And is Trump wasting his time trying to stop Christian folks of European descent coming to America when Muslims are clearly a bigger threat to western values and aren't even white at all? At least Mexicans share some culture and DNA with Europe
Are Mexicans actually white?
Mexicans are definitely more white than Muslims
Isn't it a weird coincidence that the ((9th circuit)) courts are more concerned with Trump stopping Muslim immigration than Mexican immigration?
What did Hitler think of Mexico?
He used Mexico as an example of how European genetics could be corrupted by race mixing
Mexico was one of Nazi Germanys largest trade partners during the war but this may have been attributed to the fact the Mexican government is corrupt and held a grudge against America for their intervention in the then-recent Mexican Revolution
The question is whether or not Mexicans are actually people?
Are Americans actually Mexicans?
We're all people, even niggers; they're just lesser people, kind of like what mopeds are to actual motorcycles.
A better analogy would've been Golden Retrievers vs Poodles
There is a small population of pure Spanish descended people living in mexico. The vast majority of mexicans, however, are mestizos.
99.9% of Mexicans have Injun blood in them so no, they aren't white
Mestizos are still of European descent though
I unironically would rather have mestizos flooding into America than Muslims. We need to nuke Mecca seriously
No. Mexicans aren't white.
I don't really hear Mexicans hating Whites though. The only people really calling Trump racist even are white liberals. Most Mexicans identify as white
Do they? We've already handed them all those incredible advances listed there. They have comfortable lives now, thanks to everything white people gave them. They have it all now. And they didn't have to work for it. They didn't have to think for it.
The generosity of white people has brought about our own destruction. We were too empathetic for these weak, dumb, starving little savages who are simply not fit to survive in a civilised society and cannot be trusted with technology.
To be honest most Mexicans hate Mexicans more than they hate Trump. Also Trump actually got a good chunk of the Hispanic Vote, A) Cause most Hispanics aren't Mexican and B) Black Lives Matter said that only Niggers know hardship which shit in the face of pretty much every Hispanic out there
Mexicans are Christian and speak a latin tongue like any native European does.
They are alright in my book as long as they are willing to join the fight to free the holy land of Muslim heretics
A very small number are. That's how south america works.
Half or less. You wouldn't call a mulatto European because they're 1/4 white.
Mexicans are niggers.
Unless you are talking about white Mexicans, I would say you are better off kicking out, fighting, or converting the Muslims as they probably share more genes than a half-native.
t. mestizo
South Comifornia here.
I've lived next to a lot of mexicans throughout my life. I can conclusively say that they get more and more niggardly the darker they are.
Muslims are definitely less white than Mestizos. Muslims are Semitic. It would be like calling Jews white
They get more generous the darker they are? Do they donate to Church more often or something?
Mexicans are not white
Mexico is a third world country
Build a wall
Nice Haiku user
ya got it backwards
I sincerely believe Mexican immigrants would be significantly more tolerable if they just fucking learned English. It would help them assimilate into American culture better and they already share some European sensibilities
I'm just repeating what you said user Niggardly doesn't mean what you think it means
wait nevermind i am the one who doesnt remember what it means i am a retard its time for bed
Nigging something means to haggle its value down.
A niggardly thing is a thing of low value.
A nigger is a person who is of little value to society.
A nigger is a dark skinned life form of African descent.
But the reason we call them niggers is because of slave auction slang in the wayback days.
but mexico commies even made anti-nazi propaganda posters?
Remember that a christian yurop conquered the world and that the "dark age" is the muslim golden age forced by antichristian "jews" killing all decent people before the kitos war.
There are not many muslims in Mexico, even in the capital. This should give anyone an idea of how why Mexicans are not a threat to America, or its values. They should learn english if they move here though. There are many Mexican nationalists also, just like Ameritards, who refuse to learn the language when living in the USA/Mexico and/or vist their neighboring country. Its easy to be a blind faggot if you never leave your hometown. Mexicans and Americans can be quite retarded, though at least at times Mexicans will be authentically kinder, and Americans will get straight to the point.
Mexico is whiter than America at this point tbh
wasnt mexico allied with gb?
I live in England. There is Portuguese and Spanish in my town. Most work. Sure you don't want criminals. But Muslims that don't integrate like Pakistanis and Bangladeshi are far worse. Also Jamaicans /somali gangs are worse. If you get rid of the criminal element Hispanic people are better to have than muslims.
Some are. The ones hopping the border obviously aren't.
i don't care, but mexican food is the best in the world
No. They are niggers.
Its filthy though, because mexicans are filthy. You have to realize wetbacks come from a home where the living room is a dirt floor.