SpecOps AMA

Former civil affairs marine(0531) here, ask me anything?

What was your craziest/scariest experience?

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

So when will you be getting a real job instead of living off good goyim, hmmmm?

Dealing with a vbied and the subsequent casualties.



Care to elaborate? Is it frightening because of the mangled bodies or because you can't be certain all the explosives were triggered in that area?

Did you get raped as part of an initiation ritual? I've heard this is the rule there…

I was by myself driving a makeshift ambulance full of very badly injured marines. I was scared of getting lost. I was lucky if I had been one minute sooner or one minute later, I very well may have been killed.

No, I didn't get raped. But I do know someone who did

(Mock) rapings were not unusual.

Damn, sounds damn near apocalyptic

So do you feel justified fucking other peoples shit up when your wars are based off misinfo / lies? Or are you the proto not-my-job-to-think grunt who's just glad to get paid for it?

Do you at least understand how civilians in other countries might come to think of americans as terrorists?

ARE you a terrorist?

Unfortunately yes. Lucky im bi so I wasn't scarred but it was still unpleasant

Just glad im back

Not OP

What influence do first person shooter military themed games have on your life?

I was just a kid. I wasn't looking at it like that.

None, but they do use them to recuit


I played a bunch when I was younger, also who is and ? I'm OP not you two.

Would you go to war if it seemed like a stupid war? I mean like if in an alternative timeline pres. Clinton the second decided to make a dumb move and you thought "this is totally not a good move for anybody." But others seemed committed. Would you follow?

I care about my country but not for the stupid conflicts my government create for fun. It really depends.

What was the purpose of mock rapings?

Did any of the 18 - 19 year olds who died in Iraq pick the wrong job? Would you let your young kids go to war? Or talk them out of it? College or war, which would you choose for your own kids?

He's not OP. Somebody tried to hijack the tread. real answer is

Boredom. Homo-erotic horse play.

Sucking mad dick

Kids died, some virgins. It was sad. I would let my kids go. I can't stop them even if I wanted to.

These are not OP. I am OP.

Shouldn't the US take in Syrian refugees for the ISIS mess? Or do you think Trump is right not to clean up for past mistakes and focus on unrepentant isolationism instead?

That's heavy. Especially since the US has things to enjoy like good weather and freedoms.

What was training like? Did they at least attempt to prepare you for the worst of the worst?

You dont know how bad it really is…

I do currently support isolationism.

The training was sufficient. I knew my teammates for several years, and trained with them for a year before being deployed.


I'm pissed that as a Canadian I'm confined to a choice of essentially only 3 major cities in my own country, having a criminal record that'll likely get me turned back, at a land crossing for sure… unless I'm so genuine about just wanting to be touristy they let it happen.

Is fighting in a desert country boring compared to fighting in places like Europe, South America, or East Asia? It seems like the Middle East would be the most boring place in the world to have a war.

Have you ever shot a man before you chucked him out of an airplane?

Do Marines just exist so Navy Corpsman can give them a bandaid and a hug when they feel bad?

what are you up to now?

Yes, and I enjoyed every second of it