Good to see Adam Sandler stepping out of his comfort zone for his latest film

Good to see Adam Sandler stepping out of his comfort zone for his latest film.

This gonna be kino.

Jesus, he's not even trying to hide it anymore.

He always played yid characters

His characters have been getting more and more jewish.
Soon he'll play in a comedy holocaust movie about that guy that was released from Auschwitz.


This is pure kino, I can feel it

Or it could be a wacky Auschwitz movie were he stumbles around the camp to foil the nazis in all their nefarious schemes.

I fucking love the fact that they're going all out, the Weiwood Republic will soon be shoahed.

I'd an American remake of Life is Beautiful with Rob Schneider, Paul Blart and all his other buddys.

I can no longer discern reality and parody. It's like a Jewish singularity.

Well if the jews today are anything like the jews before and after ww2 they're ready for another big power grab if anything does kick off.

With supporting cast of Seth Rogan and his gang.

Thankfully they aren't. They used to be capable of making compelling propaganda and they also had the advantage of complete control of the narrative, they don't have either of those abilities anymore. A few years of mass internet access has undone decades of propaganda and provides an alternate source of information. They have also overplayed their hand in practically every country they have come into contact with. Their tactic of shipping off to another country won't be as easy as it has in the past (the only countries that they haven't helped to destroy are third world shitholes).


never seen this waifu but shit shes ugly lul

Crashing this party



So, pretty much he just has to buy the rights to Hogan's Heroes and he's all set for his next holocaust of comedy.

You really believe this, don't you? Get out of Holla Forums every once in a while. People is more brainwashed than ever before, white people hate themselves with more fury than ever before, and subhumans have no problem openly demanding a genocide. Womyn also have fully accepted the feminist world view where men are their worst enemy and must watch as everything they love is destroyed.

I don't know about that, they're probably more emotionally charged due to various reasons but there is whispers of dissent amongst the normalfags, I think they just need a good push in the right direction, even if day by day the gears of war are turning and the media wants to drives the west into more war.


I do, that's why I'm optimistic. A few years ago the situation seemed hopeless and there was no dissent at all, now I can easily find people who share my opinions (and I don't even have to look hard for them). I'm white working class, maybe it's different in the middle to upper class bracket, but history repeatedly shows that when the working class gets pissed off shit goes down.

I disagree. As I said things were much worse a few years ago, do you not remember how hard they were pushing the "privilege" and "white guilt" memes? They've toned that down for a reason, it was having the opposite effect that it was supposed to and even after toning it down the damage has already been done.

Nothing new there, what is new is that whites are actually reacting to it recently.

Why did they vote for Drumpf then? The media portrayed him as a literal rapist and he still won.

The leftist worldview is crumbling, just because you are incapable of realizing that doesn't make it a false claim. They played their hand too soon and made their hatred of whites an open thing.

If you don't believe me just take a look at the west today. Right wing parties that wouldn't have sttod a chance not long ago are likely to win in upcoming elections (and even if they lose they have still made massive gains over the last year). Give it a couple more years and you'll see that I'm right.

hell yeah man just look at Brexit being stalled again and again, Geert Wilders who lost, Martin Schulz the leftist who's winning big league in Germany and Le Pen who literally has 0% chance of winning the second round of voting hell yeah right wing partys are on the rise for the win!!!

Try harder leftypol

How does it feel to see your ideology crash and burn in slow motion? The right is on the rise in a big way, denying that only makes you look retarded/delusional. As I said give it a few more years and you'll see how right I am.



Parties that wouldn't have even been in the running are getting huge amounts of public support and are capable of winning elections, that is a huge improvement from a few years back and a clear example of the right being on the rise.

As I said give it a few more years of rapacious shitskins, anti white propaganda and social chaos and it's only going to get better (or worse depending on your viewpoint).

Are you seriously claiming that the right hasn't had a huge surge in support recently?

Checked, but the user is right. Even though that right wing dude lost in the netherlands, his party swept up open seats and any re-elections, along with taking a few from the other side. No country will have as hard of an asskicking as the us did (rep congress, executive, almost 2/3 of all governors and a shit ton of town elections) but they will at some point become the party of power when they make the people realize globalism and letting muslims run rampant is not good.

It's funny watching Holla Forums attempt to raid boards and shit up all threads only to get btfo.
They're also raiding Holla Forums right now and it's pathetic they can't even be successful there.

honestly, why does Holla Forums exist?

I'm pretty sure it's a psyop, the push for the false dichotomy of nazi vs commie is being pushed by 3 letter organizations to divide and conquer this wiley beast that is the interwebz.

There's plenty of men semi redpilled by life without the troves of information we have at our disposal.

What's his face Wilders or something is a kike shill anyway.

The board exists specifically because they got fed up with getting their shit pushed in on Holla Forums so they created a hugbox, which had the added effect of turning Holla Forums into a hugbox, and now we have to deal with one hugbox constantly stirring shit up about the other hugbox no matter how irrelevant their grudge is to the thread.

I dont live in California, so no I dont see any of that.

Yes but it's a lot more difficult to speak out when you feel that nobody else shares your opinion. The left had the ability to craft an illusion and sell it to the masses as reality with zero resistance up until recently, at the moment they don't even have a real organized propaganda campaign being waged against them and they are still losing support. They would be easily outdone by an organized effort, their propaganda is weak and artificial.

Imagine if the right had access to the funding and media control that the left has. It would be very easy to undo the damage, the difficult part is gaining those advantages (a problem that the internet has solved for the most part). I'm pretty optimistic about the future of the right.


I forgot my point. Those semi redpilled men now have the ability to find out what's really happening and who's behind it, they also can see that they aren't alone in the opinions that they hold.



It's impossible to mention him there without his connections to isreal being brought up though. I would be pretty open to Europe taking the "Isreali approach" towards Muslims too, it would be much better than the current approach.

yes user, thank you for literally posting exactly what i said but in picture form.

now over here, we have mother goose. a classic for the children.


Thought the Jews hated that shit for somehow devaluing the shoah

now this is autism

The point was the the right wing is gaining more traction among average folks, we're still waiting for you to disprove that. Protip: You can't.

No wonder they're called reddipol.