Let's try out a little experiment and create one thread for all "what does Holla Forums think of" posters.
I'll start: what does Holla Forums think of Moana's new trailer?
What Does Holla Forums Think Of Thread
Where the porn of the girl?
I gonna watch this only because of the awesome demigd Maui.
Fatso is one ugly ass motherfucker…
The girl is cute though.
And he's voiced by the Rock
oh look, another Disney movie with a celebrity sidekick shoved in for name recognition
Seems pretty interesting, but that's probably only because I don't know shit about pineapple nigger culture.
Looks like fun. It seems like they might focus on the more fun aspects instead of being serious. I'd like to see if they can balance that.
I get plenty of "brave" vibes. Something that will be easily forgotten.
neither do the pineapple niggers
It's Anna and Kristoff all over again but even more annoying since brown Anna is uggo and brown Kristoff has no business being such a neurotic cuck
My sides
Affirmative Action Disney movie. Moving on.
Maui died for our sins and now these Disney kikes shit on magnificent pineapple mythology for profit.
Absolutely hoʻopailua
when has Disney ever made something accurate to the source material?
I forget Hawaii bros even have internet at times, how is life on the island
Never, that's why it's shit
implying I'm Hawaiian and not just some tikiboo
Next question: what does Holla Forums thinks of WALL-E?
Last good pixar movie
It's shit
It's shit
first 20 minutes is the best part of the film.
Its fine though our politicians our corrupt as hell and just incompetent in general. Also rent is increasing and so is cost of living but I like it here, its my home.
It looks visually impressive, at the very least.
Actual Hawaiians are actually pretty good about maintaining their personal culture and history. They just have the unfortunate burden of being a highly popular destination for tourists, yuppies, and rich old fucks.
wait so is the volcano monster Pele?
Personal culture among the national one? Or global one?
And Japanese.
If there's one good thing that will come out of this movie is getting competing films about Polynesian mythology.
I think he means maintaining traditional Hawaiian culture.
Now here's a good question: what does Holla Forums think of Cucumber Quest?
It's good, but not perfect
Is anyone else here sick of the Tangled face?
hiimdaisy (or whatever name she goes by now) doesn't know how to write drama. Even worse, she keeps on using the humor style she used on the metal gear series (cynical and incompetent authority figures, villians who have more of an excuse than a motivation…) and then wants us to care about her lolsodeep characters one page later.
Don't get me wrong, that helped her previous fancomics with being funny, but you can't expect to go into an "epic" history with "dramatic" events using a writing style that she used to mock precisely those kind of stories.
yes I am. Though I think it originated with Dreamworks though.
taro nigger is a more accurate term.
… still dropped.
Rapunzel was OK because she's bright and peppy.
Elsa and Anna were too fucking smug though.
Well since I don't know too much about them other than the fact they typically have pineapples on their islands I'm not sure what other phrase I should use.
Island nigger? That's too vague, and could apply to flips.
Oahu niggers? That really only specifically applies to Hawaiian niggers, and you'd be a huge racist if you didn't see the difference between Hawaii niggers and Samoa niggers or even Flip or Fiji niggers.
how about taro niggers since most Polynesians grow taro as a staple crop?
Also pineapple production was mostly done in Hawaii back in the plantation days. They don't grow it much anymore so its not applicable to Polynesians at all.
Oahu is an island in the Hawaiian chain of islands so its weird to call a Hawaiin that. Are Flips Fillipinos? How are they related to Polynesians?
I don't fucking know.
All I know is they all generally have similar skin tones, and they generally know what pineapples are, hence me calling them pineapple niggers.
If you tell me about more major differences I'll come up with more accurate nigger references.
Well Fillipinos are more associated with Asia than with Polynesia. Regarding Polynesians and pacific islanders in general I'd suggest calling them taro niggers since its a staple crop grown throughout the area.
There are 3 groups of Pacific Islanders: Micronesians, Melanesians and Polynesians. Micronesians are smaller and live on atolls like Guam, Marianas Islands and etc. Melanesians live in places like Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia, Polynesians live in Pacific Ocean islands like Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, New Zealand, Easter Island/Rapa nui and etc. See pic related for more help.
Those are some interesting facts (not even joking, thanks for that shit), but isn't this most recent Disney cashgrab specifically focused on the Polynesians?
yes it is.
Goddamn, Polynesia is the biggest country in the world!
So why should I call them taroniggers when they're more widely known for their pineapple niggery?
I understand they focus more on taroniggery in the [current year], but that doesn't really kill off the concept of them dealing with pineapples for hundreds of years beforehand.
Otherwise it wouldn't be offensive to refer to American nogs and cotton in the same sentence even though they haven't had to pick cotton in like 150 years.
The pineapples were only harvested during the plantation era which ended around 50 years ago. Even then that was only on Hawaii not the other Polynesian islands. So taro niggers would be more appropriate since they've always harvested it and still do to this day. That and in Hawaii the pineapples were mostly harvested by Asian immigrants.
You know, I never expected to learn a history lesson in some shitty thread about some shitty upcoming Disney movie.
Thanks for that user, I now know to refer to them as taroniggers instead of pineappleniggers.
No, seriously, I appreciate the history lesson.
I'd say its more of a region than a country though some Polynesians think of it as a country.
you're welcome user.
Pineapples weren't native to the Hawaiian ecosystem, just so you know.
yes I know.
Just making sure.
Hint: The keyword wasn't the first half
What's with all movie trailers nowadays using obvious final battles/scenes? Takes away all the fun from it.
If we're lucky its the opening scene.
It's called frontloading. People who make movies , especially the ones who make movies for kids, put all the exciting shots and whatever in the first 15 mins of the movie (maybe 20) of the movie because they assume that's how much attention a kid will pay to a movie.
Here's a bit of an example: Minecraft Story Mode has a bunch of scenes in the first chapter where people are falling off bridges and going fast on minecarts or whatever the fuck; The point is there's a lot of movement and a lot of yelling. These are not put here by accident. They put those here because they know kids can't be arsed to pay attention for more than 30 mins, so they put those scenes here to trick kids (or really autistic adults) into thinking the game is amazing, while also allowing for the rest of the game to be pure shit.
I see what you mean.
I doubt it, it looks like he jumps from Moana's boat.
I liked it for the humor but iirc I found out she was an SJW and stopped reading. Which, I mean, isn't that much of a surprise. It's basically a given with every webcomic out there. I figured I'm better off just reading old comics than trying to try shit that's ongoing today, especially webcomics.
I really wish that they'd go back to 2D animation because facial differences seemed to be easier for them back then, but recently I rewatched Princess and the Frog and I realized Tiana has the same goddamn face, just with dimples and dark skin.
It's not just laziness or being inept, either. Tiana's friend (who's the best part of the damn movie) has a very unique face while still looking cute (at times).
So what the hell is their problem?
is the volcano monster Pele?
I bet Telltale's recent "adult" games are often like that too, considering how rushed and ungameplay-focused they are
Why? The whole appeal of that game was you could build whatever you wanted and just dick around.
weren't Telltale always more about the story than the gameplay?
Yes, but they actually used to be good at making them with enough interactivity.
Since when? Genuinely curious.
Tiki Niggers
Since the beginning. Once an SJW, always an SJW. Now, forever, and past.
Coconut niggers
She destroyed all his past comics work because everyone liked it over this crap. Then she became a turbo bitch talking down to people over gamer gate and the like. I mean seriously "baby need a diapey change" talking down. On top of it her comic is super generic.
We are never getting comics of MGS 4 and 5
They played more like classic LucasArts adventure games with some quirky cult license attached
I'm not sure when she went down the SJW rabbithole, but I noticed it when I saw a post someone made criticizing her comic where her response was 'Look at this manbaby, he must hate me because I'm a woman!'
thats actually kind of funny. Sad I didn't think of it.