What makes you angry Holla Forums?

Fat whites guys with sloppy pallettes who can't cook or form aesthetic meals make me very upset


I never understood wasting food either. If you're not hungry enough to eat, don't eat.


1,5 month of ranked warship battles
2 weeks stuck between rank 10 and 11
8 days to the end
rank 3
need net 10 win to get the rank 1
im already 1 win behind
i was 2 wins forward today already - lost all of it, cuz fuck u
3 of the best ships in 1 team, none in the other
entire season is a shitfest of in-smoke-camping-pay2win cruisers


The sinner's sandwitch, a self-inflicted punishment to atone for past sins…

You get angry at some stupid shit

Is it okay if I'm just a fat white guy with a broad palette that doesn't give a fuck what my food looks like seeing as it's going to be gone in five minutes?

Based user.
What pisses me off is when I cook and nobody offers to clean the dishes, they leave food on their plates and just put them in the sink expecting me to do it. Motherfucker I just spent three hours making you delicious food and you can't take two minutes to fucking rub a sponge on your plate.

I've tried just leaving the dishes but then they just pile up and I'm left with nothing to cook with or eat on and the fucking faggots just order pizza.

I need to move out Jesus Christ.

teachers who are always on sick leave

and then the fucking bitches wonder why their male coworkers get promoted ahead of them


meant to post this one

Why? Why do people do this? Food is to be eaten, not stared at. If it's delicious, it should already be in you. Any "aesthetic" food is probably shit. All sight, no taste. Granted, it shouldn't look like a literal pile of shit or something, but still. Also, I automatically assume there'll be only the smallest of portions. I want to eat my food and I want to eat a decent amount of it. Fuck outta here.

Who the fuck let Gordon Ramsay in here?

cooking for yourself is impossible to be unable to do
you know wha you like

for example, i like things slightly crispy/crunchy where others may consider it bad cuisine or poor cooking - i can cook it fine when cooking for others but i dont like mushy foods

should i just stop cooking for them? they don't like my cooking. three days ago i made red beans and rice for my mother and she fed it to the dogs because i didn't pour enough redbean juice and salt into her bowl, I don't even want the critique of people who don't cook meat from veggies separately

Quit making excuses for your poor cooking skills

White people

confront them about it

Why? Why do people do this? Music is to be listened, not stared at. If it's good, it should already be in your head. Any "AESTHETIC" music is probably shit. All style, no substance. Granted, it shouldn't sound like a literal pile of shit or something, but still. Also, I automatically assume there'll be only the shortest of songs. I want to listen to my music and I want to listen to a decent amount of it. Fuck outta here.


that doesn't work in my experience, though i live with a literal methhead, a literal retard, and a drunk (not as surprising). none of them have any respect for anything, for example the methhead just microwaved ramen noodles, in the microwave i just wiped down, for 6 minutes or some shit, it bubbled over like always and she just left it there instead of wiping it down while it is actually easy to fucking clean. inconsiderate jerks the lot of them, im tired of being their bitches, but if i don't fucking clean the house only gets worse. im about to cut the cord behind the microwave so the dumb fuck would have to learn how to use a saucepan instead of a 2 cup bowl

why not tell them before you make the meal they have to clean up, If they don't clean up don't make any for them next time

you know what since it is relevant to the thread im going on a rant. my sister does shit like this all the time. for example, nobody dumps the mop water and she pretends she can't so she has been using the kitchen sink as a mop bucket. she cleans up literal shit and then wrings it out into the place where we clean fucking dishes. she pours grease and wholefoods down this same fucking sink, there is a barrier lodging it and there is never one single day even after dislodging it by fucking hand will it not be clogged because she pours more in. and what she doesn't pour in she leaves on the fucking counter, she eats like two bites of cereal even though she poured two fucking servings and just leaves it on the fucking counter to break and i have two things to say about that. first of all, she also leaves food out of the fridgerator every god damn time, mayonaise open no lid for all the cats in the house to fight over (we have 24 cats last i counted for fucks sake, 15 inside cats). and about dishes fucking breaking? what dishes? we use plastic cups from walmart now because even though she is almost 27 years old now she is too irresponsible to handle even canning jars she has gone through the entire cabinet and she doesn't even sweep it up after smashing it on the floor. you mention you dislike this behavior, she will scream "I DON'T CARE, I FUCKING HATE THIS HOUSE" before slamming every door she goes through, she can't handle criticism and outright lies that she doesn't care despite all of her screaming and crying, how can she not see the irony in it? instead of washing dishes she hides them under the sink and in the backyard. that is right, she throws them into the mud because there was food left over left in the god damn pot that got maggots gee i fucking wonder why. that isn't all she pours on the front lawn, she doesn't know how to use a pooper scooper, so anytime she cleans the catbox (VERY rarely) she DUMPS THE WHOLE GOD DAMN THING because it 'looks' unsalvagable and she dumps it in the fucking front lawn. she throws the plastic cups on the front lawn and then yells at me, the person who cleans the shit up, when i get angry at her. she says "WHATEVER ILL PICK IT UP LATER" guess when that is? and when i say yell, i mean that she is just always yelling, she doesn't fucking know how to tone it down. she screams at 2 AM and sings and stomps around having a blast and if you tell her to tone it down she starts again screaming and slamming doors. she woke me up five fucking times one night because she wanted to go to the store to get some fucking coke. i have to baby her because she nearly got a third dui a month ago from being high as fuck on xanax, sitting at a greenlight halfway off the road eating peanuts at 4 AM and we don't trust her with the car anymore so she makes my day miserable. i wonder how much longer i can take this fucking shit im about to go postal

oh and about that third dui, the cop pulled her over, saw the condition she was in, but then had her come fucking home with us. seriously? """""im going to let you off with a warniing""" i had half a heart to tell him as a favor take her the fuck in. this is like the third time she has gotten a fucking '''"""""""""""""""""warning"""""""""""" from the police do your god damn jobs or i am just going to keep giving her the keys until you lock her the fuck up after killing someone

my brother buys packs of cigarettes to rip apart, throwing the wrappers everywhichway "ILL CLEAN IT LATER" (WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS BEFORE), to smoke in a bong, maybe 50/50 with pot yeah hes a junkie too. okay yeah that is probably better than just smoking them as is, but just one fucking problem shirlock, THEY SELL BAGS OF JUST TOBACCO. he doesn't clean up the cigarette peels because "THE HOUSE IS ALREADY DIRTY SO IT DOESN'T MATTER" of all the frustrating self deprecating behavior i hate the living fuck out of this one. you are just making it worse, imagine if the world was run by retards like you. he parks in the middle of the fucking road because "WE DON'T WANT PEOPLE COMING DOWN HERE ANYWAYS" are you fucking serious? we live in a rural area where the only people for miles are your best friend and your boss you dumb fuck, the only people coming here are trash pickup. the paranoid retard caulked one of his doors shut and put a drawer in front of it because it was 'letting in hot air', i know it was really to protect his shit from our sister but think about it, THERES ANOTHER DOOR JUST AS EASY TO OPEN GOD DAMMIT. he locks every door despite opening the doors being as simple as running a butter knife through the latch, and guess what the fuck they do and leave right next to the doors. some can even be yanked open as simply as pulling them, and they lock these doors too. he thinks he is the man of the house despite not even being able to talk to the drive in window(yes, they eat fast food, what else did you expect) without studdering, I need to be there, and does that annoying passive demands shit, an insecure statement, he can't say anything seriously without appending "just kidding" or pitching his voice i just want to punch th efuck, he wanted to initiate a family coordinated housewide clean today, alright im game. "we start early in the morning" alright, wake up at 9 AM, come 1 PM they still aren't awake, "oh today is my offday" you just wasted an hour of my time for a ''family meeting to talk teamwork and you are dropping out? this was your mission, or did you expect me to do it before you woke up? say what the fuck you mean you beta fuck or you can't be the man of the house. that said we don't have a man of the house, i sure as fuck am not the man of the house, i would have to beat them into submission to have them listen to me. no the main income is my mom on disabilities from military, "honorably discharged" after being drunk on the job. currently bedridden because despite me saying that if you did nothing but watch the walking dead all fucking day you would experience muscular atrophy and guess what? i remember months before this shit asking her to come jogging with me, she says "i swore to never jog again in my life" i want to tear my hair out. guess who cooks for her, and walks her, and takes care of her? ME, if she would have listened to ME you wouldn't be wasting my fucking life you lazy drunk. that said she is an enabler, gives them drug money doesn't give a fuck doesn't say anything. well recently she seems to care a bit more, thats great right? but a little late don't you think? now that we have no fucking money and you haven't saved a penny in decades, with 15 bucks we could buy three cases of clean bottled water to replace the muddy shit we normally drink but no, bottle of bacardi, diet pepsi(HA) and cigarettes, not a bite to eat in the house and if there is its from a fast food joint because they are too lazy to make their own meals for cheaper. and she is only getting worse too, no improvement because despite being told she needs to walk 6 times a day she yells at me every time i go in to walk her and hasn't walked in 4 days now. this is going to be my life until i leave and i don't know what the fuck i will be able to do. computers are my life but i can't exactly take that with me. i am thinking i will just pick a direction and fucking walk, become homeless with a pack of tarp for shelter or some shit i don't know, i feel bad for the cats im sure will starve to death when im gone as the rest of the family would absolutely love to see happen instead of neutering/spaying them or giving htem to the pound or anything else you people are monsters. my brother locked a cat in a fucking storage container, i found her a week later, ALIVE, and she is still alive because ive kept her alive but with a broken leg, he either broke her leg or she broke it by something falling on her in that pitch black metal box sitting in the sun i hope they all get what they deserve but i don't want to ruin my own life by doing it myself. and all of this to say i know i am not perfect either but my rant isn't about me, and so finally

i drew this, adorable if i say so myself, im actually proud of it though i know i can improve. i made it in the month we couldn't afford internet, for which i opened a new account under my name so if we can't afford that im personally fucked ppppt my credit score

I'm angry about Tripfags.

Yeah, stop cooking for them. Bunch of ingrates.