I am so demoralized, downtrodden and disgusted. The war on whites continue.
I am curious, does anyone know the ethnicity of the "Wonderwoman"?
I am so demoralized, downtrodden and disgusted. The war on whites continue.
I am curious, does anyone know the ethnicity of the "Wonderwoman"?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's Isreali.
It was a rhetorical question.
just making sure.
user, how long will the white man continue be demonized?
Is there any bastion for white people left? Or is the world closing in on us?
Chin up! Holla Forums has never been at its strongest before now!
Fox News is going downhill, and Breitbart is rising. We've already got a decent amount of cultural influence there, especially with the tech articles and comment sections there in general.
Our twitter memers have grown from a small trolling insurgency to a full on horde of anime avatar shitposters large enough for the MSM to respond to via Rick Wilson tier memery.
We've got a man on the inside in FUCKING WIKILEAKS.
And to top it all off, Trump is now leading in 3/4th of the newest polls after his convention, while Hillary got fucking rekt by the #DNCLeaks. We may even see more protests at the DNC than the RNC!
It's fucking great to be a Holla Forumsack now m8.
why are they selling women violence? Cheesy violence too, who would want to watch this?
Wow user, I truly admire your optimism.
Saddest attempt at a demoralization thread I've ever seen. Kill yourself.
Who gives a shit about Hollywood dreck? Let em piss away money on shitty remakes.
Ever since SRS starting trying to fuck with 4/pol/ back in the old days, we've never really had peace of any kind. Always a perpetual conflict in which we were militarizing all our memes instead of enjoying them.
We're now on the verge of doing serious damage to one of our oldest enemies. Someday we'll be able to shitpost in peace once and for all.
It's just unrealistic and cringy most of the time. Short bursts of violence performed by the likes of Trinity in The Matrix was great, but an entire movie of this just makes me feel strange on a biological level. Men are actually capable of some magnificent feats in real life. Whereas with women I have to suspend my disbelief to watch stuff like this.
Saddest attempt at a demoralization post I've ever seen.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was suddenly transported to 1950's America, where there was anti-natsoc cartoons everywhere.
I would've thought jewlywood had enough what you would call "talent' to make a much more in-depth and not-so-obviously-propaganda story.
More reason to despise mainstream media if you ask me. I really doubt even average bluepilled cuck is excited about this.
Just watched that new Batman movie out (cartoon) and the following occurs:
- batgirl fucks batman
- joker paralyzes batgirl, shoots bullet through her gut + spine
- joker rapes batgirl (yes after he paralyzed her)
- joker takes pictures of her paralyzed raped body to taunt commissioner gordon
- batman breaks joker's neck and kills him
Everything is going tits up.
check the catalog you fucking nigger
I could not bear to watch the trailer, I just viewed the horror through the pictures in that link.
She can't act shit, you can see from trailer that she got no acting skill at all, and is she most attractive jew they got? Like that all?
I'm reporting you for racism. You are now permanently banned from Holla Forums.
digits of truth user, well said.
There is a lot of likes on the video desu senpai…
do women actually want to fight and kill people though? Do little girls play with guns and pretend to shoot each other? What happened to children man. This desperate need to cash on in anything popular is killing big Hollywood studios. They just expect people to keep buying this regurgitated crap, Iron Man 15, X-men vs Creature of the Week #20. Transformers 8: Still Transforming.
Is this ever going to stop? Why can't you go back to making original screenplays or adapt books or something.
Best to avoid the comments on jewtube then. Though to be fair, I did see one comment say they hope this isn't just more evil germans and it didn't even sound or look like a Holla Forumsak, which is encouraging.
Pic related, it's OP.
good post user
I am so tired of this shitty world
if you don't believe satan is real at this point then you're a gold star atheist. Because everything on the planet is currently flipped upside down and turned inside out
Does noone have adblock? Jesus.
incredible meme user. definitely forces you to contemplate.
Yeah just conveniently miss out the part where she is payed to do it and can leave at any time she wants.
Nope, no poorly hidden agenda here, move along.
Who cares?
You should just kill yourself.
no one, it will tank and the more movies that tank the less these types of moves are made
that was what I though about ghostbusters and look how well they- AHAHAHAHAHHAHA fuck hollyid.
that is also what I though about overwatch thou
They dun goofed.