Teenage girls have built africa's first private satellite
Absolutely disgusting.
So Whites gave niggers a CricketSat, designed by Whites and built by Chinks (I didn't look into the components, maybe part of it isn't Chink), which Whites will launch to space using a White-made rocket. Now if only the niggers don't steal the satellite until launch the sheboons will have practically conquered space without any help.
I like how they mention "no black African has done before" in every other sentence. Took me a few seconds to remember Elon Musk is South-African.
I don't give a fuck
Today anyone can make almost anything at home has long that you don't need go under the micro-meter.
mfw when cosmic particles will fuck up their hardware.
where do you think the money comes from ?
If Elon Musk didn't fund this they would still be figuring how a microwave works.
oh sorry where's your satellite? you don't have one? oh
not an argument
Nice Trigger
They didn't conceived 10% of the satellite.
I'm an Amateur Radio licence holder. When was the last time you pinged the ISS while waiting for an OSCAR to fly over?
not all of us can be gravity wells like you.
Luckily I don't need to build a satellite to prove my race's worth because we've already launched thousands into space.
technically a rock or a stick or frozen shit, place in orbit, could all be considered a satellite of earth.
Your father took it. Lets try and find both together.
How does it feel accomplishing so little in life that taking credit for the accomplishments of people who happened to have the same skin color as you is the only way that you can feel good about yourself?
Meaning a bunch of chinks paid by the government
your nose is showing
Good argument.
Nigger why are you so mad?