Even Nastycock slut Linkara is openly making fun of Spoony for being unprofessional
AT 11:22 to 11:33
Even Nastycock slut Linkara is openly making fun of Spoony for being unprofessional
AT 11:22 to 11:33
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fuck off lewis
Okay, I kind of understand people not making webms when the entire 20 minutes long video is to be mocked, but you're literally pointing out an 10 second fragment.
Nobody give this fucker views.
here's the webm
How long until the whole TGWTG house of cards topples from even more internal strife?
I expect Spoony to launch into a ten hour long twitter rampage when this comes to his attention. A betrayal from the nasty cockslut.
I'm not sure what Spoony has been doing since his exile from the rest of the autistic retards, but I still love his final fantasy and ultima videos.
Hope he makes some for FFXV a while after that comes out.
If reports from Holla Forums's channel autism threads are to be trusted (and those threads are pretty much 95% spoony, 5% the rest of those people), the only thing Spoony is doing any time soon is suicide.
The guy run himself into a relationship where he's the pet, into a serious dept, and he has not delivered anything he promised to his patrons, causing him to lose a large portion of them, it doesn't seem like there is any hope for him.
Shame, really, I honestly think his ultima reviews are some of the only decent stuff that ever came out of "internet reviewing".
Doug Walker will somehow cash in on spoony death
See, OP?
This guy gets it.
What does this have to do with Spoony? Is Spoony trying to kickstart a boardgame?
this was from a while ago though.
my bet is, it has nothing to do with spoony. The linkara-shilling autist just made a connection "duhh, Spoony reviews board games and ripped off his patrons, it must be about him" and is using it to get more attention.
I had forgotten just how bad his voice was.. It's like he's STILL going through puberty, for fuck's sake.
Remember when Lewis made fun of Chris Bores, but did the exact same shit with his video series? And now he's making fun of Spoony getting kickstarter money when Lewis' own movie took forever and was a steaming pile of shit? I don't like how Lewis thinks he's in a position to criticize anyone about anything.
Also sage because who gives a shit about what an e-celeb said about another e-celeb
holy shit user, I'm a raging faggot who takes dicks up his ear daily but even I did not watch his movie
you should be ashamed of yourself
This is funny coming from the guy who's stretch goals were RELEASE DATES FOR HIS VIDEOS!
Between Holla Forums and DHI, people think Spoony is either dead in a basement or being eaten by his dog or both
The people still donating to him and he himself deserve each other. They're enabling him and he's just leeching off of that.
oy vey you antisemites are depriving me of vital kosher nourishment
its funny because he's not even jewish.
If you paid him 80 shekels would he review his own comic?
There's a review out there already
ell oh ell
Holy shit
okay, I'm not trying to defend linkara here, but I really don't understand the issue here.
His program started with him reviewing whatever he wanted, and people were fine with it.
He is not forcing anybody to send him comics, people are doing it out of their own free will.
On top of that, apparently the demand for his shitty reviews is higher that what he has to offer, meaning that he can set any price he wants.
What do you people expect him to do? Review every single comic that people send him? If he did so, I'm pretty sure that there would be people who would send him thirty 5$ comics every month, just for shits and giggles.
he did a parody video of Chris Bores in one of his earlier reviews. He was reviewing a Power Ranger comic at the time.
By Linkara? Link?
I'll never understand how this guy even has a fan base, let alone fans who want to give money to him.
I have never in my life seen a more grating, autistic personality and voice rolled into the ugliest face I can imagine
Probably the same people who gave MatPat and this gent, a fanbase…
How do you make WEBMS while keeping the sound, i downloaded the latest edition of webm maker and it kills the audio
Lewis did a very unsubtle parody of the Irate Gamer, and didn't really have any good jabs at him besides the fact that the Irate Gamer is supposedly stupid.
What's ironic is that they're both fat, balding, men who rely on an over abundance of greenscreening and plastic toys to make their craft. But Lewis is considerably worse, considering he has self-insert power fantasy storylines which he takes very seriously.
I wanted to see how bad it was. Granted, I don't think that's a good excuse because it's on part "I wanted to see if the lion would bite me." But if you're curious, it's more boring than over the top terrible. Everyone has some sort of deep introspective monologue, including the throaway costume jokes that Lewis kept running with to be full fledged characters.
Once upon a time, we were young, and he seemed like a more moderate, less screechy Nostalgia Critic, but for comics. He seemed fun. Then we grew older, and tired of him.
Also, finding out that he's not nearly as straight-edge as his persona would have you think.
don't use webm maker you fucking 4hag, use ffmpeg.
It's not immediately obvious how it works, but in long term, in has much more features.
There are three dozen tutorials on the internet on how to use it, but if you don't want to search, I once taught a dude on /tg/ how to use it, in exchange for porn.
I fell into the trap of watching Lewis's movie. I honestly thought it would at least be hilariously bad like Nostalgia Critic's Too Boldy Flee and I could get a laugh about it but it was much worse. Even though he made a diatribe of how professional his work ethic for the movie compared to the terribly run CA movies, the product he produced was just as terrible though much worse in my opinion.
A ton of monologue's for his one-joke characters to give them deeper meaning like how his 90's kid guy is smarter than he looks. His affection for the 90's was for simpler times. Very little set pieces and amateur camera work. The terrible wrap up of mecha-kara that just ends in a terminator fight. It was a terrible watch and nobody should watch it willingly. He should have just done a lightbringer movie if that was the quality of work he put out. He apparently made a manuscript for the movie which makes it all the worse because he looked at it and approved of it. Also, all those CA cast members he brought on didn't do shit. It was all so that he could give more depth to his own review continuity.
Funny, I saw the thread and my first thought was to talk about that movie.
Since people don't ever mention it. I guess you watched it so I don't have to, but I still kinda wanna watch it.
I don't wanna give him half a cent, though. Has it been reuploaded by someone else? I wanna see the upload that won't give him a click.
Wait, what kind of relationship is he in?