Why were we suppose to see her as a hero?
Why were we suppose to see her as a hero?
Because we really, really need yet another thread on:
-How The Simpsons sucks monkey dick now and it's nothing like what it used to be.
-[CURRENT YEAR] circlejerking
-General bitching
-Something that's actually worthy of discussion and hasn't been talked about to death on this godforsaken board Whoops! All sold out on this one!
Take your pick.
is marge fucking that nigger?
haven't see this episode, but doesn't family guy have a very similar one?
yes and it is said that the simpsons have black blood and that why lisa is good with the sax
I know! If only there were some way I could remove this thread from my sight. Hide it, if you will.
Better yet, Mr. Dubs: make a better thread, about a subject worth discussing. Hell, who knows, we might raise the general quality of this board by accident.
Get out Smither's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather.
Don't ever change Holla Forums, you are the richest supply of salt and lolcows on the entire site.
Your thread sucks and your butthurt is amusing. Samefag harder, friend.
ohai buttmad cuck/co/
When I was a kid I remember seeing the Simpsons for the first time in the early 90's
saw that they had yellow skin, wasn't sure if they were white.
I assumed the Simpsons were black because of their stiff hair and general lack of manners
It wasn't until a year later when I saw Carl, that I realized they were just low class whites
How bout practicing what you preach? I don't think you're gonna raise the quality of anything by bitching and moaning in threads you don't like.
I always hate ancestor episodes, because 95% of the time, the grandparents end up looking exactly like the protag so it looks like some weird incest shit going on.
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
Marge having a colossal afro is a surprisingly logical move.
That's generally on purpose, assuming the audience are morons, but pretty much.
Half the time it's just an excuse to transpose the characters to different times.
Fun fact; having 'native' ancestry is Southern code for having black ancestry.
Some people think Marge is Creole (afro-like beehive and French last name)
Worse is when married couples resemble each other (Milhouse's Parents, Mort and his wife from Family Guy).
This is some quality butthurt right here.
Is that you, PGA? How is your /cow/ thread going? You act like most of us sit down and actually watch modern Simpsons.
It's that SJW again.
It's implied that Kirk van Houten married his own Shelbyville counterpart. Should explain a lot.
It does seem to be a family trait; her mother and Patty and Selma both have similar hair. (Though presumably her mother took her husband's last name)