Can you faggots please fuck off from Holla Forums?

Can you faggots please fuck off from Holla Forums?

I swear to fucking god we will build a wall around your board and make you soulless unfunny communists pay for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why so triggered?


Someone violated his safe space.

I just wanna talk about vidya man.

I'm not sure gamers struggling to understand and engage in politics his hilarious or just sad

Personally, I hate my 15 year old self so I don't know why these 30 year olds insist on living in ignorance



sorry for violating your safe space :(

Gamers is just an idpol term created by porky to give its customers a sense of identity/belonging

It's funny how mushc shit "gamers" put up with that even the most classcucked prole would call out as corporate bullshit.
They live in an endless circle of corporate-dick-sucking and controlled oposition with outrage outlets.

It's kind of sad when the best they can do after getting screwed is complain loudly… and the come for more, since their meager identity comes from the consumption of certain media.

Also, this is bait.

That doesn't really make sense

What about directors?

Idpol only applys to race or gender.



Saying Idpol applys to what a person does can be missed used like how you use it, which allows people to use Idpol even though they're against it.

It's not that their struggling, they just want you to fuck off with your political agenda while on their board.

at least Holla Forums is mildly entertaining

Idpol is when you start believing your identity is politically relevant.

Proletariat is an identity . . .

This is a bad meme. Objectively, the proletariat is that class without property that renders abstract labor to owners of the means of production in exchange for wages. That doesn't change whether everyone in the hypothetical proletariat believes they are middle-class, christians/muslims, or otherkin.

Proletarian politics also means going beyond narrow identities of particular non-prole identities and occupations. Proletarian politics generally means reaching out to sympathetic social classes (like peasants) even if they aren't in the proletariat proper. When we say we want to abolish classes it is not simply because the proles are oppressed but because we know that the only way for the proletariat to free itself is to abolish all classes in general. Otherwise the contradiction between bourgeoisie and proletariat will arise again, but with a change in personnel and position.

We advocate ending class based on scientific analysis, not sitting back and saying "as a prole I think…" or "STOP TRIGERRING ME WITH YOUR WAGE SLAVERY YOU BOURGEOIS FUCKS. Could you just like not?"

When you think that politics should be organized along the lines of identity instead of scientific truth then that is the real sign that you've stepped into identity politics imo.

class struggle in science is an interesting topic but way too complex for one post.

Yeah because the average gamer gives a shit about politics outside of MSG.

Leftypol has a bigger hard on Kojima's views than anyone on V/


Sorry your safe-space was ruined.

But we're the huggbocks, somehow…

But capitalism (and Mark) is ruining vidya.

adults who play videogames, are pathetic.

I doubt anyone from here lurks your sad excuse of a board.

Nigga, grow the fuck up and quit being a little bitch…

Who's Mark?

As of now, you can mod nearly every console to play pirated games, or pirate any game and play it on your PC, but it does require a bit of computer knowledge.

Strangely, its mostly the most dedicated gamers that insist on paying for vidya. They can get any game they like for free, yet they pay for it. That's the power of capitalist ideology I guess. It is a valid point that many game devs dont make too much money, but that's only because CEOs, marketers, and all the middle men need to be paid.

The trash board owner of 8/v/ that tries to replicate the Holla Forums experience on a video game board while also moderating anything he doesn't like or disagrees with.



Holla Forums is an absolutely pathetic board, but not for the reason you posted

It's still an identity though. Class distinctions fall under identity politics.

Shut up nigger.

yeah no, I'll have no part in your kind of revolution thanks, I actually like to enjoy life

But that's fucking wrong you moron.

lol sounds like I'm right

monosodium glutamate?

You're just arguing the semantics of it. Even if you were to call your relation to the means of production an identity, it's not one that is chosen or you are born with. You don't 'identify' as a proletariat, you merely are based on economics. It's only an identity in a way that has everything to do with the politics and economics of your standing in society, where your sexuality has very little to do with how you relate to production.

In that regard, focusing on class makes sense for politics (since our relations to production control everyone's lives), while focusing on sexuality and race make very little sense, since they do not control the power structure of society. Calling one class politics and the other identity politics separates the two ideas, even if you like to call both of the terms "identity", since they are very different.

Doesn't matter, it's still an identity.

You don't? Then why do people call themselves proletariat if they don't identify themselves as proletariats?

That's what I'm saying, it's an identity, therefore it falls under identity politics.

Not true, women don't work in construction and heavy labor because they aren't physically geared for it.

Class, race and sex are all identities. One is not less important than the other even if you merely claim otherwise.

Choose one and only one.

Technically true, but he was talking about sexual orientation, not gender. It'll be moot anyway once machines do all of the manual labor.

cool, you keep liking what you like and I'll keep liking what I like

l o l nope sounds like you're a faggot

You know he's right, user.

Enjoying life seems impossible to me.

do you want to talk to someone? I'd like to talk to you

right about what? That enjoying something is subjective? That enjoying life isn't exclusive to one thing like working your ass off and only that? That after a long day I can just veg out and play games or watch tv or some shit? You know why tankies are treated like crap? Because you all are uptight goosestepping fucks that hate anything that's not just working in a factory and building massive monuments to whatever. When the revolution comes, fun will be mandatory, fuck you unfun boring ass "get off muh lawn" fucksticks

user, I think you really have the wrong idea, here.

It's okay, I don't play video games.

I'm used to tankies saying shit like that, sorry if I got you wrong, but my point stands, people need to take the stick out of their ass when it comes to media consumption, people need to treat it like candy, it's fine in moderation.

Didn't mean anything by it user. I just treat it like candy already and it's not doing so good

that's fine. I'd still like to talk to you

this tbh

yo, post a thread about DLC sometime on Holla Forums. Casuals are the ones who give us corporate bullshit - just look at the mobile market.

Funny. There are laws banning gender and racial oppression in many countries; even some banning the expression of ideas supporting it in others. UN bodies, orgs, and other do-gooder NGOs are filled with people who talk non-stop about race and gender but never give one peep about what its actually like to work in a Bangladeshi sweatshop.

The closest NGOs come to talking about class oppression are usually anti-slavery organizations, who carry on the unfinished work of 18-19th century bourgeois revolutionaries/reformers. Not exactly a goal incompatible with capitalism.

Even the most tolerant, liberal and redistributionist social democracies reserve the right to put down rebellions of angry proles who violate sacred private property rights.

But I would say the right to survival comes first and it is usually class oppression that is the most lethal. What is material in most forms of "race" and gender oppressions is usually class oppression in disguise. Some feminists have said it, if your only experience of oppression is gender then you've probably got life pretty damn good.

Because it describes their material reality. The further away people get from proletarian material conditions the less likely they are to describe themselves as such. The point was that the proletarian class relationship is an objective one whether someone or the class as a whole identifies as being proletarian or not. Many Indonesians living in extreme poverty are so brainwashed and uneducated they think their "middle class" they don't conceive of themselves as poor. But we say their not in the bourgeoisie whether conceive themselves to be or not.

We don't say that you can just "identify as proletarian" in the same way you can choose to identify as being gay or just choose to identify as the opposite gender. For us, a venture finance capitalist who calls himself a prole is not going to pass test.

Confusing a specific feature of a phenomenon with the phenomenon in general. Identity politics really rises with rise to prominence of post-modern theory in the 1980s, before that the term was never used. We don't tell people to "work on their own oppressions" outside the working class movement or that a death from imperialist war or starvation is on the same level as a case of sexual harassment in an air conditioned office.

We see class as the key-link to ending all other oppressions. Without a change in the mode of production its likely that other oppressions won't end, for example patriarchy rose with class society, but according to research on Ancient mesopotamia class divisions had hardened already but patriarchy was still pretty fluid in this time period. That system of gender oppression rose with production methods that valued male labor like you described, so production *is* a massive factor in gender. Even men, especially lower class men and male children, can be viewed as being oppressed by "patriarchy" in some way whereas upper-class women, trans-people, and gays benefit from it.

Unlike a society where complete "racial" and gender is achieved while leaving class untouched, in a society where proletarian revolution had completed its aims there would be no oppression of human beings by others, as the stratification of human beings into classes would cease to exist (along with the "independent" features of race and gender oppression that idpol philistines never cease to keep reminding us of).

>arguing for identity politics using the meme flag,wew


Consumerist complaints are not revolutionary. The Kardashians whine when their filet mignon isn't properly prepared, is that indicative of revolutionary consciousness?

The corporate push and support for identity politics is all rooted in the creation and solidification of demographics for marketing purposes.

Whether you identify as a gamer or a gaymer the only point is so that someone somewhere can sell you something.

what the fuck are you doing here then ?

Everyone likes me and thinks I'm great
In my safe space (my safe space)
People don't judge me and haters don't hate
In my safe space (your safe space)

Bully-proof windows
Troll-safe doors
Nothing but kindness in here

You might call me a pussy
But I won't hear you
In my safe space (my safe space)
(Bully-proof windows)

leftypol's anthem

Never overestimate the right, everyone. This is all that they can come up with.

Let's see what happens.

he said while telling people with different opinions to leave his safe space

it's up for now

They've become a self-parody.

They say that, yet they embrace Holla Forums.

Yes, the truth. It's all we need or want.

Did I?

And you can't change that by being an annoying fuck either. Leftism is for plebs, redditors, tumblrites, etc.

Man, he's on fire today with these insults.

Wasn't even directed at me smh

Who is on fire?

I dunno. me



Well looks like idpol is spamming this all over every board I visit

stop trying to be intl

wow great job user

you really thought that out didn't you

stop being a winy little cunt.

Wew lad,go ask Smith from marketing for some fresh memes for your shilling.

Fuck you, thick threads will stay on Holla Forums


Holla Forums here, can you faggots please build a wall around Holla Forums and keep your fucking politics off Holla Forums already?

There is no Holla Forums just Holla Forums wearing a mask to keep their torture chamber safe. Ban all non-white. Ban all commies. Fuck free speech. Racial purity, ideological purity, board purity.

Sage because shit thread


Who's this guy?

Except if it has Denuvo and if your CPU is old.

What about indie devs?

Yes you did

Damn, this guys is based as fuck.

Richard D. Wolff