No Kaine thread yet? Really?
This guy is a walking meme. He's a pro-life Catholic willing to sacrifice babies to be VP to Queen Clinton.
His eyebrow is "a thing."
No Kaine thread yet? Really?
This guy is a walking meme. He's a pro-life Catholic willing to sacrifice babies to be VP to Queen Clinton.
His eyebrow is "a thing."
Other urls found in this thread:
VAfag here. I didn't vote for him, and he also supports the assault weapons ban. I wish he would lose his senate race.
I feelz for ya, VAfag. I'm a SCfag, and I hate Graham.
This guy, his very existence is an insult to Kek.
Ok so let's visualize a Pence vs Kaine debate. After seeing these two men talk and how they talk, how would this go? Who holds the room?
Like last cycle even though Joe is an old molesty fucker, he won the charisma contest against Ryan in that debate.
Don't think in terms of policy or arguments, but in Scott Adams persuasion terms. Who do undecided normies end up liking more after this debate
It's crossed my mind, and I have no idea yet.
I honestly never heard of either one of these guys before this.
Did Ryan throw the debate? I mean, how do you lose a debate to a goofy old fucker like Biden?
I don't get this pick at all.
It's like she's giving the middle finger to the Bernie supporters. And there isn't a single white male who is going to be more likely to vote for her because of this either. Just fucking stupid.
Was becoming grand cuck part of his plan?
Biden's kind of that "funny" old grandfather that everyone loves, so he had the edge over tight ass Paul Ryan. It comes back to the definition of cuckservative, you can't be a better Democrat than an actual Democrat. And this is Paul Ryan we're talking about, he's no normal cuck, and he was just as bad back then.
Our friend Wojak here seems to be pretty good at speeches. Hopefully Trump can give him a few pointers in dealing with Kaine. If it was Warren he would be fucked because no matter what in the eyes of the leftist public, and woman or minority will have the edge. But A FUCKING WHITE MALE? It's Pence's debate to lose.
from what I hear hes also a wall street lapdog.
Hillary probably thinks sacrificing the bernout vote for more wall street shekels a good strategy. After the DNc email leak I doubt shes getting any of those votes anyway.
On the whole I have no idea why this guy was chosen, feels like the just scraped him out of a barrel full of hacks
Pence exudes an honest-to-goodness Midwestern vibe. If he capitalizes on that and brands Kaine as a DC insider in contrast, he wins the charisma game.
Kek willed that the DNC choose a cuck to represent them. Meme magic is real.
Everything is fucking magical nowadays.
Scott Adams thinks Kaine is the deathnail for any hope of Clinton closing the gap with males.
Remember a week ago when we were shitting ourselves over the possibility that Trump would take on a cuck VP like Pence? Then the mysterious ways of Kek revealed to us that Pence was Wojak and that this was destined to be.
Now we have Pence being more alpha than both the other side's VP AND presidential picks.
Wojak is more alpha than the entire other team. And this was AFTER Wojak got reassigned from Sanders for Sanders being too much of a weak cuck to contain the memetic forces of Wojak.
Pence could probably win this thing singlehandedly, if it weren't for the extreme rigging, fraud and disinformation campaign.
And on top of all of that, the ticket is headed by Trump/pepe/Kek.
This will still be a fight, because of the globalist forces aligned against us, but as far as the opposition candidates? They're going to be a cakewalk massacre.
In my opinion, like there are multiple variations of Pepe/Kek, Pence is the original Wojak of the
variety, while Sanders was the newer Wojak of the poo poo pee pee variety.
Good point user.
Is Hillary trying to steal some of /bane/'s meme magic? This is fucking blasphemy
I just think it's funny that Hillary had time to select a great counter to Pence, like an ethnic minority to get the fanatic anti white vote pumped. But instead she chose her own Democrat version of Pence, but less attractive and more of a beta, and even more polarizing to Dem voters.
Think more like Old Testament/ whatever the Jew version is called.
This goes with
Hillary→Whore of Babylon
It seems to me that Kek agrees.
It all makes sense
Holy Trinity dubs checked.
He's an Irishman, the eternal hybernian strikes again. Is he openly a lazy greedy drunkard, or does he hide it reasonably well?
RE: tim kaine, swing state virginia
RE: coal industry, virginia
RE: obama, chicago energy cronyism, green revolution, al gore, carbon credits, natural gas, central banks, elon musk, tesla, solyndra, solarcity, global warming
everyone's gas prices are rising, everyone's utility bills are rising and will soon skyrocket, green-shills are all-in mining the 'revolution'-speak with no end in sight, and just shy of 200,000 miners (~50k coal) have lost their jobs. murray energy, the last of the 'trusted employers' is about to dump thousands more come Q4, while two other leading coal producers over-jewed themselves and got out-jewed (on purpose, they knew, and were part of, the chicago team).
it is unlikely that virginia, nor west virginia, will have much love for anything remotely democratic. the debt is coming due, and there is little remorse.
powder kek…
http naturalgasnow org/climate-crisis-inc-perfect-example-of-crony-capitalism/
http www oilandgas360 com/2015-coal-v-natural-gas/
http www americanthinker com/articles/2011/06/crony_capitalism_and_obamas_anti-coal_crusade.html
http www theintelligencer net/news/top-headlines/2016/07/murray-energy-warns-of-potential-layoffs-at-ohio-valley-mines/
checked again
Think of it like this: the people who are still undecided are going to vote on basically who is the better TV character. Pence looks and sounds like the kind of guy who would appear as a general or some other high-ranking military officer in an episode of NCIS; Kaine looks and talks like the kind of guy who would play the murderer or a slimy quisling in an episode of NCIS.
Pence beats Kaine hands down on the TV presence/charisma battle.
Sadly, this is probably just about right. It serves our current benefit, so hard to complain about just now, but a sad state of modern politics tbh.
Pence: I suck Israel's dick the hardest
Kaine: No, I do!
Pence: But I also swallow
Kaine: Not only do I swallow, I'll pay for the privilege as well!
Pence: I'll pay more!
Kaine: I'll make very American pay for it!
Actually just going by a glance at google images, Kaine looks like the shitty comic relief character that nobody actually likes.
This fucking faggot
Speaking Spanish nonstop during his introductory speech
More than that, I think the Dems are mistakenly assuming Obama-level minority turnout for this go-around. With a ticket like this, and considering they're 10/10 on Wall Street, I find it hard to believe they're going to capture the same percentage turnout of the young and brown vote they enjoyed from Obama.
Exactly. Just like Trump isn't original or sad Pepe, but smug/shitlord Pepe (and, honestly, I think he's his own incarnation of Pepe).
Pence gives us feels because he's an aw shucks Mid-western white Christian with a good family in a based white, blue collar Christian conservative state. We know it's a sham, but he's a pleasant mirage of nostalgic American values that are being strangled and wiped out fast. He'll also do the cuck shit for Trump and go full >tfw for sob story black orphan charities and chant cuckservative mantras to the minority establishment to keep them pacified.
If dubs, he crashes her campaign with no survivors.
time for a reroll lad
You didn't get dubs because it isn't a Bane meme, it's a reference to Cain.
Imagine Hillary stroking out/having an aneurysm. Can you guys imagine this guy being the president? Do you think anyone else can?
Jeb is still the King of Cucks in my heart.
I heard someone call Trump the 'people's champion' recently too.
This is getting strange, jabroni.
So is Joe Biden
Kaine: Civil rights attorney (the gibs will love that), former Richmond mayor (the gibs appointed him), Virginia Governor during V-Tech, Southern Governor's Association, Chairman of the DNC, US Senator.
He does the Spock eyebrow thing.
No, Tubal Cain.
"Sheeeit Tyrone, if you register to vote, the IRS will come after you for that fine for not paying for Obamacare."
according to recent DNC email leaks, Hillary's campaign has been paying young libs to vote for hillary.
Scott is right, Kaine looks beta as fuck. If I knew nothing about him, I'd also give good odds that he was gay.
I didn't even know these existed
Hold on to your hat, friend.
There are Democrats who are: pro-gun, pro-life, pro-border wall, anti-Islam, and pro-death penalty.
Look up the Blue Dog Democrats (formerly known as Dixiecrats)
Will Rogers once famously said, "I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat."
dubs confirm
Someone get this hothead outta here
so no matter who she chose, she'd be fucked? it doesn't sound like those other options would have helped her much, and she's been having trouble with a male vote
I knew about there being anti-gun ones and anti-immigration ones but pro-life ones is new to me. Anti-immigration particularly makes sense as socialist style policies are particularly doomed if you open up the border which is abundantly clear when you look at all the Somalians flocking to Germany for gibs.
There real problem is that she's an unlikeable old harpy. A female leader has to be charming and inspire male loyalty. You see them around the world sometimes, but practically never here.
Trips confirm: She fucked.
Last decent female leader I've ever known was Texas Governor Ann Richards. We need more like her.
Who are you quoting?
Biden, one way or another, has the same kind of charisma Dubya had. You might not like the guy, but you feel like you could have a beer with him regardless. Jewt's got a little of that in him too.
Niggers don't know/don't care. He whitey, fuk him.
Is this OP an ad for Kaine? It comes with it's own applause and dick sucking by the OP.
Does anyone have the Lilith/Kaine pic?
On another note, why doesn't Holla Forums call Hillary the Queen of the Cucks more often?
Kaine's father owned a unionized metalwork/welding business named Ironcrafters
Kaine's worked there as kid (as a scab)
Clinton's NAFTA put his dad out of business
There is an ongoing thread on cuckchan about this.
that's nice and all but I will never go back to cuckchan
This is true. She's torture to listen to. The Kenyan at least had the smoove talking nigger act going for him.
wew. good info though, scabs are the worst.
American females think being a ball busting shouter means leadership.
Biden is an alpha male. Much more than Paul Ryan.
Wrong page.
Hopefully Trump brings back White Protestant America and defeats the Papal and Kike scum.
What's that pic from?
Bump to combat the sliding.
already on page 5
the sliding is real
How do you give someone such realistic red eyes like that in an image editor?
I hate this Irish faggot and he represents the deracination of Virginians. He needs to go back home.
Pure Kek.
That's a very persuasive image.
What a utter faggot. I can't see white independent voters putting up with his amazing Spanish interjections.
If dubs, Hillary wins.
Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines.
Close one
As I recall, Biden's whole strategy was being a complete condescending dick. Whenever Ryan started pulling figures out and trying to sound smart all Biden did was laugh at him. That was literally his whole strategy. Biden sonned him, big time. Ryan's baby face didn't do him any favors. He came off like a naive young punk thinking he knows how the world works and trying to explain it to someone who's been there and done that.
He looks like he is doing a stupid Jim Carrey face all the time.
anything new on him?
I SHIT YOU NOT, Biden literally just laughed at him the entire debate, Ryan was making all these points and Biden just sat there and laughed and got away with it scot free, I hate the guy but I have to admit he was an absolute madman to have been able to pull that off.
You guys should have watched Pence's speeches after becoming VP, they were great, he hopped 100% on board with the Trump train with amazing enthusiasm, those of you who say he looks low energy or cuckish are completely wrong, the guy is a total badass who wants to take his country back with Trump. He will BTFO Kaine just with how genuinely driven he is towards making America great again.
Was just thinking about this today. Tim Kaine is to the Democucks what Mark Kirk is to the Republicucks.
What would be the proper meme term for this, Holla Forums? Libcuck is already occupied by a different definition. Lefticuck? Democracuck?
Fucking Moloch Cultists and their flamboyant bullshit, I swear.
I fucking love Current Year+1
There are pro-life, pro-family Democrats, but Kaine isn't one of them.
The last time I recall one becoming the nominee in a major race was paleoconservative, anti-NWO Democrat Mark E. Clayton in Tennessee in 2012, but he lost to neocon incumbent Bob Corker.
Tim Kaine Hate Thread
King of the Kike Puppets
I had a hearty kek
Biden's so cocky and arrogant for being such a do-nothing VP for 8 years
Its cause he knew there was no way the black guy was going to lose. He knew he didn't even have to debate. This shit is rigged as fuck, and has been for awhile.
The Bernie thing at least made more normies aware of this. Rigged elections is no longer tinfoil hat territory, and that's a good thing.