I want to kill whoever made these in a legally defensible situation.
ITT: biggest mistakes of tech
Do you have any actual complaints about those two languages or are you just virtue signalling?
Of all the fucked-up Holla Forums monstrosities you could have picked to sperg out about, you picked none of them. Except maybe Java.
Python doesn't have neat little semicolons, and it freaks out every fucking time I try to compile my code over stupid shit like indentation, java also has weird syntax that bursts it's bubble every time I try to run my code. Despite all this, they're still considered the "easy" languages when C++ and Lisp are much easier to learn (unless you have a normalfag brain).
Both languages are basically designed by and for normalfags.
normalfags are better off with BASIC
all these fancy newfangled languages are overly complicated for that, no matter what kind of syntax your paint over them
PEBKAC. Sounds like you're just not very bright.
btw, copypasting a gist to modify your Emacs config doesn't mean you know Lisp.
Confirmed for knowing nothing about the difference between an interpreter and a compiler
Java syntax is basically the same as C99 syntax, which C++ adds on top of. I don't see how C++ can have easier syntax than Java when there is more to remember.
You mean, our brains are actually functioning and not crippled by autism?
User error is most cases is caused by the program being fucking thick.
Brackets are a superior way of closing/bordering conditionals and loops. Most of the IDEs I've found screw up the fucking indentation and I get 10 errors every time.
It's easier to just go into the IDLE shell and edit the indentation there.
Nice presumptions, faggot.
That's stupid. If there's more to remember, shit is more clearly defined.
I'll agree I may have messed up.
Python has semicolons, but you're allowed to use a line ending instead. If you want unnecessary semicolons all over the place for some ungodly reason you're free to type them.
But your only problems seem to be syntax problems. And not just regular complaints about syntax, they're actually complaints that come down to "it doesn't work the way I'm used to", which is an inane reason to consider something bad as a beginner language.
I'm not a fan of Java, but I don't agree with any of the arguments you've named against it. I do like Python.
Come back when you have some substantial complaints instead of "these languages are hard because the syntax is not the same as C++". If you want I can give you a few complaints to start with.
It sounds like you haven't spent longer than a few hours with either of the languages you're complaining about.
My first language was java and I absolutely hated it. I also had to learn python for whole semester because of a course.
C++ just makes more sense.
Although a genuine complaint I have is that java and python cater to normalfags and pajeets, over-saturating the market. Programming has gotten progressively easier, while doing things like painting or drawing have stayed at the same difficulty for the last centuries.
I think that's a rather generous assumption. I doubt he got farther than "Hello, world!"
Though, on second thought, that might have taken him a few hours.
In that case I'm genuinely concerned. Syntax errors are errors you make for the first few days of using a new language, when you're not yet used to it. After a week syntax errors are almost exclusively due to typos. It could be different with a hideously complex syntax and a language that forces you to use complex parts of the syntax all the time, but Java and Python don't fit in that category.
Your "genuine complaint" manages to be even worse than your previous ones, and contradictory to boot. It's not a complaint about the language itself, and now you suddenly claim that Python and Java made programming easier while you earlier claimed that they're harder than C++ and Lisp.
I meant for normalfags, which was implied by me saying that it catered to them.
Holy shit, are you an autist or something?
How is something that's easy for a "normalfag" hard for you?
Because they use a different type of logic.
Can you elaborate on how that logic is so fundamentally different from your logic that it stops you from understanding a simple syntax or from understanding their logic?
Easy - They remove things like brackets/semicolons and switch them out for indentation to make things "easier"/"cleaner", because the average normalfag is a braindead autist who can't put in the effort to type in a bracket or semicolon.
This only makes it harder/more ironic because of the extra format, and the fact that you're probably going to waste more time/keystrokes formatting to the correct indentation, which, like I said, is counter intuitive to remove brackets and semicolons in the name of ease of use/cleanliness.
Brackets and semicolons are more robust and allow for easier formatting.
However normalfags will eat that shit up because it's only superficially easier to use/more minimalistic (which i will now refer to as "it just werks" effect), just like how they would sacrifice freedom for superficial/perceived "it just werks" effect. (I.E. buying apple products, using winjews 10, buying prebuilts, etc.)
In essence, it's just superficial "improvements" that only actually work against you.
It's like removing your nails so you don't have to cut them. Sure you can, and it won't be detrimental to your health or anything, but you're loosing a little utility if you don't have constantly a tool on hand.
If you want your code to be readable you probably indent it even if you do use brackets. Any decent editor (and I'm assuming you use one, seeing as you like Lisp) will automatically increase indentation when appropriate and let you decrease indentation with a single keystroke.
But even if you think those things are bad they shouldn't make the language hard for you. You may not like them, but you do understand them, don't you?
And none of this explains why you have problems with Java.
Python acts as a retard friendly Perl, and keeps the SJWs and hipster programmers quarantined. Java itself is OK, but it's VM is used for many more languages. Try Scala if you haven't already, it's pretty neat.
If you want to hate a language go hate PHP or Node.js
I use automatic formatting in my C++ IDE - it's way more intuitive to just use one bracket and semicolon and just type Ctrl+I when I'm done writing. With indentation you have to indent every single line by hand (or you can select and indent, which is easier) , and you can't do that automatically because the indentation itself is the determiner of indentation, not brackets or semicolons. (I probably could have been more concise with that, but whatever.) In short, it's unnecessary when you could complete the same effect in less keystrokes. Also, visually it looks less nebulous when you have the hard brackets right there. It's like if instead of periods we put 2 spaces - it's slightly harder to read.
A lot of the syntax in C++ makes it more concise and easier to read. If I want to send something to the console just type cout.
There are more technical reasons, such as it running natively, or memory management.
The so-called "internet of things". It as if they thing NSA-level privacy invasion and actual botnet virus are are good thing.
Oh jeez.
perl is dead m8.
check dubs
$postnumber =~ /[11|22|33|44|55|66|77|88|99|00]$/;
Unicode was a mistake. I'm going back old character set.
☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ⌂ Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥ ₧ ƒ á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª º ¿ ⌐ ¬ ½ ¼ ¡ « » ░ ▒ ▓ │ ┤ ╡ ╢ ╖ ╕ ╣ ║ ╗ ╝ ╜ ╛ ┐ └ ┴ ┬ ├ ─ ┼ ╞ ╟ ╚ ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╧ ╨ ╤ ╥ ╙ ╘ ╒ ╓ ╫ ╪ ┘ ┌ █ ▄ ▌ ▐ ▀ α ß Γ π Σ σ µ τ Φ Θ Ω δ ∞ φ ε ∩ ≡ ± ≥ ≤ ⌠ ⌡ ÷ ≈ ° ∙ · √ ⁿ ² ■
A colon at the end of the line signals the start of a new indented block, so it's a cue for the editor to increase indentation. Pressing backspace or shift-tab or something else decreases indentation one level. That's never more keystrokes than brackets.
So you dislike its verbosity? That's a fair point. I agree with that.
This is like complaining about a bicycle because it doesn't have an engine. Garbage collection and a VM are part of Java's niche.
I can fully get why anyone would hate JAVA with a passion. But why would you be mad at python-chan? Sometimes you don't need super prefomince and you want something quick and easy that works cross platform.
So I'm guessing OP couldn't get/keep a job
Well Java is infamous for encouraging (and sometimes requiring) very verbose and pedantic code. The JVM is also often slow to startup, the GUIs look ugly, and memory is often a problem.
If only the Java spec had been like the C# spec... But I suppose that's a silly wish given that C# was designed with lessons learned from Java's failures.
People say this a lot on Holla Forums (and old /g/) but it's missing the point. Python is very high level, it's great if you want to do high level things it's great, and if you want to do low-level close to the metal stuff it's torture. C++ is kind of like the opposite, although it's suitable to high level too, just harder than Python.
I suppose normalfags are more interested in practical projects (GUI programs, games, scripts, web parsing, web apps) rather than more technical accomplishments (like memory/performance optimization, drivers, core OS components). So naturally they get drawn to Python because Python is a more logical choice for the programs they want to write.
The more technical stuff you wouldn't even know to come up with projects about unless you knew a lot about how computers work to begin with instead of having a "I don't care how it works so long as it works" attitude. Also these days computers are too powerful and performance or optimization doesn't matter anymore, which removes a big reason to program low level. Plus Python is pretty fast anyway.
I've never had a problem with indents in Python. Is it because I use an IDE? Notepad++ never created problems either.
Because they're elitist faggots who think the longer it takes to learn something the better it must be. They're the same faggots who probably got pissed pottery was invented because it allowed "normies" to carry water back to their house instead of drinking from the river with your hands.
Python's a great, useful language. You just need to know when it's suitable and when it isn't, which is not difficult.
Write a front end for an encoding program in python: Perfectly suitable
Write an encoder itself in python: What are you doing, you fucking idiot?
Right, it's a scripting language.
say, what do you think about semicolons in JavaScript?
$postnumber =~ /(\d)\1$/;
Scripting languages and compiled languages are an implementation detail, not a language feature. There's no reason why people cannot write a Python front end for LLVM which will then translate the bytecode into native machine code.
and I'm not a human, I'm actually an intellectually advanced, pale ape with infantile facial features and a bizarre pattern of hairlessness.
and I'm not sitting on a chair. It's actually a swirling cloud of atoms and forces that resembles a wooden structure.
and python's not an 'interpreted' language. Why, in 30 years, it may finally have an interactive compiler as advanced as Forths commonly have! ... of course in the meantime it's obviously interpreted and also slow as shit, but c'mon that's not a universal constant, let's pretend we can't even tell the difference between it and other languages.
Nice bait, OP.
Keep up the good work, user. I like your style.
I barely know javascript, so I'm speaking from something I happened to read about it, not from experience. Semicolons are supposedly unnecessary when continuing parsing the line would cause a syntax error, which means that semicolons are usually unnecessary but you may accidentally create a function call if the next line starts with an opening parenthesis. It's not quite the same as with Python.
In javascript semicolons at the end of the line uncommonly make a difference. In Python they never do. Therefore I don't use semicolons in Python but I would use them in javascript.
I use Gentoo and Portage is slow as fuck, m8.
Nor do I, but I will say Java implements OOP better than C++ does. C++ is a huge mess with the more recent standards IMO.
This. It's great when you need just a bit more power than a shell script and want to do a few more advanced things. I wrote python script to parse some JSON and display the weather from my area every hour because the site I use takes 45 seconds to render the fucking page. My script takes less than 1 second.
GUI was a mistake. Computers were better before normies invaded. Now everything fucking sucks ass.
Why are you using a GUI if you hate it so much? Just drop into a terminal screen. Problem solved.
>All these fags not puncturing cards manually like all the real programmers do
Get the fuck out normies
get the fuck out
Fuck off back to Reddit.
Every time a sjw idiot asks me to teach him some programming I point him to python
Fuck you.
Good, be mad and stay mad normiefag scum
Lurk more, 4fag.
So do you use the bloody thing or not. Make your mind up.
685469 isn't me though.
HAHAHAHAHA you might as well end it all right now!
try using app-portage/eix
Why hate on those 2 when garbage such as kotlin and nodejs exist? Python and Java are near perfect next to those abominations