There's about 6 gorrilion videos on youtube of Trump's RNC speech. Which one has the best quality?
There's about 6 gorrilion videos on youtube of Trump's RNC speech. Which one has the best quality?
I was actually going to get comfy and listen to his whole speech. I was working Thursday night and i just caught the tail end of it…and listened to the liberal ass-rage. I also read some highlights of it. I'm thrilled so far. He did good.
Now I'll go listen to the whole thing
Why do you need the best quality faggot? Why do you need that info spoonfed?
Watch them all to find out :3
nice blog post faggot
Hey, that's great you want to view Trumps speech, so rather then shitting up are bored and sliding decent threads, why not go do that and find out for your self.
Faggot, Kike, Nigger
Just how did I blogpost? I simply requested something.
Do your own legwork, slovenly nigger.
Why post in this thread if you aren't willing to offer a solution to my request? fellate a glock, mongrel
Not really. I was giving my opinion of what I saw/read of his speech, faggot.
Was the blog post part where I said I working Thursday night? Too much personal info? You being annoyed by that is annoying as fuck.
You really are a nigger huh?
Why not read the stick dipshit.
>>>/r/ is that way.
Now shitposting thread sense all its here to do is slide decent shit for a useless nigger kike tool.
mods delet this thread I alrady found a link
I'm sure you have better things to do than spamming shitposts of butthurt
You autistic niggers will have the most unpopular and desolate image board/forum on the internet if you have that strict of rules for "blog posting". Two sentences of personal background info to give an opinion isn't blog posting.
To call you a nigger, nigger.
You're still concerned about it? There's no rules against "blogposting" and I was only fucking with you. Now go watch the fucking speech
See, that wasn't so hard now was it…
I also see you are a newfag from some shitposting forum. Mods here are not active in the way that you think.
Thanks for the peepee poopoo.
no first exodus I promise
Exactly how the fuck are other people that work and partake in "normie" life but are really redpilled, to now that this fuck-hole forum/image board isn't full of annoying, cartoon caricatures of repulsive nazi-nerds?
This rat hole is already crawling with shills and angsty commies/spics/niggers/jews/chinks, ffs.
How is making it more personable and fun going to detract from that "awesome" experience?
gb2 r/the_donald you piece of shit
Yeah , I know you were just fucking around. I still needed to express an opinion about this subject because I've seen so many dumb little niggers say(write) the same thing…Blog about it, as you would say.
So hows the speech so far?
Spamming my autism with this joop4 well I'm at it.