
What is Holla Forumss favorite subway sandwich

I like the 1. West side.

never ate there

meatball sub

the meaty cock sandwitch :^)


I used to get meatball marinara with pepperoni, bacon, olives, banana peppers, and mayonnaise.

You can't taste it, individually, it just serves to add a creaminess to the sub that is top tier.

The dataming one



Why is it so small

Sweet chicken teriyaki is pretty good or chicken bacon ranch.

the subway i got to makes the sandwiches in front of you


He was doing it right in front of me too. Used his penis to even put the Italian meatballs on.

I still don't know why I paid him the $7 and ate that sandwich.

because you're the major arsebandit

One day I had a 2for1 voucher and got 2 footlongs - meatball marinara and spicy Italian, both with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, southwest sauce, and black pepper.

I felt like it was too much, but enjoyed it at the time.

that's nothing. last summer my local subway sent out coupon leaflets that had four coupons for 3for2 footlongs

I spent like two weeks eating nothing but subs. the people working there were starting to give me weird looks towards the end

meatball marinara is the go to

Fucking morons.

I like their meat sauce foot-long

Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread
Provolone cheese
No meat
All veggies Ranch dressing



Sausage Trump Deluxe, or STD is my favorite. The kosher version is best, slowly roasted in a non-existent oven 4 at a time. Topped with cornsilk and 3 feet of ukranian mud, it's tremendous. Bigly.


the kind with the foot and asshole tasting cheese, the .000000003 lbs of meat, that nasty shredded lettuce that's so old it looks like saurkraut, the tomatoes that have been sitting out for days, the jizz-looking mayo and the sponges that are used in place of actual bread

Jared's 6 incher

When I first went there I didn't know how to order, I was just standing there like a oddist waiting for the chick to make me a meatball sub. I thought it was like macdonalds, you just order what you want and not have to instruct her on everything little thing you want in the sub.

If you ever had a thundercloud sub you will never want subway AGAIN!
Subway to thundercloud is like tacobell to chipotle.
Subway as a business should just seppuku and let thundercloud take over all their stores.

I like tuna subs w just lettuce and no sauce

Fuck sauce

Oh no! The feds might know which sandwich you like best!!

but fuck sauce is a sauce

Ill fuck sauce on ya mum

You know I was just thinking about this today. I used to love subway and there constantly, now I can barely bring myself to eat there. It seems like the food itself really went down in quality

The cheapest one.

And sell that information to an advertising company that will continue to treat people like cheap farm animals. Try harder shill, people see right through your ilk.

Foot-long grilled chicken semen and salad

I personally think the more you eat something the more refined your taste gets. The refinement makes the things you use to enjoy seem dull.

You're talking the talk but not walking the walk. If you don't like it, do something about it. Complaining on the internet all by your lonesome isn't going to do anything. If you want to make a change, you need backing. Sadly the masses are conformists and would gladly walk off a cliff if everyone was doing it. This of course applies to this website and especially to Holla Forums.

did he put special sauce on it to user?

I think it was because he came in three times a day for a whole week


I'll stick to subway

Data mining thread