I posted mine legs please review


i posted mine legs please review


I rate 4/10, but I am willing to up that number. Please provide penis inspection.


The voices you hear in your head are not real.

pls go you fucking queer

what's wrong with them


since that other guy doesn't appear to be here


You better be a femanon, you actual faggot!

The plan was to insult his penis when it was posted, further lowering my rating, and thereby his self-esteem as well. But then you called me a faggot and hurt my feelings.



i don't have self-esteem issue. my bf and gf both say my legs are cute

They are figments of your imagination.

3/10 they need to be thinner to be cute



What are you implying

You are clearly gay, user. Not the same guy, btw.

if their so thin you can see the bone it's not cute

No I'm not

Spamming a meme about eliminating gays might be a sign of mixed feelings about your own homosexual desires that you are in denial about.

Isn't wrestling for gays?

I didn't realise you had a PhD in psychology


it's actually a bachelor's but good observation anyway

where is the gay community?

Point being I'm not a homo and you're talking out of your arse

They need to be eliminated. They're everywhere

New user
You may not be a homo, but you're sure acting like one


Spamming autistic memes is pretty gay

I have a question. Did they teach you in school to try your hardest to make people gay?
I've noticed a trend amongst you head doctors.
Man has one gay encounter. Was disgusted with it and never wants to do it again. You, psyches tell him, "no, you're gay. Do it again. Don't be ashamed."
Gay man has a heterosexual encounter and wants to do it again, "No, you are gay. Don't let ppl force you to be heterosexual. Continue being gay."
Jewish agents, all of you.

How else do you intend to derail gay threads?

Could have fooled me

I guess we've just come to our senses and no longer give a shit what happens to the next generation.


You're not very smart

yes that was chapter 5 "How to turn everyone gay"