You guys

You guys

Meme magic is without a shadow of a doubt real. This is banter. This is the world we live in.

What do they hope to accomplish?

I'm glad breitbart is starting to cover things that I care about.

Oh shit! I've been ousted.

O fuk waDDup

Proactive policing is a cancer on society


your average b tard probably has a bigger folder

source or artist pls

I haven't read the Vauld 7 leaks, but does the CIA collects rare Pepes and rare Wojacks too?

Not gonna lie, former CIA officer here

Why did you lose your job?

I bet they do. They release them to the market in controlled ammounts to manipulate the value of memes.

who is this brietbart shill and what will jim get in exchange? a shill for thegeldwater on breitbart?

shit, I wish I worked the CIA
it sounds like all they do is make memes, and shitpost all day

They caught me with my cock in the photocopier

Download them all when they come through.


NSA"fag" here.

We are ones posting all the child models to we have database of them.

The CIA are the bronie posters.

Cool Story Bro.

Can't tell if it's legit or you're bullshitting.