Official pony Holla Forumsread

just an expeditionary thread to keep up with some of the posters who stayed behind. You are not forgotten.

Other urls found in this thread:

home of the pnoy motherfucker


i did'nt think i'd see this again

Howdy friend!

One of the angry newfriends posted a screencap of you saying you missed us, so here I am. We didnt forget about you.



one of the 8cuck guys who comes and tries to bother us. Fortunately he did us a favor here. Did you install those scrips yet so you could post with us?


not really….. a friend said its exploitable

also i don't appreciate being called a "turncoat" and get hated on just because i don't like 4chan that much for posting even though i was going to come back for the pony threads, i was reading the thread on trash right. that makes me REALLY want to come back


I know, I'm sorry people said that, but I didn't say it. And I'm here right now. Well, all of us use those scripts and we've never had an exploit. It's open source if thats what he means, buit I don't know. Anyhow, I mean, theres no one to post with here, just the travisfags and pricks who tried to ban us. I'd really love if if you came to join us Reece. The others will come around

People are just tired of that troll holding the fact that you're not posting with us over our heads. Nobody means any of that.

Rose actually called him a turn coat and Nick has repeatedly called him literal trash.

This. We're all kind of unhappy to lose posters, its natural to react with anger to that. All of our anger should be directed solely at the people responsible, not eachother. You didnt do anything wrong Reecey.

Hey Jarret

Speak for yourself. I don't want him back in the pone thread. He can stay here.

See. These assholes all hate Reece

Hey samefag, you responded to the wrong post.

Thats nice travisfag

Yeah. only two of those are me. See the flag you idiot.

All three of you are the same. Hows your sekret klubhouse working out?

Better than your trash thread.

Only two of those three posts were the same faggot! Man this place is jumping.

getting shit on for not showing up on 4chan trash threads merely 2-3 weeks later after spending time being decent and sociable on the Holla Forums Holla Forumsreads

wanna post your trip there tough guy? it's nice to know who hates me for no reason/simply prefering a chan better

so it was rose. i genuinely thought he wasn't a dick to people who don't do anything bad to him. huh.

i've barely even spoken to Nick but if that's true then its nice to know he shows his true colours once and a while and not just be a phoney nice guy in front of his husbando

Master Jarett I have been eagerly waiting for your arrival

You know who it is. I'm just telling you to stay here faggot.

Those people are just talking shit. No one really feels that way. The guy telling you to stay here is either Discordio or the Travisfag.


Neither Holla Forums nor the ponefags want you. I guess you should probably just kill yourself.

They said you died of a heroine overdose.

I highly doubt that. Good thing you got rid of ponies on /b though. At least you can call that an achievement.

Well, we all made efforts to get you to come with us. It's not like you weren't told. I know it's different, but I don't want to lose you just because we moved to a slightly different/busier website. I've emailed you and tried to keep in touch, and it'd be great if you'd reciprocate and come around new bread sometimes.

No one is going to come here to bother you, the user saying that shit isnt one of us, its just one of the newfriends from here. I didnt even link this in bread. Don't believe their bullshit. Dysnoimia made that mistake already.

Howdy friendo!

Wow you cant even use one of our names in your shitty impersonation. Youre the laziest troll ever.

Gaufre, why have you abandoned your post? join the one true bread!

Nope. I'm the one who's been talking to reece for days in my travis thread while you assholes talked shit.

…sigh… No, they said that about Gaeburn, not Gaufre. Come on.

I just said it was the Travisfag. That's you.
You never gave yourself any other name.
Can you not read or something?

I didn't tell him to stay here.

But you are trying to stir up shit by saying people were talking bad about him. Obviously he's no friend of yours if that's the way you treat him.

and while we're on the subject, you could email me any time you know?

Could one of you explain to me the appeal of mlp in the current year? Genuinely curious.

You guys did this to yourselves.

1. there isn't one
2. there wasn't one 7 years ago
3. there never will be

you're getting baited by people who have nothing better to do than pretend to like a childrens cartoon.

Also Raptor and Skitty have talked shit about Reece in multiple occasions.

Fuck off. Take your shitty forced meme back to your containment thread, fuckboi.

Another more accurate view would be that you angry fucktards bitched to Dysnomia to get people you didnt like banned.

Shhh dont tell. How will I earn my chickunbits if they know?

That's not a containment thread. I post wherever I want. Keep crying, faggot


i have emailed you a few times now, i'm just usually more active on Steam nowadays

also i'm still technically settling in to my temp place so…. that's my excuse i guess

I meant the talking shit about Reece and him finding out, you tard

damn that's some serious butt hurt.

Why not post it where more than 5 people will see it?

can you give me examples?

Oh I still post Travis on cuckchan. He also gets posted on masterchan Don't worry about me.

nope and I have no idea who was that.

Fuck you faggots

what do you call yourself now then? since you're pretending to not like anything to do with MLP/the Holla Forumsreads anymore

You're quite the social butterfly. And you still find time to obsess over a bunch of ponyfags and follow them around from site to site.

I will always be Ghostly Discordio I never said I didn't liked the show.

Yeah, and I replied to those emails and never heard back. If you want to keep in touch, especially now that we've moved chans, you have to put in some effort.

The only time I saw that happen I said something, and one of you brought it up anyhow in an attempt to piss Smokey off.

Because only 5 people in the world are spergy enough to give a shit about travis?

Rap's never said a word against you that I've seen. But itd be a lot easier to keep everyone together if youd post in bread. Do you really think I'd send you a link to something that would fuck with your comp? I use all 3 of those programs and those are the links I DLed them from.


You retards amuse me.

Smokey was talking shit about Reece. He saw it himself. He didn't need me to point it out.

Turn coats as they call him.

Because one of your newfag travispals posted screencaps of Reece, that's why.

That's a fucking bread meme you stupid newfag.
Aeris used to call people turn coats.
It's a fucking joke, autistic idiot.

what i was told was the namesync thing is exploitable and essentially stores info about you on servers or something along those lines

like i said i'm more active on steam and can come on Discord more i guess. emails fine too but i don't check that AS much anymore but i can if you want me to.

Yeah. That sure was something wasn't it?

No, it just showed how lame you are.

Did you now?. That's a shame.

Did I now what?
You spend too much time with Discordio, you're forgetting how to English.

You've never heard that expression. You are the one who doesn't know English

who's the applebloom poster? been trying to work that out

The Namesync doesn't know anything about you that Holla Forums site doesn't know. And the guy who runs it is a close friend of the threads. You have nothing to worry about.

Its Smokey. the one who said didn't care if you came back


Looks like an user to me.

Skitty and everyone else use it. Nothings happened to us yet, and we've been using it forever too. Theres no reason for you to not at least try it and see.

You know, it takes actual effort ot post here. Not a lot, but it does, to use a different proxy here than on 4chan and all that. You could check your email at least, yeah thatd help.

The expression was used incorrectly. He hadnt referred to himself doing anything for you to ask about.

Yes he did

So do you.

Dude, l2talk

That's Smokey

I thought you said you weren't coming back until dysnomia was removed what happened Smokey?

I'm not Smokey, fucking imbecile.

pop your trip tough guy.
stop hiding.

LOL @ tough guy.
Please commit painful suicide.

This is some pony thread.


These threads are much better with banter against you faggots.

i don't think its possible to use proxies can be used on 4chan i dunno

but yeah i will check my email and get back to you don't worry.

Noo no… Meester Smokey no here.


Everything is better with faggots!

You can use some, but most proxies that work on 8ch are banned there. My point is I'm making an effort to stay friends and let you know youre wanted, and you can't even be arsed to check your email or come visit us in the place we all agreed to move to. We didnt ask for this to happen but we're doing the best we can to keep the community together.

You're welcome Jarret.

Smokey just told Reece that he doesn't care if he goes to the trashcan and to go eat a dick.

such nice friend you got there.

Your mind games are pretty weak, newfriend.

to be fair i've barely said 5 words to smokey when the Holla Forumsreads were here, i barely know him but i thought he was decent enough to other pony posters and not just insult them at the drop of a hat….

it's not mindgames if smokey actually said those things…. and not just to me either, gaufre too

He did Say them. It's right there in the thread.

yeah i know, that's what i was saying

Why are you ignoring my posts?

Careful there Jarret is fully manipulated by smokey and will turn against you if you question smokey.

I just want you to know I care zero about the pony drama and I've followed you around to build up my seinfeld reaction images folder. I also find you genuinely hilarious.

t. me user

Thanks user.

Get a room faggots.

I wanted those assholes to know that not all of you were happy when ponies were banned. They all love it so much there in the Trash can.

Why are you so obsessed with bringing people back here? Serious question.
Face it, this place is over.

are you blew? i'm not ignoring you

i appreciate that very much i promise and like i said to you, i probably wouldnt be around on 4chan AS much because i don't like it but i would visit it for the pony.

doing their best by calling people who just don't show up for a couple of weeks a "turncoat" and that they don't need those "niggers and they can go eat a dick"

that's community obviously

When did I say i wanted people back here. Point it out.

Naw, that I did just for you. Hey Dissy!

I'd love it if youd visit.

Yeah no one called you a nigger, at least none of our people did.

smokey did

You've ignored everything I said to you so far, so I was staring to wonder.
If you still take what this troll is saying seriously then I don't know what to tell you. This faggot has been following us around for days capping out of context shit in a vain attempt to cause drama. No one thinks you're a traitor. If you want to hang out with Travis forever it's fine by me. You know where the group is.

Well, why dont you come by and tell him to shove it haha thats what I'd do. Come on dont spend all your time hanging out here with these losers. Come hang out with us, a different group of losers!

Nice damage control.

This is so fucking creepy. Why dont you kill yourself, fucking abomination?

The only damage here is in your brain.

shhhh just let it happen

we can email just now if you want, theres' going to be about a million screencaps made here if we don't methinks

and yeah i will come back to pony threads soon but like i said Holla Forums is much more cosey in general to me…. and before the dysomnia thing happened a lot of the pony posters from the Holla Forumsreads were saying the same thing

i'm just always tardy to the party thats all

That was a good one. Really. Nice job.

Alright, welll you do it on your own timetable, but I'm glad to know you'll be back. I dont know where Gau went but I hope him and Wez and Sol come too. I'll go check my email now

It's not so cozy here any more. At least that's how a lot of us feel. No one is going to come back here even if the mods stopped being assholes, because we don't trust them.

Solaire has been with us all week.

i'm pretty sure sol posted on the trash threads a few times…. maybe not, but i haven't been able to speak to him as much recently so….

Oh kick ass, so we're just missing Wez, Skye and Reece and Gau.

Yay SoL! Dont you want to come hang with him and find out if he ever gets to fuck his mom?


