Is anyone else really loving this series. Fucking depressing it will end at issue 16. His take on Eddie Brock has been great. He's one of the first writers in while who gets how nuanced the character is.
Gerry Conway's Carnage
Why isn't Conway writing Civil War 2 instead of Bendis?
The cocks they sucked.
Have you read Carnage?
I mean that Bendis is writing Civil War 2 because he sucked more cocks than Conway.
And no, didn't read it, but it looks like fun. Anyone that isn't Bendis or any of the webcomic alliance can write something somewhat interesting.
Pfft. If he's nuanced it's because Conway made him that way. Eddie Brock/Venom is one of the most flat characters there is.
Do you have anything to back that up at all. Have you ever actually read through Eddie's history?
the last panel looks like a goggles/glasses-wearing dude with a tiny nose
Yes, I have. For the most part Venom was shit. Cool design. Shit character.
You're going to have to give actual examples, faggot. Brock is one of the few Marvel characters to have actual growth and character development in a long term way.
Spencer is replacing him after issue 12
No he's not. Conway is writing the full 16 issues.
False Alarm there is a mistake on marvels website, was about to remove it from my pulllist
That's a relief, I was about to be annoyed. I love the fact that Carnage is going to have a full run with the same writer and artist the whole way through. Will definitely buy it in paperback.
Yeah it is pretty nice I have read the first 6 issues and the rest are lying on top of a long box. This as been the only readable marvel series out right now aside from, Moon Knight and Spider-man(Havent read it but it's slott so its not terrible but the writer is super pozzd)
I like Brock a lot, but you have to admit he's been jerked around by various authors and events over the years. The part where he murders the one purely heroic symbiote user as part of some crusade was pretty dumb.
I haven't read it yet, but I've heard a lot of good stuff about it. I'll either just read it soon online, or pick up the trades later.
Fuckin Remender man
Eddie Brock is actually cool because he's a FUCKING WHITE MALE alpha bully who has a terrible life after high school and then eventually goes on a more-or-less believable arc as an anti-hero treating Spiderman/PARKERR like a shit-head little brother
I miss that venom
And here I thought Brocktimer had returned.
Since this is the first time I've seen a thread talking about Eddie here, allow me to give my unsolicited opinion on his character arc. Shitload of text.
Eddie was never an out and out villain. Definitely unstable and mental, but not evil. He always perceived himself as a good guy, but he was doing good for selfish reasons. One of the only things I liked about Dark Origin was that he basically was doing the Sin Eater interviews so he can be the big shit in the papers, not to help the public, just jerk himself off. You can argue the ethics of hating one person like he did with Parker makes you a villain (honestly, you ask me it doesn't. Maybe a douche, but not evil) but even during his much hated days as an antihero, he wasn't doing good for the sake of good, he was doing it to feel like Bobby Big Dick while simultaneously sating his bloodlust. Even the shit he says doesn't make me think he's into it, he just talks the way you'd expect a righteous do-gooder to talk, with a twinge of homicidal maniac thrown in. His getting rid of the symbiotie was equal parts religious awakening (didn't he see the Passion movie by Gibson or something?) and equal parts him realizing that he's never been good for good's sake like Parker. After that he does his Anti-Venom run, basically being white Venom, but he's a little more self aware of the fact he used to be a mass murdering dickbag. Spider Island makes him an actual hero, then he goes on symbiotic genocide crusade because it's not too hard to see how the guy can perceive symbiotes as evil (he was pretty bad/morally dark grey, Cletus was a fucknugget, everyone but toxin was generally speaking bad news)
tl;dr Eddie's arc is one of unself aware, self justifying psycho, to someone who's actually trying to do right by the world for the right reasons
source for all this: Eddie's a personal fave and I've read pretty much all of his story, from the original symbiotic arc, to his appearance in Flash's first book. Haven't read the new carnage run yet, looks good.
You should def read the Carnage series Conway really gets the character and Brock has several actual heroic moments while still being sick in the head. Want me to storytime it for you?
As did I…
Go for it. It was so good I'd love to read it a second time. The Alien story I never knew I wanted.
I appreciate the offer fam, but I wanna read up myself.I'll nab the trade for sure, but I'll also try to get the issues individual. If you couldn't guess from that dissertation, I collect Eddie stuff (even the 90's miniseries those are bitches to find.)
Can you give me a 3 sentence synopsis though?
I understand, reading comics in trade is the superior way to go. Here's the 3 sentence synopsis for you:
The FBI assembles a group of people to take down Carnage which includes: Eddie (on a leash similar to Agent Venom, they caught him wiping out a Drug Cartel as Toxin), John Jameson the Man Wolf, Manny Calderon a war veteran and someone who has a history with Cletus, and Claire Dixon the team leader and a massive cunt who hates Eddie. They lure Carnage to an underground mine where they try to capture him but fail because the whole operation was a set up by a Cthulu-esque cult. Carnage escapes along with the Darkhold, a lovecraftian relic full of unspeakable information, this prompts a globe trotting chase with a lot of great character moments along the way.
I'll be picking that up sooner rather than later, thanks m80
My favorite thing is that all 16 issues will have the same writer and artist. It's rare that Marvel lets something like that happen.
Can you recommend me the time when Eddie was Dark Spider-Man as a team member of Osborne's Dark Avengers?
That was Mac Gargan, you faggot. I knew you had no idea what you were talking about.
For those not in the know, the symbiote's major hosts were:
Peter Parker,
Eddie Brock,
Mac Gargan,
Flash Thompson
what a slut
Goddamn, this is some nice art.
With that, I guess it's time for a storytime.
There ends the first issue. I'll be back later with the second.
Dat Venom jacket
I would wear a jacket like that. It reminds me of the one time the old Jewish tailor designed a costume for Peter.
How do you guys feel about Eddie delivering some prison justice to Cletus back when they were bunkmates?
Story's good but art could be a lot better. Kinda what keeps me from keeping up with it.
I love the art. What about it turns you off?
It's got that uncanny valley awkwardness that usually only comes off of 3D models being traced over that so many "artists" for Marvel love doing nowadays.
Wow, you have a terrible eye if you can't tell that Mike Perkins draws all of his shit. You're trying way too hard to add weight your subjective opinion on an artists style.
I forgot how dumb Toxin looks in "heroic" form. I wish they could unify the symbiotes under one overarching theme, and work out the minor variations. And maybe you do a heroes vs monsters thing, but drop the tacticool look unless it makes sense (eg: Flash would see himself as a soldier).
I really hated Toxin's look when we first saw it, but it has grown on me. I really like the look of Raze too.
I just wish it fit more with the personality of Brock. The Ninja Turtles mask is goofy and the nearly Liefeld-esque pouches bother me. Raze/Dixon looks freakin' amazing, though. Very classic. (It's kind of a Blackheart knockoff, but I like BH, so whatevs)
The cover for issue 15 is beautiful.
that's sick
I have no idea what happened to the guy who was going to storytime this. I guess I'll do it.
Issue #2
End of Issue #2
Issue #3
End of Issue #3
Issue #4
End of Issue #4
Issue #5
End of Issue #5 and the first story arc!
I'll be back with the next 5 issues in a bit.
Oh shit, a storytime? I guess I'll finally get around to reading this.
user file size limit is 12 now
I'm liking this story but I want to say again, file size limit is now 12mb
Do you have all the issues? I only have 1 through 10
I have 11 and 12 as well. That's all that's out so far.
If those Carnage faces on the first page don't become a reaction image, I will be disappointed.
Umm, no? Did you miss the part where everything was a setup, Manny?
Is turning panels from an anti-Trump writer's comic into pro-Trump memes immoral?