starting with an obvious one
ITT: Best girls of their shows
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Ghosts can't be girls, OP. They're something else.
They're ghost girls.
I'm torn between kitty pryde and rogue.
oh boy another waifu thread
Timantha is best girl
No, they're just ghosts.
Where is your Reality?
I'm here to make fun of it.
Well, I guess cartoon ghosts can do whatever. They have no rules, but in reality ghosts can't be girls. In reality ghosts are just ghosts.
Much like robots in fiction. Some imaginary robots are male and some are female, but when we develop robots that are alive it's very unlikely that they'll be female or male. But in cartoons it's OK I guess.
Oh hoh ho ho ho. Funny but wrong.
who dat
Ashley, Neighbors from Hell.
so thats where the tumblr nose originates from.
Is it an edit or did she actually do that in the show?
It's not an edit.
Ashely is a girl dressed as a boy to please her father, she's very thirsty.
Put up the dukes motherfucker
Fine, but it's because that's a cartoon. In reality ghosts are just ghosts, there's no such thing as a "ghost girl".
I've been studying ghosts and other paranormal phenomena for almost 10 years now. Even though my speciality is psychophony and not ghosts, I do know a lot about ghosts. Real ghosts can only be ghosts.
Human beings have multiple "dimensions", so to speak. We have a sense of identity, ideas, taste, memories, a sense of time, existence, etc.
If humans have multiple dimensions, ghosts have only one. Therefore they can only be ghosts, they have no sense of identity so they have no gender. There are no ghost girls, or male ghosts. As I said before that's like thinking robots can be girls, when obviously robots can only be robots.
But in cartoons there can be ghost girls so I don't mess with that. It's fantasy.
Party pooper
Jesus believed in ghosts, I believe in ghosts.
And it's not just faith, I've been studying ghosts and they're real.
Ghosts are not real, your entire life is a lie and worthless.
Don't crush his dreams. His poor stupid dreams.
Can you prove ghosts don't exist? No, you can't.
And I don't care if you're not religious, jut I am and Jesus spoke about ghosts.
You can't prove ghosts DO exist either.
I actually can, I've been able to communicate. It's not even that hard.
Janna's just a little bad, isn't she?
Janna a best
not sure if troll, mental illness, or just run of the mill stupid
there was supposed to be an episode after S3 where jenny went back in time and met young Nora, and fought alongside her
Disagree, but she is a very close second.
Timmy's parents always wanted a daughter.
Is Lucy really that popular, or it's just meme?
I get that she's for sexual, because she's so hot and young, but as a character is she really love?
ok then. you can't prove that there aren't two pink gay elves constantly having anal sex just out of your field of view, and you're the only one who could see them, but you can never see them because they're always outside of your field of vision. you can't prove they don't exist, so they do exist.
you can't prove that every person doesn't have a tiny man with a typewriter in their heads, and he types everything you say and think. oh and he has a cloaking device, so that whenever you cut open someones skull, or look in their head, you hallucinate that he's a brain instead of a tiny man with a typewriter. you can't prove this isn't true, so its real.
the sun has a core of molten pepper jack cheese. you can't prove it doesn't.
hogwarts exists because you're a muggle and you can't disprove it.
every atom in the universe is made of tiny clones of filthy frank, and you can't see them because they're smaller than the wavelengths that light is made up of. you can't disprove it
suck on a shotgun until it cums in your mouth
I understand that argument, but some people act as if they could prove ghosts don't exist.
Let's say they don't exist and there's no evidence either way. When there's no evidence we must suspend belief, which in practical terms is unbelief. I'm OK with that, but then some people go one extra step and claim knowledge of the non-existence of ghosts. They go from "I don't believe there are ghosts" to "I believe there are no ghosts". At that point they've jumped from healthy unbelief to downright claiming knowledge, and then we can actually request evidence for the non existence of ghosts.
Also, that scenario was for the sake of argument. As I said I'm a Christian and Jesus spoke about ghosts, so I have a religious reason to begin defending the existence of ghosts.
And not only that, I am a serious and disciplined investigator of paranormal phenomena, and I've personally documented some encounters with ghosts. Although not that many since ghosts aren't my speciality. I have good friends that make contact with ghosts regularly.
And if you disbelieve, fine. Without evidence you should disbelieve, but be honest when the evidence is presented to you, and after evaluating it with honesty and no prejudices if you come to the conclusion that it is valid evidence, take the next logical step and accept that ghosts are real. That's what I did.
And as I said ghosts by their very nature can only be one thing, and that's essentially what a ghost is: a one-dimensional entity that echoes what once was a human consciousness, and they can't be girls or anything other than ghosts.
But also I'm not a joyless person, so I accept that cartoons can do anything.
Helps a bit if you read the comics.
Where's Lucy? Behind the annoying sweaty bitch?
you're absolutely right she is best sis
well peri ofcourse
why are you faggots so obsessed with raven
are you forgetting about jinx
I shiggy.
She was barely in the show and the whole time she was on screen she was either boring or annoying.
Dinah was much better
It really is a toss up between the two, I don't know if I could choose one or the other
I have never seen this before but is hot. I've never seen her this hot before. I guess its the hips.
that scene of Miss Martian disguised as Black Canary making out with Connor was so hot. I'm surprised they got it passed the censors. It awakened a fetish I never knew I had.
agreed. I liked Starfire because she was the nice, fun, bubbly one and I liked Raven because she was the lone goth you could relate to a bit and have a chance with. They're both good in their own ways.
Also I love that pic of Starfire, I'm surprised we don't see her in that costume more often it looks like it could work in animation.
As I said, might have to read the comics to appreciate her.
oh fuck, I just saw that movie on TCM, Fred Astaire, I forgot which movie but it really sucked ass. dancing was great though
Ghosts used to be human and shit, why the fuck would their gender not carry over?
What verse says that?
Because nothing carries over. Human beings are many things at the same time, but ghosts are just an echo and can only be one thing. Like, you're occupying space, right? Well, if I take a picture, suddenly you appear to be flat and you have no back or organs, or movement, Ghosts are sort of like that.
The word itself appears more than 100 times in the Bible referring to different things, but Jesus was involved in a conversation about ghosts only once, and he made clear the distinction between Him as a resurrected person and a ghost, which appears to be a resurrected person.
In other words he was clarifying he wasn't just an entity that used to be a person, which is what ghosts are.
Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” – Matthew 14:25-27
God I hate what they did to Peridot.
mah nigga
The German loanword "ghost"? Or some Aramaic or Latin equivalent?
they turned her into a child tbh
not that it changes her looks
Rogue is the best character, but she can't fug. So Boom Boom is the next best thing.
That's an ugly way of saying 'Kitty Pryde'.
I mean…(((Kitty Pryde))), but still though.
ghosts, jesus and god arent real, retard
Still no.
She'll get old and become a dried old big-nosed fat Jewess.
Can you prove Jesus and God aren't real? No, you can't.
It always astounds me that there are still people that don't understand how the burden of proof works
Let's say there's no evidence either way. When there's no evidence we must suspend belief, which in practical terms is unbelief. I'm OK with that, but then some people go one extra step and claim knowledge of the non-existence of X. They go from "I don't believe X exists" to "I believe X does not exist". At that point they've jumped from healthy unbelief to downright claiming knowledge, and then we can actually request evidence for the non existence of X.
Project elsewhere fucko. No one cares about your opinions about your Dad.
So you've made documents about nothing
Wow. So euphoric and enlightened.
literally millions of scientists already proved god isnt real, dumbasses. pic related.
You picked the most obviously tongue-in-cheek post to take seriously.
It's called saging. It allows you to post in a thread laughing at it without giving it activity while watching it die .
Are you retarded? By his own admission, several times over, Dawkins says that he CAN'T prove that they aren't real.
That's why he made the spaghetti monster analogy.
No one can prove anything user. How do you know this isn't a matrix simulation? You can never no. "We'll just use physics to calculate" how do you know the laws of physics are the same in the real universe. You don't. No one knows anything.
I'm imagining Tara Strong doing that voice and it sounds hot as adult Timantha.
tara strong is hot irl i still dont understand how she got alot of her voice acting jobs maybe taking cock from higher up.
We could uee more of that.
i'd fuck that, really hard
Penny is only second best.
The best is obviously Teri.
Someone seems to have excellent musical tastes.
dannys mom is so underated
ghosts aren't real nigger
Read the thread.
Can you ever yes?
He-hey! Ghosts…
OTP, shame everyone tries to make Patty a dyke.
I like you.
Reminder that Patty was inspired by Schulz's cousin, so this is incest.
Thanks! Nobody's ever liked me before.
Cousins is incest? Oh please.
It is though.
Legally, no.
You from the Gynoid thread?
Damn trips didn't know something so hot could come from that shitty show. Love the art.
Yeahh…. Maybe.
Best choice
I'll never be able to hate her.
but you're right.
Don't even argue, she's the reason to watch the films.
We're officially friends.
i want to fuck that fox
I know you do, mister President.
I hope you enjoy retirement.
I want you to cut your own face off
Shit threads like this are killing this board.
Susan is great too
pornstar name?
I found a pretty good one, but the file size is too big for the chans
Thx user, the fingerprint like pattern it has is so strange though. Cant find any pics to see the texture repeat but there aren't really many pics around from ground level view i guess
0/10 would not fish with
It's in our instinct to!
That's a weird way to say Vanessa. Unless you like to fuck a washboard.
Also Vanessa in Candace clothings = super hot
I love long haired Raven aaaaaaand she cut it immediately a minute later. Fuck.
Seriously girl people pay crazy money to get their hair long and beautiful and you cut it immediately? This is why your mom got laid faster than you. Well, demon lord from another dimension aside…..
Shapeshifter is already my fetish from a long time ago. Nothing like a girl that can into different girl every night.
She knew people salivating all over her. How about making a fanfic/fanart about her giving "extra service" after a con meeting ended?
Underrated? Really? Seriously? Madeline Fenton is like this cartoon milf superstar alongside Dexter's mom. We need more of that milf from The Replacements.
I like spider. Somna deserve more rule 34. It's like fucking a sexy minecraft character. That turn into spider. Fuck.
Also FFS you only post that fusion because she wear Nahga costume. Just post the original Nahga and be done with it.
Louise Belcher is the reason to watch the show.
I love this kid, man. I really do, not sexually.
Wo there Lucifer.
What the shit.
/a/ here, Why are cartoon girls so ugly?!
Because you want to actually touch real life babies sexually and God punishes you by altering your eyes so you can't appreciate beauty.
Step it up, guys.
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
I'm just gonna wank, wank, wank, wank, wank.
A+ dorable
No pretty Princess Marco
Charity, but only when she's happy.
Great taste
So, pretty much never?
Also the little nig is pretty cute. What's her name/deal? They all had a gimmick, right?
It's like catching Mandy smiling, it bugs people.
The little black girl is Aka Pella.
Yes, they all had gimmicks.
I want lewds of Charity and Pella exploring new feelings with each other, but that's just what I want. We don't always get that we want.
And those lewds by Simon, right?
Tara did a great job voicing her.
Are there any other cute pics of her?
Thank you.
Does anyone know what site the Dino Time Splooge pic is from?
Put porn images in spoiler pls, follow the rule.
I don't think Splooge has a site.
Ideally, but not necessarily. As long as they look sweet I'll be happy.
Mmm.. We need an artist or two.
Or you can go somewhere else.
did you really just tell the guy politely asking people to follow the one rule on this loosely-moderated board to "go somewhere else?"
your face is killing the board
dannys mom's a 5 star milf
she's a pedophilia kickstarter in an 8 year old asian body
That brown lolibot is the only reason I even care about the franchise.
Am I the only one who liked more Minka than Penny?… I guess I am.
And you're thd only one bumping a 5 month old thread.
She was different
artchimp and chinabear get outta the way, superior pet coming through.
Daria's too much like me when I was a teen to be "best girl" in my opinion. Jane is like my girlfriend but with smaller boobs.
Daria and Jane are sarcastic, but Jane is not insufferable.