Tell me something i don't know

tell me something i don't know

Other urls found in this thread:

Certain Particles can move faster than speed of light proving it is possible for effective space travel

what does that mean

You can keep apple slices fresh if you put them in water with a little lemon juice.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches can survive a nuclear explosion (saw this in another thread and thought it was cool; dunno if true).
Women like to be fucked rough when they are ovulating
Dogs can sense death, especially of those close to them. No one knows why.
Demons can possess inanimate objects like rocks (seems kinda dumb but demons like doing dumb shit apparently)
chans are evil but a necessary evil
Linux is better than Windows - this is an objective and unarguable fact.
I am a nignog and many times find myself agreeing (silently) with what racist say about blacks.
Time is affected by gravity. If humans can find a way to manipulate gravity we will be that much closer to time travel.

It means if we can find a way to use these particles for movement we can effectively travel faster than light. Idk how we would deal with the gforce at that speed though

You can easily get toast out of the toaster by simply tilting the toaster sideways when ejecting it.

My sister is a big fat whore

Actually, you may already know this

Age? Why is she a whore?
Do you like cornflakes? Have you eavesdropped on any of your moms conversations?

In her 40s, because she fucks niggers and shit
Eh, they're alright, not for years now, she dead

Liking traps does actually make you a homosexual

wrestling is scripted

You may not realise this, but you are already dead. This is Hell.

fuck off

raccoons are one of the few animals that have an actual bone in their penis instead of just blood or cartilage.

the nickname for a toilet, 'crapper', comes from the inventor of modern toilets who was named Thomas Crapper

Everyone knows this, user.

someone post the greentext where a substitute teacher used one of these to stir his coffee

not where I live

fuck off

he's not wrong.
you are, in fact, a member of the LGBTQIABCDCSGOWTFLMAO homogay community.
and you should die for it.

Not all niggers are black but all blacks are niggers.

If you're a nigger, you're black.

this is not true.
all blacks are niggers. some don't act like it, but acting white doesn't make you white.
a monkey can wear a shirt and smoke a cigar but that doesn't make him a human.

fokin wot u say

Sorry to break it to you but they don't, it was an error in the instrument that made them think some neutrinos were going faster than light and it has since been proven false.

Fuck me, get some reading comprehension faggots
Not all niggers are black = some non blacks behave like niggers and are thus niggers
But all blacks are niggers = pretty fucking self explanatory

whoops, i misread it as the classic 'not all niggers are black and not all blacks are niggers' line.
my excuse is that it's early in the morning.

All good m8, sorry for being a cunt at ya

i have a tiny penis

ur gay

realistically, if your penis is less than 4 inches long, you should probably commit suicide. or become a monk.

Or a midget fucker

Dalmatians are the only mammals to produce their own vitamin C.

canned sardines are delicious, nutritious, and work great as a part of any meal, breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


Even 3d Loli loves God emperor

The average human shits 35 tons during their life

i think you're the nigger here bossman

Obama shitposts on Holla Forums to unwind.

Kim Jong Un also shitposts on Holla Forums, there was a screencap of it too.



i cant make thread i don't know why im newfag so i will post here

hey guys. i don't like imageboards but now i need to practice my english in text mode in 1 by 1 text chat. what can i do to do this? i don't like reddit and so on. i found interpals site but it is really fucking stupid side where freak like me cannot find anybody and anything.
what can i do to do some practice? it's so hard to speak with fucking stupid normies

Sounds like you're fucked m8

Site. Not side

1a. used for talking in a friendly way to someone, especially a man
Thanks, mate.

This is m8 ? Im really slow and stupid to understand what you mean

Yeah, m8=mate
It's mainly an Aussie/British thing

Imageboards aren't the best place to learn as we bastardize english all the time.
While it's better than nothing it will be worse than sites made for learning other languages,

And what is "fucked mate"? I can't understand

So what your suggestions?

No idea, try these

Hang around and try your best, you'll probably get confused and a few people will laugh at you but we're all here for a laugh

aussie abos are the most fun type of primitive people.
more fun than africans, south americans, and native north americans anyway.

Fuck off, boongs are shit

Everyone laughing at me im my place so it's normal for me. I'm really open-minded freak no one like freaks in my place. Only someone averaged. And i really fucked up mate if i can understand it correctly. Just another truth.

Thanx but i need just chat where i will(can?) translate my thoughts slowly

The only Mountain Dew flavors that contain orange juice are regular and Code Red. This is why the other flavors are pleb-tier IMO.

Bears often engage in cannibalism.

McDonald's breakfast sandwiches, eggs and all, are microwaved.

Coca-Cola still uses a small amount of coca leaf in its formula.

The marriageable age is 13 in New Hampshire.

Alaska is one fifth of the size of the contiguous United States.

The Koreas never signed a peace accord and are technically still at war.

The Canadian navy has been shrunk to the point that it is considered a coast guard.

Pigs are quite intelligent and easy to domesticate.

Corn is not a vegetable.

Tomatoes, eggplants, squashes, and pumpkins are fruits, and pumpkins are a type of squash.

St. Augustine is the oldest city in the United States, settled in 1565.

The oldest tortoise on record died in 2006, believed to have been at least 250 years old. No one knows for sure how long they can live.

Nah, you didn't I was just being a cunt.
You seem ok though so now I feel bad.

"Fucked" is a participle, a.k.a. a verb taking on the function of an adjective. In general, "fuck" and its inflections and derivations are very versatile words, but that also means that they require lots of sensitivity to context to parse them somewhat correctly.

Here's a starting place:

No no i fucked up by people in my place it's real truth. So no regrets.

u r gay

I think i need more examples to train my neural networks in brain.

We all are just some PC's that can be trained like in this video

Explain how the universe filled everything then, the speed of light its like a feminist, used like an onahole when child and always right when "adult".

That isn't even close to how we think it happened.

You will need to look up your own explanation as I'm sad now.

Why social networks are anti-social? I can't just search someone to talk. So many problems just to learn language

Everyone knows that, user.

try wechat

I did, you are the one with a closet(ed) mind, not me. The speed of light being "faster" in the "beginning" is a possibility.

No captions for this sorry. It's riddle resolve with puzzle with 9 dots 3x3 massive. But with only one line. One straight line.

Hate this phones. Don't like it. Why I always need phone and only phone for this apps? Why? Because of CIA?

Colors like purple are 'spectral colors' which doesn't exist in nature. What you perceive as "purple" is really just blue and red combined. "purple" doesn't actually exist in the real world.
The colors on the visible spectrum contain only red, green, and blue. Every single color besides these is a spectral color made up by a combination of these base colors.

No colors actually exist. The only reason that the colors red, green, and blue are base colors is because we have three types of sensors in our retinas that react to these certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. If we had sensory cells that reacted to other wavelengths of "light" (which is, tautologically, simply what we call wavelengths that our visual apparatus respond to), what we call "base colors" would be completely different.

When observed at the lowest level possible, particles seem to just teleport from place to place instead of just "moving", thereby establishing a "minimum measurement" of time and lenght or atleast, the smallest measurement that is meaningful.
Also this may or may not add more backing to the claim that the universe is just a simulation.

Actually, colors exist in the sense that they correlate with specific wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum.

holy shit wow i never knew that


Let me tell you about the Jews kid…