Why has Holla Forums all of a sudden decided to fall in line with establishment politics?

Why has Holla Forums all of a sudden decided to fall in line with establishment politics?
They always used to at least pretend to be contrarian but now they're all behind Trump even though he takes Jew money and if anyone brings it up they're just called a kike shill.
Why are they putting this guy on a pedestal when he's so clearly a liar?
How do you think they'll react a couple of years down the line when it's obvious he doesn't plan to do anything he promised?

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Because they believe they're the proprietors of justice,

fighting against real oppressors like feminists and political correctness!!!1

They impulsively responded to Trump's campaign on an emotional level and they're too invested to pull out now. They're not the kind of people who have robust enough self-esteem to bear the realization that they've been had.

Sounds about right.

You can call me a conspiracytard but over the years I have come to beleive that powerful think tanks and professional internet shilling groups have subverted 4chan over the last 5-6 years.

The fluid nature of image boards makes them ripe for the taking for ideologies where meaningless "memes" become viral due to no other reason other than autistic repetition.

On 4chan Holla Forums I have noticed over time more and more pro-Israel threads, and explicit anti-Palestinian content. That Trump is such a "meme" propagated by republican retards is well documented, but things like shilling in favor for the "bathroom" law recently when Trump flip flopped on it, made me extremely suspicious on who occupied and makes such threads.

"I-it was just a meme, we never actually liked the guy!"
They'll just ignore any evidence that contradicts their worldview, just like they do with everything else.

Because to them the most important quality a person has is to be politically incorrect and since Drumpf is PI and famous he's pretty much like a god to Holla Forums.


Does anyone seriously believe Holla Forums wasn't being controlled all along?

And then Don became a loon who thinks he invented the share a coke meme.

The Feds have probably been monitoring 4chan ever since the Fox news report. But I legitimately beleive more sinister forces shill there.

Sounds spooky tbh fam. (and not the Stirner kind of spooky, genuinely spooky.)

Sounds like the CIA spook kind of spooky

skeletons secretly run the world, in an effort to harvest our bones, for the production of ever more skeletons.

You know, Holla Forums claims it's using meme magic to turn Trump into the avatar of an ancient Egyptian god. Maybe that was the plan all along?

The US government did bring a whole lot of Nazi scientists over from Europe, and they were into some pretty occult stuff…

The increased amount of skeleton characters seems coincidental…


Skeletons seems to be the meme of the decade, I suppose.

If magic is real and Trum turns into Set or some shit then I am done. I will abandon my leftist ways and I won't argue anymore.

Fuck that shit we need to buckle down in that case and work even harder.

No Gods, No Masters. Remember that.

Revolution against gods sounds metal as fuck though.

I think that happens in Warhammer


Remind me again how Trump is "establishment politics"

Can confirm. I am a sleeper agent enacting a skeleton conspiracy to subvert and destroy internet communities.


Please, tell me how protectionism is reconciliable at all with neo-liberalism.

The rest is literally all talk. He even flip flops on it.

Not anymore they aren't. His stupidity and vulgarity was a startling change of air from the usual GOP demagoguerie but now that he's shown even that sells, he's all in the sheets for the republican side. It's becoming unpopular not to support him as a conservative, which should tell you as much.

hmm well to me neo-liberalism is more the policy of an extremely advanced stage of finance capital and not about free trade per se.The freedom of finance capital to move is probably more important the freedom of movement for industrial goods or farm products. Through out the history of capitalism there have been free-traders and protectionists. There were even free-traders and free-market policies in the Keynesian golden age.

But the rhetorical focus on free trade and "competitive wages" is a nice little ruse for neoliberalism. You might think low-wages are intended to serve struggling industries in a globalized world, but it probably has more to do with what bankers call "the goldilocks economy" e.g. that low-wages and rising asset prices work to the benefit of all.
**surprise, it mainly serves their interests*


Also, they know he's going to lose so they don't have to worry about that.

Trump could very well win if Hillary gets the nomination (most likely), as Trump has shown to poll well versus Hillary. And in all honesty, Trump might actually be the lesser of two evils for the future of the non-liberal left's chances at ever becoming relevant again because it would reignite a desire for a Sanders-like candidate, or perhaps someone even more radical than a SocDem at the next elections.

this tbh

Haven't you seen any interview with him past his primaries win?
He has already started to backpedal about pretty much everything.

he's been pivoting to the center on pretty much all of that though

Those are the things that he claims to be. However, considering the fact that he's taking super PAC donations, I doubt he will follow through on any of those promises.

You're right. If he's elected he will break all his promises and discredit the right, which is good for us.

^Literally this, like Leftists and even Liberals (TYT types) even have enough self-respect to admit when campaigns/movements we supported have gone awry. For Liberals this was the Obama moment.

>They always used to at least pretend to be contrarian but now they're all behind Trump Hitler even though he takes Jew money and if anyone brings it up they're just called a kike shill.

See any patterns?

Does anyone have a link to that thread on here about all the Jew Neolib/neocon ass kissing he did right after his nomination?

Trust a professional con artist that is taking super PAC donations, top kek.

Uphold Marxism-Prometheanism

Just take a glance at /n/'s catalog tbh.

You seriously think RW think-tanks are employing professional shitposters to browse and post on/pol/ all day?