I've seen plenty of 2000's cartoons before, but ho were 2000's comics like?
I've seen plenty of 2000's cartoons before, but ho were 2000's comics like?
wow the first response is correct grammer dspgjklznasxc sfxnf]xgoc psti
Be grateful that it wasn't just calling OP a faggot.
Well, that's not true. Some of it was alright. The problem with 2000s comics is that they went to shit really fast. For example, you had a solid Ed Brubaker run on Batman for a year before Bruce Wayne: Murderer turned everything to crap.
But the Teen Titans Go! comics were alright.
Where there a lot of anime influences, like Scott Pilgrim?
Well, it is based on an anime influenced show.
Go! is a solid comic, but I might be biased since I like Todd Nauck's artwork.
they sure could draw Raven right.
There's also Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle, possibly the only good thing to come from Ted Kord's death.
…okay, the other three are fine, but what on earth is happening to raven in pic 2?
No, I meant anime influences to 2000's comics in general.
… bad anatomy?
you are the least fun person I've met today, and I'm spending all of today with my sickly grandma who does nothing but watch politics on tv and insult her neighbors
Manga and anime's influence on comics in the 2000s mostly stuck to the independent scene/ manga scene with the rise of TokyoPop and the production of original English language manga. The Big Two stuck to occasionally making books that horribly mimicked the Japanese style, but for the most part, they didn't really adapt.
To understand the Big Two's approach to manga/anime is to compare them to a music company in the 60s thinking the Beatles success was due to their haircuts and completely ignoring their music.
Ah, yes, the year comics stole decompression from manga…
…And fucked it up.
DnA's cosmic Marvel stuff was good, so of course they had to ruin it and put Bendis in charge.
No, decompression really started around 1986 and progressively got worse as the big two realized they could make more money if they extended the story for years, and make even more money by extending that story to numerous other tie in books that would be required reading to fully understand that story.
Except in comics we call decompression "events".
I remember how hyped we all were for the Annihilators.
Then Bendis wanted the Silver Surfer in one of his books so that fucked the story they wanted to tell.
Bendis has continued raping the corpse by undoing Peter Quill's sacrifice and marrying him to Kitty Pryde while shoving Mantis, Moondragon, Cosmo and Bug back into storyline limbo.
Wasn't there an issue where they got evil clothes and cyborg had to destroy them while they were wearing them or something?
Raven looks good in a Robin outfit. How come they never used that when the other Titans were wearing Robins costume?
There was a whole episode about that.