewha
now solvay is an interesting yuropean name
they're mentionned on several fringe/conspiracy websites as being the ones profiting of the european version of pedowood, with the dutroux affair amongst a few others, brabant killers, prostitution rings
suspected of being in the inner circle of the (((elites))), high-level blackmail networking, child traficking, opinion managament, etc, beside being an old generational fortune family
there's an international power-dealers link in there somewhere that stinks something fierce if such a specific yuro vampire-clan parasites corporation dealing in concrete and biochemistry decided to enjoy something only ehwa and korean law could offer
I found this, the story seems to check out:
Also, their youtube channel:
This is really fucked up, moreso the fact that the americans reported the "shirt scandal" but not what Megalian is really about.
A Japanese dude once told me that Koreans are Jews of East Asia.
If the Japanese were "honorary aryans", then I guess that makes Koreans "honorary kikes".
They literally teach the talmud in their grade schools.
So they're mad over people telling them that they don't need to have plastic surgery to look great?
wew thats a whole other level of kikery
Good eyes, the Holla Forums think tank can't be beat.
Eat shit faggot
Cool story incoming, but I've actually been in that R&D building you're talking about a few times. What surprised me was how empty it was–I mean they have this cute little exhibition at the main door then its card entry only from that point on. I guess the showcase is to satisfy the interests of guests who make it up to the back of the campus. But there was no staff, only 3 boom-gate security posts on the road outside and thats it–for such a huge and seemingly important building it was strange. Even though the building from the outside has upper levels there's visible elevators that go deep into the ground. But none of the girls I knew actually took classes there. They have a separate building for science majoring students and even then they don't let them handle any of the experimentation equipment.
I'm & btw
Any of you Holla Forumssters know what SK's average IQ is?
This might just be an advanced from of the propaganda they are feeding the west, beta testing it on a single country, and then mainstreaming it all over the world.
eery shit fam
I think America is about go into an isolationist phase, and withdraw from Europe and Asia. Losing Turkey was part of the plan.
The Norks will fix this. With death.
Okay, leme break some info down for you…
Propaganda is basically a form of classical conditioning, and exploits based on humans cognitive, logical, memory biases, and emotions.
Considering the mechanisms of propaganda, several interesting things can be derived….
1. Dumb people statistically fall for propaganda more often.
2. Women are easier to deceive based on their emotions.
So, based on just these two factors alone, we can see that it would be in the best interests of the propagandists for all of their target audiences to be either dumb, female, or both… for maximum efficiency of the "propaganda"
Now, as a corollary to this, we can see that it would ALSO be in the best interests of the propagandists, to "Propagandize" all of the dumb people and females into attacking all of the smart people and males.
To make the "Propaganda" more efficient.
does there exist any way to check construction plans for this building? permits dossiers? administrative data? how much sleuthing and/or peeking around would be required
also, do you have a way to measure electronic/radiowaves countermeasures around this building? if it's doable, how about a tiny drone to go film?
if you've been around, can you find some surprisingly large air vent(s) some distance away from the building?
there may well be some extremely unsavory shit going on in the deepest levels, if this corporation is at the level of its fringe and extremely repressed reputation
diplomacy was never your people's strong trait
학생증 올려줘
with timestamps
Does not the potter have power over the clay to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor?
(((You))) never heard of a Potemkin village? Color me surprised.
for something this big to take this long to reach us. (((someone))) must be blocking the communication/news
about said reputation, the owners of solvay are the same as those mentioned here
the translation is sorta okay, but refer to the french text for links or ambiguities
be sure to check the links in the post near the end of the page, I don't know yet if adequate translations exist but they're important in the pedowood-equivalent affairs we have in europe
blogs, videos, websites about the solvay name or the pedo/disappearances/murders affairs around them tend to be memoryholed from the web real quick
a "corporate headquarters" building with possible sub-levels such as the one they built in ehwa would be a necessary base to do the same shit for which they used those castles in europe
pic related
as far as I know the only way to get into the building is with those cards–to get one you have to be related to the activities going on there, or work there of course.
I finished my study there so I can't do anything more and the students I know there have as much access as I did. You need to ask/know someone who actually has a card and works there. Only vents I noticed were near the main gate on the opposite side of campus. You can see some pictures of the inside labs here. m.blog.naver.com
레알 고맙다
(they) pay you in rice grain to shill or you get real money?
You think they might be trying an endrun with the SJW takeover plan, seeing how far they can get before the world notices or something?
Is there an English news article on this shit?
Is it just me, or are these shills trying to derail the thread with pro and anti NK shit? We are making progress and digging deep into this Ehwa shit, and yet these (2)'s appear out of nowhere, make a short unrelated reply so they won't be called out for being (1), then reply to the NK spam no one is even talking about.
okay now that we have proof that you've been there yourself to see the horrors, can you explain the nature of the connection between 이화여대 and 메갈리아?
any head mod of 메갈 being a prof in that university or something?
not a very high bar tbh
Why did Moot have to kill 4pol?
Propaganda is and has always been a form of coercion, usually by a government.
When you say "dumb people," do you also mean people that simply don't have very keen judgement and critical thinking? I think you do.
But one mustn't forget that most of the elites are heavily indoctrinated and propagandized to. I would say that they are, in fact, more indoctrinated by the propaganda than the "average man."
I think that emotional trust adds to their malleability to propaganda more than anything else. That feminine sense of sorority and trust of one another for the sake of emotional support is what really gives the propaganda it's greatest force in fooling the women. But that, of course, is usually (perhaps almost always) an example of emotional manipulation. You are correct.
This has actually been demonstrated, I think, before our very eyes with the Clinton and DNC leaks that have recently happened. One of the trends that corporations try to discover and utilize to their advantage she has also tried to use for her election. Whatever group she (Hillary) has handle their marketing data utilization have come up with five basic trends about, guess what, Hispanics:
1.) Most brand loyal demographic.
2.) That loyalty reaches across their families.
3.) Loss of loyalty is irreparable.
4.) They're useful human advertisements to their demographic.
5.) They value personal appeals to emotion and supposed "shared struggle", etc.
(Pic related.)
Now, it is obvious that all of these correlate to you're claims above – and that is because they are correct.
And it is very sinister, to say the least, that they seek, as I think the Hispanic mothers and females have done, to utilize this emotional weakness of women to force them into associating with females to form these stupid emotipolitical ideals (that'll be my new term!) and then try to force them onto males by starving them of sex, bribing them, general shaming, etc., so that they'll 'fight ont he side of their woman' or whatever.
And, of course, most millennial males these days (you know the ones: the sides of their head shaved, the skin-tight jeans, the metrosexuality (remember the beautiful ones!!), etc.) will latch on hook, line, and sinker to their oh-so-precious temporary piece of somewhat appetizing ass, no matter the cost to their dignity and their principles (if they even have any at this point).
I think that this radicalization of women makes them undesirable to most males, which causes the women to become even more unbearable, which causes them to feel bad (it must be the fault of those evil men!), which causes them to cling to their female cliques (jezebel, marysue, other feminist collectives are spectacular examples) so that they – believing that they'll be happier and liberated – will push for a certain political candidate trying desperately to assure their votes and the votes of anyone these crazy cunts can batter into submission.
Pic that I forgot:
Typically what that means, yes.
The media pads womens egos by saying that they are perfect divine creatures BECAUSE they are hopeless slaves to their emotions.
It makes the emotional manipulation work better.
That is social proof.
It is an instinct that all social mammals have.
Being a part of the herd offers protection, and the possibility of reproduction.
Being expelled from the herd usually means death, both physically and genetically.
The hijack of social proof by the media manipulators is quite ancient.
It's one of the reasons why they have laugh tracks on sitcoms…. because people tend to laugh more often when others are laughing.
So the media just tells everyone that "The herd has DECIDED, THIS"
And everyone goes along with it, because they don't want these, like, 7 media people, kicking hundreds of millions of people out of the herd.
They don't have to actually convince the "Herd" to believe in the thing.
They just have to convince the herd that the herd already believes in it.
It's fucking wild.
reading previous post it seems like they already got whatever they where going for (complete content police and censorship), why keep going? or why keep hiding it? it seems like no one can stop them from the inside.
what else they could get from this? killing all males? putting a woman in all important political steps? that´s a little to "James bond" for me.
there is higher step in the plan we are not seeing
Not this crap again, asians are well knowed for being edgy as fuck since ancient times, read a book before posting please, fun fact, christian gooks are the best and cultural marxism corrupting them is the proof that christianity is a good thing that must be preserved from enemies of civilization like you.
Go back to you containment board with your crappy propaganda faggot.
100% propaganda effectiveness.
"The beatings will continue until morale improves."
They are just finding the people that propaganda doesn't really work on, or doesn't work well on….
And "Purging" them, by using mind controlled pawns.
Sorry I can't be fucked looking through their pages to pinpoint specific people. I've seen things on their site that say they don't like Ewha students because they're too bourgeois and some that say a lot of them agree with the Megalian views. Due to their online/anonymity factor it's hard to say.
What I do know is that this movement started on DC Inside, the Korean version of Reddit/halfchan, after some big dispute.
hello Holla Forums, gookanon here. reposting from Holla Forums.
>>>Holla Forums10175499
today DoM made huge protest in front of main Nexon building.
now they comes up with new tactics. they starting to blame Nexon for pedophile and sexualize of youth. typical SJW tactics. and as always wih false narrative that the voice actor fired just because she was feminist.
in the nexon bulding's first floor, there's kindergarten named 'Dotori kindergarten'. they fucking infiltrates in that place and start to chant 'So Chu So Sim (small dick small mind)' and 'Do Jae-ki (die like jaeki)'. Jae-Ki is founding member of korea's first and only man's right activist group. he was like korea's milo. great peraonality and visionist. he killed himself few years ago at the bridge because of the feminit persecutuion and financial trouble.
he filmed his own death with the hope and desperation of becoming matyr and change this damned society.
but instead of becoming matyr, feminiat mocked hia death and now they using hia name as mockering chant to all men.
4, 5 years old kids at the kindergarten started to cry and those fuckers sit there and starting to smoke cigarrettes right next to the children on purpose.
one of dumfuck internet feminist got there with her boyfriend without aware of megalian's origin and identity. megalians lynched them and expelled hem from the protest shouting "no men allowed". i ain't joking.
one of journo who filming them surroundes by dozens of megalians and they threatened to sue photographer. eventually megalians grabbed photographer's hair and lynched.
worker of kindergarten and civillians finally called the police the protest dismantled.
DoM noticed another, constant, ongoing protest against Nexon to stop misogyny and sexualization of youth. fyi the 'closers' chracter they criticizing for sexualizing is not even fucking human. she's an oni from differnent dimension.
interesting thing is they expelled any fellow male protesters and chanted their obnoxious word to any male passing by. they claims 'there were no white members on america's black movement protests and what we do is justice'.
they fucking living in fantasy. if my historical educations and books i read were right theres shit tons of white people who fought for black people's right. kkk don't have black members and that's more accurate compariaon to daughters of megalia.
their protest sign contains various diagusting, misandry words. they even dragged innocent kids into the dirty fight. many of their signa contains Dotori kindergarten. like "Dotori kindergarten kids says: father, would you take off my cloths too when im 13?".
more links and pictures bellow. fucking pray for us, it's gonna be wild ride. literal women kkk nazis wants violent gender war. will report back. stay tuned.
women supremacy klan? what have we become? fuck this gay earth.
(checking my own dubs…)
Post yfw they are coming for your brains.
i saw 4 different shill groups in the work on this thread.
-the christian/atheist shills (they even bring their own reply poster to look bigger that they actuality are)
-the anti japan/weaboo police, (low quality bait, always the same post and replays, i wonder sometimes if also bring their own shills to play on their shills post)
-the "x its not white" shills
-and the most obvious one the north Korea shill (this one looks like its only one poster, and not a very skilled one, probably some starved farmer in a cubicle posting north Korean pictures in a dora the explorer blog)
this is the first time i head about the situation in north korea (i heard it was a dire condition but where isn't in this times?) and to have such an explosive reaction, it seems like we are close to something big.
God. Isn't it just so despicable, though? It's as if they're actively trying to breed the only critical thinkers out of existence and alienate them from the rest of society.
I always thought Trotsky looked kinda wacky.
Oh, I assure you… it is.
I know this is a repost, but this just reminds me why I never go there anymore, nobody makes good games so what's the point even trying to talk to these retards.
George Orwell must be spinning so fast in his grave that he could become the drill that drills to the heavens
Auto-translated archive of the first link: archive.is
I always knew small peppers were more timid than prosecutions
Statistically speaking, not all of the current population of humans is 100% suceptible to mind control, propaganda, emotional manipulation, etc…
So, they are using germline warfare procedures to "Weed out" of the population, any who aren't fully susceptible to mind control.
The usual way to do this, is to remote control a whole bunch of the easily controlled people into KILLING the hard to control people.
Orwell, Huxtley, and Bradbury (1984, brave new world, fernheight 451 respectively) were all insiders to (((The Plan)))
They were compartmentalized, and thus all of them had an incomplete picture.
It is interesting to see people arguing over which potential dystopian future is more accurate… As they are ALL accurate, but still incomplete.
Every fucking time
Speaking of mass brainwashing and hidden truths:
Sounds like an attempt to push for r selection, while destroying K selection, doesn't it?
i doubt there are many K individuals in south korea, and the only one who tried to stand against them killed himself like a faggot a could years ago.
Such sex is social in nature and non-reproductive. The sexual consciousness changes in girls (and boys to a lesser extent, again, the age old conflict of monogamy-polygamy) upon puberty where they ideally become selective and mate-seeking.
So, you are agreeing with me?
kkk and the nazis did nothing wrong though
Those words are triggering me.
Kids don't normally reproduce. This isn't to say kids aren't selective. They clearly like attractive adults and peers.
I was talking about them attempting to push the age of reproduction as low as possible, in order to encourage r selected behaviors and traits, instead of K selected behaviors and traits.
When is the genderwar happening? or are korean men all fucking pussies?
Kill yourself Freud.
>>>Holla Forums
Effect canceled.
Get out, jew.
CommonCuckold GET OUT
Pretty sure the UN only went against degenerate pedokike shit the jewpanese are way too into. Japan itself extended that to legal age adult drawings as well, which is actually good to an extent because porn is degenerate and shouldn't exist in the first place.
Gas yourself.
Well I guess you're a shill then. Good job anons, you changed the definition for your own gain and ended up including yourself in it.
Never heard of this effort.
Human reproduction is overwhelmingly K. Even the most callous congo negress rears her infant in a K selective manner.
Popping out kids without regard for future living conditions is more related to IQ levels (foresight, abstract reasoning) than age of maternity, unless you consider R selection to be having kids below an arbitrary family income level.
>>>Holla Forums
We all know it's the jews. Also race is more than skin color.
5 posts left.
I'll just take the last post fromya.
for now.
less so every year, though.