What are your favorite cli tools Holla Forums?
CLI tools
wget, cat, youtube-dl, ffmpeg, todo.sh, grep, curl, sed, tar ... if i had to pick one, it'd be wget.
and imagemagick compare & montage.
How can you fail this bad? It's not even TUI.
I see we have another tard.
Excuse me. Is this better?
i am use my terminal is Termite , i running htop,rtorrent,ncmpcpp,feh,ranger,vim,nano,weechat
FFmpeg is pretty badass. I almost feel it's getting a little big for its britches to be honest. Is downloading live video stream really a task suited for it?
it can do that?
i just use jdownloader/youtube-dl/livestreamer for that
ffmpeg -i "stream.url" output.webm
It's as simple as that.
OP said CLI, not TUI.
You don't have to use it, if you don't want to. I'd guess that even if you don't use it directly, some programs might (mpv?).
And he posted a GUI.
forgot pic
Meant "you don't have to USE it".
ncdu. Way better than any GUI disk usage analyzers.
Also ffmpeg, outfitted with tons of aliases to make conversions a lot faster to type.
m8, conversion are long enough that you don't need aliases (except ffmpeg='ffmpeg -hide_banner').
I use "lynx -dump -nolist" a lot, to grab just the text.
grep. It filters all the stuff you don't care about so you can focus on what you need. "grep 'word' *" will search all files in the current directory for that word and will tell you which file it came from, which is really convenient.
There's also 'ls *', which looks through all directories in the current directory and lists what files are in them. It's good for quickly finding where you left a particular file in a directory of notes.
Take a look at ag (often packaged as silversearcher-ag or something similar). It has prettier output, recursively searches the current directory without a filename argument (and recursively searches a directory given a directory as a filename), and automatically ignores things like .git which can screw up a recursive grep search.
Sounds like something that can be done with simple shell alias or function.
find . \! -iname \*.git
mpsyt. I use it as a tui, but you can use it fully from the command line as well.
ag is for searching file content, like grep, not for finding files. You'd need to make find only output files (not directories) and then xargs it into grep or something. Not very convenient.
That's what aliases and shell functions are for.
fdupes is an absolute lifesaver for somebody like me who keeps over 700k emails and hordes and stockpiles fucking everything else, having tens of thousands of images, videos, and other miscellanea.
But ag
- has nicer output
- can start searching right away (while the find/grep thing has to either wait for the output of find to finish or spawn tons of grep processes)
- is faster
- can understand patterns in files like .gitignore
- can be told to only search files of a certain type (for example, --python, --html)
You can reimplement some of ag's improvements over grep as a shell function or script, but the result won't be as nice as ag and will be more work than installing ag, so I don't see the point.
It depends on how much functionality you need. A simple find script works for me. Or sometimes I bust out a Perl one-liner (for regex stuff it's second to none).
cpanm App::ack :^)
Well that's one way, but I normally stick with the core modules as much as possible. Only problem is they sometimes play module swicharoo. LIke Shell.pm is not longer in core, for example, even though it was for decades. And the Switch.pm got put in, but then kicked out some time later. Good thing I never warmed up to it and just kept using my own equivalent based on example in Perl Cookbook.
I mean these modules:
What command are you using to show all of the USE flags enabled for a package and their descriptions?
Gentoo package query toolUsage: equery [global-options] module-name [module-options]global options -h, --help display this help message -q, --quiet minimal output -C, --no-color turn off colors -N, --no-pipe turn off pipe detection -V, --version display version infomodules (short name) (b)elongs list what package FILES belong to (c)hanges list changelog entries for ATOM chec(k) verify checksums and timestamps for PKG (d)epends list all packages directly depending on ATOM dep(g)raph display a tree of all dependencies for PKG (f)iles list all files installed by PKG h(a)s list all packages for matching ENVIRONMENT data stored in /var/db/pkg (h)asuse list all packages that have USE flag ke(y)words display keywords for specified PKG (l)ist list package matching PKG (m)eta display metadata about PKG (s)ize display total size of all files owned by PKG (u)ses display USE flags for PKG (w)hich print full path to ebuild for PKGPart of gentoolkit, apparently.
Personally, I prefer ffmpeg for converting stuff whenever I can. I remember imagemagick using over 2GB of memory just for simple resizing once... though I do use import(1) for most of my screenshoting needs.
I can confirm you have a fedora.
mps-youtube, and youtube-dl have made my life significantly better.
Does anyone know of a cli dictionary program?
I'd like to be able to type 'define ' and get an answer, without having to open a web browser.
#!/bin/shif [ "$1" ]; then curl "dict://dict.org/d:$1"; else printf "No word to define.\n"; fi
you are literally destroying the universe
No, that would be shred. rm just unlinks.
curl "dict://dict.org/d:$1" is fine.
only true way
.. and minimal .zshrc
well, eventually the space will be overwritten if the storage device is used enough, so rm is just a delayed shred.
ls /bin:^)
In all seriousness, yt-dl, mpv, feh are all pretty high.
See, I used to use zsh, but then i tried fish and never went back. Aside from learning a slightly different syntax (only really matters for configuration, you should be running all your shell scripts under sh or bash), why wouldn't you use fish over the beloved-by-hipsters-and-macfags zsh? You're probably just gong to install oh-my-zsh and get similar but inferior features anyways.
wget, cat, echo, grep, sed, awk, tr, cut, gnu rename, mv, cp, screen, imagemagick, ffmpeg, /usr/bin/env, find
sdcv, it only needs a terminal, no browser or internet connection needed. It also has dictionaries for computer-related terms, among other things.
That's a really nice photo. Do you have more?
Windows Powershell
t. brian fagioli