How long will a 128 GB SSD last?

Especially if I install my OS onto it and use it as my appdata folder.

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Depending on the OS and how prone to bloat it is, not very long at all. You might think 128gb is a lot but nowadays it really isn't anymore.

2 months at best.

OP here, I'm using SSD Life and it says I'm writing fucking 1 TB a day.

What the fuck are you doing

The 250GB 840 died after about 900TB, but 128GB has less shit so it will die faster.

And why is it signifcant you use it as your appdata folder?

sage for triple post

Its not, but my laptop installs everything to my SSD by default and moving the appdata folder causes things to break.

For decades, unless another component besides the flash storage fails.
You couldn't ask the sticky, you retarded faggot?

Also, considering you're running windows, it'll probably only last a year or two until you reinstall.
Between updates and windows bloat, it'll eat up that 120GB in no time.

Neat. I have a 250gb 840 Series and currently (after about three years and 21000 power-on-hours) it reports 11tb written. At this rate it will literally last centuries.

Thats some dedication user, impressive.

We have both tech support and consumer advice stickies for threads like this, you stupid nigger.

I've had a 90GB Corsair SSD for 6 years running Windows 7. Now it's my secondary gaming SSD and I bought an Intel 180GB running Windows again.

My 90GB SSD has outlived 2 headphones, 1 motherboard, 2 mice, 1 tablet and 2 Samsung Galaxy phones.

6 years and kicking. Stop spreading fear mongering. Get a good SSD with good fallbacks in case sectors start dying. Kingston SSDs are pure garbage.

Half a decade old, running Gentoo, works good enough:
Model Family: JMicron based SSDsDevice Model: KINGSTON SNV425S2128GBID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate PO-R-- 100 100 050 - 0 2 Throughput_Performance P-S--- 100 100 050 - 0 3 Unknown_JMF_Attribute POS--- 100 100 050 - 0 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--C- 100 100 050 - 0 7 Unknown_JMF_Attribute PO-R-- 100 100 050 - 0 8 Unknown_JMF_Attribute P-S--- 100 100 050 - 0 9 Power_On_Hours -O--C- 100 100 000 - 19297 10 Unknown_JMF_Attribute PO--C- 100 100 050 - 0 12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 2822168 SATA_Phy_Error_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 0175 Bad_Cluster_Table_Count PO---- 100 100 010 - 0192 Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct -O--C- 100 100 000 - 0194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 048 100 020 - 48 (Min/Max 21/48)197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--C- 100 100 000 - 0240 Unknown_JMF_Attribute PO--C- 100 100 050 - 0170 Bad_Block_Count PO---- 100 100 010 - 0 381 21173 Erase_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 3542 6258 3847

If you install Winblows and debloat with something like Aegis or Blackbird, longer than you think

I'm using a 64GB SSD for my OS and appdata. It's a nightmare come true.

how are these toshibas ssd? worth it?

I've got an Intel X-25M 160GB drive that's probably 7-8 years old now that reports 95% write lifespan remaining despite using it for everything from video editing to development. Replaced it a few months ago with a Samsung 850 EVO 1TB because it had gotten too small.

Depends greatly on what SSD you buy, a 512GB Samsung 850 Evo has a endurance of 150TBW sequential. My 480GB Seagate 600 Pros which are enterprise class disks have 2.6PBW sequential. There is a good reason why the Seagate costs 3 times as much. It also supercaps in it so you dont lose the data from its write cache if you suffer a power failure - including when your computer crashes and you have to power cycle it.

Only if you run Windows. Even my bloated KDE installation was couple GBs, max. Even now my Xubuntu is 8-9 GBs without home folder.

There was a 750GB on sale for $99 during black friday, but it got sold out very fast.

I have a Samsung 850 EVO 250GB that's about three years old now. It's the only storage I have in my PC and I use my PC on an almost daily basis. Don't know if this helps you or not but here is my UserBenchmark score.

I have noticed it seems slower than when I first got it. That said, I still don't have time to read text on loading screens in games unless I'm quick. I'm still impressed with how quickly my PC boots even today. I'm not a snob about these things and understand that a slightly quicker and newer Samsung SSD isn't really worth the cost for my purposes.

If i had to do it over again, I'd stay with a Samsung SSD and maybe go with 500GB instead of 250GB but that's about it.

I have a Samsung 840 120GB that I've been using for over 3 years. The warranty has expired but it still works fine. Apparently I've only written 5 TB of data to it.

There were a few firmware updates for that series that addressed performance issues. Might want to check.

SSDs are so cheap now that there's no excuse for buying a shit one from scamdisk/kingston/crucial with a high component failure rate. Get a reliable one from Intel or Samsung. The 1TB 850 EVO was on sale cyber monday for $250 plus a Watch_Doug 2 code that sells for $35 on eBay.

You should check to be sure TRIM is working. There are a lot of things that could prevent it.

And one for the original 840 that finally came out in June this year (after years of denying there were any performance issues with it).

probably using firefox

I use a 64G Samsung 830 for / in gen2 with /tmp and PORTAGE_TMPDIR inside a ramdisk and it doesn't see many writes so it's probably gonna last a few decades theoretically

Filesystem created: Fri May 8 14:12:07 2015
Lifetime writes: 2332 GB

If I had started using zram earlier it would probably only be 300GB writes


Do you enjoy overpaying for tech?

I'm sorry I was just jealous

I've been using a 128(?)gb 830 for around four years and I've beaten it up pretty well, it still works

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Don't know about the UK retro market, but if it's like in Spain or Italy let me tell you that it's dead: there's not many people buying retro stuff compared to, dunno, 10 years ago.

if you really want to get rid of your games you'll have to sell them quite cheap.

I actually hate you. No joke. I want you to leave my life, this is it.

I've never been in a supermarket and had the store's layout bother me.

Their own brand stuff is comparable to other supermarkets. Each of them have their strengths and weaknesses.

I don't care how much tax they pay. Can't blame them for finding loopholes. I spend shit loads of money at Starbucks and amazon too.

Shut up you spastic, do you not understand that I, along everyone else on this entire board, excluding you, understand and acknowledge this simple fact?

youre page ever

That's like from last month

like what the heck does he mean by "Everything is ordered in such a way as to bring into being that poisoned peace produced by thoughtlessness, lack of heart, or fatal renunciations"
What's everything?
What's poisoned peace?
Whose thoughtlessness?
What renunciations? Why are they fatal?

no i'm a insecure bulimic female

I need to play this. Any chance Mangagamer does it? Fucking Ramius is top tier heroine. Rance needs at least one girl with bakunyuu.

I've had this for 1 year and 3 months.
This is my only drive that isn't external and holds everything I use daily.
I have a fucking shitty W10 on it and I've "only" ended up @ 15TB.

You'll be fine for a good long while user.