Is this Kino?

Is this Kino?
Ignore the template threads for a minute, I'm seriously asking.

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I like him.

What a slimy jew.

Litterally a Nazi.

Guy knows his shit. Can't understand why he doesn't ditch the clown suit.


he may convert to christianity, but his jewy genes are always there

4D chess user. Nathanael knows what he's doing.


No he's not. He's still calling out Trump's Jewish connections when nobody else will. I don't see a whole lot of prominent Youtubers pointing out the fact that with Goldman Sachs employees (((Steven Mnuchin))) and (((Gary Cohn))) in high-level cabinet positions, not a whole lot of economic change will occur. I'll admit that Brother Nathanael looked pretty dumb riding Randlet's dick during the primaries, considering that he's just another Zionist puppet like all the rest.

At least he's not as bad as Jonestein and Disinfowars, who were calling Trump a "Nazi" and a Clinton plant all the way up until Randlet dropped out. Then, within the span of a few days, started acting like they supported Trump the entire time.