What do women actually value?

Im a handsome, healthy man with a car and a skilled job, but I havent had a girlfriend in 6 years.
Six years.
I hate women now for never showing any interest. I hate myself for that now too. Every week is darker and darker for me.

I long for human embrace, but why am I not acceptable to women? I'm polite, kind, but not a pussy. I'm a manly man.

It seems that bitches want something that isnt going to take care of them, something that is indifferent, something that goes away in the morning. something that I dont see as a man.

I've deleted my facebook and have no phone. only email. Is there any hope for me, or will I wind up dead soon?

Only time will tell. My visitation to the /sfg/ board has been growing now and I feel I am growing sicker.
Love sickness is no joke. I could kill a baby and not feel the slightest remorse.

Ive been browsing the chans since 06 and know how bitches be, but I must be a hopeless romantic.

I feel like I am elliot rodgers 2.6 alpha. What the fuck is wrong with the world that a good person with a good soul, good mind, and body can have no value and no love?

Is it because all women are pozzed nigger trash with no brains? surely for most, but not for all. I refuse to believe that.

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope you feel better soon!


It's sounds like you need guy friends to hang out with. Have you considered finding a pub to hang out in for a couple of years to get a crew of single straight guy friends to chill and run pick up game.

Guys like in the picture…those two would definitely have you waist deep in pussy in no time.

Man I was in your same situation. What you need is just to throw in the towel and start fucking guys. It's some much easier and drama free. You can chill with dudes, drink beer then at the end of night you can take turns cumming in each other's holes. It's awesome!

very big benis

Women dont have 1 set thing they like, just like you they have certain things they're looking for, it's just that almost none of them want some autistic creep

A good time. Women like men who entertain them. They like men who seem mysterious or dangerous, because those men are the ones they feel will be the most entertaining to be around.

This is why you see women do stupid shit like let a terrorist go free so he could take her to Syria. To a man, this sounds like utter stupidity. Release a terrorist just so you can travel to a war zone full of brutal thugs, all in the company of a convicted murderer? To a rational person (i.e. a man), this sounds stupid. But to a woman, it's an adventure with a rough, scary man.

In other words, the stuff female wet dreams are made of.

This is also why the "bad boy" stereotype exists.

When dealing with women, I've found the best way to approximate the female point of view to be to ask yourself "what would I think of this situation if I had no ability to think logically and was entirely focused on spur-of-the-moment decision making with no consideration of long term consequences." This method of thinking is essentially how women think, so if you approach dealing with women from this perspective, you'll be able to get inside their heads pretty easily.

Basically, do crazy shit. Drive fast cars. Get into fights. Go out drinking. Act like you're only living for today and that your greatest ambition in life is to make the biggest, most obnoxious mess you possibly can.

Women don't want that. Sure, they may say they want a "nice guy," but if you ever tell them you are a "nice guy," their pussy will dry up faster than a puddle of water in the Sahara. They view "nice" or "caring" men as desperate.

Women like being toyed with. They like a man who hardly ever notices them, who barely gives them the time of day. They like a man who is always busy with other stuff, and feel compelled to pursue him. They like a man who doesn't quite view them on the same level as himself (i.e. be an arrogant bastard). Don't explicitly say that you're better than them or act comically cocky, though – that makes it look like you're trying too hard and compensating for some insecurity. Just casually act like you don't give a shit about them or their opinions. Don't give them any more attention than you have to.

Of course, this only works if you're reasonably attractive. The attractiveness gives them the initial reason to notice you – without that, they'll just ignore you and not care how aloof or "mysterious" you seem. The attractiveness is the hook, and the devil-may-care, reckless attitude is what draws them in.

However, attractiveness doesn't necessarily mean "good looks." Attractiveness is a composite of looks, body (i.e. get /fit/), money, sense of humor, etc. Basically, attractiveness is anything that sets you apart from the 3.5 billion other men in the world and makes women notice you.

Absolutely wrong course of action
Double down on being straight,


You sound like an entitled faggot. Unless you're literally the top 5% in looks, wealth, or talent, women will not approach you. Let me emphasize for you queers. WOMEN DO NOT APPROACH YOU. Men are supposed to approach women.

But you're such a pussy beta faggot that you're scared to talk to women. And you rationalize it with: THEY'RE JUST SLUTS. THEY WILL NEVER APPRECIATE MY INTELLECT. You're probably fucking boring, mate. Get some balls and actually try flirting with girls. Maybe you'll get lucky.

DS9 was better then voyager

good advice user.


Im a healthy, tall, aryan MAN with a genius-near genius IQ who grows mushrooms and knows how to rock and roll. Im doing something wrong though.

Entitled? everybody deserves love, user


Maybe this copy pasta can help:

What's it like to feel tfw yes gf?

The first month or so it's like someone handed you a million dollars and everything is awesome. Then you start to get used to that million dollars. Then you start to remember back when you had fewer bills to pay, fewer meetings with your accountant, you found happiness in simple things, you woke up every day knowing who you were and what you wanted, now you're not sure what's you and what's the million dollars influencing you, nothing makes you as happy as you thought it would have. You start to think about ways to get more money, more millions of dollars. You walk around like a cocky businessman when you're not even fooling yourself.

Eventually your million dollars becomes harder to access, it takes a lot longer to buy things, you're not sure if it's even a million dollars anymore, what if it's only 100 grand? What if it's only 10 grand? What if you're already in debt? Now you're paranoid about what's happening with your million dollars because you can't check it and none of your bills make sense to you, why am I paying for pool cleanings when I don't even have a pool? Who authorized this?!

After a month of not being able to access your bank account with the million dollars, you being to accept you'll never see it again and you have to go back to being poor. Part of you is happy that life will be simple again, part of you is scared that you'll have to count out your change before going food shopping again.

You occasionally see if someone else is around handing out millions of dollars to people, but the times you hear about it are few and far between, everyone else invested their million wisely and is still living well from it. You're jealous of those people while also filled with self-loathing for letting your million get away from you like that. "Why didn't I live like I did before, simply, but with more money?" You ask yourself. You dwell on the past for at least a few hours every day. You have amazing dreams where your bank account suddenly becomes accessible again and it all comes back to you and you have nightmares where you discover you're actually a million dollars in debt. Your nights are restless, all the possibilities racing through your head, no way to turn them off.

You falsely remember the times when you were rich and exaggerate how great they were to yourself. You accept you will be poor forever. You eventually stop thinking about money, resigned to your fate. Then someone hands you another million dollars.

well, I make friends easily and can make anyone laugh, so thats not it

Assuming you're not trolling at this point:
If you never go out of your way to talk to and approach women, you won't develop interest or a relationship. It's like an exceptional hunter whining about never catching game, while he sits on his ass all day hoping some critter will crawl up to him.

At some point you have to answer this (and I hope it doesn't trigger an Elliot Rodger-tier existential crisis): which is more miserable, your isolation or the fear of actually talking to girls?

Another pasta regarding relationships:

If you're a beta faggot and she loves you back then you feel like a million dollars, ready to take on the whole world, the only question you will have is "So now what?" but if she doesn't love you or you are doubting it then you feel like shit and you can't even get out of bed.

It has a lot to do with how much you give a shit, if you just don't give a shit about either outcome (being outcome independent) then good for you, you will enjoy her more in the long term and you won't suffer as much (if at all) if she breaks up with you, this can only be gained from experience, becoming confident and improving yourself.

Another good pasta about having a gf:

Depends how old you are and which relationship it is. The very first relationship you're going to be lovey dovey and head over heels, but you have no experience so before long you'll probably fuck something up. If not, she'll turn out to be a psycho. Either way the break up will be devastating and leave you feeling like a piece of yourself is missing.

Depending on how innocent and naive you are, you can repeat this process multiple times with multiple girls destroying you, cheating on you, taking your money or whatever until one day you find yourself with a girl and she says "I love you" and you realize you don't want to say it back. You don't trust her, you don't want to give her that power. You'll hate that you feel this way, but it is what it is. You don't want to be alone.

Somehow this defensiveness will make you more attractive to women, and keeping steady relationships will be much easier for you. You'll be able to juggle multiple girls if you so wish, but now that you've had them, and you know they're all the same, you won't really want them anymore. You won't want to deal with all the boring shit that comes with the relationship. To quote Patrice O'Neal "Women rape my time." I find that's my biggest annoyance in relationships these days. If I talk to one she pretty much expect me to just spend the rest of my day with her. This is why men get jobs, build things, explore and make wars. Being unemployed with a girlfriend is awesome for at most a month, and then after that it's just fucking exhausting. As soon as you suggest needing some space or some privacy or wanting to spend time with friends or just your fucking dog, play video games, whatever, she takes it as a direct attack. Maybe you're getting bored of her. Maybe there's someone else, blah blah blah.

Women are great for four hours a day and then at night to sleep next to. The rest of the time it's just talk, talk, talk about nothing. You know I dated an ugly chick once because she could have conversations? Not just random chit-chat about nothing, we could have deep, involved conversations about video games, film, television, ancient history, banter, and then enjoy shared silence for hours at a time.

How much money are you actually making?

He's likely exaggerating. Or an advanced sufferer of Dunning-Kruger.

implying with pajeets crouching every street that skilled labor gets paid anymore.

I work in Holla Forums, not a good job by any means, but they have 'niggered the biz' as it were

but i dont blame my lack of accomplishments on them. just my lack of oppertunity. (to some degree)

"Being good at love is like being a good surfer.
The girls are waves and your goal is to ride as many as you can.
They come and go and you won't catch them all.
Some will be shitty and some will be really good, but eventually every ride ends.
Whether you decide to get off or get washed up and beached is up to you."

it all comes to this.
Make it appear your genes are worthy.
So don't appear to be like a little despread bitch.
In the animal kingdom its all about bluff.
Showing you have the bigger horns, stronger body and will, more colourful "feathers" than the others.

Yes, if you're passively not approaching and waiting around for a woman to initiate a relationship.

Keep crying, bitch nigger.
Women don't like you because you expect them to.

I asked for a number, not an excuse.

Individuals almost always overestimate themselves. We need numbers if you want accurate advice. While you're at it what's your physique, age, education, net worth, etc.

I hope he wouldn't lie on Holla Forums of all places, but yeah it probably is a case of dunning kruger.


seems legit

Women value dick, money and attention. If you're not a complete bitch and have a decent job and nice body you can do just about anything to them and they won't leave,

t. Utah guy with two wives

God you're a pussy. Just go homo, you faggot. Problem solved.

I find fault user. What you, OP, Redpillfags, MGTOWfags are trying to do is basically keep sluts interested. While I agree your advice will land you one it won't help you keep one. A slut is community property and nothing you do will make her yours.

Where do you think good girls are likely to be hanging out? At the club, grocery store, school? I don't think you are a nice guy. I think you are one of the many desperate, manipulative men that think being nice entitles them to vagina. See anything wrong with that? Picture is I was a gay guy that greeted you nice and spoke to you nice and then thought that meant you should let me analize you. Fucked up, eh?>>6846244

all women are scum op.

Do you ever notice that the only people who cry about women being scum are incel losers? True, they might be. But any dude getting his dick wet doesn't screech about it.

sound like the avrage Holla Forumstard.

the thing is people become Holla Forumstard because they're insecure and never really done anything with their lives.
so they desperately seek an "Empror" that will bump their social status and give them pride just because they're "white".

tl;dr you have low value, you subconsciously know it and women can sens that.


Kek is magnificent.

You're already disconnected. What kind of niggerfaggot uses email as primary communication device?
Yeah, I wonder how nobody can see how lovely you are.

There's only one solution, OP.

not complaining about Holla Forums, just pointing out that women don't like Holla Forumstard because no successful and confident man would give a damn.

women are children. so to save time, ask yourself what children value.

it seems callous at first, but if you can only remember this when they approach and interact and react to you - it will all become simple, and you'll wonder why they were ever a mystery to you.

The mistake guys are taught to make is to assume they think and reason as you do. They Do Not.

The fact that I trigger these cunts by not wanting to marry just makes it all the more sweeter

OP you need to identify what your really missing and solve the problem. Sounds like you arent the most introspective person ever, and thats bad. Women are simple creatures attracted by simple things. So identify whatever issue is hanging over you and work toward solving it.

Dear O.P.

Based on how you whine, feel ENTITLED to love and companionship and compare *most* women to what you find undesireable, it is no mystery that you are forever alone.

I suggest talking with a psychotherapist and straightening your dumbass perception out,

how come no woman want my Aryan seeds?
fucking jews corrupted everything !

Are you funny, OP?
If you can't make a woman laugh, nothing else matters. You need to work on developing your normy sense of humor if you want to get and keep a girl.


Just start coaching a little girls' sports team… before too long, you'll have lots of little lolis clinging to you, anxious to spend time with you. go for it!

You're fucked mate, get a waifu and live happliy ever after

Cast aside the vile demons of the third dimension and take a wife of the second

pol boogieman aside, most ppl want a relationship - whether you keep trying for whats normal and natural or settle for degeneracy depends on if youve accepted being a loser or not.

Whatever you do, dont let a woman decide it for you - there is a reason they are universally regarded as second class.

The only question is whether you accept this or not.

I've basically given up on that. I'm sure it's possible to find a Holla Forums-tier Aryan master race waifu who will be forever faithful and make babies for the race war, I definitely know I can't do it.

I have a general problem making connections with people. Like, I can never be assed to genuinely care about anyone. As in, I might smile and laugh and talk with someone, but I don't feel any kind of connection with them. I don't consider them a "friend," and if they were suddenly hit by a bus and killed I wouldn't really care. I find attempting to form connections with people very difficult and very tiring. So instead of trying to find a qt waifu to settle down with, I just hop from slut to slut. I use them for the service they provide (their holes), and then leave once their continued attempts to form a serious connection become too awkward. Sometimes they leave teary messages on my phone after I leave, which really helps me out with respect to jacking material during the time between relationships (yeah whatever, I enjoy women crying. Don't judge me). But I can never get an actual long-term relationship going.

Could anyone who has successfully done a long-term relationship tell me what it was like? And how the fuck did you ever develop a connection with the person you were with to the point that you could stand being in their presence for longer than it takes to fuck them?

You clearly don't understand Holla Forums because your not a Holla Forumsack, your arm chair psychology is piss poor mate.

You have to talk to women to get them

Vox day is successful and he has an attractive wife and he's a Holla Forumstard.

lel shut up ugly roastie, women are primitive animals

7 years on half Holla Forums, 2 here, you guys are morons.
the more i read your shit the more i think you guys should be castrated, then i remember that non of you will ever breed (just like op) and it makes me happy.

literally who?

He was involved in the gamergate stuff and ran his own conservative protest of some scifi book awards.

Writes all day about game, sjw, conservatism, race, immigration, cult of pepe, etc.

Conservatives are far more fecund than freedom fighters, it's more likely that they'll breed. But I recognize you from Holla Forums now.


truly the epitome of success. i apologize.

Those are just indicators of his conservatism, he's self-sufficient, an author, his blog is well trafficked, he used to be a journalist and a band member, and he's married with kids. You don't have to be a millionaire to be successful, how is he unsuccessful?

Mike cernovich is also tied with gamergate, game, and net-rightwing movements
And he's also married with a kid, makes enough money to live off of from his book, and used to be a lawyer.

There's nothing about being Holla Forumstier, white focused, conservative, etc that precludes you from family formation. And like I said before conservatives are more fecund than freedom fighters so it's more likely that a conservative person will breed than a liberal.
Sources on Liberal-conservative fecundity:

Women want only 3 things in life

1) Cock, big one preferably
2) Security and safety
3) Children

Have you tried /cuteboys/?

Modern day womxn is the reason I am a pedohebephile.

Two separate girls in my high school said they wanted to be my girlfriend in different years and both ended up "dumping" me because I gave them no time of day and ignored them. I didn't know how to talk to girls so I basically just went through my school days as if they were just any other person.

I do. Fuck cell phones and fuck fagbook.

dont expect a chick to just come up to you out of nowhere and start talking, its extremely rare for this to happen. you must make the first move by giving some kind of eye contact or even just making your way closer to them in a normal matter ( as in not fucking shaking or staring at them) and then going to say some standard shit like "hi, whats your name". if you think this won't work, study womens psychology

yes, you have to actually have fun when talking with them, but MAKE THEM WANT YOU MORE. then you can ignore them. you cant just act all normal and boring and then just not reply to them, they'll dump you there

Women expire at 18.
This is the age they begin to turn into energy vampires for reasons unexplainable to laymen such as yourselves.
Man is the life-giver and his aura radiates such if he is healthy; this alone used to be enough to secure a mate in the past.
Women sensing their own lowering energy levels become bitter and seek to hate/control men which there is better a better descriptive term I am forgetting.
By artificially raising women's status in this whirrled then backing it with draconian force the issue is compounded and leading to a prison planet just as the handlers wish.

I was completely apathetic to their entire existence around me and spent more time worrying about how soon I could get home to play video games. I didn't really feel anything when they left because it didn't feel like I had lost anything.

Today I actually thought about suicide once I realized how anti-life this entire world system is set up to be, at least what is being pioneered in Western countries.

Mind giving me a quick rundown on these guys?

Quick rundown on them:
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanovs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

wew lad

don't blame your mental illness on others.



No u


*Teleports behind you*
*Pulls out dirk*
*Stabs you between the vertebre*

Hehe…. better luck next time.

You already answered it

It doesn't matter how good looking you are, how great your personality is, or how well built you are. If you are poor, good luck finding a gf/wife.

What matters most is money

What women value the most is being able to destroy everything in their lives, everything around them, and being able to get away with it.

Dunno what to tell ya OP. My wife pursued me in college like a stalker. Never explained to me clearly what it was that made her go after me so hard. Just says I was her "dude". If she wasn't cute, it would've creeped the fuck out of me.

Been married for 16 years & spend pretty much every waking moment together, so whatever the fuck it is that made us click - worked.

don't say shit like that online

I could zzzzzzz and not feel the slightest bit of remorse. You gotta be a man user. Remember the shitposting era of 98'? Don't forget it.

You're putting the cart before the horse. The idea is that you're supposed to have some interesting quality that makes them attracted to you (doesn't matter what it is – it could be looks, money, a /fit/ body, a killer personality, etc). Then, after they show interest, you pull away. If all you do is act like a disinterested faggot without giving them any reason to be attracted to you, they won't even notice you're there.

It's like trolling for fish. You put the bait out, get your target interested in you, and then you reel in the bait so they come after you and become ensnared in your trap.

That's part 1. Part 2 is the gaslighting/breaking the will stage. It's how you make your woman slavishly loyal to you. Most people don't have the stomach for it, though, so I'll leave that part out for now.

But I will say telling anonymous people online you can kill a baby is stupid, sounds insecure, but it's amusing has fuck to watch internet tough guys say it.

Post Part 2 plz

Women want to be lead. You can't lead a woman if you don't know where you're going. Figure that out, then get a woman.

And when you have a woman, know that she's with you because she wants to go where you're leading her. That means you don't give her what she wants, that means going away from your plan, give her what will make her happy. The two are almost never the same thing.

Diff user, but I actually do remember the shitposting era of '98. I was still only a teen then, but I made the most out of it.

Women value how other women perceive them above anything else. That is ultimately why they desire good looking, fit, wealthy men…it isn't actually for the money or because they need good looks to be happy, it is because those men make other women jealous of her. It is also why they will tolerate utter shit behavior from a guy in private, as long as he is successful in making other women envious of her in public.

It is totally batshit crazy, but that is it in a nutshell.

hey guys im also literally a 10/10 for most women but i dont approach them because fuck that shit they should come to me anyways im really lonely and i want a gf please help?

Here's the thing, if a woman thinks you're really into her then obviously she's better than you and can do better than you. If you're not sufficiently aloof and enough of an ass to subtly lead them to the conclusion that you're better than they deserve then you're just some trash. It's just how they're wired.

Women like good looks and men who offer them something in life. Money, special treatment, good times. Other than that, women have no inherent value system.

Look OP, women are stupid trash, do yourself a favor and get some dogs. They'll love you unconditionally and you can have sex with them any time you please.

If you're actually this desperate you don't deserve anything but a bullet.


Women have a different approach to the biological imperative of reproduction, and its inbuilt.

Sounds like someone is jelly of my stable sex life which requires little to no effort on my part.