Hey I was browsing on zeronet when i found this site. it looks like its either a honeypot or a scam to make money and let psychos role play fantasies. What do you guys make of it?
Honeypot, criminal
Other urls found in this thread:
the url is
probably some fake joke zite. how do you find other players and how do they know who gets paid?
zeronet itself is a botnet.
Let me guess, you're a crossboarder from Holla Forums.
shitty viral marketing
That server hosts some sick shit.
Of course it's a scam.
I played a game kinda like this back in high school called Killer. People in the senior class would pay in $5 and then try to "kill" each other. The game would run 24 hours/day for a week in the Spring. How it would work over the internet, I don't know.
Forsaking an alternative to the clear net just because Holla Forums may or may not use it is pretty shallow.
Out of curiosity, what alternatives do you suggest?
No, Zeronet is shit because of the massive privacy and security issues that it has. I said the poster must use Holla Forums because they were actually stupid enough to start using it.
my business got scammed the one day after this shit. I couldn't believe it, they got my social and everything
I'm not posting any because I would rather laugh at the retarded Holla Forumsacks then help them.
So you're useless? Noted.
Nope, I just don't feel like helping Holla Forumsacks.
Sounds like the definition my friend.
also pack that shit up back to /a/ faggot.
You're disgusting and a shame to society. Your smugness is not only unearned it is unwarranted.
Why did you respond twice?
So you are genuinely retarded.
what privacy and security issues?
oh, so there aren't any?
There shouldn't be, general opsec should be enough to hide your ass on it
that shits from a movie
Came here to post this.
Their site is full of marketing blurbs instead of useful information and the developers have obviously no idea what they are doing.
but that issue has been closed for 2 years now.
OpenSSL doesn't stop being a pile of shit written by idiots just because all publicly known faults in it were patched after they became known. With the track record of their developers, it's obvious there will be more bugs to come, for years to come.
It is the same situation here: We are talking about people who couldn't find the secure RNG in their programming language of choice when writing cryptographic code. Would you fly in a plane made by somebody who recently built a plane with the wings attached the wrong way around? "What are you talking about, that was two years ago! Sure, he never faced any consequences for a mistake that a complete beginner shouldn't make, but I don't see how that's relevant, I'm sure the plane is perfect now."
Systematic problems aren't solved by papering over their symptoms. And the systematic problem here is that the developers are idiots.
Stupid question, but how does Zeronet work? From what I understand it uses bittorrent, and when you view a page you also host it for others. Doesn't it still need a master server of sorts to give you a list of clients? If someone got hold of that master server would the be able to match up user IPs with the sites they visited? Could someone make their own master server for their own network?
no program can be perfect, there will always be some bugs. unless you have a program write a program for you, then it might be perfect.
no, there isn't any type of central server. you serve what you want to serve. the only way people can know what sites you serve is by getting a hold of your computer.
You can see at least one perfectly bug-free program in every fizzbuzz thread on /g/. This isn't sophistry — you are just making silly claims.
But to answer your actual, implicit point: Even if bugs are common in programs, you can choose between those which are more likely to contain them and those which are less likely to do so. Zeronet (and OpenSSL, and …) falls clearly in the former category when compared to other software in the same field.
so IPFS would be a lot better than ZeroNet because the developers know how to build programs correctly?
guys, we should totally dos that server! It's be fun.
I never looked at IPFS so I can't say.
I'm pretty sure this is a reference to the movie Untraceable, which involves a similar site.
IMDb link: