Cartoons better known for their porn than plot
I swear miraculous ladybug is a conspiracy to create a generation of leather wearing bisexual furries.
Cartoons better known for their porn than plot
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Danny Phantom is the perfect example of this category.
I love how the porn looks better than the actual show art style
obligatory Ben 10
forgot to spoiler the first time
If you're going to post some Ben 10 porn. Least you could do is give the other ladies some recogition.
fine, i'll play along
only one real answer and she deserves it
but that never works
unlees you're talking artists
and freshly made porn
of course it works, if there's one thing Holla Forums unilaterally likes is jerking off
Don't forget the fetishes.
So, we going for the obscure or what?
have any of you actually made it through an episode of kim possible
I tried but my boner gets so hard whenever Kim and Shego fight that I'm scared I might pass out from the bloodloss if I don't stop and immediately jerk off.
watched the whole show save for maybe a movie or 2
also why has nobody posted this yet
because this show does not even exist.
I dropped it after 2 seasons, I think.
It was okay at first, but unfortunately, the quality was always exactly the same, never fluctuating, never introducing anything original or interesting.
It got boring faaast.
You post Ben 10 and you don't post Sissy Ben being fucked? shame on you.
Cool. That sounds easy to exploit.
I shouldn't even have to say it…
That image could actually have been good if it wasn't for the literal faggotry.
Serious question. Why is porn of a Virgin Gwen so rare? Noticed Gwen and Bulma from Dragon ball have that in common. Cherry popping porn of them is rare as actual unicorns. Seriously what's up with the lack of virgin Gwen porn?
Most men like experienced lolis.
I guess this may be the answer.
Have you ever fucked a virgin? It's the most unsatisfying experience.
But then you tell her that and she gets all sobby
Don't know about that, but in my experience they cry. Overwhelmed, I get it, but it's annoying.
I didn't think MLP would get this much porn and austic fandom unfortunately.
The whole series from start to finish as new shit came out, back when it originally aired. I enjoyed it, it was fun and had some good moments. I apparently remember it being a lot better than it actually was though, judging by how it looks without letting memories taint the view and what people say about it nowadays. Personally, I still like the way they did the backgrounds for it, since those plus the various bits of concept art show that it had actual skilled artists working on it, unlike today's "we paid a random tumblr 'artist' $5 and a ham sandwich to sketch some fat crippled transnigger, and called it good enough to animate" shitshow.
At least it'll live on forever in the form of unending lesbian and weird fetish porn, so there's that. There's far worse fates for a cartoon in the modern day and age, especially old ones that could easily be rebooted for effortless profit long after ending properly (i.e. the PPG reboot).
More on-topic, at least half of my fetishes came from watching this fucking show while right in the middle of puberty, no joke. Bad/tough girls, tomboys, catfights set to techno music, every censor-friendly kind of weird TF shit they could cram in, redheads in general, long-haired girls, the list goes on. Needless to say, I enjoyed Totally Spies quite a bit when it eventually caught my eye after this ended, and not for the plot or action. If I had any porn I'd post it, but somehow I don't from looking at my image folder.
If your life doesn't have quite enough nightmares in it, imagine just how utterly shit this would be if it got released nowadays instead, considering it already had a "girl power" protagonist (who got toned down post-S1, thank fuck), several beta faggots as male characters (who eventually got better too) and hints of lesbianism back in the early 2000s.
Bonus round: Imagine how warped, shitty and indicative of "CURRENT YEAR" it'd turn out if they tried to reboot this now, just for a quick injection of shekels into the company.
Totally Spies is remarkable for how little porn of it actually exists. A cursory look on paheal gives 14 pages on the Totally Spies tag compared to Kim Possible's 84 and My Little Pony's 1320.
I guess the show was too lewd for people to need to actually make pornography based on it.
Shit, I haven't looked at totally spies porn in so long. I'll need to fix that. Thanks for the reminder user.
The lewder a show is, the less porn of it will be made: there simply isn't as much of a need for it.
user STOP
Archer is a perfect example of this.
Every modern-day Canadian cartoon
seriously ? you people need to get professional help seriously
you know you want that fortune cookie
but i'll take the panda
I know it's /a/, but does Bleach count?
For years I didn't know the actual canon wasn't yaoi.
There's generally so much homoeroticism in shonen that I couldn't blame you. Doesn't help that none of them seem to be able to write heterosexual relationships for shit.
Cuckventure Time is an obvious answer, but I haven't checked any new porn of it in ages now
Considering how much of a trainwreck the show is, I expect it to be drowning in NTR at this point
well, thats one, i mean a princess made of bubblegum? who doesn't think of eating out that sugary fruit-flavored cunny
The obvious choice.
i'd be lying if i said i didn't have a weakspot for this little slut
Is a banana in Brandy's ass a meme?
she's not a libertarian
Stop being a phone hobo and post some pictures.
alright, you asked for it mister
Holy fuck I hate hyper so god damn much.
too bad because brandy has a lot of and im talking about cock
love that comic, however, its a redrawn of the original, which looked pretty awful i have both
Same Even though its drawn worse, I'm a sucker for clean black and white originals
fuck off
i thought you guys were 2 xtreme 4 fourchan, but it seems you're just a bunch of easily upset manbabies.
i didnt know about harvey beaks until i started seeing porn of this cutie
It's just this one faggot who checks every post for file names. I have no idea why he's here, but he is literally the only motherfucker who cares. The rest of us just wish he'd choke on a dick and die.
i think he's trying to fit in too hard
But tumblr user did choke on a dick and die… 20 YEARS AGO!
I don't think I can say these are known MORE for their porn than the plot. I'd like to think everyone can still tell you the basic structure of an Inspector Gadget episode.
I choked Tumblr user with my dick TEN YEARS AGO!
I did it 35 minutes ago.
About all I know about IG is the theme song, that he says "Go Go Gadget[..]" and at the end The Claw says "Next time Gadget". That's a lot less than all the porn highlights.
huh… penny gets fucked for 23 minutes?
You guys are alright.
I guess I stand corrected.
i tried watching the show once but it was terrible.
its much better to just look at porn of penny
That's pretty much how it goes.
You might like this.
Kidding aside, this is actually real for me. Of course, this never happened with Holla Forums shows aside from Ladybug, but with /a/.
I mean, I know half of Bleach characters by the time of 2013, and I didn't read Bleach. The sames goes with Free!, Kuroko no Basuke, Boku no Hero Academia, and that volleyball shit, mostly because of how much porn there is about it.
Is kinda weird my only experience with a show is throught the porn people on the internet made about it. I mean, I tried watching Ladybug, and is boring for me. Cute shit for kids, but boring for a cynical man like me just like most Magical girls shows.
I tried watching Bleach, and it was fine, I guess, the artwork is fine.
Oh, and yeah, > bisexual user here
you're a faggot
No, you're a faggot. Nobody cares about your sexual orientation.
drink bleach and die biscum
been a while since I've had the opportunity to point out that vaginas don't belong in the waist
Bobby's World, forgetable except for the lewds.
Wayside School
So many artists did lewds for Wayside.
toppest of tiers waifu in one of the most mediocre, forgettable shows ever.
Would you fuck a stomach vag?
I love hyper girls, I dont know why, and if they do tomboyish things while retaining their feminity is the best!
Stop poking my bellybutton.
I wish navel sex wasn't so rare.
I'm always surprised when a thing is a thing.
for sure. I don't think anyone genuinely enjoyed the show.
i actually liked it. i thought the writing was decent and the jokes were sometimes funny. animation was garbage though. it's the best example of a turn-your-brain-off-and-watch-a-cartoon cartoon
I liked a part but not for the show itself
How come French cartoons like miraculous ladybug & cat noir is so subtle with bisexual/sexual confusion themes than Steven universe? Steven universe is so in your face with the LGBT shit. Yet ladybug don't stop to point out marinette best friend is attracted to her superhero persona. Same with bullies and school boys clearly want to fuck cat noir.
I guess because in America sexuality is so repressed that people don't know how to handle it including the LGBT people while in France they know how to handle this stuff and are open about it.
Makes sense. But the fan service of miraculous ladybug still caught me off guard even for a French cartoon. It seem the show waa aiming for a younger age than Wakfu. I didn't except all those zoom in ass shoots of ladybug and seeing cat noir in bondage a lot. I swear I had no sighs of bisexuality until I saw cat noir.
French has had sex as a theme in their comic books and animations far longer, and content with sexual themes gets a lower PG rating there than in the Burgerland. So as a result its easier to insert lgbt character in without making a huge fuss about it, because its not actually anything new on a french cartoon.
There is a grand total of a single homosubtle scene in that video, and it is the scene in which Alya looks really happy as she is being saved by Ladybug. But Alya later on started dating that kid who looks like Peter La Anguila, so chances are she was not so in love with Ladybug in the first place.
Slenderman has a pretty good beach bod.
Aw come on, just because sexual child modeling is illegal here…
thats because the show's artstyle is made with animation in mind. It would be a nightmare to animate any of these porn styles
That just means it sucks. You shouldn't have to turn off your brain to enjoy something, that's retarded.
what do you think happens when you watch TV?
i never even insinuated that,
my point is the show is so simple and straightforward you don't need to focus very hard and think on what's going on. that's common with cartoons, but particularly this show.
if i'm tired and want to watch something before going to bed, it's a good show to watch because i can just stare at it and drift away.
do you watch cartoons for a mental exercise?
what show?
What About Mimi?
I was a fan on WaM for years and to me the porn is recent, but to be fair I'm the exception so you're still right.
This is probably going to happen to Mighty Magiswords
MLAATR. Only reason you shits even remember it.
Not defending who posted it, but are you sure you two aren't closet fags? Ladyboy fuckers.
Totally Spies
This, lol.
I don't think the real cartoon could ever live up to Totally She-Males.
I kinda want to see that.
thank you user.
Totally Torture-Deserving