Hi Holla Forums

hi Holla Forums
I just had a lucid dream.

praise Kek



Does kek=Sophia?

not quite sure, there is similarities between the egyptian ogdoad and the 8 aeons in Gnosticism.
but I don't know if it directly relates to divine Sophia.
Sophia as the divine principle was present in the mythology of the old kingdom as the female creative principle of every god in the Ogdoad.

The holidays was a calendar of some sort, during my dream the people were preparing for a ritual celebration.
the fish fossils were placed in circles near the water, chants can be heard from all over the place, I was dressed in some sort of military uniform, and was accompanied by a woman.
they seem to care for the elderly to a great extent here.

lol don't know why I highlighted that.

the era of kek will probably be the return of dark occultism and the entities of the old, to herald the coming dawn.

it will not come as a flash and leave, but will stay for a while.
we will probably engage in human sacrifices.
raising ancient spirits, it will be dark times, but necessary to bring forth the era of light.

Kek himself is not bothered by the inevitability of the coming of the light, he encourages it, as the rituals seem to be focused on the theme of "it's always dark before the dawn" . the entities we raise will consume the masses, people will die and you will hear screams of pain from the celebration.
people who willingly accept being a sacrifice will be treated well in their last moments.

The symbol after the comuter is not related to dna, it's the symbol of Heka (god of magic and the occult) .

just wanting to clarify because some people get it wrong,
so it's related to meme magic rather than dna.

so basically (internet user ), uses the internet (medium) using heka (magic) on the internet.

But user, a meme is simply a unit of a species' learned phenotype as a gene is a unit of a species pre-programmed phenotype.


I guess the dna makes sense too.
the memes are the genes of a tribe which shapes them and gives them qualities.

yes,and magic is the art and science of causing change to occur in accordance with Will.

so meme magic is the art and science of causing change to occur in accordance with will using a unit of a species' learned phenotype.

Lies, Kek is a god of chaos. Never would he allow such a predictable system.

Used to be super into lucid dreaming, but I haven't kept up with the practice since I got a gf in my house.

Had one the other night, though. Was walking through some school or college when I realized I was in a dream, so I grabbed the nearest attractive girl and made sweet love to her in the hallway. She loved it.

(you) (checked)
(you) (checked)

I am telling you what I dreamed user.

Yes, kek is unpredictable indeed, we expect him to act a certain way, he does not.

who are we to tell an elder God how to be.
our expectation is something, what is actually is, is another matter.

Kek is not the herald of dawn, ….das predictable.
I admire your trips, I really do, and they prove that kek is indeed unpredictable.
he will always act not as expected of him.

I admit, I'm not a particularly devot kekite but even I can see which one of you he favors.

Maybe not as unpredictable as you think, my young friend.
