Mozilla's revenue was $421 million US Dollars in 2015, a sharp increase from 2014's $329 million US Dollars...
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to be fair, they are rewriting the rendering engine. So you won't notice anything until this actually hits Firefox itself.
Rewriting the rendering engine in a meme language because making your own meme language is all the rage in corporations these days (Go, Hack, Swift, Rust, etc).
Mozilla may be doing financially still, but to any observer it looks like they've jumped the shark.
I can't take this company anymore.
how the fuck does this work?
More and more money will be allocated to their SJW campaigning efforts and other virtue signaling bullshit.
What was that deblobbed FF variant? Icecat or icefox?
Icecat is the libertized one. It also has a bunch of other changes.
I'm fairly confident a huge chunk of that money goes into anything but improving the web browser.
What if I agree with them? The internet would be significantly better if men were 50% less likely to use the internet as well.
That's a really great point. And why stop at 50%? How about a campaign for 90% of men and women to equally be less likely to use the internet ?
judging by the state of most of their websites, most of it gets spent on royalties to deviantart tweens
To who can I donate to make this a reality?
wew they're just like wikipedia, shitty and full of SJWs.
Why haven't you donated yet, asshole?
Because I use Vivaldi :^).
Rust pisses me off so bad. I don't know why either. Maybe because it is shilled constantly? Go does not piss me off at all. The language was designed for the google sweatshop that college graduates go to work for. Go does exactly what it needs to do.
This image alone is enough to make me not want to use it. From the download page on a Mozilla project.
strcopy, printf and free are very old, stable and documented methods and people still manage to fuck up with them. Well, or at least people outside /g/ Holla Forums, because we are perfect.
That's exactly what they are doing, faggot.
You don't need to use a meme language to achieve these goals is the point hypernigger.
I'm still on version 43, the one that did not fuck up all the addons. Didn't bother to upgrade since I heard they stopped a lot of addons from working, at this point I don't know if I should use palemoon or get the firefox nightly build, I've heard that version has addons working.
Are you referring to addon signing? That doesn't stop any signed addons from working (which includes anything from AMO and HTTPS everywhere), but if you have unsigned addons you can always use the Developer Edition or a custom build, such as Cyberfox or pcxFirefox which also don't have this limitation. Staying on v43 is full retard, because you're not only using a version with known vulnerabilities, but are also sitting on a laggy pile of junk without e10s.
I use noscript anyway, so it's not like I'm allowing every random website to run code on my end. I just remember installing the newest version of firefox on my laptop these days and 3 of my addons were not working anymore because of some stupid signing bullshit. So I just told mozilla to fuck themselves in my head and didn't upgrade my desktop version.
I'm probably just gonna use the developer edition then.
Using that logic why not use the Spark subset of Ada? It was designed for large critical projects that last decades with new programmers over the project lifespan.
What did he mean by this?
Good memes die hard :^)
If everyone tells you to (re)write your shit in rust, maybe there's a good reason for it?
Well, they are clearly hipster cucks if they suggest I rewrite anything in a meme language, but that's not a good reason user.
Rust is a language with a political agenda. They intentionally made the language look and behave weird to C and C++ programmers, and made it inviting to Ruby programmers, because they don't like C and C++ programmers and they wanted to create a new generation of system programmers from the Ruby crowd.
Think about your typical C or C++ programmer conservative asians and WHITE MALES
Think about your typical Ruby programmer insane SJW communists
That's why it doesn't rub you right. It's a language that hates you as a person.
Without knowing C++ you will have a hard time, seriously try it.
Then those reasons would have to be laid out, they're not implied just because some people tell you to do it.
totally unmemey famalam
Except that its rendering engine is ok. They are wasting time and money for some stupid reason. If the browser market wasn't so fucked up, FF would die.
The Gecko rendering engine and Javascript engine are intended to be used on a single thread. If the Javascript blocks for any reason, the whole UI for FF freezes while blocked. The Servo rendering engine is designed to be multithreaded so the loading of a single web page doesn't affect any other parts of the FF UI.
Not saying there aren't other advantages to Servo, but that problem has already been solved by e10s and APZ.
I don't like Rust either, but that is bullshit. The syntax looks as shitty as it does today because they didn't want to scare away Sepples programmers.
I feel that there is a lot of misunderstanding about Servo. In their page it says that Servo was never intended to replace Gecko, but just to be a research project.
Some of the new technologies created for Servo have already been implemented gecko, that's the idea.
what's a faggot free web browser?
Firefox is shit and SJW, chrome is also SJW, edge is microsoft
Makes sense, I'll stick to C++
links -g
I'm not a fan of Rust, but this post is 100% bullshit. Rust is about as far from Ruby as it gets, with its insanely dictatorial memory management and type checking.
I've been programming for more than half my life, and Rust is without a doubt the strictest language is regard to type and memory safety that I have ever used (which is the entire point).
I don't like rust because it's slow to use, slow to compile, and the crazy strict type and memory management makes dynamic types very awkward to use. Maybe it would be better if I used it more, but the entire memory management and type system makes working in it a slog. It's a very good low-level language for enterprise things that need to be incredibly stable and safe at the expense of programmer time (which I suppose is paid forward in the lack of debugging necessary), such as a large-scale and widely-deployed web browser.
A programming language can't have a political agenda. Might as well claim that nobody should use English because SJWs use it. Stop making excuses to hate new things. Go ahead and hate Rust, but come up with some reasons about the language, rather than your political bullshit.
Political campaigning (which wasn't heavily done on the internet 2000 and before) ends, causing a sharp decline in internet activity. I'm guessing it's originally a graph of internet activity.
>Rust for Rubyists was the first community tutorial for Rust.
Of course there are valid technical reasons (ignoring the fact that syntax is a valid technical reason) to hate Rust the language and Rust the implementation. For instance, in addition to the problems you listed, the borrow checker, like RAII in C++, encourages rampant heap allocation. My point is that Rust rubs C and C++ programmers the wrong way, not because of its core concepts, but because it was created and stewarded by people that hate you and don't want you in their community.
I tried the language m8, there is no way your average ruby programmer is picking it up, unless they also know C++. Just because he promotes it like that doesn't mean it's a fact. Nobody denies the SJW infection in Rust, it's the elephant in the room.
Rampant is too strong of a word here, if you know C++ well enough you don't need that much heap allocation. C++ is very flexible, and RAII is useful for all sort of resources, not just memory, lookup the CppCon talk of the Commodore 64 game.
I don't see why the same thing could happen with Rust, I'd argue their strict rules about lifetimes makes you think twice about putting some reference to a heap element in a struct, it can get very ugly very fast. Although I'll give you that cloning shit so the compiler doesn't complain can be tempting.
Can someone explain this to me? Out of all the languages why did Ruby become the SJW one? Why not COBOL (invented by a woman) or python (the easiest, most accessible)?
Being this annoyed that some businesses support sjw.. unless you have a commune and build your own electronics and cars you are going to give cash to a liberal jew or who ever you don't like at some point.
Because Rails, I'm assuming. Web design/programming is associated with sjw.
See also: Github.
wasn't github rewritten in Java because of performance problems?
Why did you bump this thread?
More like:
With that in mind yes, it makes sense to use a language which trades off efficiency and freedom for convenience and abstraction. It would make more sense though to actually produce a quality software and actually fix the (hopefully not more than a few thousand) bugs that arise from it.
Iridium is good to needs its ad eyeballs, goyim
If you don't want to have chromium/firefox based browsers then your options are pretty scarce. You'd be looking at things like Safari or other webkit based browser but you'll prolly never get a browser with 0% third party influence in it.
This, Vivaldi is pretty gud
Firefox is a pretty decent browser though. With Electrolysis enabled it's even a bit faster now and will hopefully continue gaining performance upgrades to finally compete with Chrome again.
After all, we need to get a bit more (((diversity))) in the browser landscape.
We don't put up with "pretty decent" in other types of software, though.
Call me when it stops getting over 1GB of RAM every time I run the fucking program.
I know, I know. And I myself don't even use it as my main browser anymore. There are times where I can put up with Firefox but then its flaws become apparent again and I stop using it, exchanging it with a chromium based browser.
Hopefully their *Servo Parallel Browsing* memes will bear fruit.
The only reason I keep using firefox is because it has Ublock. Full ad blocking should be a built in feature for all browsers.
What kind of browser would you use if it weren't firefox? Most chromium browsers ought to support uBlock Origin.
I used chrome for a while, but it ended up shitting all over my memory even though it separates every tab as a process, and I don't like the botnet.
IE blows dick obviously.
Firefox I use because it has lots of user themes and Ublock. Ublock and the cookie monster theme are really the only things keeping me attached to firefox.
I also used flock for a few years over 5 years ago. I just want a browser that has the best ad blocker and my cookie monster theme. Firefox sucks donkey dick all over my RAM.
Themes obviously aren't a big thing among the chromium based browsers. I gave up on the privacy memes and just started using chrome. After all, I use an Android phone which isn't running Replicant OS, so why bother with fiddling around with mediocre software?
It really is no use anymore. No escape from the botnet I suppose.
Even despite the botnet, I still dropped chrome because it's complete garbage at memory utilization. Firefox is also complete garbage at memory utilization. Is there a single functional browser that has good memory utilization?
Opera seems to be a bit better than Chrome. It's good 100-200mb easier on ram
Why do people keep suggesting closed-source browsers on Holla Forums?
Aren't they based on chromium and thus somewhat open source?
"Somewhat open source" isn't open source
I love it.
If you consider Mac OS X open source because it was originally based on FreeBSD.
Protip: Nobody considers Mac OS X open source
linux for starter
"open source" isnt free software
Seamonkey is fantastic on RAM as compared to firefox in my experience. SM uses ~ 700MB or so without addons or modification while Firefox can use up to 1-2GB.
Because you're going to do SO MUCH with the browser code, right kid?
low quality b8
Of course you can. Nobody says that you have to do everything on you own. Open source is all about multiple people working together to get something done. This means finding friends to help one another go through the code bit by bit.
Yes. I have patched Chromium in the past and an open source browser is the only one you can trust security-wise.
If you feel otherwise, you'll probably be more at home at 4/g/.
The fact that so many people here use firefox is proof that you don't actually understand security.
Pretty cool assertions there bruv, but do you have a singular fact to back that up?
Not that user, but some people will. I've been trying to get the kernel source code for the Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller for a few weeks now so I can add VMware Tools to the kernel initramfs image. You can see my epic journey or navigating through various pajeets here
We're getting web extensions soon enough. This will make Firefox more secure than it is today.
guys just use lynx
the developer isn't a kike shill trying to turn you gay :^)
You're asked to voluntarily give some completely benign contact info to subscribe to a newsletter. Nothing there violates your privacy.
The real doublethink is in having Google as the default search engine, instead of something like Startpage.
What the fuck am I reading? First of all webextensions are already a part of Firefox, many of the APIs are not finished yet, but the system itself is in place and working. Second of all, webextensions have nothing to do with security, sure the (Chrome part of) APIs are not as powerful as XUL/XPCOM addons, but in and of itself it means nothing. There are tons of malitious extensions in the Chrome app store and few to no malitious addons on AMO, it's all about the process of reviewing and vetting said addons. Lastly, in case you meant that Firefox will have webextensions only, sacrificing functionality for the security of tech illiterates is retarded and smells like something Microsoft would do.
Webextensions are a way of sandboxing the add ons and keeping them separate from Firefox. XUL add ons have the exact authority that Firefox has so therefore XUL add ons are capable of messing up the OS as much as Firefox can. With webextensions, they aren't able to punch through the sandbox, they have to run solely on the authority that the sandbox is allowing.
As long as Firefox itself is sandbox, there is absolutely no point in sandboxing a part of the browser inside a sandbox at the cost of functionality.
As far as I know, Firefox is not sandboxed any more than any other general program. Security is always at odds with functionality. A botnet computer has many more functions than a secure computer but that unchecked functionality is not a good thing. Secure computers will always be less functional than unsecure computers.
IIRC, Firefox Beta with e10s enabled is already sandboxed and the next release of stable version will be too. Besides, you can always use a third party solution, such as the sandboxing capabilities of tmemutil, a program like Sandboxy or simply run the browser in a VM.
And security only comes at the cost of USEFUL functionality if the people responsible for security are doing something terribly wrong. If you start to justify such behavior, then you might as well justify the NSA with PRISM.
Did I do it al'right?
Petition Mozilla to switch to Blink.
I thought the 8chans was all about not being a trigger warning fag
it's p easy tbh. I installed it because it's 20mb and started blowing through a couple of tuts. Dead simple TBH.
there's no such thing as pretending to be retarded user
Coincidentally I was merely pretending, famalam ;)
Also, nobody fucking uses Firefox ever (take a look at the market share). Mozilla exists only to grab all the sweet donations, government grants and royalties.
Literal SJW jew tactics.
You are:
a) A woman.
b) A reddit user.
c) A 4chan user.
d) A faggot.
e) All of the above.
So please gently fuck off. You may post tits before GTFO.
Exactly. It seems bizarro that the military backed a language named Ada, and the SJW created one named Rust, but such is the world we live in.
Hopefully someone will make an Ada browser, that language deserves to be more popular.
I hope 2k17 will be the year of the cuck genocide.
Just wait until they start calling themselves IoT Engineers. I still rage about the term "SEO Engineer".
Wait, that's an actual term in Burgerland? Shit, that's so fucked up.
You don't see it used so often nowadays, but it does still crop up, I'm still mad about it.
I'm also angry that "Technology Evangelist" is a thing, and dumb minority women can earn $130,000/yr acting like anyone gives a damn what they have to say.
Isn't "Technology Evangelist" just a 5 cent per post shill?
Remember the Dongle bitch?
And she considers herself "underprivileged".