Whats your stance towards religion and god?

Whats your stance towards religion and god?
Are you athiest, religiouse or Ignostic?
What do you think of the current major religions like Sunni/Shia Islam, protestantism, hindoism and all that shizz shazz?
What do you think of religiouse socialism?

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Relegion is a spook.
Some spooks are necesary to keep society going.
God is dead. We have killed him. Now SCIENCE is god. (And relegion).
All curent relegions are attempts for going back to "better" times. They are doomed to fail.
Religious socialism is fine in order to make the people better prepared for communism.

Also, the universe is a simulation and it doesn't matter.

Mostly just anti-religion.
There is no place for opiate of masses in our society,language or history.

I think that all religions should we wiped away form society, or at least form public.

Religious socialism would not rely on materialism and would naturally just breed more of reactionary thought.

The correct spelling is religion my fellow anti-anglocentric rebel of language.

Go on.

Atheist, anti-religion, etc.

Most of Holla Forums has misread/not read Marx so their view on religion is basically

Anti. Religion has largely been declawed over the centuries but still acts through puppets. Organised religion has to go if society is to progress as a whole.

I'm Catholic-existentialist. Read Kierkegaard.

Yep. Religion is hardly our #1 enemy and religious people can be comrades but it's still inherently rightist and any communist not strongly against it is nuts.

there is nothing inherently wrong with religion as long as you keep your spooks to yourself.
I feel that in a socialist society people will naturally become more atheistic/agnostic as their material needs become less of an issue.

"This is my toothbrush"
"No it's not. I can take it from you anytime I want".

Sure, it's a spook, but that doesn't mean we should stop having morality.

There is one way to live without spooks and that is hermitism.

The original use of relegion was social contact and mass gatherings.
If you replace goint to the church with going to science lectures, or anarchist conventions all you did is turn science or anarchism into relegion. If not immidiately, in the long term.

Relegion is also Ideology.
And we can never be free of Ideology.

There is still a difference between religion and religious people, and a lot of people fail to make the distinction, usually because they are themselves religious.


Why, sure! Go on and create and amoral society with the current population, and its current ideolgogies and ideas on profit, and tell me how fast it collapsed.

I'm an atheist, but I'm interested in the history of religions from an anthropological point of view and generally welcome the contributions of religious pals in philosophical discussions.

Generally against it. Atheism has gotten too popular among 20ish contrarian college educated males. Image boards are filled with college educated males and has a very contrarian culture. So the best way to be a contrarian among contrarians here is to support religion. Although religion is an enemy of the left. It is reactionary and at best is crutch for the working classes. It should be tolerated but we must remember the clergy is our enemy and we should de-convert people if it doesn't take too much effort from class struggle.

Jesus was a socialist and heaven will be a communist paradise.

I don't mind religion or atheism as long as their aren't extreme.

I don't believe in religion or god, but I understand the phenomenon the makes people come to those conclusions.


We don't need it.

Religion has nothing to do with socialism.


It's not. Yet.
It's soon to be. Sure.
And it's not gona be prety.

When it comes to a deist god, I'm agnostic.
When it comes to theism I'm a hard atheist.
I'm also not totally opposed to the idea of some kind of Helios/Machine God existing


When it comes to my stance on religions active today, it may be an unpopular opinion but IMO they are forms of mental Illness. It's basically a way for people to escape from reality sans drugs or suicide.
I've seen it personally, my dad went from being a right wing religious nut to a religious conspiracy theorist who thinks the earth is flat

But that's the point, my friend.
When you replace relegion, with something else, that same something becomes relegion.

Anyway, I was talking about spooks and morality in general.

What has religion been replaced with?
The anti-science on this board seems pretty absurd to me, I've never met anyone in my life who actually uses science to justify a lifestyle or course of action that doesn't immediately pertain to it.

The 'invisible hand of the free market' along with scientific institutions.

I agree with the invisible hand, but how has science actually replaced the function of religious institutions? They are completely different. If science was actually as influential as religion don't you think we would have stopped climate change decades ago?


"God" is an incoherent, meaningless, not-even-concept,

I can not have a position on the "issue" of whether "God" does or doesn't exist, as "God" doesn't mean anything.

Religion is not about God.
Relegion is about using God to serve Power.

It's not about Science.
It's about using Science to prove whatever "the market" needs proven.

Why do you think God is a non-concept?

Well they are, if youre concerned about intellectual property rights then that has nothing to do with science.
When has science said such a generalisation?
Wasn't scientific inquiry what proved cigarettes cancer?
When has science ever had a consensus on political philosophies?


define God non-circularly



God is a spooky father figure who doesn't give a shit

Some kind of entity that created the multiverse/universe/whatever
Then what created God?
Who knows, what created reality? I'm an atheist. I'm just saying i don't really see how it's a non concept

I know what igtheism is


Again, it's not about Science, as relegion is not about God.

In the exact same maner, those in power use parts of God or Science to serve their own interests.

If it fits for cigarets to be good for pneumonia, they are good. If not, they are cancer.

If it fits for God do be mercyfull and kind he is.
If it fits to give you the right to kill the infidels it also is.

This is how Science is replacing Relegion.
Unquestionable "knowledge" over X, because Scientist Y said so.

It is exactly like "you are gonna go to hell, unless you sing here and pay X, for the Pope said so." "But Jesus didn't say thay…" would be the answer if the peasant could actually read the Bible.

Also, Sociology is a science.
Political science is science.

The only STEM is science is post-modern BS.

God is the origin of creation.
What is it? Nobody knows.
I say it's the being who run the simulation called multiverse.
Does it matter? NOPE!

Okay, I see what you mean now.
Point taken