Thinking about how we all one in Jesus Christ

thinking about how we all one in Jesus Christ

niggers don't count

Candles all over the place
Sure that's not a seance nigger?

thinking about the metaphysics of thoughts

thinken bout the future of our race

Who knows better? You or Him?

"By their bowels shall you know them" - Ezekiel 23:45

Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Empty yourself and pray;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Amen & Glory!
Praise him with many motions!

I suppose all this happened in translation

this, thank you for the redpill today

thinking about how Christianity is a tool of Zionism to keep Aryans down

He never said anything about niggers in that verse.

There is only 1 race: the human race

This is a concept that most atheists do not understand and often misinterpret. We are all one in Jesus but that doesn't mean we are all equal. We all have equal value as humans due to our souls, but different races have different capabilities. Even Yahweh separated humans I the story of the tower of Babel. Even if you don't agree with Christianity, calling us racemixing cucks is a flawed viewpoint and just shows how incompetent you are.

Posted an ugly nigger bitch. Talking about Jesus. Fuck off.

Nazi's were Christians.



He didn't have time to list everything you idiot that doesn't mean there are any exceptions

What where they, muslim? Fucking retard

They just put that on to please the Christians and make them fight harder

They were atheists with an interest in Paganism. They tried to make Christmas and Easter into secular / Pagan holidays

hey Jesus, remember when you gave me cancer?

I sure as hell do