I know exactly what it is.
I finally figured it out only a couple of weeks ago, at a medieval festival to be exact.
I was taken to the festival on the back of a motorcycle, so I had my leathers on and had to carry my helmet while walking around, the rider had to tend to other matters so just dropped me off and went.
While I was there, I got quite a few looks, both good and bad, I met a group of bikers who looked Völkish as fuck and what I aspire to be like- they were cool, there were a couple of muzzies about that everyone gave dirty looks, some Slavs and Spaniards who were lovingly sperging out about the atmosphere and all of the equipment, some Asians in packs who were pretty respectful of everything going on, etc.
Anyway, the point I am going to make is that while I was walking around and perusing the different stalls, talking with reenactors, I got flirted on by multiple girls, I am not the most attractive of individuals, I have shoulder-length brown hair, some red marks/scabs on my face from spots, my BMI is quite close to "overweight", about 5'7 though that is common in bongland, and I can be an autist in conversation, though I walk proud with my shoulders back and my autism allows me to look at people straight in the eye. Despite all of that shit, there were multiple sets of girls giving me the "fuck me" eyes, girls that I turned to see looking at me, looking away, then getting teased by the group they were in for staring at me while I wasn't looking, girls striking up conversations with me about the event and my opinions about different things, etc.
All of these women were from all sorts of different backgrounds, some were Aryan, a couple were Polish, one or two were Japs, generally all young and quite attractive, the funniest being one obvious SJW with neon purple hair and a backpack with an anarchist logo pin badge nervously started talking to me about history, I tested her by making a remark about the Muslims at the event and how I thought we got rid of them in the Crusades, which she agreed with, contrary to everything her appearance said.
Despite all of that, I didn't go through with any of it because the event is so popular that people come from all over Europe to see the event, and I cannot see a relationship with anyone who is more than 10-20 miles from where I live.
So me, someone I would equate to being a generally unattractive autist who has never had a girlfriend can somehow make girls in his general vicinity as wet as a fucking swimming pool.
So near the end of the event, after passing up my chances with multiple girls, I am in the crowd, casually talking with a Polish girl about the battle (as I live in the area) while watching the main reenactment of the battle that was in the location I was at, I looked over to see one of the most betamax sights I have ever laid my eyes on.
A balding, full-rimmed glasses wearing, hunch-backed beta wearing a t-shirt, shorts, sandals, and a backpack on his chest with a moderately attractive chink on his arm who, throughout the entire time, he doesn't lose physical contact with once.
So while I a generally unattractive autist in biker leathers that walks and talks confidently can make multiple girls wet at just the sight of my ugly ass, while turning them down as I am patient in my wait for a decent girl, this motherfucker who is the dictionary definition of a nu-male can have an alright-looking Asian on his arm at all times.
It is simply a question of how confident you are and how patient you are in search of a decent woman.
TL;DR: They are playing life like EDF on easy mode, we are playing on Inferno, they only aim to play the game through to its completion while having shitty, but usable weapons, we aim for the hardest difficulty and only settle for the most destructive of weapons that you have a great time using, even if you suffer in the process of getting them.