Leftists say Capitalism is subjecting people to neo-feudal-esq classism

Okay fine we'll adopt Keynesian economics to maintain healthy market competition and find compromise between workers rights and company rights
Well okay but Communism put into practice has been shown to be unstable
Well okay but Communist fundamentalism is essentially anarchy which is unrealistic which is why Communism put into practice always bread authoritarian states
Why are leftists so retarded?

Kewl meme bro


tldr dont care about all this gay political shit



I wonder who could be behind ((this))

do something else with your time, you literal autist


The problem isn't that they hate capitalism. Capitalism isn't perfect. The problem is their solution to capitalism is significantly worse and they're so retarded that they keep holding onto this century old philosophy that's yet another product of the Utopian movement of the Progressive era

Capitalism has flaws, not as much as Marxism though. There is a third solution

Because schools.

lol #rekt

I feel sorry for you

What if the problem is the democracy itself?

Its structure is very prone to corruption.

pffft hahaha classcuck

Opinion discarded.
No such thing. Either you mean socialism or marxism.
Consider socialism is socialism and marxism is communism…



Would intellectual property exist in Ancapistan?

I found an error in the first sentance m80


All food is created through farming, and thus by farmers. The non-farming class, by way of super-market derived food sales, extracts food from the farmers by forcing them to produce more than they are compensated for by what they personally eat and keeping the product of their labor. This creates a dialectical conflict that can only end in the farmers overthrowing the super-market and forming a society where everyone is a subsistance farmer.

I always found it how funny how grampa Stalin teamed up with porky to take down Hitler. Really makes you think who had more in common with each other

It's spelled "labour" you uncultured swine. And that's probably because you have a different understanding of the word "labour". Why not read this short, nifty little comic to get an understanding of the basic principles of Marxist economics? (this is no substitute for actual reading, but to get you started)


labor is the verb, so saying "all value is created through labor" is correct grammatically, but clearly incorrect as a statement…

Semantics…you get the idea though, and that's what really matters.



Hitler and Stalin did, the reason the nazis wanted to fuck up the communists was because they were competing socialist parties,
Correct but he was still pretty left for his time, as he wanted a large government, give away free cars and vacations and imposed a metric fuckton of monetary support for people who didnt deserve it (I.E give money to people for making babies etc)

i-is this supposed to defend marxism? It just seems like a full on jab at marxist theory
Little question though, marx lived a pretty nice life right? What is stopping other people from doing the same?


I never said that. Why are you so angry?

Socialism is not "gib ppl free shit" that's the Americanized version of it.

I'll admit it's a little over the top.
He was exiled twice but other than that, sure.
The proles have nothing to lose but their chains.

Germanized* version seeing how they started

Anyhow yeah its completely over the top, I cant see how anyone could defend this specific comic

Being exiled doesnt mean jack shit if you can live somewhere else though, I mean its not that bad

And yes, the proles have nothing to lose but their chains, then why dont they lose their chains instead of pretending that they are being oppressed by the big bad capitalists that have pulled them out of poverty oh so many times?

I agree that corporatism is fucking over people and that the invisible hand doesnt exist but it's not possible to create wealth and freedom if you take away the profit

If you got kicked out of your house and were forced to live in China because it's the only country close by, you'd be fine with that?
Because of technological advancements make work easier but work itself is still as shitty now as it was in feudalism along with the pay. All socialism aims to do is eliminate the capitalist class that takes the surplus labour from the proles. Is having a middleman who takes away your money some magical element that makes capitalism great? Why is removing it so bad?

In a sense, money and wealth aren't the same thing. Indigenous farmers in 3rd world countries were subsistence farmers, but rather than be given advanced agriculture, they were exploited by colonialism and forced to produce crops for money rather than use, so while they technically have money now, the money they make isn't enough to purchase the amount of food that they were making back when they produced food for use rather than profit..
Doesn't exist. Corporatism is just "capitalism when I don't like it" it's an excuse to shift the blame from capitalism's intrinsic flaws to and invisible 3rd party. Corporations are a natural result of capitalism, not an outside force that's infringing on it.


They're nazis, so yes, that's true. natsoc is an incoherent form of capitalism. I think what you meant to say was National Syndicalism.

My house? I could find a house right next door or somewhere else, idc
And I could also just move to another country I like better than china, even if you dont have any money you can walk
You can work along the road, or save up for the trip
Anyone can get a job, there is no reason why you couldnt unless youre severely handicapped, in that case I do support government funding as you cant just let people die
ofcourse id hate to lose my citizenship because of my opinion, but I wouldnt care that much as I can just move to a country I like just as much

Youre not forced to use the middle man, you can just sell it to people regularly, I really dont give a shit
The middle man does make everything ALOT cheaper, because he/she buys and sells in bulk, which is always cheaper

Forcing anything is not what im advocating, ofcourse fucking over farmers is not okay in my book, but forcing people to pay for others simply because they dont want to work or study harder is not any better
Well it kinda does because you want equal distribution of wealth, if you want to make more money become a doctor or a CEO or something like that, if you dont feel the need to make that amount just become something else

Oh and corporatism is the state supporting the corporations instead of the people, ofcourse this is an effect of capitalism but that doesnt disqualify the entire idea

Probably the stupidest post I've read today.

I don't think you understand, when you get exiled, you get kicked out of the fucking country.
Assuming you have the money and travelling ability but that wasn't the case with Marx.
You can't walk across an ocean.
Who wants to take that risk?
Tell that to the disabled, diseased, and elderly. And not everyone will hire just anyone.
That's assuming you own the means of production in which you haven't noticed, most people don't. That's why they're the workers and not the capitalists.
Prices are artificially inflated to account for surplus value, under market socialism they would be bare minimum or the price would be eliminated entirely under communism.
That's not what socialism or communism is. You're eating American cold war trash propaganda.
But it DOESN'T advocate that. You just believe whatever lies your capitalist masters feed you.
Stop with this shit meme. Distributism is keynesian which is capitalist. Socialism is equality of opportunity not equality of outcome.
That's a great idea! Why don't homeless people just pull thousands of dollars out of their ass and go to med school or buy a factory?
Wrong. Corporatism is the belief that a self-interested capitalist institution will willingly restrict itself in the face of the profit motive. Think of it like this:
Saying you want capitalism without corporatism is like injecting yourself with HIV and expecting it not to turn into AIDS.

Not an argument

I know you get kicked out retard but you said my house, not my country

You can travel by boat though, which you can pay for by working

Exactly, if you dont want to take that risk you dont deserve the rewards

I said Anyone can get a job, there is no reason why you couldnt unless youre severely handicapped, in that case I do support government funding as you cant just let people die as in ofcourse the government should spend taxes on these people, you cant let them die

You can own it though, just tell the big man to fuck off, or build your own factory

And deflated because of competition, under socialism you cant have that because everything is worth the same amount (Or something similar I cant really explain it as well as you)

Youre eating it too, but yeah I do agree I dont know as much about socialism as you do

That is true but has never been aplied in real life, so I dont know, I do support that though

Oh and I dont leave, thats the thing, I can vote corporatists out of office

I think we agree on alot just not really on how it works or how it should be accomplished

Im also pro minimum-wage and the supporting of people who are unable to work, just the basic common sense things

Noooo, Hitler wasn't a real Nazi! The Wehrmacht weren't Nazis either! Nation Socialism always creates a utopia so if NatSoc is implemented and a utopia is not formed, it wasn't real NatSoc! Let's give it another chance!

You dumb nigger, factories cost money
But capitalism creates the conditions for commodities at exorbitant prices.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Where do you get all these shit ideas? Have you read an intro to socialism in your entire life?
Wrong, unlike you I read books and don't get my info from watered-down heavily-jpegged images on the internet
Why hasn't this happened then?

I'm not a nazi you dumb shit.


What issue is Marxist economics trying to solve, then?
It doesn't address poor people. It merely addresses the middle class. People who produce a relevant amount who get paid with wages are already well off even if they're not getting all they deserve, this is a very minor problem in comparison with poor people and with the general economic administration of the country.

holy shit you're either retarded or a newfag if you don't know the "it wasn't true socialism" meme.


socialism is theft

Can someone direct me to the right political leaning where I just want to devolve myself in a dark nihilism and rid the world of all living life in a nuclear holocaust.


Those digits don't lie

Why are those real socialism but the USSR and such wasnt?

Thats why you work you dumb nigger'
Yeah I know, you dont have to repeat the statement that I commented on
single most retarded statement yet, I guess everything in the bible is true too, oh and the quran, and the baghavad gita, harry potter, LOTR, Well I guess just fucking everything is true as long as its in a book
Do these things still exist? Where they succesfull? Werent they way better off as capitalist?
its still capitalism
Shitty third world east-bloc country
east germany is underdeveloped compared to west
Well it became the soviet union, and eh, well, we know what happened there (20+ million)(!)
It's living conditions are still awful, and its much better in the economic zones (AKA capitalist zones)
Oh yeah korea is great, especially the communist part
-Random country I dont give a shit about
Better than the USSR because it wasnt as strict, its still kinda shitty compared to the rest of capitalist europe
Fell apart, capitalistic now and far better, still shitty compared to capitalist europe
Only fair game because pinochet really fucked up
-A bunch of fucking islands off africa
I dont give a shit, its still shitty
Stop it with these shitty countries
ITS A FUCKING ISLAND STOP Ofcourse communism works in small communities because thats the natural state of things
-Burkina faso
I, I really dont want to find out
I dont even know anymore, libertarian socialism??? Wat
Seriously stop it

Not true. It's determined by how useful something is. For example, compare the prices of printer ink and gasoline per gallon.

It's simple. Resource + Service > Resource. People pay upwards of $500 for phones because the amount of work put into the service of creating an iPhone is very very high.

Easily one of the most incorrect things I have read, and here is why. If it were true that capitalism, not the instincts of humanity, were the cause for a society of competition, then why would capitalism, the embodiment of competition, have arose?
No, competition is in human nature. When two men want a woman, and the woman must choose one man, those two men are bound to competition. Everyone wants something that cannot be shared. EVEN IN A MARXIST COMMUNIST SOCIETY, competition is RIFE. For example, let's say the state needs only 500 programmers. More than 500 people want to be programmers, obviously, so let's just say 1000. That means there are 1000 people in competition to be one person in those 500 slots. Only 50% of people will succeed.
And, like capitalism, when a communist society struggles to make ends meet, such as during a famine or a drought, it must choose which people are the most important. People starve and die in famines. Do you think the state is going to let its top electrical and chemical engineers starve in the name of the janitors? No, it will choose the more important people to survive, and leave the others to starve. Human lives are not of equal importance. When the shit hits the fan, marxists will end up just as competitive and self-interested as the capitalists, because human nature is not just some "fairy tale."

This is because they're too dumb to sacrifice pleasure for safety. Why do you think so many believe stupid shit like reading is for losers? They're uneducated, and they make poor choices. Don't try to make it seem like the stupid man's poor decision is the direct fault of the rich smart man, especially when it's the rich smart man pushing birth control, abortion, and sexed in school, and it's the idiots and the religious pushing back.

Don't you love it that Marxists actually believe anyone who disagrees with Marxism must be killed in the name of social progress? And don't you love it how they think this is actually a progressive concept? Replace Marxism with Nazism, and all the sudden it's a "horrible atrocity." Notice how a number of the people who are getting shot in the last panels did absolutely nothing wrong, other than be victims of this "terrible machine" that Marx has been ranting about.

And that is why your comic's rhetoric is garbage.

Bullshit, its all about supply and demand, come on that's just basic economics

lol wut

I'm not a stalinist you idiot. Also the USSR (NEP) was state capitalist

I'm not a newfag you retard I know what it means and it's a shit meme.

See above
How is a homeless person going to get a job and work to earn money to buy a factory when no one will hire him and he can't get enough money to buy one moron?
Read a fucking book you dumb nigger. Try "The Soul of Man Under Socialism" for one.
Read it again
In eliminating poverty, giving the means of production to the workers, and eliminating inequality? Yes.

Forget it you're a lost cause.

Confirmed for stopped reading halfway thru the comic
Marx means within a capital society dominated by a monetary system not "everybody is out to compete with one another" read it again
Dialectical Materialism, history is a series of class struggles by a few elites maintaining power over proles. Slavery -> Feudalism -> Capitalism.
Wrong, humans are byproducts of their material conditions
lol no
Communism doesn't have a state. Do you not know anything at all? That's what i get for coming to Holla Forums for a political debate.
Funny, except for the fact that that only happens in capitalism, communism has surplus of products and everyone is guranteed a job because with the profit motive eliminated products are created in excess for the entire commune. More people = more jobs = more products, instead of that wealth being hoarded by the 1%.
I'd rather an unlikely famine come as a result while we're working hard to provide food for everyone than allow starving homeless out in the streets and the 3rd world. How well did muh free market work out during pic related?
Capitalism puts them in that position in the first place, so it's not necessarily the fault of any one particular rich person, but the entire system itself
That's a big generalization
Marx did nothing wrong
Wrong but stay classcucked.

Supply and demand is a tautology.

Over a million irishmen starved to death in the potato famine because MUH PROFITS, MUH FREE MARKETS, MUH TRUE CAPITALISM was more important than human life.

Bullshit, if I have 2 burgers and 3 people want one, then the supply, two burgers, is different from the demand, three burgers