Reasonable Holla Forums person here
There would be if your memes weren't shit
Anyway, here is a thread of stormfag propaganda that should be slammed with critique. Help me out. This is bullshit.
Reasonable Holla Forums person here
There would be if your memes weren't shit
Anyway, here is a thread of stormfag propaganda that should be slammed with critique. Help me out. This is bullshit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Some faggot in pol doesn't take advantage of Trump coming to kill him. So what?
What exactly is the propaganda that needs to be critiqued?
link post or quote.
Am not gonna read all these pol bs!
Stirner isn't even yours, dude. Stirner isn't any more Left than Nietzsche is, or barely
And I say this as a guy who actually likes some of Nietzsche's stuff.
"Nietzsche is right-wing my dude! He was full nazi, my man! You can't use him to promote leftist ideas!"
Pol is full of post modern idiots.
Yeah, when Prussia was a Christian monarchy. Are you fucking retarded?
This only criticism of Proudhon was that Proudhon appealed to "rights" and emotions. That should tell you a lot.
He had a wierd way of being an anti-semite.
You have much to learn.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. In his time he was trying to get anti-semites to respond to him so he could have them BTFO
Shit, sorry, I'm a mong
Is K ^w^
Remember when Nietzsche played Mendolssohn to piss off Wagner? I do not even like Nietzsche, but there was nothing right-wing about him.
Nietzsche liked him some fucking hierarchy and liked the strong subjecting the weak.
He was still infected with rat-mentality, even though he made a lot of good points.
Stirner was way better than Nietzsche himself ever was, but that was because they made the same arguments, but Stirner did so from the standpoint of the working-class and Nietzsche from the standpoint of the ruling class.
Otherwise Nietzsche was fine.
Whatever you want to believe, retards. Jesus fuck, no wonder everyone hates you.
btw, I'm leaving the thread now, so I won't see any of your replies. Enjoy you passive aggression; I won't see it
You're right.
The thing that made him more left-wing than Nietzsche was the positions he held and advocated for, not who he hung out with.
Nice damage-control though. Pussy move.
And there was another man who couldn't see past his Ideology.
So sad seeing young men die.
yeah it definitely wasn't his anti capitalism and private property along with rejecting the state and nationalism
You're baiting, right?
kek this is what happens when a Holla Forumsack leaves his /safespace/ for more than 5 minutes
Why would he be? He was instrumental to the development of social anarchism and libertarian socialism.
Fuck off, Neitzsche supported aristocracy. Hating jews isn't a prerequisite to being a right-wing bastard.
Believing in Capitalism, is though.
Stirner would support monarchy if he was the king of it.
Well, if he could keep the throne as his property, sure.
But, would he be able to if the people rose against him?
Nietzsche didn't support the kind of nobility/aristocracy based in capital. He based it on the will to power. If he regarded the hereditary European nobility as decrepit, he would have regarded the rising bourgeoisie upper middle class as even more degenerate than the aristocracy it aimed to replace. If the Christian foundations of the ancien regime represented a deterioration of classical civilization to Nietzsche, how much more deplorable would he have found the economism of the bourgeoisie?
Well, not really. He said it was not in his nature to subjugate others; indeed he despised the very notion.
But it is true that he believed that kings had as much "right" to rule over others as the people had "right" to use violence in order to free themselves.
He believed that might makes right, also for the commoner.
this he felt that the peasants and the commoners had the same right to murder and hang the king as the king had to rule
Perhaps our memes are shit. What's worse though, having shitty memes about a coherent set of principles or having an incoherent set of principles based on shitty memes?
Because Holla Forums is the latter, the fact that you place so much emphasis on meme is kind of telling
He mentions this exact situation, in fact. That even if he was an absolute autocrat, he would not truly be "free" as his power was effectively granted to him by outside forces.