R/conspiracy finds Mossad

What Are The Odds?? Same Guy That Filmed France Truck Attack, On Scene at German Mall Shooting

German journalist Richard Gutjahr, 42, who filmed the scene unfold, said: 'I stood on the balcony, right on the Promenade des Anglais, and saw how people celebrated there, and how suddenly a truck drove through the crowd,' he told AFP on Friday.


Local reporter Richard Gutjahr described the scene at the shopping center as something "out of a bad movie," with the shopping center completely surrounded by police, a helicopter overhead, and police carrying semi-automatic rifles. Gutjahr was not able to confirm reports of deaths or injuries.


Richard Gutjahr who filmed the Nice France Bastille Day Staged attack is married to Mossad agent and Knesset member Einat Wilf. To quote Mossad agent Richard Gutjahr this video is like something "out of a bad movie"

redNot hotlinking for shillsdit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4u5oem/what_are_the_odds_same_guy_that_filmed_france/

Inb4shills take first comments.

Another cool thing I found is berniebots are supporting trump now hahahahahaaahaaha. When they realize Trump is their only hope left. redstill not hotlinkingdit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4u6hum/clinton_camp_asked_about_dnc_leaks_on_fox_news/d5ng14d

Other urls found in this thread:


This was posted here earlier right after it happened but it got buried in shitposts


OF course the German CIA department has no idea how lucky can a man be.

Doktor Pavel, Ich Bin CIA

Bump, this is big

Holy shit.

Aww shit I did see that but didn't realize it's the same as the reddit one. The thread died before I came back to save it. Too many happenings and a weak computer is taxing.

The reddit user who pointed it out first in that sub does browse pol.

Thanks for reposting.

This comment kept getting bumped off, clearly nothing to see here goys…

Richard Gutjahr - German journalist

Husband of Ex-Mossad Lieutenant and former Knesset member, who just so happened to coincidentally find himself in Cairo to film the (((Arab Springs))) just as it was "Habbeninks".

Later he would find notoriety as the goy…er guy who managed to get back from his historic holiday in Nice managing to capture on film a white truck doing nothing much, shortly before it went on to do something that made headlines around the world, after his lovely holiday trip he got back arriving in Germany, Munich to be precise, just in time to catch the beginning of the Munich terror attack.

I hope no tin foil hatters are going to use this mere cohencidence to make claims that israeli intelligence services are directly involved in this.
Remember coincidences are just that, a coincidence, nothing more, nothing less filthy goyim.

We have to shed ourselves and this entire movement of all these conspiracy theorists, who provide facts and evidence of conspiracies taking place, and go with whatever the jewish media tells you goys.

A bit like uncle CIA-kike Anglin has been telling you goys about since he started, remove tin foil hats and watch and believe all you see and hear on TV, got that goys?

Conspiracy tin foil hat wearing nutjobs almost all become anti-semites in one way or another eventually, so we must purge this site and all others of any and all people who notice things…

Now go fight for israel you filthy low-down dog goys… er guys.


Er war nicht allein.

The most baffling thing is how anyone was ever so fucking naive and stupid to think these attacks were actually a ragtag band of bombed-out shitskins by themselves. Does anyone really think a pack of inbred camel-jockeys that have proven time and time again to be fucking stupid and incompetent at EVERYTHING can magically slip dozens of weapons, trained shooters and gear through multiple countries security and coordinate all the logistics of each attack? By themselves??

Mate, European border control stopped being a thing over a year ago.

This is pretty blatant.

Nah it's good you reposted. No one gives a shit about legit false flag info in their habbenin threads unfortunately.

true, but the latest attacks arent that "brilliant". the nice one, dude jumps in a truck and drive straight in to crowd of people. paris attack, dudes with aks just walk inside a party and started shooting.

the one that actually were pretty well planned imo was the charlie hebdo one

and also this, european borders suck ass, espacially borders between schengen countries. i could probably go down to serbia, get myself a old ak47, field strip it down and smuggle it back to al-swecuckistan in a backpack easily

Well, I think Anglin gets funded by Russians, not the CIA.

I don't see what the CIA would gain by getting more and more people openly laugh at the Jewish scum. Russia, however, is trying to D&C the west so they fund all sorts of far-right and nationalistic projects at the moment. Obviously not a bad thing for us but something to keep in mind.

That, and the obvious Russian bias when he never tells anything bad about Putin and his Jewish cabal and instead writes everything in his favor.

I still browse the site quite often, the articles are pretty funny if you can get past the bias

also Anglin is notoriously anti-German. At least it feels like it. He never sees anything positive in Germans past the NatSoc but instead calls them cucks for everything like Germans are responsible for everything.

It's not just borders between Schengen, sandniggers can walk from Whateverfuckistan to anywhere in western Europe with a gun in his backpack without being thoroughly searched once.

A white UK resident has to go through full strict border controls and have his papers and criminal records checked

Du kannst hier nicht einfach Freunde mitbringen!

A white Brit isn't part of a violent invading horde.

What are the odds that a German journalist was at the scene of a major crime in the 3rd largest city in Germany; and that the same journalist was at another crime scene in the 5th biggest city in France, 500 km away on France's national holiday?
It's not as much of a fucking stretch as you're trying to make it out to be. People are not rooted to the ground.

After further digging it seems that this isn't quite what's going on.

The guy was, apparently, at the Nice incident when it happened. However, when this shooting happened at the McDonald's, he was in his car somewhere and drove to the scene, took some pictures. I don't know how close or far he was, but he heard about it via scanner or radio or whatever and drove there. The video of the thing happening wasn't taken by this guy.

it would be a GIANT coincidence if this fucking guy was at both scenes of the crimes right before they happened. If he was at each place right before the slaughters took place, that's extremely unlikely, and it is a huge stretch.

The question is whether this dude was really at those places before each event. It seems that he was at the scene of the crime in Nice before it happened, but not at the mcdonalds in germany.

That's the whole principle of schengen: there's no borders, except with non-schengen countries. It's not that they're bad, it's they stopped existing at all a while ago.

du darfst nicht bringen freunde

hmmm, ANGLin, ANGLo…
pure coincidence?

Are you tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, goy?

It's obviously a hint at this.

Richard Gutjahr
Moltkestr. 16
80803 München

I could swear i remember this street name in munich of another investigation we had.
Some green party or soros connection with the immigration we investigated in september last year or so.
Pretty sure it had to do with the brochure sky news found.

Might be nothing but would be nice if someone who still has the archives would check

What's their goal here.. More fighting for Israel?

Oh yeah guys, the_donald on Reddit was founded by the biggest Zionist shill and the place is turning retarded.

kill yourself.

so what are kikes after?

scaring european kikes to leave for israel?
creating more antimuzzie sentiment so that they can make sausages out of palis, even the chritian ones?
just killing eurogoyim as a revenge for the lolocaust?
a little bit of all three?

You don't have to browse it to see its' retarded. You just have to know it's on reddit.

Try reading the pic I posted, pal

civil war, war with Iran

Stupid goyim stop being so racist, they were good boys who dindu nuffin. They.we're.just.there.to.document.the.event.

Yeah, the guy who created the_donald was a mod of conspiritard. The sub is a hive for NSA and JIDF who brigades r/conspiracy.

They moved to topmindsofreddit to still brigade r/conspiracy and everyone who thinks. They don't even hide that they are NSA or Eglin Air Force base anymore.

Protip: the purpose of the Refugee crisis was never to exterminate white people, but to cause civil war across the EU.

There was some ex-mossad guy on the roof across the street of the Pulse nightclub shooting too.

Who had come to Florida from elsewhere as far as I remember.

This. For a group of people who claim to question everything you sure are fucking dumb.


Why don't you get another ip and make a similar post?

Nice Truck "attack" another hoax

what real Truck tragedies look like



Obvious shills detected. Hang yourselfs.

In what way is that a shill post?

Hoax means fake, it wasn't. If it was a false flag event overseen by (((agents)) then prove it and call it so. Even if this was true, mudslimes would have done it anyways without help.

just because the kikes had intel doesn't mean it isn't real dipshit

it is a hoax you retard

wheres the evidence?

Grabbed from Imgur:

Wiki page of Einat Wilf Scrubbed: Wife of Richard Gutjahr, the man who filmed truck attack in Nice, France - and - who was on the scene of the Munich shootings- has been edited to Scrub all reference to her history working in Israeli intelligence

Remember goys there are no conspiracies.
You must avoid and cease all contact with anyone out there trying to tell you israeli intelligence services are always around when these attacks take place in Europe.

Dump of accompanying text from above article

Here is a link to an archive of her Wiki Page as of July 18, 2016


Here is a link to an archive of the SCRUBBED page, July 23, 2016


What is Unit 8200?

Wiki on Unit 8200

Unit 8200 is the largest unit in the Israel Defense Forces, comprising several thousand soldiers.[3] It is comparable in its function to the United States' National Security Agency and is a Ministry of Defense body just as the NSA is part of the United States Department of Defense.

Subordinate to Unit 8200 is Unit Hatzav (Hebrew name for Drimia (Hebrew: יחידת חצב‎‎)), responsible for collecting OSINT intelligence. The unit monitors and collects military intelligence–related information from television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. The translation of various items accounts for part of what is termed "basic intelligence", which is collected by the units. According to media reports, the unit provides over half of the overall intelligence information for the Israeli Intelligence Community.

In depth articles on Unit 8200:
Inside Israel's Secret Startup Machine
Archive: archive.is/qwzz6

Unit 8200: Israel’s cyber spy agency
Archive: archive.is/cNJhX

And the plot thickens…
EDIT: For those who doubt the veracity of the original Wiki page, here are more media and web references to Wilf working in Unit 8200 (all archives)

From the Jerusalem Post
Amira Dotan (Kadima), a former army officer with the rank of brigadier general; and Einat Wilf (Labor, Atzma’ut), a former intelligence officer in Unit 8200, with a PhD in political science, who was last to raise the issue, in the course of the 18th Knesset.

From FactualIsrael:
Dr. Einat Wilf explains why the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) perpetuates ‘maximalist’ Palestinian territorial claims and is a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East. During her national service in the Israel Defense Forces she was an Intelligence Officer in Unit 8200, and reached the rank of lieutenant.

From WIZO News
Born in Jerusalem, Dr. Wilf is a former IDF intelligence officer (in the elite 8200 unit), foreign policy advisor to Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres and strategic consultant with McKinsey & Company. She has authored several books, the latest of which, Winning the War of Words: Essays on Israel and Zionism

Google search for "Einat Wilf Unit 8200" brings up many more mainstream references.


Finalement, les paysans Anglos se réveille au pouvoir du Mssad…ces connards d'sgents impériaux controlent tous les gouvernements importants de la planete en collaboration avec leur petits buddies de la C.I.A…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

my thoughs exactly

The reason border security is so lax is because the government wants these terrorist attacks.


That makes sense because they are cucks. It's tough love.

Hitler said it best: "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

Did andrew get a tan or something? Something looks slightly different


He looks like the creepy assassin from grosse pointe blank.

He's gotta be an octoroon or part gook or something. No real white man looks like that.





Oui…rit de ce que tu ne peux comprendre, petit homme…c'est la marque des paysans avec peu d'intelligence…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

absolutely, as the picture here shows

I still feel like he's changed something. Maybe he just looks different bc this pic is in profile.


Why would you quote the Mossad's motto first in French, retard?

What is it, exactly, that you are claiming. No more vague bullshit and buzzwords. Make a specific claim and provide evidence or STFU

Anime girls used to be so sexy

OO, un gros Bubba Américain agressif…quel surprise…tu veux des évidences connard…ils sont partout autour de toi…ton cerveau est peut etre déja trop affecter par HAARP pour comprendre ca…

Calisse ferme ta gueule à place de sonner comme un plein de marde semi-illuminé. J'ai vu crissement du monde qui sont conscient des agissements du Mossad et des agences d'intel américaines ici. Faut que tu rapelle qu'on est constamment bombardé de disinfo par ces dites agences et les idiots qu'ils engagent au travers de compagnies bidons.

He basically called you a retarded peasant.

Etre illuminé est une bonne chose Kevin…tu devrais lire sur les Illuminatis …des gens incroyablement intelligent…tres supérieur au paysan moyen…


Speak english, faggots


Laisse moi deviner, tu pense que parler Latin est pour les lopettes intellectuels?
Qui non sciunt de educatione homunculum non…

Of course why didn't I think of that

Islam is a religion of peace so they never commit terror or do anything wrong

Also jews definitely are true geniuses by false flagging a muslim so more europeans become more ethnocentric and kick out foreigners (including kikes)!!

Get a load of this kike.

No one said the sandniggers didn't kill those people. Just that Israeli intelligence was present at both events,just like they were present at every other fucking terrorist attack on western civilians.

They are trying to get the people to desire war with Syria and Iran. And they are trying to divide the population as much as possible.

Kikes have no ability to examine their actions and observe that they are wrong. It is something they just can't do. So they double down and triple down until they cause an inquisition, a third Reich or a Imperium of Man

I don't understand how faggots like you fail to connect the dots on shit like this, it's like you're all completely unable to add two and two together without some anonymous stranger on the internet helping you through it like a tard wrangler making sure whatever abomination is on their leash doesn't spill its own brains on the nearest wall.

Mossad, Secret Intelligence sector of the Israeli Defence Force, gathers a bunch of muslim "refugees" which are actually terrorists and funnels them along with any supplies they might need into Europe under the veil of the rest of the Mossad orchestrated refugee crisis. Then, Mossad tells these muslims at a certain time and date to do something that gets a lot of white people killed using the supplies that they are given by Mossad. It's not a fucking case of "Jews/Muslims dindu nuffin, le greatest ally/religion of peace xddd", its two groups of foreigners working together to destroy whites.

OO…un Anglo-saxon qui a comprit le plan…je suis flabbergaster…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

Wasn't there someone who was a victim at two different terror attacks, and everyone tried to pass it off as (((pure coincidence)))? I just vaguely remember.

It got buried in the war-baiting by zionists who are all over Holla Forums right now

This. This is exactly what's going on. Israel has plans for greater Israel and they are delivering to the Muslims a new holy land.

The land of our fathers.

Again with the retarded D/C.

We've got enough hatred for both of you Memhet.
Hatred is not a quantified material that we have to share so that one of you might not get enough.
That's the beauty of it. We can perfectly hate Jews AND Mudslime.

That's fucking stupid muzzies hate kikes and vice versa

The kikes would just do it themselves.

But it's counter productive, it's more effective to let european countries cuck themselves to death.

Fucking hilarious m8, they're going to kill all whites via 1 attack a year that kills 6 people our of hundreds of millions?

It's to provoke ww3, obviously. The whole world will gather in the middle east to take out ISIS, and since it's clear the west supports/funds/created ISIS, it'll turn into an east vs. west/BRICS vs. NATO conflict.

Pauvre petit bloke qui ne comprends rien…je vais t'expliquer le plan…

Les Musulmans(lit soldat Juifs) n'on pas besoin de tuer ou de violer un blanc ou une blanche pour arriver a leur fin…seulement de faire plus d'enfants…une famille Musulmane moyenne en France et au UK fait 4 enfants…la famille blanche moyenne en fait 1,5…qu'est ce que ca donne dans 50-100 ans, grand génie?

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."


China/Russia/whoever ( Iran and some shitskins I guess )

vs the West

China invades thru Alaska and le liberators take advantage of a weak Europe in civil war and revert back to Soviet Expansion days.


Penser que l'Anglais est une langue de Patriciens…c'est littéralement la langue du plus bas dénominateur commun…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

There's a difference between tough love and constantly demanding that an entire nation must perish (which coincidentally lines up with the Talmudic extermination order as well)

Rappel quotidien que les Anglos sont des chiens et une des pires races Caucasiennes…ils ne sont riches que parce qu'une petite élite les rends riches…le bloke moyen et de bas classe est terriblement stupide et inéduqué…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

He is at least half kike
I can tell by the nose
and the kikery

Git the fuck out of here you Jacobin! Everyone knows the French are all practically Cryto-Jews. Merely the Shabbos goy until after they help start WWII and the United States unknowingly adopted your cancer.

That's true, but they hate Christians more. Kikes have always collaborated with muslims to fight against the cross. They aided their conquest of Spain, fought alongside them at Jerusalem against the Crusaders, opened the gates of Constantinople to the Turks, aided in the Armenian Genocide, the list goes on.

Just think about it, who would kikes hate more? The guys getting in their way over a little land dispute, or the guys responsible for over a thousand years of exile, ghettoes, persecutions and of course the Shoah?

Tu me parle, James?
Criss d'imbécile incapable de faire un(you)…
Les Anglos sont la first shock army des kikes, n'oublie jamais ca, James…peu importe ou Israel va, sont petit buddy, Big ole USA est juste derriere lui…vous etes essentiellement les bon goyims par excellence…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

n'importe quel mot en anglais peut etre un verbe

c'est un avantage semantique non negligable

Well, it's a good thing that jews practically control Christianity nowadays.

this kanukposter is a shill btw

he's been shitting on threads on french boards for years. We think he's too autistic to ever change his style, which is probably why he took the job.

Wow…un grand historien Sémitique ici…continue a croire l'histoire mainstream Bubba….je vais continuer avec le récentisme…


Well, their civilians fought as the People's Storm until their capital had been completely conquered and destroyed. After that the survivors have been blamed by the whole world for seven decades now.

We know that their (((media))) is not in their control, we know that they have foreign military bases in their country and we know they have hate speech laws so harsh they can't open their mind up. We know they have been denazificated by foreign forces keeping the rifle pipe behind their skulls.

Hitler also said that spreading defeatism was the worst thing their media did during the end of the Great War. I would say Anglin is spreading defeatism and pessimism harder than any other "nationalist" source.

God will Rain hell-fire down on you Frenchies for your sins against man. Adding and Abending Karl Marx and Pulsing Liberalism!
but you are right about those damn British "anglo-saxons" 100% kikes every single one!

Tu viens d'ou, Bubba?

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

This guy is a known troll in the French threads.
Filter him.

Nique ta mere la pute, Kevin…je ne suis pas un troll…j'essaie d'éduqué ces paysans comme un vrai neg, c'est tout…

*freunde bringen. Verbs after the first go at the end of the sentence

I'll translate for you guys:

Yes, I have a flat ass. I know you want me. I know you want me desperately.

Pour qu'une religion morale (qui n'est pas une religion de dogmes et d'observances, mais
une disposition du cœur à observer tous les devoirs humains comme des préceptes divins)
arrive à s'établir, il faut que tous les miracles que l'histoire rattache à son introduction rendent
enfin superflue elle-même la croyance aux miracles en général; c'est en effet trahir un degré
d'incrédulité morale digne de châtiment que de se refuser à reconnaître aux prescriptions du
devoir, telles qu'elles se trouvent originellement écrites dans le cœur de l'homme par la
raison, une autorité suffisante, si par surcroît elles n'imposent pas leur créance par des
miracles : « Si vous ne voyez point des prodiges ni des miracles, vous ne croyez pas. » Il est
cependant très conforme à la conception ordinaire des hommes de se figurer, lorsqu’une
religion de simple culte et d'observances touche à sa fin et doit céder la place à une religion
fondée en esprit et en vérité (basée sur l'intention morale), que l'introduction de cette
dernière, bien qu'elle n'en ait pas besoin, s'accompagne aussi dans l'histoire, et, pour ainsi
dire, se pare de miracles pour annoncer qu'est venu le terme de la première, proclamation qui,
sans miracles, n'aurait joui d'aucune autorité ; on s'explique même, et c'est naturel, que, pour
gagner à la révolution nouvelle les partisans de la religion établie, on la leur ait donnée
comme l'accomplissement de l'ancien symbole, comme la réalisation de la fin que la
Providence s'était proposée en l'établissant; et, cela étant, il ne sert à rien de contester les
récits dont il est question, ou les interprétations qu'on en donne, maintenant que la vraie
religion est fondée et qu'elle peut d'elle-même se maintenir, actuellement et dans l'avenir, par
des principes de raison, après avoir eu besoin, en son temps, de pareils moyens pour aider à
son introduction ; car ce serait vouloir admettre que le simple fait de croire et de répéter des
choses incompréhensibles (ce qui est loisible à chacun, sans qu'il soit meilleur pour cela ou
qu'il le devienne jamais), est une manière, et la seule, de se rendre agréable à Dieu, prétention
contre laquelle il faut s'élever de toutes ses forces. Il se peut donc que la personne du Maître
de l'unique religion valable pour tous les mondes soit un mystère, que son apparition sur la
terre, comme son départ d'ici-bas, comme sa vie riche en exploits et ses souffrances soient de
purs miracles, et même que l'histoire qui doit certifier le récit de tous ces miracles elle-même
soit un miracle (une révélation surnaturelle) ; nous pouvons laisser subsister la valeur de tous
ces miracles et même vénérer en eux l'enveloppe grâce à laquelle une doctrine, dont la
créance est basée sur un document ineffaçablement conservé dans toute âme humaine et n'a
nul besoin de miracles, a pu se répandre au grand jour, à la condition - et ceci concerne
l'usage de ces narrations historiques - de ne pas faire de la connaissance de ces miracles, de
leur confession de bouche et de cœur, une partie de la religion, une chose qui soit d'elle même
capable de nous rendre agréables à Dieu.

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

Posting an "attractive" woman with numbered filenames while shitting all over conspiracy discussions is so 2015. Sad!



Get for Trump's victory?

Off by two.


Rappel quotidien que les Juifs sont les vrais masterminds derriere l'invasion des Musulmans en Europe…détester les bougnoules mais n'oublier pas de détester les kikes 100 fois plus…

This .

Nobody ever asks who funds or who supplies

"The 1st time is happenstance the 2nd time is circumstance the 3rd time is enemy action."

Someone pour salt on this frog.

This is quite the fucking slip up!

They're getting careless!

Why I wonder?


this guys is a total shill
look goy the police dont carry full-auto rifles
they carry the same rifles civilians can own
citizens should not be able to carry weapons designed for law enforcement goy

Greater Israel Plan and Coudonhove Kalergi plan in one fell swoop for the foreskin munching kikes, plus a new caliphate for the goat fucker Muslims. The boot is the muslim, the foot in the boot is the jew. May they both get fucked, goddamn them and their fucking bullshit.

Fais le toi meme, Kevin…

'By way of deception, thou
shalt do war."

I took French in high school (et j'habite a l'E-U. Qoui d'un surprise! Pas des tout americans sont stupide. Aussi, il y a autre choix pour les langues et pays seulement, donc tu dois ne veux pas une langue autre que anglais sur l'internet, ou anglais est le langue ce qui le plus populaire.) so I can mostly keep up with the literal translations but I think I am missing the context of all of this. Can a Frenchie explain what exactly is the meaning behind his posts?


I apologize for my abhorrent French.

Je suis tres desolee pour mes mal francaise..

What a cohencidence goy!

Jews and Muslims will both hang with their enablers.

Jews con the world goyim.


Usually, they don't use politicians for Mossad. Before you jump all in this, I think Knesset is their equivalent of Congress or Parliament but I didn't do my research honestly so I'm going off memory because lol fuck Israeli law and Hebrew and shit.

What is the probability of a Congressman or MP being a member of the CIA or MI-6? (Insert other foreign intel agencies for other relevant countries as desired.) Very low, right? The problem with such people is that they're very high profile, very easy to research with a simple face or name search on the net. For field agents - that is, basically anyone who faces real exposure - intelligence agencies usually go for 'disposable assets.' That is, promising ex-military who haven't made any sort of profile such that their mugshot and life story can be dug up with a simple name or reverse image search in 20 seconds or 2 minutes tops.

On some committees, for instance in the US we have the House and Senate Intelligence committees, they are privy to wealths of SAPs and other classified information. (I mentioned this in another thread I think.) They get to sit in on various briefs at their leisure, and to some degree they actually get to inform, oversee, and direct operations. But field agents are going into other countries and frequently violating espionage laws. In the best of places, they could land themselves in a cell for a very long time. Everywhere else, they're on the wrong side of a firing squad or a scimitar.

So if she is anything, it would be a relatively high up handler or something like that.