Why do white people eat such nasty food?

Why do white people eat such nasty food?
ITT: Gross food white people eat.

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i'd eat the one in the middle


Fuck off nigger, rabbit is great.

Context, is so useful. When you have a functioning brain. Present company, is iffy.

Uh, wat? Context is useful. Even necessary when you make a statement. I personally think eating g blood sausage is way weirder. But hey.

Uh, wat? Context is useful. Even necessary when you make a statement. I personally think eating g blood sausage is way weirder. But hey.

What appeal does shit have?

French, you simple minded ape.

hahahah what a fucking retard

Americans are the best.

Nice samefagging niggerlover

You say white people eat nasty crap?
Look at niggers in africa.
They fucking eat eggs rolled in ashes, cats and insects.


Nice comeback


I love eating nigger pussy


white people are vegan bro

M8, you just confessed to being french
You have no comeback after that
It must be hard being raised on a diet of nigger cock and horses arseholes but you don't need to let your jealousy out so much

it keeps the moslems away

maybe I should state that I actually like this stuff
the first is made with pigs blood flour and spices, the second is kind of what you put in a sausage

Does it have the nice iron taste that human blood has?

At least we got food

The other 2 are way better, fag.


Is that Finnish blood cake?

Rabbit is great.

This is kugel. It's Kike food. Sweetened cheese custard, raisins, spices, mixed into egg noodles and baked.


That shit ain't white. It's Jewish autism.


Fucking disgusting.

Why do nigs eat pigs large intestines?

And not to mention they eat bugs

You mean like sausage casings.


I'd eat real people if I could.

what's stopping you?


black people see chicken everywhere

it's Swedish black pudding


black pudding is the english name
the Swedish name is blood pudding

niggers eat other niggers

"…and when there was no crawdad to be found we ate sand."


a finn would knife you for disrespecting their mämmi

what are they gonna do, be ugly drunks at me?

that's what animals look like before you cut the meat off and make KFC out of it you retarded nigger.