The socioeconomic classes of late capitalism

An analysis of economic classes in modern capitalism reveals that things are not as black and white as Marx had predicted, There are classes and sub classes of classes.

These classes are as follows:

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The bourgeoisie: Description: This is the owner class, They own all the valuable land and control the economy, They decide what wars happen, They are Living Gods. Members include: Big Business owners Wealthy inheritees Old Money Average rank: Billionaires

The petite bourgeoisie: Description: This class is just a smaller version of the bourgeoisie Think of this class as Dukes and Dutchesses to Kings and Queens Memebers include: Small business owners Lesser wealthy inheritees Some Ranchers and Farmers Investors New money High salary earners Doctors Lawyers Average rank: $200,000 - $1M

The Enforcer class: Description: This class is a sub class of the petite bourgeoisie And also a buffer class between the proles and the petite bourgeois. This class is comprised of primarily authority figures and bereacratic personnel Some decide who gets a job, Others enforce corporate policy on the lesser classes Due to the authority this class weilds members of this class are NOT proletarians Members include: Human resource officers Upper management Police officers Some government employees District Attorneys Military Average rank: $30,000 - $100,000 per year

The proletariat: Description: This is the working class. Members include: Factory workers Fast food workers Retail workers Construction workers Wage workers Low salary earners Average rank: $16,000 - $30,000 per year

Lumpen-proletariats: Description: This class is comprised of various individuals from the disenfranchised to the disenchanted, The outsourced, Those unable to find employment also dwell here What seperates this class from the poor is the members of this class possess certain skillsets they can use to steal from the system and thus generate income keeping them afloat above the poor Members include: Con artists Theives Black hat hackers Contract killers Average rank: Varies

The poor: Description: This class is the poor members of this class lack the skillsets to become career criminals and cannot find employment and have little to no income Members include: The homeless The outsourced The sick Average rank: $0 - $?



I don't know what country you live in but in the USA the working class hate the poor.

Political power doesn't constitute a social class on it's own, numb nuts.

The "working class" will never accept it is the "working class", cause they have no ClassCon and think that "The poor" are something else and they are "The Middle Class".

And it's all bourgie propaganda.

Also, I get 7000€. Am I poor or working class?

Class is not about wage. Class is about ClassCon.

Their power is bureaucratic not political, The enforcer class has no influcence on politics.

You are mostly correct, However it would be nieve to say the amount of money someone makes has no effect on their political views or relations to those with less.

Anyway if they were to earn more money than their class average they would be "High salary earners" and thus be in the petite bourgeois class.

Don't. Salaries do little to indicate the actual role of the individual in the capitalist framework. Attempting to reconcile the capitalist perversion of class with the more classical understanding of class serves no benefit to us. Update it maybe, but we do not negotiate on the bourg's terms.

Also the enforcer class you've mentioned is just lumpenproletariat: proles who through indoctrination, receiving of petty concessions, or outside misdirection act against their class interest and reject class consciousness.

The "lumpenproles" you've defined is simply a combination of actual lupenproles and proles: the fact that everyone you see as "unfavorable" getting thrown into a separate class altogether is simply a manifestation of internalized capitalist ideology. Your definitions on the matter pays no attention to the material circumstances that leads these people to turn to such means for their own survival. Yes, some shitty people end up becoming thieves just for the sake of it, but there are many others who turn to it because either A) They don't have many other options and/or B) Their community and upbringing has taught them that its an acceptable means of subsistence.

Also the poor you've described are just proles. It's important to remember that, under capitalism, there is such a thing as structural unemployment. Inevitably, due to assorted circumstances, will be out of employment more often than not. We should not seek to treat such people as being inherently "other" as a result of forces out of their control and beyond their consent. Dividing "destitute proles" and "working proles" is no different than making a distinction between "white proles" and "non-white proles:" it's divisive and only weakens the overall movement to the benefit of the bourg.


now your starting to sound like a disinfo shill.

Say hypothetically there are 2 men working in a coal mine, One gets paid $300k per year and the other only makes $16k per year, Do you really believe these two men will have the same political views?

The guy making bank will retire in a year or two, Do you think he will want to pay higher taxes? Do you think he will give a shit about the people making less?

No. He wont. Because that's sadly human nature, That's how it works.

Human nature is not order and neither is the world we live in, But a true socialist system seeks to make order out of this inequity/chaos.

Small business owners are not necessarily petite bourgeoisie. Some small businesses are owned and operated collectively and are thus socialist class structures.


He's not talking about co-ops.

Also socialism is the lack of a class structure.

You gonna start a D&D game with these?


I'm posting about Marx's incorrect predictions of modern capitalism.

Class is income based and also authority based, Both capital and authority are power.

But you go on thinking a doctor making $200k per year is a prole if it makes you happy.

You should read Marx.

I have read the communist manifesto.

you've "read" Marx. You haven't "read Marx".

Social classes are base dupon your relation towards the means of production. Its called the Relations of production